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Oh, good, we're finally getting another Grail unit in Hall of Forms. I really wish they'd have one in every line-up.


I'm tempted to grab Flora Guide, but I'm pretty sure Love Bouquet is the better weapon for Rinea. Flora Guide's Rein effect doesn't have the range needed to be particularly effective as a support effect, whereas Love Bouquet's Joint Drive effect is far easier to use at the cost of providing fewer and less useful stats (+4 Atk/Res instead of -5 Spd/Res).

I'm thinking something like this:

Dancer Rinea
Love Bouquet+ [Spd]
Rally Atk/Spd+
Ruptured Sky
Atk/Spd Ideal 4
Spd Cantrip 3
Def/Res Menace

Might switch around the Cantrip and Menace stats.


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10 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Oh, good, we're finally getting another Grail unit in Hall of Forms.

You're saying this as if we didn't get Summer Lorenz in January.

.....Oh yeah, it was Summer Lorenz (aka the Summer Leo of 2020). Never mind me then.

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3 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

You're saying this as if we didn't get Summer Lorenz in January.

.....Oh yeah, it was Summer Lorenz (aka the Summer Leo of 2020). Never mind me then.

Of the 26 Halls of Forms we've gotten since the introduction of Forma Souls (including the upcoming one) (Forma Souls were first released during the fourth run of the event), only half of them (exactly 13) have had Grail units.

And yeah, it's been a really long time since we last got a legitimately good Grail unit from Hall of Forms. Naesala was last October's run, but he's kind of mediocre right now (at least he'll get a refine in the next couple months that should hopefully let him catch up), so Ashnard in last September's run was probably the last good Grail unit at the moment.

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Oh, good, we're finally getting another Grail unit in Hall of Forms. I really wish they'd have one in every line-up.

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I'm tempted to grab Flora Guide, but I'm pretty sure Love Bouquet is the better weapon for Rinea. Flora Guide's Rein effect doesn't have the range needed to be particularly effective as a support effect, whereas Love Bouquet's Joint Drive effect is far easier to use at the cost of providing fewer and less useful stats (+4 Atk/Res instead of -5 Spd/Res).

I'm thinking something like this:

Dancer Rinea
Love Bouquet+ [Spd]
Rally Atk/Spd+
Ruptured Sky
Atk/Spd Ideal 4
Spd Cantrip 3
Def/Res Menace

Might switch around the Cantrip and Menace stats.




Love Bouquet+ is the first manual in the GBA titles Path in Divine Codes 3. So if you want, you can get it though that.


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HoF stuff.


Catria is an interesting choice, but I can't say I use her enough to care about her kit being loaded up.

Rudolf could be a mean Near Save unit, but I'm pretty much good on those for a good while.

I mostly use Rinea as a Distant Guard supporter, and it's not like there's much an overhauled kit can do to make her role as a dancer any better, so... yeah.

Python could be good, there's a good few bows that he might be able to get some use out of. Just a shame I don't care enough to build him up.

In short, the one I care most about is... none of them. Rudolf I guess? Maybe I'll see what I can give Rinea since she is a Grail unit, but otherwise I'm not that invested in this bunch.


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About HoF:


Rudolf is a forma unit that you get already thinking about his refinement next year, because he is pretty much Brave Hector but with weaker effects.

Both have slaying effect, inflict Atk/Def-6 on foe and "no follow-ups" on foe. The difference is that Rudulf has a visible Atk check (in-combat stats like Sturdy Stance 3 do not help with his weapon) while Hector has a enemy phase or foe HP=100% check, which is easier to get. Not to mention Hector also has Null Armor Effective damage, and when above 25% HP and foe initiates he nullifies penalties on himself and gets guaranteed follow-up attack.


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I'm tempted to pick up Python. I used him for a while in AR-D on my cav line.
Thinking something like this:

Firesweep Bow (Yeah, to this day I don't have Firesweep fodder.)
Ruptured Sky (Probably better than Deadeye here)
Atk/Spd Catch (My cavlines usually have a staffie that applies debuff)
Lull Spd/Def (Should be better than Trace on a cavline, right?)
Fatal Smoke


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I'm grabbing Rudolf, I've been hoping for him for a while just so I'd have him as a character and armors are nice Forma picks since they can grab Save skills. Not that I need more blue Save units at the moment, but still.

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I already finished Duels S for this week, with the max score. 

It's still better than Duels R, for sure, but still not much more enjoyable since... It's still Duels. Not a fan of the map for this week, but I managed to work with it.

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We should be getting the reveal of the next Resplendent character in a few hours. They've given us a decent number of lower rarity characters this year, so I'm kind of expecting someone like Catria or Camilla. But, then again, we're still missing big characters like Ephraim and Sigurd, not to mention the rest of the CYL 1 characters (Brave Lyn, Lucina, and Roy), so maybe they'll try to catch up on them a little.

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Over the past few weeks I've trickled enough Summoner Duels favour (all against bots) so that I now qualify to do Summoner Duels S. I figured I'd get the token reward for the minimum participation, i.e. immediately surrendering versus the bot for 0 points (because I don't want to risk it counting towards my overall record for SD and disqualifying me from automatic bot matches). Anyway, doing that places me at rank ~27k and the event is about to end. When considering that, the fact that the rank rewards have a tier for rank 300k+ strikes me as IS being ...rather optimistic about participation. And the rewards for doing this is are about 75-80% of the rewards for playing it perfectly, that's kind of wild.

For the Resplendent, I had a look through the remaining Book 1 candidates and I'd say the only ones of interest would be Cecilia (possible) and Oscar (not a chance in hell).

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Copium Prediction: Ljosalfheimr Soleil

Realistic Prediction: some random less popular character that I don't care about (or have any significant in-game investment in) like Embla M!Morgan

Edited by Tybrosion
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Current Replendent counts (including Saber) are

  • 8 Askr
  • 8 Embla
  • 7 Nifl
  • 8 Muspell
  • 7 Hel
  • 5 Ljosalfheimr
  • 5 Dokkalfheimr
  • 3 Nidavellir
  • 3 Jotunheim

Ordered by how recent the last unit was, we have

  1. Jotunheim (Saber, Ishtar)
  2. Hel (Lachesis, Florina)
  3. Dokkalfheimr (Ophelia, Deirdre, Kagero)
  4. Askr (Seliph, Ryoma)
  5. Embla(Lukas, Shanna)
  6. Ljosalfheimr (Est)
  7. Muspell (Nowi)
  8. Nifl (Serra)
  9. Nidavellir (Sothe)

Nifl or Nidavellir are the two most likely options for the next unit with Nidavellir being a bit more likely. Ljosalfheimr is probably third most likely.

Nifl has the second-longest gap since the last unit and is one unit behind the three other nations that were available at the start.

Nidavellir has the longest gap and is a recently added faction that could use catching up to the older nations.

Personally, I'd like to see Nidavellir Brave Lyn. If not, I'd like to see either a female Nidavellir unit or male Ljosalfheimr unit since we're still missing both combinations (also male Dokkalfheimr, but we recently got a lot of Dokkalfheimr units, so I don't think we'll get another one until after we get another Ljosalfheimr unit).


As far as characters that currently don't have Resplendent outfits, we're still missing Sigurd, Nanna, Ephraim, and both Corrins among the main characters. Among not-quite-as-main characters, we're missing Fae, Ninian, Innes, Larchel, Myrrh, Awakening TIki, Hinoka, Sakura, Camilla, and Leo. Looking at other popular launch characters, we're also missing Palla, Catria, Cecilia, and Tharja.

Given that the last two picks were less popular characters (both as characters and as units), I think they'll go with another popular character this time around.


15 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

When considering that, the fact that the rank rewards have a tier for rank 300k+ strikes me as IS being ...rather optimistic about participation.

That's because every event that doesn't use Arena-style tiers for ranking has the exact same reward brackets (except for Aether Raids, which merged its 1-1,000 and 1,001-3,000 brackets into a single 1-3,000 bracket, but is otherwise identical).

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Ack, I hate my obligation to Resplendent my existing +10 heroes. They almost never have good skill fodder...

...is not the case this time though. Man I was wondering when I'd get a new Firesweep Bow fodder!

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3 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Realistic Prediction: some random less popular character that I don't care about

Damn, that ended up not being realistic enough. It should've been "some character I actively don't like" instead. 

Also, they're still doing a horrible job of spreading these same game Resplendents out. Now, I don't want to see another Genealogy or Valentia Resplendent for a long time.

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Valentia has quite a few Embla Resplendent units ... but maybe we shouldn't be surprised that Faye's emulating Alm.

Have I mentioned that Faye has a really good design and it's a shame her personality sucks

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The black and red bow with the red bowstring reminds me of Warframe's Dread.

I really like the design of the middle skirt layer, the one that has the helical hem. The outfit in general is quite pretty.


As far as stats go, Faye is quite a bit outdated, even with the extra stats. With max Dragonflowers, she has 48/54/35/36/41 and a guaranteed follow-up attack on enemy phase against ranged opponents with only her weapon equipped.

Compared to other bulky infantry bows, her competition is basically Chrom and Jorge. Legendary Chrom has 44/58/29+/43/34 and nullifies his penalties. Duo Chrom has 41/64+/33/46+/32 with the Slaying effect and a guaranteed follow-up. Jorge has 47/52/29/42/36 with the Slaying effect.

Faye is generally comparable, just with Def and Res switched, but has the main drawback that her weapon's effects are only active on enemy phase, so she has no player-phase presence. Having a guaranteed follow-up on her weapon at least allows her to run a Lull skill on her B slot for extra stats, which is at least nice to have.

However, she does get outclassed as a tank by more recent bulky tome infantry units, like Young Lyon and Fallen Male Morgan, and she has the disadvantage that she's vulnerable to Windsweep, which is far more common than Watersweep.

She should still be fine for PvE content, though, and can probably still pull her weight even in challenge maps. I'm thinking a build like this:

Faye [+Def / +Res]
Bow of Devotion [unique]
Ruptured Sky / Iceberg / Moonbow
Bracing Stance 3 / Distant Def 4
Lull Atk/Def 3 / Lull Atk/Spd 3 / Null C-Disrupt 3
Joint Distant Guard
Distant Def 3

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Resplendents by Game and Latest Resplendent
Shadows of Valentia: 7; 05/10/22 (Alm, Delthea, Celica, Sonya, Lukas, Saber, Faye)
Genealogy of the Holy War: 7; 04/10/22 (Julia, Eldigan, Tailtiu, Ishtar, Deirdre, Seliph, Lachesis)
Fates: 6; 03/25/22 (Azura, Takumi, Niles, Kagero, Ryoma, Ophelia)
Blazing Blade: 7; 01/25/22 (Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Nino, Raven, Serra, Florina)
Shadow Dragon / New Mystery: 7; 01/10/22 (Linde, Minerva, Caeda, Marth, Y!Tiki, Merric, Est)
Awakening: 5; 12/10/21 (Cordelia, M!Robin, Lugh cosplaying as Lucina, Chrom, Nowi)
Binding Blade: 4; 10/10/21 (Sophia, Roy, Lilina, Shanna)
Radiant Dawn: 3; 09/25/21 (Sanaki, Micaiah, Sothe)
Sacred Stones: 3; 07/25/21 (Eirika, Tana, Amelia)
Thracia 776: 3; 05/10/21 (Olwen, Reinhardt, Leif)
Path of Radiance: 3;  03/10/21 (Ike, CYL Ike, Elincia)
Three Houses: 0; N/A (but for how much longer?)

So, Genealogy only has two non-grail units from 2017 left to pick from (Sigurd, Ayra) while Blazing Blade only has two non-grail launch units (Matthew, Hawkeye) left. From Valentia's first banner, only Clair is left without a Resplendent.

Meanwhile, Path of Radiance and Sacred Stones are still languishing in the gutter with two Ikes and no Ephraim respectively. 

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

Resplendents by Game and Latest Resplendent
Shadows of Valentia: 7; 05/10/22 (Alm, Delthea, Celica, Sonya, Lukas, Saber, Faye)
Genealogy of the Holy War: 7; 04/10/22 (Julia, Eldigan, Tailtiu, Ishtar, Deirdre, Seliph, Lachesis)
Fates: 6; 03/25/22 (Azura, Takumi, Niles, Kagero, Ryoma, Ophelia)
Blazing Blade: 7; 01/25/22 (Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Nino, Raven, Serra, Florina)
Shadow Dragon / New Mystery: 7; 01/10/22 (Linde, Minerva, Caeda, Marth, Y!Tiki, Merric, Est)
Awakening: 5; 12/10/21 (Cordelia, M!Robin, Lugh cosplaying as Lucina, Chrom, Nowi)
Binding Blade: 4; 10/10/21 (Sophia, Roy, Lilina, Shanna)
Radiant Dawn: 3; 09/25/21 (Sanaki, Micaiah, Sothe)
Sacred Stones: 3; 07/25/21 (Eirika, Tana, Amelia)
Thracia 776: 3; 05/10/21 (Olwen, Reinhardt, Leif)
Path of Radiance: 3;  03/10/21 (Ike, CYL Ike, Elincia)
Three Houses: 0; N/A (but for how much longer?)

So, Genealogy only has two non-grail units from 2017 left to pick from (Sigurd, Ayra) while Blazing Blade only has two non-grail launch units (Matthew, Hawkeye) left. From Valentia's first banner, only Clair is left without a Resplendent.

Meanwhile, Path of Radiance and Sacred Stones are still languishing in the gutter with two Ikes and no Ephraim respectively. 

Meanwhile Radiant Dawn and Thracia have exhausted their tiny 2017 rosters already.

3H is probably a ways off, even Ophelia is still ten months off from its first banner and she's the most recent by months.

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Hi guys, I’d like to build a Far Save tank. Is there any viable option in the 3*-4* pool? 

Also, I have a +10 Effie which I used to use a lot, but nowadays is really outdated (DC + Vantage). Is it worth to turn her into a Save Tank? 

Edit: for the Far Save tank, Grail pool could also be an option

Edit2: I also have a +10 Flame Emperor, just for information, in case that she may be a potential Save Tank

Edited by Javi Blizz
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43 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Edit: for the Far Save tank, Grail pool could also be an option

Ignatz perhaps? Looks like great stats and a very high BST, also neutral matchups with all colours, with the tradeoff being no Prf so he won't get boosted by any future refine to his weapon. But it seems a well-suited weapon to his role regardless, like he was made for the job.

Granted I have almost no personal experience with Save skills myself. I've only given the idea of my own saveball passing thought for now since I've yet to pull a Far Save unit, let alone multiple that would justify foddering it off, though I do at least have two Dedues. Think the advice I've gotten is to give it to Arden but no rush until I pull that Far Save. And I can't justify beelining the Henriette manual because I think I'd rather load up on player phase skills with my meagre resources.

Edited by Humanoid
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1 hour ago, Javi Blizz said:

Hi guys, I’d like to build a Far Save tank. Is there any viable option in the 3*-4* pool? 

Also, I have a +10 Effie which I used to use a lot, but nowadays is really outdated (DC + Vantage). Is it worth to turn her into a Save Tank? 

Edit: for the Far Save tank, Grail pool could also be an option

Edit2: I also have a +10 Flame Emperor, just for information, in case that she may be a potential Save Tank

Save Tanks often do not want to be using the Save skill that does not match their range type (Near Save for Melee, Far Save for Ranged) unless their Prf weapon, if one exists, has Distant Counter built into it. This is because in order to bring their bulk up to the nastily unbreakable levels seen, they need the A slot to pack a skill such as Sturdy Stance 3 or Close Def 4. Very few units are otherwise able to get away with packing the opposite Save skill (Ascended Fjorm being specifically made to work with the opposite Save skill) Since all of the armor units in the summonable 3/4 star pool are exclusively melee units, you are not likely to find a good candidate in there, also meaning your Effie and Flame Emperor will not make great Far Save tanks. They would be able to make for Near Save tanks, but a story for another day.

As such, you will need to look at the Grail shop for the best candidate.

  • Winter Cecilia has the lowest overall stats of them all, but her overall bulk is still higher than Jaffar. Being a Dagger unit also means she will trigger the [Dagger 7] effect as long as she attacks.
  • Jaffar has alright Atk and Spd, but his bulk is lower than the other options. Same [Dagger 7] effect as above.
  • Valentine Lissa has the highest overall bulk of the lot, but that comes at the cost of being a Staff unit, whose SI options are worse than what would normally be available to a Save unit and who sacrifices the extra stats that a weapon refine normally brings for the sake of being able to deal normal damage.
  • Winter Felix has the highest Atk of the lot, as well as good Spd, but not the best bulk. Being a Blue unit may also ruin some matchups.
  • Winter Ignatz has higher Spd and Res than Felix and slightly lower Atk and Def, and his being a colorless bow may work better in his favor than Felix's color.

Ignatz would probably be the best option, with Lissa being an alternative option.

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9 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

Hi guys, I’d like to build a Far Save tank. Is there any viable option in the 3*-4* pool? 

Also, I have a +10 Effie which I used to use a lot, but nowadays is really outdated (DC + Vantage). Is it worth to turn her into a Save Tank? 

Edit: for the Far Save tank, Grail pool could also be an option

Edit2: I also have a +10 Flame Emperor, just for information, in case that she may be a potential Save Tank

Valentine Lissa is the best option. She has both the highest Def and highest Res of all of the 4-star ranged armors, even after counting Dragonflowers and refines.

@Xenomata Being a staff unit shouldn't be too much of a problem because the only skill slot where she doesn't have access to an optimal skill is the Special slot. You ideally want to run something like

Valentine Lissa [+Res / +Def]
Staff of Tribute+ [Wrathful Staff]
Distant Def 4 / Svalinn Shield (you want both so you can swap when necessary)
Crafty Fighter 3
D/R Far Save 3
Distant Def 3 / Def/Res Form 3 (once it's released)

Edited by Ice Dragon
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