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Since the Special Heroes banner and the New Heroes banner this month both have a colorless tome unit, I'd like to take this time to remind everyone that Colorless Tome Valor is a skill that still doesn't exist at all.

Having to run Valentine's F!Robin (she was pulled this Tuesday for the record, so she was too late to take advantage of the x5 SP weekends) through the Tempest Trials about an extra five times wasn't particularly fun. 

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On 2/16/2022 at 9:44 PM, Ice Dragon said:

If you have enough team slots, you can use the skill lock feature to make one team that has Distant Def equipped and a separate team that has Svalinn Shield equipped and pick which one to use on each map. I actually have four teams with the same unit composition in order to have every combination of Gustav with Close Def or Svalinn Shield and Henriette with Distant Def or Svalinn Shield.

I think this is the problem for me simply because I like using different team and units. Especially now AA is only every other week. I also have a Far Save Flora team with caltrop dagger + Arthur because they were my Corrins' S-Support in Fates. When I am at outside VoH and against not so difficult team I would use these "lesser" team. I don't mind losing or wanted to win every match, but I do have tendencies to lose all my ladders on 1st day of AR (fully upgraded too), just because I underestimate the opponent team and brought my lesser team. I am just worried that Duo Chrom would be common like Bride Catria is all.

Nonetheless, I think Anima with Elimine would be my new playground now. Just last week I was able to kill far save Fjorm with my Kaze thanks to false start.

23 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Half of the most wanted characters for FE3 are apparently small children, one of whom I believed was widely despised by the fanbase. Or maybe we're just scraping the bottom off the barrel for that game. Not sure how or why Matthis is higher than Nyna. Or anyone, to be honest. Rinea apparently still scores higher than the playable male characters even though she has an alt. Hopefully we'll get Gen 2 Oifey and not unplayable Gen 1 Oifey when his turn comes around. Why does August always score high on Thracia polls? Guy and Kent are the last characters I really want for FE7, so happy to see them both there. Tormod and Muarim being on PoR's top 5 is pretty cool, but they'll probably stick Muarim on an RD banner because that's what all laguz except for Harmonic Azura+Leanne seem to be classified as. Laurent is in Awakening's top 5, but if they give the second gen a banner they kind of have to put him in? Stupid ascended alts only giving us three new units.

Matthis is a meme. Ryan is actually part of Kris squad like Cecil. Both Yuliya and Jubelo have early plot revelance, and Yuliya is one of the early serviceable magic unit. But the scraping the bottom of the barrel is also true, all top 5 ranked at 300th and below. I love FE12 and its characters the most in the entire FE, so it hurts me when I joined forums and reddit to find out Kris is universally hated, when he is the reason why I even tried out and like FE12 in the 1st place.

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1 hour ago, MagicCanonBalls said:

I think this is the problem for me simply because I like using different team and units. Especially now AA is only every other week. I also have a Far Save Flora team with caltrop dagger + Arthur because they were my Corrins' S-Support in Fates. When I am at outside VoH and against not so difficult team I would use these "lesser" team. I don't mind losing or wanted to win every match, but I do have tendencies to lose all my ladders on 1st day of AR (fully upgraded too), just because I underestimate the opponent team and brought my lesser team. I am just worried that Duo Chrom would be common like Bride Catria is all.

Nonetheless, I think Anima with Elimine would be my new playground now. Just last week I was able to kill far save Fjorm with my Kaze thanks to false start.

Honestly, Aether Raids is the one game mode where you actually have to play like you mean it since it doesn't give you infinite chances, so if you're not doing that but you still want to win, the first thing you should do is to take it a bit more seriously than you currently are. You should expect opponents at the higher levels to always have more resources than you do and for enough of them to abuse the newest strongest strategy.

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Our next underwhelming Hall of Forms lineup is [SPOILERS, except for the underwhelming part since that's expected at this point]:


was going to be Itsuki: Finding a Path x4, but then IS remembered that they cancelled TMS forever

the 2019 FEH Summer banner. 

Helbindi: Seaside Scourge (Sword Infantry)
Laegjarn: Burning Sun (Blue Tome Flying)
Laevatein: Bonfire's Blaze (Green Tome Flying)
Gunnthra: Beaming Smile (Colorless Dagger Cavalry)

I will say, it is worth keeping in mind that Laegjarn should get a weapon refine this year (around August give or take).

Also, Letizia's raw stat line for anyone curious:

Atk is a Super Asset, HP and Spd are Super Flaws

As usual, expect her to get buffed when she is added to the gacha (since she shouldn't be releasing any earlier than September, aka post CYL6).

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1 hour ago, Rinco said:

Out of Tier 39 in AR by 12 lift. 
One more merge on one of the mythics would have made the difference. 😢

Oof... I am sorry by that...

At least you kept Vault of Heavens, which in my opinion it's the most important thing. Reaching Tier 39 is just a bonus.

I believe you can reach it next time.

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3 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Oof... I am sorry by that...

At least you kept Vault of Heavens, which in my opinion it's the most important thing. Reaching Tier 39 is just a bonus.

I believe you can reach it next time.

Yeah, I've been reaching T39 for a couple of weeks now consistently. This week was the odd one out. 
But I plan on going after merges for my core Mythics from now on (starting on March when there's Mila + Ash), so I expect it will get easier as months go by. 

This is just to prove how merges on offensive Mythics are important. 
On the other hand, one more merge on a defensive Mythic on this season would have only saved me 4 lift total. 
For F2P players like me, there's not much to gain by merging defensive Mythics compared to offensive ones. Having one copy of each/most of them is already good enough just for their bonus weeks.

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I just got Summer Elise from the free pull on the Valentine rerun banner and I had somehow completely forgotten that that was possible.

I'm really appreciating the 4-star SH special pool update now. I'm thinking it might be worth me doing full 5-pulls off of these banners just for the occasional 4-star special pool pull.

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...well... it's not another 4* Blue unit, so... I guess that's something.

Seliph is somewhat valued as being able to access two potent Prf refine weapons (regular Tyrfing's Miracle/AtkDefBond effect, Divine Tyrfing's Atk-Def boosts/Tome damage reduction/guaranteed follow-up attack) and being able to easily hit 5* +10 merge compared to his dad, plus having the HP to provide Sudden Panic/Infantry Pulse support without a need to actually invest directly into HP, so he would definitely appreciate the +2 all stat boost.

While the art does look good, I will agree with Tybrosion in that it... is Resplendent Marth... they couldn't pick any other kingdoms for him to rep? I hear the dream fairies have yet to have any male reps...

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Resplendent Seliph now hits 47 Atk with merges, Dragonflowers, and an Asset. With Tyrfing equipped, he hits 68 Atk, and with Divine Tyrfing equipped, he hits 73 Atk before passive skills.

For comparison with more modern units, Brave Marth reaches 76 Atk, Priam reaches 72 Atk, and Flavia reaches 71 Atk, though merges on all of them are difficult to acquire and all of them would rather take a Spd Asset. The strongest slow, physically bulky units are Nemesis with 70 Atk and Lif with 69 Atk. Itsuki also reaches 70 Atk, but with an unreliable condition.

I think slow sword infantry are a bit outdated, but Tyrfing's Miracle effect at least gives him a proper niche to fulfill, even if its stats are notably worse (especially with it using an outdated Bond condition).


As for his art, it's basically just Resplendent Marth with long hair. Tyrfing having a very similar design to Marth's Falchion is also certainly not helping.

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This is late but I didn't get the chance to talk about Summoner Duels Survival back when it was still going on. I have one good team and it's centered around mobility with BG!Catria, Ash and Peony. Then there's the 2 throwaway teams with annoying units like Yuri and Gustav on one, with the other having LH!Lucina and HwM!Chrom along with a Canto user on each team. Last team is built around taking advantage of debuffs, which I personally think is the weakest team but I've only used that team once so it can definitely see improvement. 

While understandable, I find it funny the 2 throwaway teams get vetoed 95% of the time so I don't know how they'll actually perform. I thought for sure the mobility team would get vetoed with Henriette as a Far Save unit and BG!Catria granting teleportation but I guess the throwaway teams are more annoying to deal with. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if Future Vision and To Change Fate! grant another action immediately like Canto or if they work like Galeforce where the unit doesn't gray out but stays where they are(at least that's how I remember Galeforce working in SD). If it's the latter then it's even funnier since people are vetoing a team that's not doing what it's supposed to do.  

Edited by Flying Shogi
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2 hours ago, Flying Shogi said:

This is late but I didn't get the chance to talk about Summoner Duels Survival back when it was still going on. I have one good team and it's centered around mobility with BG!Catria, Ashe and Peony. Then there's the 2 throwaway teams with annoying units like Yuri and Gustav on one, with the other having LH!Lucina and HwM!Chrom along with a Canto user on each team. Last team is built around taking advantage of debuffs, which I personally think is the weakest team but I've only used that team once so it can definitely see improvement. 

While understandable, I find it funny the 2 throwaway teams get vetoed 95% of the time so I don't know how they'll actually perform. I thought for sure the mobility team would get vetoed with Henriette as a Far Save unit and BG!Catria granting teleportation but I guess the throwaway teams are more annoying to deal with. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure Future Vision and To Change Fate! grants another action immediately like Canto or if they work like Galeforce where the unit doesn't grayed out but stays where they are(at least that's how I remember Galeforce working in SD). If it's the latter then it's even funnier since people are vetoing a team that's not doing what it's suppose to do.  

It's the latter. They're still strong in SD, but not as game-breaking as that would be. Using one move to put two of your units in position to threaten multiple foes can go a long way.

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Had to forfeit an easy win because I forgot Hatari Azura Duo skill can refresh Astrid, and then 2nd match missed a pot cuz Gatekeeper killed Rhea in enemy phase unexpectedly, so I'm at 45 Aether energy currently. That 45 really irks me to no end. Also, if I take one more defense loss I would dropped out of T37, which is a shame because not every week I have so many bonus units at my disposal (Duo Chrom, V!Lucina, and Elimine).

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The new GBA track is absolutely amazing. Atk/Spd Ideal on the second unit and two Far Trace skills at the end.

The Tellius track is also pretty solid with Odd Recovery, Lethality + Time's Pulse, and a Near Trace.

Frenzy appears twice, both as the third unit in their respective tracks, and there's also a copy each of Dive-Bomb and Spurn.


This set also highlights just how ridiculous the distribution of Atk/Spd A skills has been, though. Atk/Spd Solo appears five times and Atk/Spd Push and Swift Sparrow appear twice each.

It's a tad bit disappointing, though, that the only Catch skill represented is Atk/Def Catch and the only Near Save is A/R Near Save, which is the least useful of the three.

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New divine codes path? Would have been nice of them to say something last month, but not gonna complain. Thoughts below:



  • Caspar's weapon isn't that stellar, lacking the mixed bulk of other axes, so he really only offers Bonus Doubler... really, I don't think people care about BD anymore...
  • Winter Bernie offering ASsolo4 in just the second unit on the path... wow. Lull Spd/Res is also nice, Rouse Atk/Spd might also be appreciated if the tier 4 variant becomes more common.
  • Another source of ASsolo4, plus Odd Tempest. Huh, thought the boar offered a little more...
  • Atk/Res Unity and Dragon Wall on the same unit, Rhea is nice for dragons.
  • Close Reversal and Joint Drive Def, plus Harsh Command+... all is possible to inherit at once with some additional SI. Defensive ranged units like Fallen Morgan should appreciate the easier access to Close Reversal.


  • Do many units even use Snag skills? Kaden kinda just looks like merge fodder otherwise...
  • SRsolo4 is somewhat underrated as a solo skill, but NFU is appreciated.
  • Swift Sparrow 3, Frenzy, and Times Pulse... Charlotte certainly has a lot to pick from.
  • ADsolo4, Dive Bomb, and ADmenace... Fallen F!Morgan is also pretty loaded, isn't she? Shame all her skills can't be picked up as easily as Gatekeepers.
  • AR Near Save is the big one here. I highly doubt people will even notice Slick Fighter unless they are THAT desperate.


  • Not a whole lot from Vika, though Sabotage Atk is still somewhat rare so maybe a support unit could grab it?
  • Astrid is underwhelming. Rally Atk/Def+ is the only one that has any true value on other units.
  • Sephiran's Even Recovery is probably the most appreciated skill he has to offer. The other stuff is nice enough, but full inheritance of them is not possible with the full path of Even Recovery (except ARpush4, which meh)
  • LETHALITY. Oh and Time's Pulse to make it work as best as possible.
  • So much ASsolo4 on the chart so far. S/D Near Trace is also nice to have access to. Shame that Stall Ploy gets overshadowed by Near Trace.


  • Juno is merge fodder.
  • I'm not totally sold on Ideal skills as a whole, but hey maybe the Rein Bow is valued... somewhere? Otherwise Louise just has Rally Def/Res+...
  • DRsolo4 might be solid on some units, but I think the best that Duessel has to offer is Lull Atk/Def.
  • Swift Sparrow 3, AD Far Trace, and ADrein... Shanne offers some nice skills, again shame they can't all be taken at once.
  • I kinda feel like Shanna and young L'arachel should have been swapped... all L'arachel has going for her besides Rescue+ is SR Far Trace and ASpush4, none of which I feel is worth 2k codes.


  • Fluffy Lewyn is actually pretty alright as the first unit in his path, if and only for Drifting Grace.
  • Fury 4 and NFU from Asbel here.
  • SDsolo4 is... okay I guess. Probably won't be taken by most players over Frenzy/Joint Drive Atk though.
  • ASpush4, Dazzling Staff, Joint Drive Def, and Return+... Sara has a lot of premium skills. Ironically, I don't think Dazzling Staff is as premium as it thinks anymore.
  • AR Far Save, Distant Def 4, and Slick Fighter from Henriette. I think DD4 and ARfs will be the most popular skills from her, assuming prior DD si anyway.


  • Easier access to B Duel Infantry 3? Huh... what a disappointing first unit. Merge fodder otherwise.
  • ASsolo4 and ARrein.
  • ADcatch4 is alright. lullAD is good. DRmenace is pretty good for dragons. Hm... I dunno, not feeling Zeke that strongly. Overall alright, but not as good as some of the other 3rd options above.
  • ASsolo4 and Fatal Smoke are both good.
  • Distant Pressure, Spurn, and Even Tempest. Brave Marth is LOADED.

Overall, a very packed divine codes path. There are just so many ways to boost Atk and Spd, it's insane...

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28 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I'm not totally sold on Ideal skills as a whole, but hey maybe the Rein Bow is valued... somewhere? Otherwise Louise just has Rally Def/Res+...

Atk/Spd Ideal is by far the best A skill for Sweep units (Legendary Marth, Ishtar, etc.) and units with an effect that grants Desperation at full HP (Levn, Ulir, etc.).

Even if the unit can't maintain 100% HP, you still get +7 on two stats just by having a Bonus active, and you can use non-stat Bonuses to prevent Panic from taking them away. (Lull and Dull also can't stop Ideal because Ideal's check is at the start of combat when Lull and Dull are not yet active.) The only player-phase skills that can compete are Surge and Impact skills.

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Atk/Spd Ideal is by far the best A skill for Sweep units (Legendary Marth, Ishtar, etc.) and units with an effect that grants Desperation at full HP (Levn, Ulir, etc.).

Even if the unit can't maintain 100% HP, you still get +7 on two stats just by having a Bonus active, and you can use non-stat Bonuses to prevent Panic from taking them away. (Lull and Dull also can't stop Ideal because Ideal's check is at the start of combat when Lull and Dull are not yet active.) The only player-phase skills that can compete are Surge and Impact skills.

Maybe that's just it then, since I'm not exactly high on Sweep units. The ones I do have are Cav and Fliers, so they can't even use Ideals in the first place.

As to full Desperation... I prefer Lewyn with Flashing Blade, and Ullr's LnD4 is working well enough on her for now, and if there are other full Desperation units then I'll have to take a second look at them.

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This doesn't look good for my indecisive brain. 3H and Awakening/Fates would do a lot of good for my merge projects. Fixing -atk on my Fallen Dimitri and Fallen F!Morgan, and at the very least I can merge Gatekeeper up to +5 with an extra as fodder (I like this guy but close reversal is too valuable), and more Caspar merges is always nice considering I dumped so many orbs on his banner but only get +4.

POR/RD: I only want Lethality here, but oh boy it's so good.

GBA: Louise is a whole package. Miriel has Atk/Spd Ideal 3, either the PoR Lance Cav or Roderick has rally def/res (can't remember which one), so a bow unit can inherit Rein Bow+, Ideal 4, and dual rally+ from her. However, my barrack has no use for Rein Bow+. Same with the 2 far trace down the line, it's not my play style.

Heroes/Genealogy/Thracia: Fury 4+NFU is gonna be a great combo for some of my units, and my Brave Claude can be merged up instead of being Fury 4 fodder. More merges on my V!Henriette can't hurt, and made it easier to fodder off the PoR Lion King for Distant Defense 4.

Heroes/Mystery/Shadows: I want Zeke and Katarina as actual units I can use. Catch 4+ Lull A/D can be useful, if only I have units that want both of them. A/D Catch 4 would be great for my Hrid in AR when paired with Far Save units, but lull can't replace his B skill. At the moment I only have one Lull A/D fodder so not sure I want to waste it like that. 

Overall the selection of A skills here are nice on surface, but really it's not suitable for Arena cuz most mergeable units need Duel Skill 4, and AR is so crazy that these won't even help my barrack. I tried to make a Galeforce team with my unmerged F!Kris and she is struggling, she wants Fury 4 for recoil damage, but also Atk/spd skill cuz she ain't outspeeding sometimes, she also wants NFU + Desperation, and blade seal + Fury to be WoM beacon and activate Galeforce. Why does a simple chart made me think that the game isn't fun anymore.

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

Maybe that's just it then, since I'm not exactly high on Sweep units. The ones I do have are Cav and Fliers, so they can't even use Ideals in the first place.

Even on a "normal" unit, it's still the best skill series for the A slot as far as pure stats are concerned. Getting only one stack of the skill is extremely easy and already equals the stat boosts from other skills competing for the slot (with only Impact skills granting higher stats, but there is no Impact for Atk/Spd).

Atk/Spd Ideal is strictly better than Swift Sparrow and Atk/Spd Solo. The only reason to consider a different skill for boosting Atk/Spd (given you have the resources for Ideal) is if you need the secondary effect of Atk/Spd Push or Surge Sparrow or if you need the out-of-combat stats from Life and Death. (For units running Atk/Def or Atk/Res, you also have Impact skills worth considering for the secondary effect and for the extra points of Def or Res.)

Ideal skills can also be used on staff units, which is also a plus.

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So, the bonus titles for next week's Resonant Battles (which starts on the same day as the Special Hero banner) are Shadows of Valentia and Awakening.

The former is only represented in one Harmonic (Catria, who of course isn't even a Valentian, & Thea) so I'd say there's a fairly high chance that the next Harmonic includes a Valentian. Based off of the Japanese voice actors that've turned up recently, the following characters could be more likely to show up (either as part of the Harmonic or just in general):

Lukas: Resplendent Lukas (Takahiro Sakurai)
Palla (yup): Ascended Idunn (Risa Taneda)
Delthea: Hatari Leanne (Eri Suzuki)
Kliff: Hatari Nailah (Mitsuki Saiga)
Est (also yup): Resplendent Est (Rie Murakawa)

Delthea in particular is of note (but I'm also biased) since she was the 4th highest placing SoV character (Catria was one of the characters ahead of her) in CYL5, which improved to 3rd in CYL6 because Luthier's votes fell off a cliff. She also only has one alt that is practically the same unit (in looks and usage as a unit) except she's EVIIIIILLLLLL.

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It's also worth noting that since the upcoming Special Heroes banner is likely to be the spring/bunny banner, and Palla and Est have both already gotten alts in that theme. I'd put my money on Delthea being part of the next Harmonic, but I'd prefer Lukas.

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