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4 hours ago, Zeo said:

Um.. But...


I'm pretty sure I recall the restriction only being for for Horses, Fliers and Staff users. Infantry and Armors are fair game. Otherwise I'm pretty sure this would be literally impossible.

Exactly, unlike Wrath (that it only work with Melee Physical Infantry/Armor Units), Flashing Blade is fair game unless you're Horse, Flier and/or Staff User.

It will be fun to use this thing when I get my +Spd Nino to +10.

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11 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

At this rate we'll be +10 Masked Marth! But now the issue is...do we want to? Or do we wait and see if they pull a Kaze and make her summonable?

I mean, the other units are one thing but MM is basically a Lucina without skills. There's absolutely no reason for wanting MM to be summonable when Lucina already exists.

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Really belated at this point, but with Takumi being on the summer banner but not having been shown on the silhouette I guess this officially breaks the "trend" of showing one female unit and male unit in the seasonal teasers if a male unit is on the banner. Azura was shown twice in a seasonal silhouette, so I don't think they'd leave him off because he was already shown in the New Year's teasers. He has a distinctive appearance if his ponytail is visible, so maybe they didn't want to make it SO obvious it was him?

But like ... now there's no guarantees on who's going to show up in the silhouette. Just because a guy is on a seasonal banner doesn't mean he's going to be in the teaser ... which will be extra fun when we get to bitch about whether this is finally the banner where they cut out guys.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

I feel it is my duty to remind us all that the existence of seasonal banners is the blight upon this already-puny world.

I share your sentiment there, but have resigned myself to the fact they arne't going anywhere.  I only hope that it doesn't just become waifu wars, and we can actually get some male seasonals.  and ones I actually want

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I feel it is my duty to remind us all that the existence of seasonal banners is the blight upon this already-puny world.

Soon regular banners will fully turn to alts and you'll hardly know the difference.

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I feel it is my duty to remind us all that the existence of seasonal banners is the blight upon this already-puny world.

I'm not a big fan of seasonal banners, or two seasonal banners either, but let's face facts -- they're not going anywhere and they make money and apparently other gachas do it too, so FEH isn't dropping them.

What we can do, maybe, is send a message that non-seasonal alts shouldn't be taking up space on a new units banner.

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Seasonal banners are the worst because paralogues are only 3 maps and so you only get 12 orbs when each banner releases, instead of 20 with regular chapters. But seasonal banners are the best because they go on for a month or even longer, as opposed to the blink-and-you-miss-it regular banners.

Other than that, I wouldn't care in the slightest if every single new unit released in the next year was an alt, a unit new to FEH, or a FEH OC - it's just not a distinction that holds any value for me. As long as they're not a sword infantry, of course.

Edited by Humanoid
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11 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

As long as they're not a sword infantry, of course.

And to credit IS, for as many seasonals as there are not a single one of them is a sword infantry and only one of them is a sword unit period.

...Though this might be because they save all the infantry swords for the New Hero banners, but it’s the thought that counts right?

Edited by Tybrosion
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5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I’m a huge fan of sword infantry, so it’s hard for me to feel annoyed at them being a thing. Mercs are my favourite class in the series, especially 3DS mercs.

I like Mercs, but I always give them the Hand-Axe once they become Heroes.  Getting Axes is one reason I like Heroes over Swordmasters.

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4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I like Mercs, but I always give them the Hand-Axe once they become Heroes.  Getting Axes is one reason I like Heroes over Swordmasters.

Shields are the main reasons I like heroes. I liked swordmasters better before they went all-out samurai.

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4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I like Mercs, but I always give them the Hand-Axe once they become Heroes.  Getting Axes is one reason I like Heroes over Swordmasters.

Since you mentioned axes, I checked to see if there are more infantry sword units than axe units period. The answer, provided I counted right, is yes (38 to 35).

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4 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Since you mentioned axes, I checked to see if there are more infantry sword units than axe units period. The answer, provided I counted right, is yes (38 to 35).

No surprise there, to be honest, since we've gotten a total of 4 new Axe units, and it seems pretty much every banner has at least one sword.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

No surprise there, to be honest, since we've gotten a total of 4 new Axe units, and it seems pretty much every banner has at least one sword.

Up until Wings of Fate, every New Heroes banner had at least one red unit though of course it wasn’t always a sword unit...just most of the time.

And to add to my last post, eight of the infantry swords aren’t regularly summonable compared to eighteen of the axe units (again provided I counted right).

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4 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Up until Wings of Fate, every New Heroes banner had at least one red unit though of course it wasn’t always a sword unit...just most of the time.

And to add to my last post, eight of the infantry swords aren’t regularly summonable compared to eighteen of the axe units (again provided I counted right).

It's not like there's a shortage of Axe units either.  There's plenty of options, and not like Dragons, where they've almost exhausted prospective candidates, short of making more and more alts.

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There are dozens potential axes in the series, not even including those they can Raven.

The issue is, they aren’t too popular and girls. Mathia and Echidna are girls, but not too popular.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

There are dozens potential axes in the series, not even including those they can Raven.

The issue is, they aren’t too popular and girls. Mathia and Echidna are girls, but not too popular.

Time for 18 Titania Alts.

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14 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Shields are the main reasons I like heroes. I liked swordmasters better before they went all-out samurai.

I'm in the Merc > Myrm camp. But not so much for Awakening/Fates, those games just don't make the class quite so appealing to me- GBA did them better. And Awakening ruined Mages whom I normally love with those generic wizard hats FE never had before, nor needed.



1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

It's not like there's a shortage of Axe units either.  There's plenty of options, and not like Dragons, where they've almost exhausted prospective candidates, short of making more and more alts.

They have Nah, Nagi, Nils, the wrinkled tomato of Bantu, and if they want to stretch it, Xane, Mila, Duma, Gotoh, Naga, and naked demon lady spurned by Adam wearing a snake Lilith.

Or they could shine the light of judgement day and get Goldoa to move. But they'll have hard time doing that without growing the desires for Beasts and Birds.


1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

The issue is, they aren’t too popular and girls. Mathia and Echidna are girls, but not too popular.

Charlotte still exists, Rinkah exists. RD Jill still exists. Scarlet exists. And who is Mathia? You mean making Machua an axe user despite being a swordie at base?



Well tomorrow, the next calendar should release. I'm assuming a New Heroes at last, unless they feel really compelled to use the last remaining Fates/Awakening DLC swimsuits up (Loinyoma I love you!). Then depending on whether the CYL2 Banner is selected for August or September, we may or may not get a second New Heroes before it. I can totally see a new Seasonal post-CYL2, but I have some hope they'll toss in another NH before the inevitable Trick or Defeat 2.


Due to the datamine earlier, I'm not hopeful about what the next New Heroes banner will be, but I have no option other than waiting out for things to get better, which won't be for months. Just one good Tellius banner is all I'm asking. No alts, just three or four characters I like (so please no Ilyana, she'd kill the mood like your parents walking in on you doing ya' know).

Remind me, how many years, if they officially said it at all, do they plan to get of out FEH?

I don't mean to gripe too much but the pace of new non-alt additions feels glacial at times. Although FE does have the issue of having a much larger roster to integrate in a gatcha than say Final Fantasy. FF might have a similar number of mainline titles, more actually, but with playable rosters generally not exceeding 10, and comparable major villain and NPC casts, they can get everything in much easier.

We can't even get a banner for every game in the course of a year can we? Close-ish to it at most.


Also, this isn't really relevant here, but when is news of translated Vestaria Saga finally going to arrive? I thought it was due to release this summer? Well we're in it now and it is ticking away and nothing has yet been said. Say it ain't scrapped! I want my alternate FE fix. It'd also make my annoying interest in FEH decline for a bit having an actual full FE game to play.

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Remind me, how many years, if they officially said it at all, do they plan to get of out FEH?

I would like to know too, but I do not think they have revealed that officially yet; they might not even know how long it will last eithrr. If they do know, I think they want that information to be under wraps so it does not discourage whales and other players from spending.

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12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And who is Mathia? You mean making Machua an axe user despite being a swordie at base?

Project Naga was going to call her Mathia. Machyua is not a name. She is the series’ first ever female axe user, even though she must be promoted for that.

Wizard hats and baggy trousers of Awakening mages are cool. I love their design.

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Remind me, how many years, if they officially said it at all, do they plan to get of out FEH?

They didn't. But modern games with continuous updates are generally expected to get 5 years out of them.


1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

Machyua is not a name.

Anything is a name as long as you can identify something or someone with it.

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