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I'm curious as to whether or not book 3 will start with a new heroes banner or a Christmas one

1 minute ago, Mackc2 said:

pfft, we all know awakening needs to get its full alt "new hero banner" now to equal things outĀ 

That might explain why two banners were announced. Oh no

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37 minutes ago, The Priest said:

What dictates that a banner has a longer duration?

Non-seasonal banners that run for the latter half of the month typically have longer durations than non-seasonal banners that run for the former half of the month.

Seasonal banners also follow thisĀ pattern if you ignore the interval where it overlaps the banner after it.

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4 hours ago, Alkaid said:

I think I may have been the one that mentioned it here. I read that it was by far the lowest-performing banner of the year, while around that time Legendary Robin sold very well (and Ephraim was the following best, I think) But yeah, the Ares banner did really well. I dunno how far in advance they lay this stuff out, but it seems pretty far, so maybe Genealogy had two set for this year anyway (it is popular in Japan I think, right?). I'd like to know how long it takes for feedback to make ripples in what characters they actually put out, if it really does. They did say it takes at least a few months of work to prepare units, and CYL has a 6 month wait period but that may just be a safe time frame they have set up.

Oh that's where I heard it!Ā  Yeah that is unfortunate about Thracia, one wonders if they picked different units it could have done better, or was it that the skills/power level of the units wasn't enough.Ā  I think as far as sales, they know the numbers right away.Ā  They probably discuss them, and then decide on what would be good profitable future banners.Ā  They probably have a few months of banners planned in advance if they are speaking true, cause getting the art assets, voice acting, writing the story chapters etc.Ā  I think feedback, very few probably do use the in game feature.Ā  Ā I think the Japanese twitter is likely very active though, so they can gauge public opinion there.Ā Ā 

So the next new hero banner will likely have 3 units, and then the 4th unit will be on GHB.Ā  They likely make up Forging bonds.Ā 

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1 hour ago, The Priest said:

Poor Kana can't catch a break. Like who is going to pull for her aside from favoritism? Hopefully she gets demoted at some point.

She's the only summonable source for Water Breath and Goad Dragons. Water Breath probably isn't on many people's priority list, but I could see it being useful for a future dragon armor who doesn't have a personal breath for some reason or it being like a dragon alternative to using Safeguard or Berkut's Lance/Barrier Blade for solo strategies. Goad Dragons on the other hand, I could see someone doing an offensive dragon team by stacking Goad Dragons. The best part is that alts of her father and and F!Corrin were just released with high offenses and their Draconic Rage would benefit from having allies close to them to meet its more nearby allies than enemies requirement. Regular F!Corrin, F!Grima, and all versions of kid Tiki would also benefit a lot from Goad Dragon stacking.

F!Kana also has Fierce Stance which I know Jeorge can make good use of it with unique refined Parthia and Vantage if you want him to be an enemy phase, anti-mage, anti-mage archer. Otherwise, Brazen Atk/Whatever, Death Blow, and L&D would work on him too. I guess Florina with her unique refined lance could use Fierce Stance well too if you don't want or don't have anything to boost her defenses further. Saber could use Fierce Stance or better, Fierce Breath if you want him to have higher damage output over higher defenses with Steady or Warding Stance/Breath. There's Lukas with Reprisal Lance because why not when your defense is so damn high which promoted Eirika doesn't care about because Lunar Brace shenanigans.

So, F!Kana would probably be summoned as fodder by some people and better fodder than her regular dad if he's on the banner.

Edited by Kaden
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4 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Water Breath

That one sucks, period. In most cases Lightning Breath+ and Steady/Warding Breath are more powerful compared to Water Breath + DC.
Besides you have free copies of it thanks to male Kana.

7 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Fierce Stance

Niche and completely outclassed by Fierce Breath. Only Jeorge with his refine may use it properly but giving him a Brazen Atk skill is probably better. It has the same threshold as Vantage and works on both phases, allowing him to get kills outside of baiting mages.

So you're pulling exclusively for Goad Dragons which still isn't worth when Corrin(F) comes with Hone Dragons as well.

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With this calendar, I am a bit confused.

First off, no idea who Corrin and Kana will have on the banner, they might be lazy and say F!Corrin but I don't buy it. As for Vantage, it'sĀ almost certainly Rein, Ishtar and Mia. No idea for New Heroes, so the GHB and possibly GC could be related and we'd have no idea. I'm surprised that it seems like the legendary banner is linked to Forging Bonds this time around, much as it is in similar range to the new unit banner before it. And meanwhile, that ward banner. Shame it'll not have a single ward skill on it eh?Ā Also only two new quest sets this month. No idea if there'll be curveballs there. This month doesn't seem to be obvious.

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Considering the next banner has forging bonds it could be a four unit banner from a popular game. I wouldn't hold my hopes up for Thracia even though I'd like to see more representation of it

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15 hours ago, The Priest said:

That one sucks, period. In most cases Lightning Breath+ and Steady/Warding Breath are more powerful compared to Water Breath + DC.
Besides you have free copies of it thanks to male Kana.

Like I said, maybe for some future dragon armor without a personal breath if you want raw defense or for solo map strategies. Some strategies require the unit to not run Distant Counter and rely more on things that increase their bulk or something else which Water Breath provides with Bracing Stance 2 and whatever stat refine they need.

Also, a current cap of twenty copies of M!Kana or whoever and of which you need Heroic Grails to get them which were just introduced to.

15 hours ago, The Priest said:

Niche and completely outclassed by Fierce Breath. Only Jeorge with his refine may use it properly but giving him a Brazen Atk skill is probably better. It has the same threshold as Vantage and works on both phases, allowing him to get kills outside of baiting mages.

That assumes you can even get Fierce Breath with it and Warding Breath being locked to legendary heroes who aren't in the regular summoning pool unlike Steady Breath which even then, doesn't guarantee you will even summon a BH Ike. If you had the resources and you really wanted to score high in arena, then Fierce Breath would not exist as skill inheritance when getting poncho Tiki to +10 would be more useful. Fierce Stance is an alternative and leads up to Fierce Breath, so it would work for the time being. Also, cavalry, fliers, and ranged units can't use Breath passives, so Fierce Stance has no competition there assuming someone wants it. And once again, for solo strategies, they might want the extra +2 attack and to not charge their special too quickly for timing purposes.

Niche doesn't mean it can't be useful on certain units like nobody really wants Smite outside of weird strategies for PvE maps except for Odin because of unique refined Odin's Grimoire or Shield Pulse being only useful on or wanted by Fjorm, Karla, Linus, Lon'qu, Raven, and Saber. Someone is going to want it for one reason or another.

Brazen Atk/Whatever requires Jeorge or whoever to be at <= 80% HP. Fierce Stance and Fury and L&D3 for that matter are always active, so Jeorge's first battle performance will be better than with Brazen and would only be slightly worse after it compared to Brazen. For an enemy phase build, the +7 Spd, Def, and Res probably won't be that useful when Jeorge's defenses aren't that high and even with the 30% damage reduction against tomes, he's probably still going to lose a large chunk of health. On a player phase or mixed phase build, however, then Brazen would be more useful, but once again, Death Blow, Fury, and L&D3 would have better first battle performance.

Edited by Kaden
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@KadenĀ Being niche indeed is not the same as being useless. But if the only positives of F!Kana are being SI for a possible future unit then i don't see reason not to concede that sheĀ was powercrept and could benefit from a demote. Maybe you aren't talking about that anymore and just defending the weapon, if so sorry for butting in.

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31 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Brazen Atk/Whatever requires Jeorge or whoever to be at <= 80% HP. Fierce Stance and Fury and L&D3 for that matter are always active, so Jeorge's first battle performance will be better than with Brazen and would only be slightly worse after it compared to Brazen. For an enemy phase build, the +7 Spd, Def, and Res probably won't be that useful when Jeorge's defenses aren't that high and even with the -30% damage reduction against tomes, he's probably still going to lose a large chunk of health. On a player phase or mixed phase build, however, then Brazen would be more useful, but once again, Death Blow, Fury, and L&D3 would have better first battle performance.

I think the point would be to use Brazen + Vantage to ensure he can counter-kill, in which case he wants the highest attack bonus he can (Fierce Stance is only one less, but the real problem is that it's a 5 star exclusive skill). Vantage is another skill that will do nothing in the first battle, but the first battle isn't always the most important battle.

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5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

She has 1 more Def than Corrin and is way cuter.

Senchaā€™s Corrin is damn cute and pretty, though. Miwabeā€™s Kana is rather cute as well, though. Hmm. Hmmmmmm.

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3 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

but the first battle isn't always the most important battle.

I would argue otherwise. The first round of combat is always the most important. However, the issue is not as clear-cut as maximizing performance on the first round. If the unit has perfect first-round performance, but is completely useless afterwards, you probably screwed up somewhere unless that was explicitly your intention.

In general, you want a balance between a good first round and good subsequent rounds of combat. Vantage, for example, doesn't help with the first round of combat, but at the same time, the alternatives aren't significantly better, making it a decent trade-off.

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Oh boy, I need to catch up today. Julius quests, Arena Assault, TT, Aether Raid, Tap Battle - my weekend was too socialized and other things distracted me from Heroes.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

In general, you want a balance between a good first round and good subsequent rounds of combat.

That's exactly what I was saying.

Edited by Baldrick
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If the banner on 12/10 is Winter Heroes, Book 3 would start only later on December, since starting with a Paralogue would make no sense.Ā 

Or they could make the first chapter only have OC characters with a paralogue releasing along it.Ā 

Either way, I think it will be a little weird

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I like how the events are being arranged. Tempest Trials lasts 10 days, Grand Conquests lasts 6 days, and Forging Bonds lasts 14 days. By having them each start when the previous one ends, we get a 30-day series of events that lasts for about a full month.

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Smash Bros. VG with M!Robin, F!Robin, Marth, Chrom, Roy, M!Corrin, F!Corrin, Ike?

I'm so screwed, Aether Keep did little to nothing for me and I haven't had any fun with this game prior to the update during October. I know people enjoy AK, so I won't rain on their parade, but for me it did nothing to fix the other modes from being absolutely boring/frustrating. Seeing that one can't play AK for long, it works on a snowball system and also generally only matters if you care about GHB/TT units, which I don't, I'm pretty much back at waiting for something to enjoy again. Garbage pulls don't help either

Taking a break from the game wouldn't help as I know that it would be the same as quitting in my case (I just don't do temporary breaks, almost always just permanent ones), but boredom and frustration might endanger my orbs with some spontaneous summoning itches. Looking at the new schedule, I think I'm in it for some pain.

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5 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Darn, I knew I forgot one.... hmm, then it doesn't fit. Maybe no Chrom since he is new? Nah, makes little sense.

Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait for the actual theme.

Remove one of each Robin and Corrin, and add Lucina and Adult Tiki, since she is a Assist Trophy.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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29 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Remove one of each Robin and Corrin, and add Lucina and Adult Tiki, since she is a Assist Trophy.

Then we'd take away Lyn and Black Knight (though he would be fine, being a TT unit) as well. Someone has to be cut either way.

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7 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Then we'd take away Lyn and Black Knight (though he would be fine, being a TT unit) as well. Someone has to be cut either way.

I forgot about Lyn... maybe she can be in and Tiki out, since Lyn is 5* and Tiki is 3*-4*, although having Lucina, Ike, Lyn, Roy and Chrom... It will be the 2017 CYL Voting Gauntlet again...

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