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On 5/21/2019 at 8:32 PM, Etrurian emperor said:

I'd like to see Chad make it but I don't have much hope. Binding Blade likely won't get a new banner for a year and I don't think Chad is that popular. But Lugh mentions him twice so who knows. 

Yeah, Chad doesn't look like he has a good chance of making it into the game but I can always hope. I really hope the next FE6 banner next but with the new game coming out, chances don't look so hot.

Edited by Flying Shogi
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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

Or if you have Apple / iOS, you press the power button and the main circle button at the same time to screenshot. iPhones also has a built-in screen recorder you can use.

Well, it depends on the iPhone you have. I have the iPhone X (don’t remember if +, max or what, the biggest one) and is like in the Android phones, volume + power

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14 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

But aren't those specifically made to be anti-armor? Isn't that kind of like saying sword units are effective against Armor Emblem because they can use Armor Smashers?

We have gottan so many RANGED Anti-Armor (or none ranged) weapons in the last couple months. We even got, while not anti Armor a couple of Anti-Dragon weapons, and 7 of 43 Armorers are Dragons, and 3 of them are very popular (Grima, Legendary Tiki and H!Myrrh).

And then there is Null-Follow up which basicly counters the Vengefull and Bold Fighter and Wary Fighter, 2 very Prominent skills and mostly the biggest threat on armorers. Special Fighter is very good, but like only 4 Armorers have really the Speed to run it compentently.

Not saying this fixed the Opressiv power of Armorers. Armorers on Defensiv tiles can be a real issue to deal with, but when you factor in L!Alm welp... And he is just the beginning i would not be surprised to see an A-Slot skill that imitates his Weapon skill. They usually tend to put such skills first on weapons exclusivily and when they see fit pour them in as skills. Like Bonus Doubler (Legendary Marth). Sudden Panic, Sabotage skills (Aversas Tome). Chill Skills (Gunnthra and Hrid), list goes on.

I think we have reached a point where one or 2 skills could hurt Armorers really bad. If Null-Follow up gets introduced as a 4 Star skill to a unit it would change alot. And if a Skill similar to Alms-Weapon would be released it could potentially destroy Armorers, depending on its inherit restrictions (I would restrict such a skill to Infantry Dagger and Bow units, allowing this on anything else would basicly destroy Armorers).

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I never got to be in Ryoma's team in this. I was stuck in Xander for the first two rounds and then in Corrin for the third. I don't get why we can't just choose our team in this mode like we can in VG. It's fine in VG, so what's stopping IS from letting us do it in GC?

Edited by Anacybele
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14 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I never got to be in Ryoma's team in this. I was stuck in Xander for the first two rounds and then in Corrin for the third. I don't get why we can't just choose our team in this mode like we can in VG. It's fine in VG, so what's stopping IS from letting us do it in GC?

It's probably to somehow prevent individuals organizing into a single group to overwhelm other unorganized groups, which in a mode where everyone does their own thing could lead to an advantage, such as a lot of players with +10 units being in one group or being able to pick and choose zones to occupy.

Just a guess, cause it seems unlikely that anyone even cares enough about an occasional event mode that comes down to "Rival Domains but bigger".

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4 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

It's probably to somehow prevent individuals organizing into a single group to overwhelm other unorganized groups, which in a mode where everyone does their own thing could lead to an advantage, such as a lot of players with +10 units being in one group or being able to pick and choose zones to occupy.

Just a guess, cause it seems unlikely that anyone even cares enough about an occasional event mode that comes down to "Rival Domains but bigger".

Well, I guess, but it's still annoying when you don't end up in your preferred character's team. At the very least, since there's always three battles and three teams, can all players get switched to each team once?

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Well, I guess, but it's still annoying when you don't end up in your preferred character's team. At the very least, since there's always three battles and three teams, can all players get switched to each team once?

You would think, but I've the odd feeling nobody thought the mode would eventually be hosted by characters that people actually cared about.

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52 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Done later than usual since I had an essay due this morning so just blew threw all my lance~

I guess my version of Team Ryoma must not give a shit compared to yours including me, given I spent my entire playtime this round on Auto Battle, as I'm sitting at #1 on mine with only a score of 238,240 (all lances used). No one else even has over 200,000 points at this point either (#2 currently has 159,012).

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I just don't want to be on the Red team because I like my UI being green or blue more. Luckily this time I went Green-Green-Blue. Who even are the supposed generals behind those colours I don't care. :P

At any rate, I have 4 lances plus a full bar, needing to fill about 75% of the bar to reach T25. Should be no problem. Autobattled Lunatic the whole way through, with the vast majority of lances used on horse round. So glad there was no armour round this time.

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I went from Ryoma to Xander to Corrin.  My first team was bad, but not downright awful.  Xander actually did pretty well and hit the zone rank cap for rewards.  Corrin remains to be seen how it finishes.  We started pretty badly, but are currently doing okay.

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Oh, also:


I literally had just enough lances to do this. And, well, I guess this is more proof people are currently giving no shits in my Outrealm seeing as literally no one else, either friend or foe, bothered to fight here while I was dumping my lances.

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I've not been able to browse much the last few days, but has anyone talked about how FEH is getting banned in Belgium?  I didn't see a thread in the Heroes section.

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I went Ryoma, Xander and Corrin. On Corrin's side, there was a time were people didn't care about some areas, the south eastern ones, but currently they're giving a battle.

I used all my lances and ended up at T 24 (past half bar) rank 12 so far. It was fun!

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22 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Oh, also:


I literally had just enough lances to do this. And, well, I guess this is more proof people are currently giving no shits in my Outrealm seeing as literally no one else, either friend or foe, bothered to fight here while I was dumping my lances.


1 minute ago, Quintessence said:

I went Ryoma, Xander and Corrin. On Corrin's side, there was a time were people didn't care about some areas, the south eastern ones, but currently they're giving a battle.

I used all my lances and ended up at T 24 (past half bar) rank 12 so far. It was fun!

They might be saving them for the last round, since the zones are worth more points in the last round, whereas the best you can get now is 3 points, and there's a margin where a zone here or there doesn't get you anything more than the cutoff would.

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25 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Oh, also:


I literally had just enough lances to do this. And, well, I guess this is more proof people are currently giving no shits in my Outrealm seeing as literally no one else, either friend or foe, bothered to fight here while I was dumping my lances.

Congratulations! You managed to liberate the Lava Fields! Although devoid of precious resources and highly dangerous, you will be able to use this path to invade southwest Hoshido. Your strategic brilliance clears the way for Team Ryoma to conquer his homeland.

...Is how I wish this mode felt. An SRPG vibe well beyond this game's means.


6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I've not been able to browse much the last few days, but has anyone talked about how FEH is getting banned in Belgium?  I didn't see a thread in the Heroes section.

It has been discussed in this very topic, just inch back to the bottom of page 2594 and all of 2595.

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9 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

They might be saving them for the last round, since the zones are worth more points in the last round, whereas the best you can get now is 3 points, and there's a margin where a zone here or there doesn't get you anything more than the cutoff would.

Yeah, that'd make sense. Personally, I just wanted my remaining orbs and wanted to get this out of the way when I did rather than later. I should probably care somewhat about the actual territory war, but I seriously can't be assed to at this point. 

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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

I've not been able to browse much the last few days, but has anyone talked about how FEH is getting banned in Belgium?  I didn't see a thread in the Heroes section.

The term "banned" is a convenient but misleading shorthand. IS are unwilling to (or deem it not worth the effort to) comply with Belgian laws. There are a few ways this could have played out:

a) FEH becomes an F2P-only game in Belgium. This has already been done by other gacha games, so there is precedent.

b) Nintendo overhauls FEH's monetisation model to remove the RNG aspect. This is the most unlikely option of course as it'd involve an overhaul of the game's mechanics worldwide. I like it best from a customer-friendliness and general design perspective though.

c) Nintendo is registered as a gambling company in Belgium and enacts compliance measures to ensure that access to FEH is only permitted for people who meet the conditions. I don't know how this works in Belgium, but as an Australian who both bets on sports and buys the occasional lottery ticket online, this involved printing out some forms and taking them plus some identity documents to the local Post Office to verify my identity. This can be combined with (a) so that kids and people who don't want to register can continue playing as F2P.

d) Nintendo take their bat and ball and go home.


They went with (d) in the end, but to characterise it as a "ban" would not be accurate.

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Agh, team corrin closed off the access points to their territories. They must be really dedicated, because I was raiding those areas in order to keep them open and they still achieved a knockout in each point. Looks like they did the same on the other side, so now our team and theirs have no choice but to pick on Team Ryoma until he's bled dry and then nobody can fight anywhere. This mode really brings out the worst in us.

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Another Tap Battle even without orbs. :( Yes, yes, it's a re-run, but it also takes the place of a regular orb-giving event, so it's still a net loss in absolute terms. Blah.

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Wow, in my Outrealm Team Corrin (aka my freaking team) was left with one territory.

ONE. And ya know who kept that territory for us? I'll give ya a hint, their name is probably on the screen as you are reading this right now.

I'm not entirely convinced anyone was actually around for the last round.

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1 hour ago, Landmaster said:

OK, so the reason they couldn't give us the EX Accessories from the first FB is???

They might do it in the future during the second rerun if there is one. We can also send feedback too.

Edited by XRay
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