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@Anacybele try this team out of the ones you listed and solution:

Minerva: She already comes with Ward Flier, and she doesn't even need to do anything, besides buff

Witch Nowi: As you've revealed, she has Swap, which only one person actually needs. Tho I gotta ask what her nature is, cause for this solution to work, she has to survive one round from a dagger. Whichever one it may be, let it not be -HP or Def. For a Sacred Seal, Drive Atk 3, so that [your] Ryoma can finish the Dagger in one hit (note that this is mostly conjecture and mental math on my part for not having Witch Nowi and using her neutral stats to hypothesize)

Ryoma: For extra measure of survival, I like to run him with Sol to mesh well with both Kestrel Stance and Bushido for self healing.

*Kinshinoka: She can run her base kit and be fine. I should note that when testing this,  mine is supported by Ryoma, and as such, idk how much it'd affect the results. To make up for it, a +Res seal ought to suffice

Positions: Ryoma positioned on bottom, Hinoka on right, Minerva on top and Nowi in the middle to give Ryoma the Hone buff

Turn 1 PP: Move Ryoma in range of the bottom left dagger. You can move Nowi and Minerva behind him for extra measure, but it's not needed. End turn

EP: Dagger attacks Ryoma and dies. Axe Armor moves in range of Hinoka. Ursula makes hole in wall

Turn2 PP: Move Nowi behind Hinoka and Minerva above Nowi, attack Axe Armor with Hinoka. Move Ryoma up one. End turn

EP: Green Cav and Ursula will attack Hinoka, who'll barely survive (assuming HP and Res at Neutral). Remaining Dagger heals Axe Armor, Axe Armor moves one space down, Sword Cav moves into hole

Turn 3 PP: Kill armor with Hinoka, kill cav wth Ryoma, move Nowi behind Hinoka and swap so she's in range. Move Minerva close enough for Ward Flier to be in range. End turn

EP:  (this part may or may not be accurate depending on how much health Ryoma has left.) Dagger attacks either Ryoma or Nowi

Turn 4: Kill it and done.

This is a method I've done today, which, really, Kinshinoka and Ryoma are all that are really necessary for it to work, with the other two being whomever defensive support and positioning you may have. A Hone and Fortify Buff works with it as well, just so long as one of them has swap to get Hinoka out of the way and can survive a dagger.




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I know my Witch Nowi is +Spd, but I don't remember her bane. And she's merged, so I can't find out, unfortunately.

Minerva is unfortunately +Res, -Atk, so I don't really use her much. She really has a hard time killing things and +Res does squat for her. But I'll see if either of the strats you guys posted will work.

EDIT: Oh, sorry, I can't use Drive Atk 2 (there is no 3). I only have that seal at Drive Atk 1 and I don't have enough coins to upgrade it.

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5 hours ago, Anacybele said:

No, like I said, I ran out of fodder for those.

Escape Route is not a positioning skill. It's a B skill.


I have another solution. I hope it may help you.

Using a Ryoma with Distant defense and Kinshi Hinoka.

Initial positioning is Goad user in the top, Fortify user in the center, Hinoka in the rigth and Ryoma in the bottom.

Give Ryoma Fortify Fliers buff. Move him to the range of Ursula and the Green Mage (Two square to the right). Move Goad user to the bottom.

Ursula attacks Ryoma. Cavalier draws her back. Green mage attacks, Ryoma kills him. Armor unit transport.

THe next turn Ryoma has Glimmer charged and can kill the top Ninja. Hinoka use flier formation and kills Ursula.

The next turn Hinoka gets attacked by the thief. In the followng turns it is easy to kill the rest of the units.

Let me know if this works for you (Again our Ryomas are different)


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1 minute ago, Ascot said:


I have another solution. I hope it may help you.

Using a Ryoma with Distant defense and Kinshi Hinoka.

Initial positioning is Goad user in the top, Fortify user in the center, Hinoka in the rigth and Ryoma in the bottom.

Give Ryoma Fortify Fliers buff. Move him to the range of Ursula and the Green Mage (Two square to the right). Move Goad user to the bottom.

Ursula attacks Ryoma. Cavalier draws her back. Green mage attacks, Ryoma kills him. Armor unit transport.

THe next turn Ryoma has Glimmer charged and can kill the top Ninja. Hinoka use flier formation and kills Ursula.

The next turn Hinoka gets attacked by the thief. In the followng turns it is easy to kill the rest of the units.

Let me know if this works for you (Again our Ryomas are different)

I already said I don't have Fortify Fliers fodder.

Strat above didn't work either, Hinoka doesn't survive Ursula or the green horse mage by a long shot, even with the Res seal.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I already said I don't have Fortify Fliers fodder.

Strat above didn't work either, Hinoka doesn't survive Ursula or the green horse mage by a long shot, even with the Res seal.

Hi. I thought your Gerome had Fortify Fliers and that you had Summer Corrin that has it by default.

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20 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I know my Witch Nowi is +Spd, but I don't remember her bane. And she's merged, so I can't find out, unfortunately.

Unless you have greater than five merges, you won't have more than two points added to any particular stat. An IV will always be plus or minus three (or four) points, so it should be easy to find out even with merges. More than five merges makes it more difficult, but it can still be calculated even then.

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1 minute ago, Ascot said:

Hi. I thought your Gerome had Fortify Fliers and that you had Summer Corrin that has it by default.

Yeah, but I'm not foddering them.

Anyway, actually, I did a bit of tweaking to that strategy you gave me @Motendra and it actually worked! All I had to change was make sure Minerva was next to Hinoka when she got attacked by green horse mage and Ursula and Hinoka took them both out. After that, it was just making sure my positioning worked so Ryoma could come in and finish the sword cav and dagger guy after Hinoka took out the axe armor.

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20 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I know my Witch Nowi is +Spd, but I don't remember her bane. And she's merged, so I can't find out, unfortunately.

Unless you have greater than five merges, you won't have more than two points added to any particular stat. An IV will always be plus or minus three (or four) points, so it should be easy to find out even with merges. More than five merges makes it more difficult, but it can still be calculated even then.

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1 minute ago, Ascot said:

Hi. I thought your Gerome had Fortify Fliers and that you had Summer Corrin that has it by default.

Yeah, but I'm not foddering them.

Anyway, actually, I did a bit of tweaking to that strategy you gave me @Motendra and it actually worked! All I had to change was make sure Minerva was next to Hinoka when she got attacked by green horse mage and Ursula and Hinoka took them both out. After that, it was just making sure my positioning worked so Ryoma could come in and finish the sword cav and dagger guy after Hinoka took out the axe armor.

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48 minutes ago, Motendra said:

@Anacybele try this team out of the ones you listed and solution:

Minerva: She already comes with Ward Flier, and she doesn't even need to do anything, besides buff

Witch Nowi: As you've revealed, she has Swap, which only one person actually needs. Tho I gotta ask what her nature is, cause for this solution to work, she has to survive one round from a dagger. Whichever one it may be, let it not be -HP or Def. For a Sacred Seal, Drive Atk 3, so that [your] Ryoma can finish the Dagger in one hit (note that this is mostly conjecture and mental math on my part for not having Witch Nowi and using her neutral stats to hypothesize)

Ryoma: For extra measure of survival, I like to run him with Sol to mesh well with both Kestrel Stance and Bushido for self healing.

*Kinshinoka: She can run her base kit and be fine. I should note that when testing this,  mine is supported by Ryoma, and as such, idk how much it'd affect the results. To make up for it, a +Res seal ought to suffice

I hope you don't mind, but I tried out your strat to sate my curiosity and...10/10 would use this strat again.

My own Spd/Debuff/Buff sounds so complicated in comparison to this one. XD


I had to adjust it a wee bit, since I had to give L!Ryoma the DD seal, WoF!Hinoka Res+3, and Drive Def 1 on Nowi. 

Oh, and Sol was mandatory on my L!Ryoma, otherwise he'd be targeted by Ursula and the Green Mage Cavalry (funnily enough Ursula lost against Ryoma but not the Green Cav). 


22 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I know my Witch Nowi is +Spd, but I don't remember her bane. And she's merged, so I can't find out, unfortunately.

Minerva is unfortunately +Res, -Atk, so I don't really use her much. She really has a hard time killing things and +Res does squat for her. But I'll see if either of the strats you guys posted will work.

EDIT: Oh, sorry, I can't use Drive Atk 2 (there is no 3). I only have that seal at Drive Atk 1 and I don't have enough coins to upgrade it.

I tend to use the Mass Duel Simulator to double-check when I lose track of merged stats.

Fwiw, Minerva doesn't need to attack at all in this strategy, she just roosts and lets her team get Warded (Macedonian style by her presence. So 350 SP to learn Ward Fliers is all that is needed on Minerva's part.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, but I'm not foddering them.

Anyway, actually, I did a bit of tweaking to that strategy you gave me @Motendra and it actually worked! All I had to change was make sure Minerva was next to Hinoka when she got attacked by green horse mage and Ursula and Hinoka took them both out. After that, it was just making sure my positioning worked so Ryoma could come in and finish the sword cav and dagger guy after Hinoka took out the axe armor.

I wasn't asking you to fodder them. Just used them in conjuction with Hinoka and Ryoma (Any unit with those skills work), may be I didn't make myself clear.



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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, but I'm not foddering them.

Anyway, actually, I did a bit of tweaking to that strategy you gave me @Motendra and it actually worked! All I had to change was make sure Minerva was next to Hinoka when she got attacked by green horse mage and Ursula and Hinoka took them both out. After that, it was just making sure my positioning worked so Ryoma could come in and finish the sword cav and dagger guy after Hinoka took out the axe armor.

I wasn't asking you to fodder them. Just used them in conjuction with Hinoka and Ryoma (Any unit with those skills work), may be I didn't make myself clear.



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13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, but I'm not foddering them.

Anyway, actually, I did a bit of tweaking to that strategy you gave me @Motendra and it actually worked! All I had to change was make sure Minerva was next to Hinoka when she got attacked by green horse mage and Ursula and Hinoka took them both out. After that, it was just making sure my positioning worked so Ryoma could come in and finish the sword cav and dagger guy after Hinoka took out the axe armor.

I was trying to tweak what I did for your sake, but if you fond a better way to make it work than I explained then I say kudos to you!

11 minutes ago, Tactician_Iris said:

I hope you don't mind, but I tried out your strat to sate my curiosity and...10/10 would use this strat again.

My own Spd/Debuff/Buff sounds so complicated in comparison to this one. XD


I had to adjust it a wee bit, since I had to give L!Ryoma the DD seal, WoF!Hinoka Res+3, and Drive Def 1 on Nowi. 

Oh, and Sol was mandatory on my L!Ryoma, otherwise he'd be targeted by Ursula and the Green Mage Cavalry (funnily enough Ursula lost against Ryoma but not the Green Cav). 

It's cool

I use DD3 on my Ryoma as well tbh. What I gave was a tweak to what I actually did in order to better fit who she had (my Ryoma is neutral +1, for instance). I generally double up on Goads (one of them being Lyoma) with one Ward for my general flier team and life has never been easier since having Lyoma. My actual team had Tana and Spring Kagero (the former with Ward), Then Minerva & Michalis (who the latter has Goad, along with Steady Stance) and then Caeda & Summer Camilla for testing Fortify/Hone

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2 minutes ago, Motendra said:

I was trying to tweak what I did for your sake, but if you fond a better way to make it work than I explained then I say kudos to you!

Thanks. :)

So to finally move on to something else Heroes related, I think I'll show my Kaze who is finally halfway to +10!


I'm surprised he didn't get there as fast as my Summer Freddy did. :P But both are +5 now. I never thought I'd have two dagger units at +5 or wanted to make any dagger unit besides Kaze +10, but since Summer Freddy is a thing, it happened. lol

I only have one more spare Kaze left though, so I gotta pull more of him soon. I need +Spd or +Atk on him too, without -Spd or -Atk. Preferably -HP or -Def.

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3 hours ago, Tree said:

Unless you have greater than five merges, you won't have more than two points added to any particular stat. An IV will always be plus or minus three (or four) points, so it should be easy to find out even with merges. More than five merges makes it more difficult, but it can still be calculated even then.

You can just subtract 2 from every stat and 5 from the number of merges and work from there.

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1 minute ago, Javi Blizz said:

Hey guys, does anyone know when will we have the legendary hero trailer and when do the 15 banners days start?

The trailer will probably come on Sunday or Monday, I'm leaning towards Monday but no one knows exactly. 

The banners start August 2nd.

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6 hours ago, Alexmender said:

The trailer will probably come on Sunday or Monday, I'm leaning towards Monday but no one knows exactly.

I'd say either tonight or Monday night, actually. The legendary banner starts the 31st. And banner trailers usually come two nights before the respective banners go live. In this case, that would be Sunday, but I don't think this game has ever given us a trailer on a weekend. So it'll either be tonight or Monday.

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Could they skip on an August legendary? Fitting the July one on the very last day of the month is close enough. *Things are thrown at me* Fine! It is all rehash save one face I admit, so it shouldn't actually interfere with New Heroes being generated. It's more glorified filler to buy time to churn out a few New Heroes, and generous alts and Seasonals.

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6 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Micaiah was my lesson on not to waste orbs on heroes I kinda want and to save them for heroes I really want. I'll not repeat the mistake with her.

After the upcoming legendary + August seasonal I'm going to try and get back to saving too. I've been pulling for too many "side" units the past few months that I didn't need, but just would like to have. At least I might be able to skip CYL2 if we get a free pick to grab Veronica with, since I'm not too interested in the character lineup otherwise.

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