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23 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I just played the new story chapter and...

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What. So now Alfonse says Lif isn't really Lif, but HIMSELF? This just got weird. Next we're probably going to hear that Thrasir is actually Veronica. I do have one question though. If this Askr was ruined because of huge consequences to a Rite that Askr and Embla performed, meaning everyone is dead, more or less, why have we not seen undead versions of Sharena and Anna yet? And Henriette for that matter? Will they show up later? I hope so, otherwise that doesn't make much sense. Though I suppose not ALL of them have to show. Hel could've just chosen not to deploy one or more.


I think the idea is


Yeah, Lif is Alfonse from an alternate Askr (few years ahead) where he got all messed by the Rite. It's possible that Thrasir is actually Veronica, but a few years older as well, and the two of them performed the rite, which stopped Hel (and her forces) but killed everyone else, and left Alf and Veronica undead. Without Hel around in that version, their Sharena and Anna would have died and just stayed dead, rather than joining Hel's army. I'm guessing that Lif and Thrasir must've traveled to our Askr and are with Hel for some reason (not clear if it's voluntary or not).


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5 minutes ago, Johann said:

I think the idea is

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Yeah, Lif is Alfonse from an alternate Askr (few years ahead) where he got all messed by the Rite. It's possible that Thrasir is actually Veronica, but a few years older as well, and the two of them performed the rite, which stopped Hel (and her forces) but killed everyone else, and left Alf and Veronica undead. Without Hel around in that version, their Sharena and Anna would have died and just stayed dead, rather than joining Hel's army. I'm guessing that Lif and Thrasir must've traveled to our Askr and are with Hel for some reason (not clear if it's voluntary or not).


I see. Makes sense. But...


If that rite literally killed everyone as well as Hel, what was gained from it besides Hel's destruction? She wanted everyone dead in the first place, so that rite basically gave her what she wanted, even if it also took her down. All that's left is an empty destroyed world. I can't believe the Askr trio and Embla siblings decided to let that happen just for the sake of getting rid of Hel. Why did they find an empty ruined world preferable to leaving her alive to, well, end up making an empty ruined world anyway? Either way, the world is destroyed thanks to Hel. I suppose they could've decided that "an empty ruined world without Hel is better than an empty ruined world with Hel" but didn't they at least look for a way to counter the consequence of everyone dying? I would hope they tried.


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Just now, Anacybele said:

I see. Makes sense. But...

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If that rite literally killed everyone as well as Hel, what was gained from it besides Hel's destruction? She wanted everyone dead in the first place, so that rite basically gave her what she wanted, even if it also took her down. All that's left is an empty destroyed world. I can't believe the Askr trio and Embla siblings decided to let that happen just for the sake of getting rid of Hel. Why did they find an empty ruined world preferable to leaving her alive to, well, end up making an empty ruined world anyway? Either way, the world is destroyed thanks to Hel. I suppose they could've decided that "an empty ruined world without Hel is better than an empty ruined world with Hel" but didn't they at least look for a way to counter the consequence of everyone dying? I would hope they tried.



They say it backfired, the whole "it ended up killing everyone else" thing being something they didn't know would happen til it was too late. Meanwhile, Hel's motivation isn't killing to get rid of people, but to add to her army, so it's not a win for her either.


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33 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I just played the new story chapter and...

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What. So now Alfonse says Lif isn't really Lif, but HIMSELF? This just got weird. Next we're probably going to hear that Thrasir is actually Veronica. I do have one question though. If this Askr was ruined because of huge consequences to a Rite that Askr and Embla performed, meaning everyone is dead, more or less, why have we not seen undead versions of Sharena and Anna yet? And Henriette for that matter? Will they show up later? I hope so, otherwise that doesn't make much sense. Though I suppose not ALL of them have to show. Hel could've just chosen not to deploy one or more.


Well from what I've gathered



The alternative timeline of Alfonse already managed to defeat Hell and presumably killed her. The book says Askr came out victorious but at a terrible cost. We don't see undead Sharena and Henriette because they are still very much alive in the main timeline. The Hell that ''Lif'' serves is likely a different Hell then he himself fought. Heroes has been playing around with multiverses for some time now. If there are different Niffl's and Askr's then there's presumably multiple underworlds as well. 

So in short the Sharena and Henriette from Lif's timeline are dead but there's no Hell to summon them anymore. And in the main timeline there is a Hell but Sharena and Henriette aren't dead yet. 



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3 minutes ago, Johann said:
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They say it backfired, the whole "it ended up killing everyone else" thing being something they didn't know would happen til it was too late. Meanwhile, Hel's motivation isn't killing to get rid of people, but to add to her army, so it's not a win for her either.



They did? I must've just missed or forgot about the mention of the rite backfiring. And yeah that's true, I suppose.


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Just now, Anacybele said:
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They did? I must've just missed or forgot about the mention of the rite backfiring. And yeah that's true, I suppose.


Yeah, the dialogue was something along these lines:


Alfonse: Looks like they found a way to stop Hel
Anna: Alright, let's get right on that
Alfonse: Uh, not so fast chief, turns out it has a side-effect of killing everybody else in the land

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1 minute ago, Johann said:

Yeah, the dialogue was something along these lines:

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Alfonse: Looks like they found a way to stop Hel
Anna: Alright, let's get right on that
Alfonse: Uh, not so fast chief, turns out it has a side-effect of killing everybody else in the land


Oh, I remember that part. It just says that that "side effect" happened, not that the alternate Askr trio didn't actually know it would happen.


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3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Great. Not only we will probably get the Three House leaders (Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude) in FEH, but we already have alts for them? Their 5 years older versions?

Probably their legendary alts. I've already been speculating that we'd get the three of them on a banner this summer showing them at the beginning of their stories and then legendary alts later on showing their promoted versions with knowledge and dialogue about later story events, so this supports that and increases the distinctions.

...I guess it also gives reason to add alts of every other character in the game. Hmm.

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The special orb bonus for June features fifty grails. I thought they would have included sixty like sacred coins and refining stones. Even the feathers version has 6,000. Sixty grails would have paired nicely with the monthly forty grails from Forging Bonds. It doesn't really matter to me though, because I wouldn't have bought it even with sixty grails.

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55 minutes ago, Tree said:

The special orb bonus for June features fifty grails. I thought they would have included sixty like sacred coins and refining stones. Even the feathers version has 6,000. Sixty grails would have paired nicely with the monthly forty grails from Forging Bonds. It doesn't really matter to me though, because I wouldn't have bought it even with sixty grails.

It feels stingy compared to the coin and stone packs.  Events withstanding, the coin and stone packs give about two weeks worth of material assuming decent AA performance (At least within top 10k).  50 Grails is less than what a similarly ranking AR player will make in one week.  It should have been 100. 

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The real question is if

They will release Lif


Or Alf would get an upgrade allowing him to learn Shockbreaker


I personally think allowing Askr to be mergeable is kind of a bad idea so i prefer the later >_>

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...it just occurred to me that Yarne was one of three child units who could never get the Galeforce skill, as it's on a female class (Dark Flier) and Panne did not have access to that class.

...so whichever world we're pulling Yarne from, it's the ones with hackers.

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The official Heroes Twitter Tweeted about Three Houses. It was already kinda obvious, but I say this definitely 100% means we're gonna see this game in the next New Heroes banner.

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14 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

The official Heroes Twitter Tweeted about Three Houses.

It's also in-game on the Notification Board. I'm not sure why they're advertising it now when there'll be plenty of time and banners to so later (and when it's actually relevant to Heroes) starting in mid July.

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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

It's also in-game on the Notification Board. I'm not sure why they're advertising it now when there'll be plenty of time and banners to so later (and when it's actually relevant to Heroes) starting in mid July.

Huh, yeah, that is a little odd.

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I just hope they handle 3H right, for both the game itself and for FEH. By which I mean:

  • Do not include spoilers weapons or spoilers quotes or spoilers anything for 3H on the summonable characters, if the spoilers takes more than an hour or so of play to get to.
  • Do a large injection of early 3H characters with the first banner. Do two simultaneous quads if thou must. Match or exceed what SoV got, I say exceed, because SoV had a tiny cast of 34, and I expect 3H to be 40+ playable characters.
  • Do not make all the New Heroes for the rest of this year 3H, FEH B3 OCs, Braves, and Farfetched. Please leave room for another prior game or two, maybe three if the year has enough space left.
  • Do give 3H immediate Seasonal representation, but don't forget to finally give one to Jugdral!
  • Do not add a spoilers-rific Legendary or Mythic until at least three months out from 3H's release.


Personally, I won't be summoning for 3H characters though. I need to play the game to the very end before I can consider doing that. A handsome face that turns out to be hot feces under the scrutiny of the plot deserves not a barracks slot.

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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

Do not add a spoilers-rific Legendary or Mythic until at least three months out from 3H's release.

I wouldn't worry much about this happening, it takes like six months to produce a banner anyway. We learned a long time ago that lines are recorded six months prior to a banner's release.

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8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Huh, yeah, that is a little odd.

Yeah, but I won't question it if it eventually leads to some bonus orbs when the game launches. We did get 16 orbs total (5 for the Japanese release, 6 from quests involving the Whitewings, 5 for the international release) from Echoes.

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19 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I wouldn't worry much about this happening, it takes like six months to produce a banner anyway. We learned a long time ago that lines are recorded six months prior to a banner's release.

Although I'd optimistically expect that IS would have coordinated 3H Heroes additions for quite a while. So when Versa Aria (to make up a VA name) comes in to work to record mournful lines for Melody after Crescendo sacrifices himself in 3H (again, just making up hypothetical people and events- I know barely anything of 3H), she'll then spend the rest of the day doing cheery and upbeat Heroes quips. Why not? Since Miss Aria is already there on the job,  and IS has already planned out adding a Legendary Melody sooner or later.



What interests me is popularity polling. I'm hoping IS isn't so stupid as to not do polling for 3H apart from CYL4. Since CYL4 would be contaminated by the influences of other FEs and their characters vying for slots for entry in FEH and alts if they are, and CYL has multiple votes per voter.

A clean 3H popularity poll, with one vote per electronic device, without a competition to get into FEH or get alts, and without being compared to the rest of the franchise, is what 3H will need. IS with regards to including 3H after the first wave, should not just rely on whatever CYL4 data will come in, but cross reference it with independent polling data to determine who is truly the most popular.

BEDC will by virtue of being main characters get the top slots, but who in the supporting cast rival them in celebrity, is something worth grabbing the popcorn for. I rather look forward to future character arguments- kept away from toxicity that is. 

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

It was already kinda obvious, but I say this definitely 100% means we're gonna see this game in the next New Heroes banner.

The Tweet itself means nothing in terms of banners. The Heroes Twitter occasionally posts things about other Fire Emblem going ons. Three Houses is still the most likely theme for the second July banner, but this Tweet doesn't really guarantee anything.

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On 6/10/2019 at 3:48 AM, mcsilas said:

I'm sure @mampfoid would love Oscar's refine


Could have been better but also worse for my GF purposes. I usually run him with Fliers and Cavs, so the restriction of his special effect isn't optimal for me.

Disappointed by Kagero's refine. Elincia's is no surprise. It'll help her quad, but is a bit boring. 

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6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Personally, I won't be summoning for 3H characters though. I need to play the game to the very end before I can consider doing that. A handsome face that turns out to be hot feces under the scrutiny of the plot deserves not a barracks slot.

Somebody said it. I won't mind if the game is 10 years out I don't know it and can read about it. But if its new and I know nothing about it I want to get to know the characters before they have value. I mean I find them all interesting but if I will like them or not will be decided later. 

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7 hours ago, Midnox said:

Well, Sharena’s death in the Book III trailer make sense now.

anyway, Three Houses is coming next month. We should be expecting a banner 

Oh, huh, yeah. And the scene that seems to show Alfonse as the only survivor while a bunch of people have been dropping dead in the castle.

There were implications of a Kiran dying as well, wonder what we'll find out about that.

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