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10 minutes ago, goodperson707 said:

Not really a big fan of expecting 100% accuracy/faithfulness anyway, for me as long as there is some connection to the games I'm good. And the games are big and vary enough that most everything can be explained somehow. (tying a bit more into this we never have had a modern great knight that wasn't attached to the knight class in someway while this game dosen't even have classes) 

The only one I can think is Lex. He was both a great knight and a Great Knight if you know what I mean. But FE4 isn't exactly 'modern'.

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Yeah I know about those great knights, hence the modern addition. (Plus the differences in concept like being an axe knight promotion) My point was more that the idea of newer great knights (armoured, less mov, wide weapon access)  are all in branched promotion games and connected to the knight. (Weak to hammers) Basically classes don't exist in a vacuum but this game is closer to it in regards to this. Though Lex could work as precedent of higher defence and better armour than other cavarly dosen't mean hammer weak.  (But then there's other stuff for that like dragon/wyrvren riders,ect) 

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48 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

You could also give him Quick Riposte (Subaki is a free unit on rotation, and he gives it) to let him double on enemy phase regardless of his speed. 

That's not a bad idea. I used to have Subaki too, but I accidentally sent both copies of him home. >_<

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Is it just me or are there more Hectors this week? A month and a half with Roy on my team and I might have run into him 2 or 3 times, switch Roy for Fir and I've run into Hector on 8 of my 9 battles.

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34 minutes ago, immatx said:

Is it just me or are there more Hectors this week? A month and a half with Roy on my team and I might have run into him 2 or 3 times, switch Roy for Fir and I've run into Hector on 8 of my 9 battles.

Who in the world still uses Fir?

I don't see hectic that much. In fact because I use 2 four stars in my main team the arena is a little more calm. Mostly see Takumis Kleins and Lucinas. Not to mention the occasional Tikis 

Edited by Arcanite
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3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Who in the world still uses Fir?

I needed a bonus unit. The only other one I had was Ursula, and I didn't want to run 3 blues or replace Azura or Effie.

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15 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Who in the world still uses Fir?

I don't see hectic that much. In fact because I use 2 four stars in my main team the arena is a little more calm. Mostly see Takumis Kleins and Lucinas. Not to mention the occasional Tikis 

Good god no. Hector is the biggest thorn in my side ever to exist. Nothing I have counters him, other than Lucina. Klein gets Distant Countered and dies instantly. Effie is at a disadvantage and will get destroyed. Minerva has no defence and gets bodied as well. And he has tons and tons of health. And does a butt-ton of damage. He is the biggest pain on the face of the planet.

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I feel like whenever you ask about how often a character shows up, you should mention your BST because different BST ranges of Arena run into different things.

My team last season had a BST of 716, for example, so I ran into a Hector LITERALLY every single match, sometimes two. And about every other match had 1-2 units on the enemy team at +10, which was fun since I didn't have anyone over +1. Takumi was a rarity that almost never showed up unless he was a +10 Takumi because his BST would be too low to show up otherwise.

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I wonder about the benefits of high-rating defense teams. Like, there's got to be a point where higher ratings mean you won't get many challengers, because not as many people have offense teams with ratings close enough to it. Of course, if there are fewer challengers at a given rating, there are probably also fewer other defense teams, so someone challenging that rating is more likely to encounter your own team. So is there an optimal defense team rating range that balances between those two, where you're likely to get the most challengers?

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Most "better" units (Kagero, Archers, Brave users) have lower ratings, and thus, dont appear as often in upper level matches in the Arena nearly as often. I cant remember the last time I saw a Kagero, but i run 660+ teams and kageros puny 5MT poison+ dagger pales in comparison to the 16MT weapon users. 650-> gives me rare takumis and almost never m!Robins or Fury units...i like it

Edited by Elieson
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Yeah, 630 is the craziest tier imo. That's where you'll find Kleins, Kagerous, and other crazy stuff that's extremely tough to deal with on Enemy Phase.

OOH, MY 4* EFFIE IS +ATK -SPD. I know who I'm promoting next. I have 19k feathers atm, but gonna have to drop some on Wendy to get her Hone Armor.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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1 hour ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Yeah, 630 is the craziest tier imo. That's where you'll find Kleins, Kagerous, and other crazy stuff that's extremely tough to deal with on Enemy Phase.

OOH, MY 4* EFFIE IS +ATK -SPD. I know who I'm promoting next. I have 19k feathers atm, but gonna have to drop some on Wendy to get her Hone Armor.

Tfw the only Effie I have is +Spd, -Atk

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2 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Yeah, 630 is the craziest tier imo. That's where you'll find Kleins, Kagerous, and other crazy stuff that's extremely tough to deal with on Enemy Phase.

OOH, MY 4* EFFIE IS +ATK -SPD. I know who I'm promoting next. I have 19k feathers atm, but gonna have to drop some on Wendy to get her Hone Armor.

You're quite lucky (and we're probably both glad about the 5k feathers coming our way sooner or later... that is happening, right?). Mine's +HP/-ATK.
Is that a bad Effie? I mean, Wary Fighter should last longer with +HP, and Death Blow and Threaten DEF can fix her ATK problem, right?

Also on the subject of natures, I sacrificed one of my many M!Robins today to give Michalis Bonfire (which, once I give him Hauteclere, should be fairly useful, since his DEF is good), and I noticed that I have a +DEF/-RES Robin. The first Robin I got (which is the one I've been using) has no boon/bane, so would training up +DEF/-RES M!Robin be a good idea, or should I stick with my neutral M!Robin?

Alsoalso, my two 4-Star Reinhardts (I have really good luck with pulling people right after their focus ends for some reason) are +SPD/-ATK and +DEF/-ATK (also, this game really likes giving me -ATK lately, and it's kind of annoying). Are either of these okay Reinhardts?

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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7 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

You're quite lucky. Mine's +HP/-ATK.
Is that a bad Effie? I mean, Wary Fighter should last longer with +HP, and Death Blow can fix -ATK, right? Or should I give her Threaten DEF so she can hit harder (between that and Death Blow, Effie should deal 11 more damage to enemies who start within 2 spaces of her, yeah?)?

Also on the subject of natures, I sacrificed one of my many M!Robins today to give Michalis Bonfire (which, once I give him Hauteclere, should be fairly useful, since his DEF is good), and I noticed that I have a +DEF/-RES Robin. The first Robin I got (which is the one I've been using) has no boon/bane, so would training up +DEF/-RES M!Robin be a good idea, or should I stick with my neutral M!Robin?

Alsoalso, my two 4-Star Reinhardts (I have really good luck with pulling people soon after their focus ends for some reason) are +SPD/-ATK and +DEF/-ATK (also, this game really likes giving me -ATK lately, and it's kind of annoying). Are either of these okay Reinhardts?

I'd say -Atk is not a good bane for Reinhardt at all, especially as a brave user. I'm not an expert, but any doubling units tend to benefit more from +Atk. Of course, he's likely still useful despite that due to the doubling, although neither of the boons seem the best to me (I guess +spd can stop some doubling but I haven't run the figures). 

I'll let someone else answer the Robins one. They both seem pretty good, so not sure which would be better ^.^''

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Okay so I decided to calculate Heal Exp because training healers to 40 is a pain and I want to know how goddamn long it's gonna take and how to maximize my gains, because like fuck can I consistently even get Priscilla to kill shit in the 8-10 stratums, with Gunther support

For space I decide to give numerical designations to each scenario

0 - no special going off ever
1 - you're using a staff that isn't Rehabilitate and you have a 1 turn special like Imbue
-- 1.1 - you start off with 1 action until special is charged before your first heal
-- 1.2 - you start off with special charged before your first heal because you killed a dude
2 - you are using rehabilitate and therefore your special charge is now 2 turns
-- 2.1 - you start off with 2 action until special is charged before your first heal
-- 2.2 - you start off with 1 action until special is charged before your first heal because you got hit once or something
-- 2.3 - you start off with special charged before your first heal
3 - you get your healer hit ever turn enough to just have special up all the time, works better in the lower stratums probably

There's more permutations but I figure those are the important ones to cover, first column is your castle exp, and separated by if the exp event is there or not. If anyone wants the code i can toss that over too




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43 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I'd say -Atk is not a good bane for Reinhardt at all, especially as a brave user. I'm not an expert, but any doubling units tend to benefit more from +Atk. Of course, he's likely still useful despite that due to the doubling, although neither of the boons seem the best to me (I guess +spd can stop some doubling but I haven't run the figures). 

Yeah, -ATK sucks on Reinhardt, but I don't really have a choice here.

+SPD leaves Reinhardt with 21 SPD (26 before Dire Thunder), so I'm not sure who's gonna not double anymore, outside of maybe an armor or two. Although, assuming my math is correct (and I'm using 5-Star stats here even though my Reinhardts are 4-Star right now), that would become 27 SPD after Hone Cavalry, 31 with one Goad Cavalry and 35 with 2 Goad Cavalrys, which could be usable. And his 29 Attack would become 35, 39 and 43 ATK after each of those buffs, which would be pretty respectable. Realistically I would probably have 35 ATK and 27 SPD (I don't have Goad Cavalry units yet, since I will have exactly one Reinhardt when I choose from these two, and I'm not burning 40k feathers to give someone Goad Cavalry), which are probably still decent numbers I think. This Reinhardt would certainly be more powerful than my other one, but after computing the numbers on the other Reinhardt, I think I'll go with that one, unless someone sees a good reason to stick with this one instead (I want a 5-Star Reinhardt, and I'll make one of these two work somehow, I'm just not 100% sure which one yet).

On the other hand, +DEF gives Reinhardt 30 DEF, which seems like a good number to have, especially on a unit that's gonna get doubled a lot (incidentally, this makes Reinhardt tankier than my M!Robin, but not the +DEF one). This would become 36 DEF after Fortify Cavalry (beating +DEF 5-Star M!Robin), and 40 DEF after that and a Ward Cavalry (and I have an Eliwood and a spare Eliwood to give Ward to one of my other cavs, so I could actually do this!), which is a rather high amount I think. For reference, +DEF Reinhardt's RES is 25, which becomes 31 after Fortify Cavalry and 35 after that and one Ward Cavalry. Holy crap, this Reinhardt looks like he would be very capable of tanking hits (yeah, he'll get doubled, but 40 DEF isn't gonna be easy to crack), he looks kinda like M!Robin on a horse with a brave tome. Maybe I should throw Ignis on him, I have a spare F!Robin I can grind up for it...

Of course, these both imply that I'm using them on a cavalry team, but I see no reason to use him on any other team (especially with -ATK, that's 29 ATK, or 35 after Hone Cavalry, which I think is only really usable at 35 unless you're fighting a Robin or maybe Henry or something).

43 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I'll let someone else answer the Robins one. They both seem pretty good, so not sure which would be better ^.^''

I know, right? On the one hand, +DEF enhances Robin's role on my team of ColorlessSlayer (like my neutral one, which has Bowbreaker at the moment for Takumi, will get Swordbreaker 3 as soon as I draw an Abel, and may transfer all of this over to +DEF Robin when I can do that) and also buffs Bonfire, but on the other hand -RES would most likely ensure Robin gets murdered by most mages, and I dunno if the pros of +DEF outweigh the cons of -RES. It's a dilemma, haha.

Thanks, mate!

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15 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Yeah, -ATK sucks on Reinhardt, but I don't really have a choice here.

+SPD leaves Reinhardt with 21 SPD (26 before Dire Thunder), so I'm not sure who's gonna not double anymore, outside of maybe an armor or two. Although, assuming my math is correct (and I'm using 5-Star stats here even though my Reinhardts are 4-Star right now), that would become 27 SPD after Hone Cavalry, 31 with one Goad Cavalry and 35 with 2 Goad Cavalrys, which could be usable. And his 29 Attack would become 35, 39 and 43 ATK after each of those buffs, which would be pretty respectable. Realistically I would probably have 35 ATK and 27 SPD (I don't have Goad Cavalry units yet, since I will have exactly one Reinhardt when I choose from these two, and I'm not burning 40k feathers to give someone Goad Cavalry), which are probably still decent numbers I think. This Reinhardt would certainly be more powerful than my other one, but after computing the numbers on the other Reinhardt, I think I'll go with that one, unless someone sees a good reason to stick with this one instead (I want a 5-Star Reinhardt, and I'll make one of these two work somehow, I'm just not 100% sure which one yet).

On the other hand, +DEF gives Reinhardt 30 DEF, which seems like a good number to have, especially on a unit that's gonna get doubled a lot (incidentally, this makes Reinhardt tankier than my M!Robin, but not the +DEF one). This would become 36 DEF after Fortify Cavalry (beating +DEF 5-Star M!Robin), and 40 DEF after that and a Ward Cavalry (and I have an Eliwood and a spare Eliwood to give Ward to one of my other cavs, so I could actually do this!), which is a rather high amount I think. For reference, +DEF Reinhardt's RES is 25, which becomes 31 after Fortify Cavalry and 35 after that and one Ward Cavalry. Holy crap, this Reinhardt looks like he would be very capable of tanking hits (yeah, he'll get doubled, but 40 DEF isn't gonna be easy to crack), he looks kinda like M!Robin on a horse with a brave tome. Maybe I should throw Ignis on him, I have a spare F!Robin I can grind up for it...

Of course, these both imply that I'm using them on a cavalry team, but I see no reason to use him on any other team (especially with -ATK, that's 29 ATK, or 35 after Hone Cavalry, which I think is only really usable at 35 unless you're fighting a Robin or maybe Henry or something).

I know, right? On the one hand, +DEF enhances Robin's role on my team of ColorlessSlayer (like my neutral one, which has Bowbreaker at the moment for Takumi, will get Swordbreaker 3 as soon as I draw an Abel, and may transfer all of this over to +DEF Robin when I can do that) and also buffs Bonfire, but on the other hand -RES would most likely ensure Robin gets murdered by most mages, and I dunno if the pros of +DEF outweigh the cons of -RES. It's a dilemma, haha.

Thanks, mate!

I'd pick the +Spd Reinhardt. +Def won't actually do much for you imo. To begin with, Reinhardt shouldn't be getting hit, and if he is, it should be from a Red Mage. Otherwise, it's gonna hurt like hell, and he might not even live. +Spd at least prevents you from being doubled by neutral 5* Lilina, who actually takes a solid chunk of your health if she doubles, even on my +Res Reinhardt. Unfortunately, Sanaki and Tharja still double, but they won't hurt you too bad. Don't expect to double anyone though.

+Def isn't bad on Robin, since his two jobs are killing Colorless (the most dangerous ones attacking physically), and providing extra fire against Reds so that your actual dedicated Red killer doesn't have a heavy load against teams with multiple Reds. Robin performs terribly against fellow mages to begin with, so you don't actually lose that much. The only common mage you can reliably deal with is like, Sanaki, really. Even Lilina is a little bit of a stretch I think.

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9 hours ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Makes me wonder if they'll eventually add in beastslayer weapons to the game so that niche mages aren't the only hard counter to cavalry. 

Make a physical anti-cavalry line indeed, Longsword/Halberd (or Poleaxe)/Ridersbane (or Horseslayer).

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32 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I'd pick the +Spd Reinhardt. +Def won't actually do much for you imo. To begin with, Reinhardt shouldn't be getting hit, and if he is, it should be from a Red Mage. Otherwise, it's gonna hurt like hell, and he might not even live. +Spd at least prevents you from being doubled by neutral 5* Lilina, who actually takes a solid chunk of your health if she doubles, even on my +Res Reinhardt. Unfortunately, Sanaki and Tharja still double, but they won't hurt you too bad. Don't expect to double anyone though.

+Def isn't bad on Robin, since his two jobs are killing Colorless (the most dangerous ones attacking physically), and providing extra fire against Reds so that your actual dedicated Red killer doesn't have a heavy load against teams with multiple Reds. Robin performs terribly against fellow mages to begin with, so you don't actually lose that much. The only common mage you can reliably deal with is like, Sanaki, really. Even Lilina is a little bit of a stretch I think.

Thanks. I mean, unfortunately Robin is my Red killer at the moment (I don't have room for my Catria when I'm running Ninian (and -ATK Ninian as Red killer probably isn't a good idea), and I don't have anyone else I could use for the Arena Bonus this time around), so I'm gonna start training up my +DEF Robin then, since he'll do Robin's job better.

5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Make a physical anti-cavalry line indeed, Longsword/Butcher's axe (or whatever/Ridersbane (or Horseslayer).

I would like this. I wonder why they aren't already in tho.

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18 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Make a physical anti-cavalry line indeed, Longsword/Butcher's axe (or whatever)/Ridersbane (or Horseslayer).

The hell are half of those? (old man voice) Back in my day, we had a Longsword, Horseslayer, and Halberd. (Who the hell decided "Ridersbane" was a good name? Some chuuni-or-another?)

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8 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The hell are half of those? (old man voice) Back in my day, we had a Longsword, Horseslayer, and Halberd. (Who the hell decided "Ridersbane" was a good name? Some chuuni-or-another?)

Ridersbane was used in Shadow Dragon and, by extension, in New Mystery.

Hell fuck, I completely forgot the Halberd/Poleaxe. Didn't even need to pull stuff from my ass.

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10 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The hell are half of those? (old man voice) Back in my day, we had a Longsword, Horseslayer, and Halberd. (Who the hell decided "Ridersbane" was a good name? Some chuuni-or-another?)

personally I liked the name used in the fan translations, "Knight Killer"

not because of the name itself, but because it gets shortened to "nitekil" and that's a very nice abbreviation

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