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5 minutes ago, SlipperySlippy said:

Ow. Sad/disappointed to see you go if you go through with it since it's been enjoyable talking to you about particular FE topics. But, I completely understand and at the very least, maybe taking a break would be good since the game has been monotonous. I empathize with your position since I was in a similar one awhile ago and had to take a break because I was getting frustrated with the game and certain decisions they were making. 

If I may suggest, if it's not too much of a chore, you could just try logging in for the daily orbs (so you don't miss too much) and wait for the next PoR/RD banner and see where to go from there. IIRC, you did want Ranulf who should be one of the earlier Laguz releases if Laguz are ever announced. For me personally, TT and GC are when FEH gets most of my time/interest (as one of the few people that actually like GC). When they're not up, I tend to just log in for the dailies and whatever 

If it's the new Abyssal maps that are frustrating you... Honestly, I'd just skip them. They're going to keep repeating in the future (and I imagine we might get future upgrades such as "Skill Refinery" to help neutralize the ridiculous over-inflated stats). I've had to skip most of them, they're too frustrating.


True, I could at least login for the daily stuff. I'll do that. And I am still interested in who'll be on the Halloween banner, at least. And yeah, PoR/RD is still due for a new banner as well.

Not just those, but the new garden maps and some infernal maps and sometimes AA too.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:


True, I could at least login for the daily stuff. I'll do that. And I am still interested in who'll be on the Halloween banner, at least. And yeah, PoR/RD is still due for a new banner as well.

Not just those, but the new garden maps and some infernal maps and sometimes AA too.

There's nothing wrong with taking a break or so until the next FEH channel or banner regains your interest. I imagine they'll be saving their "big guns" for the next anniversary. Although really, the recent changes to Arena, the steady powercreep and so on has frustrated a lot of people. I think they need to do something in-between then to keep player interest.

As for the Garden maps, I've only been doing the ones with the orbs tbh... Are you struggling to have enough units with a specific blessing? There are a few things you could do such as make specific counters for AA/Garden maps, ignoring the "season bonus" during AA, etc. But, if you're not interested in a lot of the 3* units for specific counters (eg. I raised a Sully awhile back for her Swordbreaker/Sapphire Lance), you could wait till more 3 or 4*s are added... If they're ever added. I'm still holding out hope...

I really want to raise some 3* or 4* units that'd never have the chance to get into the game normally like Gatrie or Marcia...

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2 minutes ago, SlipperySlippy said:

I imagine they'll be saving their "big guns" for the next anniversary.

Just like they saved their big guns for the first anniversary.

Except not and we actually got nothing except some orbs that they give out all the time.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

Just like they saved their big guns for the first anniversary.

Except not and we actually got nothing except some orbs that they give out all the time.


But surely the backlash from last anniversary & A Hero Rises will influence how they go about next anniversary, right? 


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16 minutes ago, SlipperySlippy said:

There's nothing wrong with taking a break or so until the next FEH channel or banner regains your interest. I imagine they'll be saving their "big guns" for the next anniversary. Although really, the recent changes to Arena, the steady powercreep and so on has frustrated a lot of people. I think they need to do something in-between then to keep player interest.

As for the Garden maps, I've only been doing the ones with the orbs tbh... Are you struggling to have enough units with a specific blessing? There are a few things you could do such as make specific counters for AA/Garden maps, ignoring the "season bonus" during AA, etc. But, if you're not interested in a lot of the 3* units for specific counters (eg. I raised a Sully awhile back for her Swordbreaker/Sapphire Lance), you could wait till more 3 or 4*s are added... If they're ever added. I'm still holding out hope...

I really want to raise some 3* or 4* units that'd never have the chance to get into the game normally like Gatrie or Marcia...

Yeah, I do agree with that stuff.

I mostly do those too, but if I feel like I can clear the others, I do those as well. I think some also give you feathers which I like. And I think it's that I'm struggling to give the right kind of units the right blessings. Though I feel like this is impossible, because say, one unit I've given a Fire blessing to for a Fire map might've also worked great in a Water or Wind map. As an example.

Meaning, my Fire blessing Reinhardt has helped a lot on Fire maps, but I can't find someone who'd give me the same results on other elemental maps where Reinhardt would've also worked. Again, an example.

I really want Marcia myself! And Kieran too! He's my favorite knight not yet in the game and my favorite knight besides Freddy and Silas.

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10 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

Are you kidding me? This is, I think, the first time we didn't get a preview at the end of the month. Version 3.0 confirmed next update? I guess I'll wait until tomorrow.

Someone on FEH's subreddit made a thread on this and people speculated that it has to do with it being a Sunday where and I don't remember or know if this is true or not, notifications aren't sent on Sunday, and/or that the next day is October 1, so they might as well just delay it until October actually starts.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sounds too meta. If she had to have a Sword-related quip, I'd expect it to be entendre.

Regular Ephraim, mage knight Eirika, and I guess Meisterhardt make meta references. Ephraim's castle quote has him note how a lot of the lords in FE use swords and that he has an edge over them because of the weapon triangle: "The royalty of other worlds seem to prefer the sword. I like the lance. Lances have the edge over swords." Eirika's poke quote references how in Heroes, she can't attack at 1-range: "Now that I'm carrying a tome instead of a sword, I need to be careful. If the enemy gets too close, I can't fight back." And then there's Meisterhardt's infamous magic isn't everything, my friend: "In battle, a mage-knight should be equipped with more than just magic, my friend."

Libra's level 40, 5* dialogue has him, like many others in their other dialogue, wonder if his friendship with you is truly genuine: "I'd like to believe that my affection for you is my own, though." It's not. Pretty much every summoned hero is a thrall to us. Some just like to rebel a bit more than others. Ahem, Mr. "Don't Push Me". There's probably more, but I don't remember or know of them all.

1 hour ago, ILikeKirbys said:

...And now I want this to be a thing, just for the troll. And for her PRF sword to have something like “Grants Special Cooldown -1. At the start of each turn, grants a bonus to ATK/SPD equal to [number of Sword allies x2] for 1 turn. (Maximum bonus +6)” because that might actually be a half-decent joke weapon.

Damnit, now I have to split my votes between Velouria and Loki for CYL3 if it happens.

I'd like to vote for Loki, but knowing that she almost won CYL2 and that a lot of people voted for her for one reason or another, I'm more inclined to vote for characters I really want in or like knowing they probably won't get as much votes and that my votes are pretty much pointless. So far, I think my votes will go to Cherche and Sonya for getting a CYL alt, maybe Gunnthra, and a combination of Arete, Forsyth, Heath, Heather, Isadora, Lucia, Neimi, Orochi, Python, Rath, Reina, or Silque for characters who aren't in yet. I guess maybe Severa even though Selena's in the game. I'm also inclined to vote for Ursula because her winning a CYL would also be amusing to me.

Edited by Kaden
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16 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

Do you mean like this?

  Reveal hidden contents

Ignore this bit.

'text after spoiler tags'


If that's what you mean just press enter so you have two lines, and then move the spoiler up one line so you can type after it.


I'm going to test this out. 


text inside spoiler tags

text outside spoiler tags


Ok, I think I got it. I just have to surround whatever I want to spoiler in the spoiler tags immediately after instead of having each opening and closing spoiler tag be on a line of its own. Thanks!

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12 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Depends on the Banner for me~

like Halloween ;) :) 


5 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I'm quitting FE Heroes. I've quit a couple times before and later came back, but this time, I think I'm through for good. No point in going on when all I seem to be able to do in the game anymore is just level up units since IS insists on making everything else unnecessarily difficult and near impossible to beat. Videos have not worked for me.

that's a shame. :( 
i get to that point too sometimes.i always laugh when they go "ensure all 4 people survive." and i'm like, i'll be lucky, if i can have one person survive. 

4 hours ago, Karimlan said:

By and large, it depends on the banner. If  nothing interests me in the slightest, I'll go for the monthly promo and call it a day.

that's what I was thinking. 
that's what i was doing before - buy the promo and then move on. (I have to really start reading the calendar better). 
Performing Arts turned me into a "just one more roll" junkie i tell you. 

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1 minute ago, daisy jane said:

that's a shame. :( 
i get to that point too sometimes.i always laugh when they go "ensure all 4 people survive." and i'm like, i'll be lucky, if i can have one person survive. 

Yeah, I know, right...

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The burnout is real. It doesn't even feel like I'm playing less (and I'm probably not), but I'm falling further and further behind on permanent content lately. I did a tally on what stuff is still outstanding.

- The last 5 sets of Blessed Grounds
- The last two chapters of Main Story on Hard
- The last two Paralogues on Hard
- The last 10 Skill Studies
- The last 11 Grandmaster drills
- Book 2 Lunatic Chain Challenge: all of chapters 9-13, plus 7&8.
- Book 1 Lunatic Chain Challenge: 9&10 and 11&12
- All Lunatic Chain Challenges for the last 6 paralogues
- Squad Assaults 11-14
- All GHB Elite quests that award units

I haven't even finished Forging Bonds yet, the first time I've let it drag out to the final day. I'm starting to suspect most of the above content will remain undone even on the day I finally quit the game. (Just like the Normal and Hard Chain Challenges which haven't been touched since, uh, looks like July last year)

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26 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Couple more weeks away XD

And PA will end on the 19th, so I may have just enough time left to try and get Shigure, Olivia, and Azura if I'm lucky

I give  you all my PA luck. hahaha
i DO hope you get Azura. (I was reading on reddit and apparently a lot of people were like me. they ended up with 5 Inigos (who i have to say. is charming. i like him) but when you are gunning for Azura you don't want "time for tea" you want - "Let me sing for you!". Olivia/Shigure were pure dumb luck on my part. I'd like to say now that i have ALL of them no need to do performing arts again, but who am i kidding. having another Azura would be great but i wouldn't go so OH MY GOD!. 

Halloween is out for me (so i'll start preparing for next year) and we'll see what happens for Christmas. 
I think any Banner that features SF!Nino, Karla, Ayra, Amelia or Miciciah will be my goal. The seasonals - i don't know (while I'd love Winter Tharja/NY!Azura) - it's a "i can do without, especially if they will be on legendaries eventually). and if i luck out on Zelgius, well there ya go. 

I think my plan will be the monthly promo and just saving up extra monies to get a itunes gift-card so the Lewyn/Azura/Nino hunt that happened in the last three weeks never happens again (so easy to hit "purchase orbs!).



38 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, I know, right...

i just feel a lot of the other content (where i am standing) is for those who invested a lot of money in the game or they just are stupidly lucky/and good, and can manage to do them. I can't really touch the blessings maps because i barely have legendaries. and I stupidly (not knowing what it was) gave a water blessing to my 22 level silver camilla. (durr). I do have some blessings saved up  but i have NO idea who to give them to. so fields of orbs. lay unclaimed.

Same with some lunatic maps. and I'd use the maps that i can feather grind and promote my team of Lianas, Ninos, etc to gold and start merging them buuttttt i don't have a strong enough team to try. Conundrum. 

it's kind of funny - i was talking with a friend and he was like it's funny because games like this in Japan teaches people patience, where in the west these types of games teaches us nothing but rage lmao. which is so true. I had mentioned to someone i understand why it's a gatcha - but if IS turned around and said we're charging X amount but a lot of it will be free (including summoning) I'd happily pay. but that's a dream that's never gonna happen so. 

I save, I'll get bored, i'll rage quit and I come back (rinse/repeat)
though - i will say, it's kinda funny. had I gotten Azura earlier (and Nino) when trying to summon - I probably would have spent more money Micicah/Tiki hunting, and probably not feel burnt out and tired and wary of putting more money into the system. so while they got me trying to be a whale on Performing Arts  - it's going to teach me to be so much more prudent in the future. I literally now have a sticky note saying "You could spend $$$$ And Get Spring Catria. Think Before You Buy." (and nothing is wrong with Spring!Catria. but she's not Miciah or L!Tiki. 

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2 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

i just feel a lot of the other content (where i am standing) is for those who invested a lot of money in the game or they just are stupidly lucky/and good, and can manage to do them. I can't really touch the blessings maps because i barely have legendaries. and I stupidly (not knowing what it was) gave a water blessing to my 22 level silver camilla. (durr). I do have some blessings saved up  but i have NO idea who to give them to. so fields of orbs. lay unclaimed.

Same with some lunatic maps. and I'd use the maps that i can feather grind and promote my team of Lianas, Ninos, etc to gold and start merging them buuttttt i don't have a strong enough team to try. Conundrum. 

it's kind of funny - i was talking with a friend and he was like it's funny because games like this in Japan teaches people patience, where in the west these types of games teaches us nothing but rage lmao. which is so true. I had mentioned to someone i understand why it's a gatcha - but if IS turned around and said we're charging X amount but a lot of it will be free (including summoning) I'd happily pay. but that's a dream that's never gonna happen so. 

I save, I'll get bored, i'll rage quit and I come back (rinse/repeat)
though - i will say, it's kinda funny. had I gotten Azura earlier (and Nino) when trying to summon - I probably would have spent more money Micicah/Tiki hunting, and probably not feel burnt out and tired and wary of putting more money into the system. so while they got me trying to be a whale on Performing Arts  - it's going to teach me to be so much more prudent in the future. I literally now have a sticky note saying "You could spend $$$$ And Get Spring Catria. Think Before You Buy." (and nothing is wrong with Spring!Catria. but she's not Miciah or L!Tiki. 

You don't need legendary heroes in those maps, you just need heroes with blessings. But yeah, sometimes I'm not sure who to give them to either.

Heh, I see.

Yeah, I ragequit at times too. xP My saying I was quitting Heroes all together was technically that, so... I wish I could give you my Micaiah.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

You don't need legendary heroes in those maps, you just need heroes with blessings. But yeah, sometimes I'm not sure who to give them to either.

Heh, I see.

Yeah, I ragequit at times too. xP My saying I was quitting Heroes all together was technically that, so... I wish I could give you my Micaiah.

I honestly think what i am gonna do for those maps, is just train my people, and see who hits the most, and go for it. (I also don't have any sacred seals, or know how to forge weapons. basically i think a chunk of my issue is i need to "git gud." but i won't lie. the fun bit for me is the summoning. which costs money. which turns out not to be fun. Circle of FEH Life. 

aww thanks. Yah i have a two Lon'qus just sitting here doing nothing and I know someone is desperate for them, and i'd be like. take'em! (well one. because I want to give someone a vantage).  I also have someone who has renewal and I'm trying to think if it makes sense to give Myrrh Renewal so when she Fury's someone she can heal herself and basically be unkillable. i don't know. 

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1 minute ago, daisy jane said:

I honestly think what i am gonna do for those maps, is just train my people, and see who hits the most, and go for it. (I also don't have any sacred seals, or know how to forge weapons. basically i think a chunk of my issue is i need to "git gud." but i won't lie. the fun bit for me is the summoning. which costs money. which turns out not to be fun. Circle of FEH Life. 

aww thanks. Yah i have a two Lon'qus just sitting here doing nothing and I know someone is desperate for them, and i'd be like. take'em! (well one. because I want to give someone a vantage).  I also have someone who has renewal and I'm trying to think if it makes sense to give Myrrh Renewal so when she Fury's someone she can heal herself and basically be unkillable. i don't know. 

"git gud" is easier said than done, honestly... Also, I hate that phrase, because it's not helpful and also sounds kind of derogatory.

Heh, no prob. I'd ditch this Micaiah in a second though, if it wasn't for the fact that her tome could be helpful later.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

"git gud" is easier said than done, honestly... Also, I hate that phrase, because it's not helpful and also sounds kind of derogatory.

Heh, no prob. I'd ditch this Micaiah in a second though, if it wasn't for the fact that her tome could be helpful later.

oh i hate it. i always figure someone is asking for advice. just give some tips, don't be all "git gud." (but i figure if I say it, then it won't really be said and I won't glare holes into my laptop screen). 

a basic question 
is using the training tower the best way to grind - or is using the special maps (like today is magic, so it's time to give Linana and Nino a workout again), better? 

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11 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

I give  you all my PA luck. hahaha
i DO hope you get Azura. (I was reading on reddit and apparently a lot of people were like me. they ended up with 5 Inigos (who i have to say. is charming. i like him) but when you are gunning for Azura you don't want "time for tea" you want - "Let me sing for you!". Olivia/Shigure were pure dumb luck on my part. I'd like to say now that i have ALL of them no need to do performing arts again, but who am i kidding. having another Azura would be great but i wouldn't go so OH MY GOD!. 

Halloween is out for me (so i'll start preparing for next year) and we'll see what happens for Christmas. 
I think any Banner that features SF!Nino, Karla, Ayra, Amelia or Miciciah will be my goal. The seasonals - i don't know (while I'd love Winter Tharja/NY!Azura) - it's a "i can do without, especially if they will be on legendaries eventually). and if i luck out on Zelgius, well there ya go. 

I think my plan will be the monthly promo and just saving up extra monies to get a itunes gift-card so the Lewyn/Azura/Nino hunt that happened in the last three weeks never happens again (so easy to hit "purchase orbs!).

Well I totally wouldn't mind getting more Inigos to replay my -Atk one XP, but yeah, hopefully I can get her. Ans yeah, you're free from that banner unless you want more merges.

The Halloween heroes will probably start appearing in Legendary Banners early next year, so you'll have a chance for them sooner than next October. I expect you to be focusing on the Flying Ninos XD

And that's a good idea and IKR, every day I'm fighting with myself to not buy Orbs, OTL

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41 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

oh i hate it. i always figure someone is asking for advice. just give some tips, don't be all "git gud." (but i figure if I say it, then it won't really be said and I won't glare holes into my laptop screen). 

a basic question 
is using the training tower the best way to grind - or is using the special maps (like today is magic, so it's time to give Linana and Nino a workout again), better? 

Yeah, exactly.

I always use the tower to level up units, so yeah, I think it's the best. Especially since you can refresh it to get the ideal matchups for the unit you're training.

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29 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Well I totally wouldn't mind getting more Inigos to replay my -Atk one XP, but yeah, hopefully I can get her. Ans yeah, you're free from that banner unless you want more merges.

The Halloween heroes will probably start appearing in Legendary Banners early next year, so you'll have a chance for them sooner than next October. I expect you to be focusing on the Flying Ninos XD

And that's a good idea and IKR, every day I'm fighting with myself to not buy Orbs, OTL

hahah. yes!. I was so happy to get an amazing Flying Nino early, so i think she'll hold her own a lot. my first Gold Star attack unit. (Bridal Tharja) will be double minus attack but i think once i add her to my original copy she'll be good to go and whatever negatives she has there will be nullified. 

Yah - i think the knowledge of only being broken by Goldstars that are featured is good - but the sea of 4* fodder will make me rage ;)  I think the only reason why i didn't buy more orbs yesterday was because i kept reading how many people weren't getting Tiki etc (I know it's RNG etc) but the only thing i know i can 100 percent afford is a 20 pack, and even if i grind more book orbs (running low on that too), if i don't get her and get more Donnels, (or another Spring Catria) i'll flip, and be sad, and will want to spend another 20 pack... and another... LOL i figure. this banner is done. she'll come back, and life moves on.

now that you (thanks again!) gave me the ins and outs of banners I do know how to save better and have better attack plans too.  even with the frustration i think I'll be good to go moving forward. 



5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, exactly.

I always use the tower to level up units, so yeah, I think it's the best. Especially since you can refresh it to get the ideal matchups for the unit you're training.

thanks :) I'll do that then. and once i get one Liana and 1 Nino to 40 (well all of them really) I can see who the vanilla'est of them all is, and gold'em up, and the save for the rest to follow. 

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2 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

thanks :) I'll do that then. and once i get one Liana and 1 Nino to 40 (well all of them really) I can see who the vanilla'est of them all is, and gold'em up, and the save for the rest to follow. 

Liana? Do you mean Lilina? Or Lene?

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10 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I wish Lianna was in the game. She cute and her voice acting is great.

She is kinda cute, yeah. And I wish the Warriors trio was in this game too, if only for a playable Darios.

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13 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

hahah. yes!. I was so happy to get an amazing Flying Nino early, so i think she'll hold her own a lot. my first Gold Star attack unit. (Bridal Tharja) will be double minus attack but i think once i add her to my original copy she'll be good to go and whatever negatives she has there will be nullified. 

Yah - i think the knowledge of only being broken by Goldstars that are featured is good - but the sea of 4* fodder will make me rage ;)  I think the only reason why i didn't buy more orbs yesterday was because i kept reading how many people weren't getting Tiki etc (I know it's RNG etc) but the only thing i know i can 100 percent afford is a 20 pack, and even if i grind more book orbs (running low on that too), if i don't get her and get more Donnels, (or another Spring Catria) i'll flip, and be sad, and will want to spend another 20 pack... and another... LOL i figure. this banner is done. she'll come back, and life moves on.

now that you (thanks again!) gave me the ins and outs of banners I do know how to save better and have better attack plans too.  even with the frustration i think I'll be good to go moving forward. 

4* is always good for fodder so always turn them to Manuals at least~ XP And yeah, I think I read the chance of pulling Tiki is lower than pulling Catria and Micaiah (someone can CMIIW), so it's probably best to wait. I'll probably wait too, TBH~

And no probs, happy to help~

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1 minute ago, Landmaster said:

4* is always good for fodder so always turn them to Manuals at least~ XP And yeah, I think I read the chance of pulling Tiki is lower than pulling Catria and Micaiah (someone can CMIIW), so it's probably best to wait. I'll probably wait too, TBH~

And no probs, happy to help~

hehe you know my focus was more on Micaiah than Tiki anyway ;) 
but i'll just wait when she's a focus banner again. and if i get other blue units i want (Lance!Azura, maybe?!) i'll be happy there too.  I think (as i said) had I gotten Karlas instead of B!Tharja's (and this is only coz I fell in love with my Karla, Tharja is one of my favourite characters in Awakening so i'm not anti- her at all) and Michy, I'd be SO much happier. but Catria at level 5 is doing a lot of damage for me already so don't cry for me too badly ;) 

yes. this banner gave me some more Shannas. so that went right into a book.

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