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4 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

I'm kind of expecting FE7 to be the midpoint banner with Eitri added to it if they are doing that again this year. That game currently doesn't really have a big name star to entice the banner based off of CYL4 results (not CYL5 since it is probably too soon for them to make banners off a recent poll) unless the banner theme is going to be Nergal and his morphs.

Hmm. I've been thinking Eitri's banner might be soon based on the story, but it'd make sense for them to wait for the midpoint.

FE7 is running a bit low, but if they want to pick a game that's really been scraped pretty bare, I feel like Echoes would make more sense.

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5 minutes ago, Othin said:

Hmm. I've been thinking Eitri's banner might be soon based on the story, but it'd make sense for them to wait for the midpoint.

FE7 is running a bit low, but if they want to pick a game that's really been scraped pretty bare, I feel like Echoes would make more sense.

I figured December's banner would have been Echoes but they went with Sacred Stones there instead. I think they are going to use the Whitewing sisters to help pad out and carry the next Echoes banner so a Heroes OC isn't as necessary compared to FE7 which doesn't really have a female character to star the banner. But I don't know, neither FE7 and Echoes really need a banner at the moment and their next banner could be delayed for as long as IS wants them to.

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6 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

I figured December's banner would have been Echoes but they went with Sacred Stones there instead. I think they are going to use the Whitewing sisters to help pad out and carry the next Echoes banner so a Heroes OC isn't as necessary compared to FE7 which doesn't really have a female character to star the banner. But I don't know, neither FE7 and Echoes really need a banner at the moment and their next banner could be delayed for as long as IS wants them to.

I'm not sure they can really count on the remaining Whitewings. I don't think Catria went over great, and she's the most popular, plus the other two just got alts last year.

I'd also very much disagree with FE7 not needing a banner. It's got plenty more high-demand characters, a lot more than Echoes. They're a bit male-skewed, but there are options to deal with that, like Sonia and Farina.

Edited by Othin
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1 hour ago, NSSKG151 said:

I think they are going to use the Whitewing sisters to help pad out and carry the next Echoes banner so a Heroes OC isn't as necessary compared to FE7 which doesn't really have a female character to star the banner.

And by Whitewing sisters, you mean just Palla at this point because Est is hilariously unpopular to the point that she isn’t capable of carrying a banner.

56 minutes ago, Othin said:

I'd also very much disagree with FE7 not needing a banner. It's got plenty more high-demand characters, a lot more than Echoes. They're a bit male-skewed, but there are options to deal with that, like Sonia and Farina.

Yeah but after they use up Sonia and Farina, FE7 is pretty much boned in regards to their remaining female options much like how FE6 is now.

I know some won’t like it, but I can see IS resorting to using alts (like Mani Katti Lyn who is also another Duo Hero but with Mark this time) to fill in the female spot(s) for games that are out of viable new females.

It’s either that, or IS just starts retiring games from getting New Hero banners (with FE6 and Echoes likely being the first ones to go).

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26 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

And by Whitewing sisters, you mean just Palla at this point because Est is hilariously unpopular to the point that she isn’t capable of carrying a banner.

Yeah but after they use up Sonia and Farina, FE7 is pretty much boned in regards to their remaining female options much like how FE6 is now.

I know some won’t like it, but I can see IS resorting to using alts (like Mani Katti Lyn who is also another Duo Hero but with Mark this time) to fill in the female spot(s) for games that are out of viable new females.

It’s either that, or IS just starts retiring games from getting New Hero banners (with FE6 and Echoes likely being the first ones to go).


  • 90. Sonia
  • 92. Erk
  • 104. Athos
  • 113. Sain
  • 130. Limstella
  • 147. Guy
  • 210. Farina
  • 211. Kent
  • 232. Pent
  • 235. Wil
  • 254. Uther
  • 255. Nergal
  • 296. Oswin
  • 329. Marcus
  • 334. Dart
  • 339. Isadora
  • 335. Louise
  • 335. Lowen
  • 365. Fargus
  • 367. Geitz
  • 370. Ephidel
  • 372. Natalie
  • 374. Harken
  • 378. Renault
  • 379. Roland
  • 395. Brendan
  • 397. Vaida
  • 413. Eleanora
  • 415. Wallace
  • 420. Guinivere
  • 441. Elbert
  • 441. Merlinus
  • 459. Bartre
  • 470. Murdock
  • 471. Zephiel
  • 472. Durban
  • 484. Hellene
  • 493. Desmond
  • 495. Lundgren

That's not much, yeah. I think they could make two FE7 banners by spacing things out a bit, but they'd be hard-pressed past that.

New Heroes alts are one way to further support games in this position, as well as releasing remaining units as seasonals.

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24 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Or just make ultra OP units / cute artworks from those unpopular characters and you’ll get lot’s of people interested in them

I'm pretty sure they already tried that with Igrene specifically and it didn't particularly work. IS can try to dress up unpopular characters all they want, they will still never bring in the same results as any of the known names.

I know people will also not like to hear this, but IS will not put every last FE character into this game and they will throw unpopular characters under the bus in favor of proven commodities. Their ultimate goal with this game is to make money, and as such they aren't going to add literal whos like Dice or Garret when they can just make a Caeda alt or a Lilina alt instead.

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I can see a couple more FE7 banners that would potentially make some money for IS. If people REALLY want Sain and Erk as CYL points to, then I can see Lundgren as a GHB for a Lyn/Kent/Sain/Wil banner; it gives a Lyn alt but it may be unavoidable, plus Kent (who, let's face it, will come with Sain) and Wil are in the top half of the CYL rankings, and more than that for 7 specifically. For Erk, I can see a Pent/Louise/Erk/Farina banner, with either Sonia or Nergal as the GHB.

If they wanted to space it out even more, they could make Vaida the GHB for Pent/Louise/Erk/Farina, and have a separate morph banner with Nergal/Sonia/Limstella/Ephidel, with someone like Brendan Reed as the GHB (Mustafa got into the game, so why not?).

Those three banners would take care of almost everyone notable and/or highly requested 7 characters (as far as specifically 7 goes, anyway), just leaving Athos out as the most notable absent character. But he’d likely be a Legendary/Mythic.

Personally, Isadora is my most wanted 7 character, but she's very unlikely unless there's a LOT of luck, or she comes as a seasonal.

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40 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I can see a couple more FE7 banners that would potentially make some money for IS. If people REALLY want Sain and Erk as CYL points to, then I can see Lundgren as a GHB for a Lyn/Kent/Sain/Wil banner; it gives a Lyn alt but it may be unavoidable, plus Kent (who, let's face it, will come with Sain) and Wil are in the top half of the CYL rankings, and more than that for 7 specifically. For Erk, I can see a Pent/Louise/Erk/Farina banner, with either Sonia or Nergal as the GHB.

If they wanted to space it out even more, they could make Vaida the GHB for Pent/Louise/Erk/Farina, and have a separate morph banner with Nergal/Sonia/Limstella/Ephidel, with someone like Brendan Reed as the GHB (Mustafa got into the game, so why not?).

Those three banners would take care of almost everyone notable and/or highly requested 7 characters (as far as specifically 7 goes, anyway), just leaving Athos out as the most notable absent character. But he’d likely be a Legendary/Mythic.

Personally, Isadora is my most wanted 7 character, but she's very unlikely unless there's a LOT of luck, or she comes as a seasonal.

Isadora seems like a decent candidate at this point. She's the second most-voted missing female character after Farina, even ahead of Louise.

Personally, I'd like to get Erk alongside Kent and Sain, although admittedly Wil is a bit more tied to Lyndis's Legion. As much as I hate New Heroes alts, I'd be willing to deal with another Lyn as the price for that, and Mani Katti would be a better justification than most.

At this point, I'm betting on Athos's first version being a seasonal. I hope he gets a mythic eventually, but it'd be awkward anytime soon after Legendary Lilina, and they've been doing a lot of historic seasonals lately with the Tellius cast. (Dheginsea and Sephiran getting their first versions that way, and Altina with her alt.)

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12 minutes ago, Othin said:

Isadora seems like a decent candidate at this point. She's the second most-voted missing female character after Farina, even ahead of Louise.

True, but I wonder if Isadora is in kind of an Igrene situation. Sure, they can push her, but is she really popular?

13 minutes ago, Othin said:

Personally, I'd like to get Erk alongside Kent and Sain, although admittedly Wil is a bit more tied to Lyndis's Legion. As much as I hate New Heroes alts, I'd be willing to deal with another Lyn as the price for that, and Mani Katti would be a better justification than most.

That and Mani Katti really is her true signature weapon, not the Sol Katti. The Mani is directly tied to her story, only she can wield it, etc. The Sol is just kinda there, for reasons.

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10 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

True, but I wonder if Isadora is in kind of an Igrene situation. Sure, they can push her, but is she really popular?

That and Mani Katti really is her true signature weapon, not the Sol Katti. The Mani is directly tied to her story, only she can wield it, etc. The Sol is just kinda there, for reasons.

Hmm. It looks like before Igrene was added, she consistently scored about 30 places ahead of Isadora. So they seem to have similar popularity, with Igrene a bit better.

Still, she doesn't have to be a premium unit. We've gotten banners like the recent FE5 and FE9 ones with two premium male units, and one of the two female units being the demote.

And yeah, exactly.

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7 hours ago, Othin said:

I'm not sure they can really count on the remaining Whitewings. I don't think Catria went over great, and she's the most popular, plus the other two just got alts last year.

I'd also very much disagree with FE7 not needing a banner. It's got plenty more high-demand characters, a lot more than Echoes. They're a bit male-skewed, but there are options to deal with that, like Sonia and Farina.

Wasn't trying to say FE7 doesn't need a banner but I just wouldn't be surprised if it came later this year, kind of like how last year Tellius didn't get a new heroes banner until about 5 months after people were expecting one.


6 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

I know some won’t like it, but I can see IS resorting to using alts (like Mani Katti Lyn who is also another Duo Hero but with Mark this time) to fill in the female spot(s) for games that are out of viable new females.

I could see IS going back to doing things like this and adding alts of Lords and other popular characters on new heroes banners in order to sell them.

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A talk with some friends who play FEH and CYL made me realize that as many of the characters I like have been introduced into FEH, I have begun to run out of characters I want to vote for CYL. Except for Cherche and Sonya, I usually don't vote for characters who are already in the game for whatever reason and my votes have gone to basically irrelevant characters who probably will never win a CYL unless FEH manages to somehow last several decades. The past two to three CYLs for me have been aside from Cherche and Sonya, Orochi, Ismaire, and Heather. The other characters between CYL I voted for either were added by the time of voting or until the next one. Annette, Cormag, Echidna, Legault, Python, and even an Anna who is not commander Anna. Echidna was the most surprising one, especially compared to Anna, Annette, and Python.

Starting with CYL4, I scrambled to find characters to vote for. Last year it was Arete and I think Stefan. I missed two days, so I didn't get to vote for either or someone like Calill, Dart, Geitz, Hapi, Manuela, Neimi, Reina, or Saleh. At least I was able to to give Constance a vote, but by CYL6, the Ashen Wolves and other Three Houses characters probably would have been introduced. Maybe even Orochi, Reina, and Scarlet. Each passing CYL, my reasons for voting a character gets weaker and weaker. I haven't played Radiant Dawn up to the point of where Heather shows up. Yet for some reason, she seems cool to me and that's why I have been voting for her since at least CYL2. Aside from a bit of character I know about them or design, some of it is practicality like why vote for Reina or Scarlet? Because it would be nice to have another bow flier or axe flier, respectively, in the regular summoning pool as otherwise, I never played Fates and have only seen support conversations and some bits of gameplay. And with the usual two, hopes that maybe Cherche and Sonya would get an alt. Cherche & Minerva and Halloween Sonya -- ignoring what witches are like in Gaiden -- seem like such given things, but they have yet to happen. Well, whatever. That is my thoughts on voting during CYL.

Related to this is that it made me think about who I actually want from the special 4* pool. As someone who likes getting new units, so as a collector, it's great, but that also means they would be taking up a slot in the barracks and as unfortunate as it is, they are old units where not all of them are particularly great or even average. So, it is fun when Delthea, Hinoka, and Leo show up, but then the questions comes of up of who do I want, who offers something unique, and who do I want to leave as merge project despite whatever skills they offer?

TL;DR: I mainly want the CYL units, the last 3 merges for Meisterhardt, Sonya along with a couple of other favorite characters, and flying Nino (true damage shenanigans), green Olwen (cavalry mage with prf -blade tome), and Rhajat (splash damage shenanigans).


The two easy ones for me would be CYL and Meisterhardt. CYL is simple as they're all great units, especially CYL Hector and CYL Ike, so I would be inclined to just merge them. CYL Celica doubles as favoritism for me as well. The skills they offer are good or rare too, but on my end, I would prioritize merging. CYL Lucina, CYL Roy, and CYL Veronica I would want to point out. I feel like CYL Lucina has the weakest reason for merging, but she also doesn't really offer anything that you can't get from someone else (Aether from paladin Chrom, regular and CYL Ike, regular Lucina) or isn't in the 3* to 4* summoning pool (Drive Spd from Tailtiu). All she needs it the Divine Dew to refine Geirskogul to support a physical damage ally and that's it. Merging would mainly to be to raise her stats to make her stronger on her own or attract Chills and such. I don't know, I don't really want to use her for skills. CYL Roy has to deal with Eliwood where Roy's main distinctions now are his higher speed and slightly higher defense -- resplendent or not for Eliwood -- at the cost of significantly lower resistance. Using him for Galeforce and either Steady Blow or Desperation would probably be better, but Blazing Durandal is so good that having a +10 CYL Roy and +10 Eliwood seems worth it. And lastly, how healers are being given prf staffs where they have either Dazzling or Wrathful Staff built-in is what paralyzes me from ever inheriting either one to any healer including seasonal healers who might never be part of a weapon update. Because of that, unless I know exactly what new staff a healer gets has, I don't want to use Genny, Maribelle, or CYL Veronica to give Dazzling/Wrathful Staff. I'd rather just merge them. At the moment, Elise and Mist are the only healers who were part of a weapon update without either Dazzling/Wrathful Staff as their default B passive. I'd need to a spare Maribelle or healer with Dazzling Staff to give to Elise and that's fine while Mist isn't exactly an offensive powerhouse, so I wouldn't mind her not having Wrathful Staff.

Moving on, Meisterhardt I talked about several times and I just need 3 more copies to +10 him. He was the closest to a +10, 5* exclusive to which I don't think of him as such anymore since he's technically a demote even though he only appears as a 5* unit. I shouldn't discredit him possibly being my first +10, 5* exclusive unit, but yeah, that's the reason for wanting copies of him. After that, he would be another source of Death Blow 3 and one who I would have no qualms using for unless I want to make a squad of +10 Meisterhardts for whatever reason.

The next simple reason is favoritism which as I noted, CYL Celica is among the special 4* units I hope shows up frequently. Sure, she has Death Blow 4 and Galeforce, but I really like CYL Celica. With her would be Elincia, Karla, Maribelle, Nephenee, flying Olivia, Saber, and Sonya. Those units I would hope for and merge almost unhesitatingly. I say almost since CYL Celica has Death Blow 4 and Galeforce, Karla and Nephenee have Wrath, Maribelle has Dazzling Staff, and Saber has Shield Pulse which while niche, is rare and I would like to give to Karla, Linus, maybe Lon'qu, and Raven a Pavise, Shield Pulse build just to have something fun to play with. Of course, after enough copies to +10 any of them, it wouldn't matter, and they are special cases like I'm not going to give every melee infantry unit Wrath. It would be a few units here and there, e.g. Barst, Fir, and Karel.

Pondering about the special 4* units made me think that aside from the CYL units, favoritism, and Meisterhardt, what units in this pool offer something unique and would make me want to build and merge them? Of those units, I think for me would be Ayra, Jaffar, Micaiah, flying Nino, green Olwen, Rhajat, and kind of Zelgius. Regnal Astra and Black Luna are just powerful. That's just it. Granted, Larcei and Shannan exist who are out of the gate stronger and with more recent, powerful skills, and the Black Knight is always available unlike with Zelgius who you have to hope for, it's simply why not? There are these two units with strong, prf specials, so why not build them? It's more on Ayra, though, as armors can be finicky at times due to their movement and it's not like Zelgius is a sword armor demote with good resistance which would be really nice to have nowadays, instead of only having the high defense, low to mediocre resistance of Arden, the Black Knight, Draug, Zephiel, and now, Zelgius.

Jaffar and Rhajat along with Clarisse and Kempf can do a lot of splash damage and inflict debuffs of some kind. Rhajat's more interesting in that she's the only one who targets resistance as a mage making her the only non-healer option for this kind of role. So, it would be cool to have Rhajat and have more merges for Jaffar.

The remaining three are simple and it's about the kind of damage they can do. Micaiah has effective damage against armors and cavalry which is neat as a demote mage. Unless I'm forgetting someone, flying Nino is the only demote mage who deals damage per hit and that makes her especially powerful. She's the other true damage ranged option to Gaius's pitiful 10% of his speed and Gangrel's 20% of his resistance if his foe has a penalty. Both are infantry dagger units while flying Nino is a green mage flier. Correct me if I'm wrong, but what's even better is that she can show up during legendary/mythic banners too, so if legendary Alm, legendary Celica, or legendary Dimitri are present, you could end up having her show up alongside them for more true damage shenanigans. That's pretty freaking awesome. While field buff neutralization has become more common, -blade tomes are still powerful and green Olwen is the only cavalry mage and only non-infantry mage with a prf -blade tome. The only other unit with such a distinction is Laevatein who has the only melee -blade weapon and other units, cavalry mages in particular, have Blizzard effects, boosting their attack based on the debuffs on their foe. That's unique enough for me.

Then there's everyone else, except for Faye (Firesweep Bow), Hector (Distant Counter), Takumi (Close Counter), and a bit of Amelia (Armor March). Everyone else for me falls under merge and forget or maybe inherit something like Aether, Galeforce, Quick Riposte without spending 20k to 22k feathers, or Swift Sparrow, but mainly merge and forget. That is not to say they are all bad, but I do not have strong feelings for wanting them. Yes, it's nice that Minerva finally gives us another "fast" axe flier as a demote, Sumia now has the highest base neutral speed of lance flier demotes, merging or investing in Deirdre, Dorcas, mage knight Eirika, M!Grima, Hardin, Kinshinoka, Julia, F!Kana, F!Morgan, Myrrh, and Shiro would be good as they are units of rarer types or there aren't anyone really similar to them in the 3* to 4* pool, that while not as strong as recent red infantry mages, Celica is still powerful and wants more attack and speed, and paladin Chrom and Sigurd with their refined weapons are nutty. They are simply not high priority to me, and some of them have been like this for a while. For example, M!Grima has Vengeful Fighter which I could have given to any armor that I wanted to invest in, but I pretty much have merged him just because. At least for CYL Hector you could argue that he has always been a strong unit and for me, him not having the ability to give both Distant Counter and Bold Fighter since Ostian Counter isn't built off of Distant Counter, merging him is an easier decision to increase his stats little by little. Well, whatever. That's my spiel about the special 4* rate units.


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Also, the second February Resplendent should be revealed at the next reset.

With the advent of regular pool alts being eligible for Resplendents, I have little clue as to what to expect going forward aside from the next character being another 5* exclusive.

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V!Gustav C skill works in Pawns of Loki, I just got my personal best thanks to him. I always play that mode casually but now it seems like I can earn better rewards without investing too much as well. 

As for the New Hero Banners, I hope IS would go back to mixing units from different games, situation mentioned above (FE7 remaining female characters getting lesser) can be solved without resorting to New Heroes Alt so fast (It's bound to happen but not so fast I hope).

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Back-to-back resplendent Ikes would be hilarious. That is to say, legendary Ike, Greil's Devoted Ike, and berserk Ike as the next resplendent units.

But really, though, no idea. CYL Lyn feels like it would make sense. They could definitely sell Ares, Celica, regular or flying Nino, Reinhardt, Seliph, Sigurd, Tharja, and maybe Barst, Gordin, Klein, Ishtar, or green Olwen among others. CYL Hector or CYL Edelgard would be cruel.

I'm going to say Arden somehow ends up as the next resplendent hero. Gotta get that +2 speed and resistance somehow.

Still surprised that they haven't chosen a grail unit yet. It would be tempting for someone to just pay for the pass to get a merge, not have to wait for enough grails, for them. More surprising or unsurprising was that a CYL unit and CYL Ike in particular was chosen for a resplendent before a grail unit.

Edited by Kaden
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28 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Still surprised that they haven't chosen a grail unit yet. It would be tempting for someone to just pay for the pass to get a merge, not have to wait for enough grails, for them. More surprising or unsurprising was that a CYL unit and CYL Ike in particular was chosen for a resplendent before a grail unit.

One Resplendent Grail Hero that I would enjoy is Emblian Xander.

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34 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

I'm really hoping that the next Resplendent is 4 star. They're way more exciting than 5 star exclusive ones, IMO, on account of them actually being realistic merge projects (especially now with weekly revival banners ending).

Are they ending? I forget if they specified that.

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