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I managed to pull three Legendary Ryomas - one on the original banner and two going after Hrid on this banner. Somehow, they all turned out to have +Spd as their boon, and then -Def, -Res and -HP. 

It's like... yeah, it's great to have this, but couldn't I have crappy ivs on two of them and then have great ivs on one of my many, many bad iv'd units instead xD 

Also doesn't make up for no Hrid >.< 

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Boosting the stats of new ranged cavalry doesn't boost Reinhardt's stats. Reinhardt would still be the same Reinhardt even if newer ranged cavalry came with higher stats. If they were going for marketability as opposed to balance, there is still zero reason to not boost the stats of new ranged cavalry. (Also, same with dancers. All dancers have Gen 1 dancer stats.)

In fact, for the purpose of marketability, there would have been zero reason to boost different classes by different amounts, yet they did:

  • Dancer (regardless of movement type and weapon): +0 base, +0% growths.
  • Ranged cavalry: +0 base, +0% growths.
  • Melee cavalry: +0 base, +5% growths.
  • Ranged flier: +0 base, +5% growths.
  • Melee flier: +0 base, +10% growths.
  • Ranged infantry: +1 base, +5% growths.
  • Everything else: +1 base, +10% growths.

Given that the classes with more reach were given smaller stat boosts, it lines up more closely with an attempt to balance classes as opposed to improving marketability. In fact, if they wanted to boost marketability of new units more, they wouldn't have locked out dancers from Gen 2 boosts entirely, considering the sheer number of new dancers they've since implemented.

No Reinhardt just like any older unit wouldn't get stat boosted.  However people in general responded very poorly to Reinhardt/Bow Lyn and it gave a general hatred to ranged cavalry.  So they played it safe and so gen 2 ranged cavs didn't get a boost.  Dancers are utility and people are mostly summoning them for that not their combat potential so BST isn't nearly as big a factor with them as any other unit.

I don't think the buffs stated are in line with how the unit types performed gen1.  I also think we are going to see more BST power creep in the future, and it will continue and continue until the game ends.  The easiest way to get people to pull for units is higher BST.   Besides extra stats being a good thing and getting people to pull, as well as arena scoring, it also makes older units less and less appealing/usable.  It is a shady practice true of most gacha games I believe.  

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3 minutes ago, Othin said:

Only 10 minutes? Strange.

Maybe Feh received a kick in the feathers and started to talk faster and less cringeworthy.

Edited by Vaximillian
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I had guessed we were gonna get Book III soon when we got 7 prf weapons with this month's update.

14 minutes ago, Othin said:

Only 10 minutes? Strange.

Well, the Book II-revealing (IIRC that was the 11/14/2017 one, correct me if I'm wrong please) Feh Channel was longer, but it also revealed the Weapon Refinery and everything associated with it and Farfetched Heroes and debuted Legendary Banners, as well as Book II. Presumably this one's shorter 'cause it's not gonna reveal anything quite as big as the Weapon Refinery, and probably won't have a Legendary Banner associated with it, probably just the next regular banner and Book III, maybe one other thing.

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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2 minutes ago, RexBolt said:

Doing the Three Heroes quests with Azama is pure torture. I think i will have to give him Death Blow just so i can kill things in less than 5 turns each. 

Use Pain and Savage Blow on the other units in your team. Even a –Atk 4★ Azama has 29 Atk with Assault and Atk+3 seal. There are a lot of low-Res knights in the tower, for example.

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7 minutes ago, RexBolt said:

Doing the Three Heroes quests with Azama is pure torture. I think i will have to give him Death Blow just so i can kill things in less than 5 turns each

Triple Dancer (preferably with buffs) + the 3* Azama, find an Armor team with low Res and then complete the quest in 2-3 runs. Pain will downsize anything to Azama's actual damage range in no time.
Annoying 2 Orbs to get but IS seems to enjoy torturing us with Healer kills.

Edited by The Priest
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1 hour ago, The Priest said:

Triple Dancer (preferably with buffs) + the 3* Azama, find an Armor team with low Res and then complete the quest in 2-3 runs. Pain will downsize anything to Azama's actual damage range in no time.
Annoying 2 Orbs to get but IS seems to enjoy torturing us with Healer kills.

that's an idea. thanks. triple dance, buffs. (I actually have a 4* azama so it's good, i'll give him pain and the savage blow 3 seal).


5 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

I managed to pull three Legendary Ryomas - one on the original banner and two going after Hrid on this banner. Somehow, they all turned out to have +Spd as their boon, and then -Def, -Res and -HP. 

It's like... yeah, it's great to have this, but couldn't I have crappy ivs on two of them and then have great ivs on one of my many, many bad iv'd units instead xD 

Also doesn't make up for no Hrid >.< 


.... but... you have two of his three ideal IVS! haha you're half way to a +10 Ryoma ;) 
(i would so give you my Hrid for your Ryoma. seriously. his DC is Myrrh's the instant Arena is over). 

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4 hours ago, Lewyn said:

No Reinhardt just like any older unit wouldn't get stat boosted.  However people in general responded very poorly to Reinhardt/Bow Lyn and it gave a general hatred to ranged cavalry.  So they played it safe and so gen 2 ranged cavs didn't get a boost.  Dancers are utility and people are mostly summoning them for that not their combat potential so BST isn't nearly as big a factor with them as any other unit.

I don't think the buffs stated are in line with how the unit types performed gen1.  I also think we are going to see more BST power creep in the future, and it will continue and continue until the game ends.  The easiest way to get people to pull for units is higher BST.   Besides extra stats being a good thing and getting people to pull, as well as arena scoring, it also makes older units less and less appealing/usable.  It is a shady practice true of most gacha games I believe.  


LynHardt wasnt the only broken Ranged Cavalry at the time. Leo, Cecilia, Ursula all of them are bullshitly strong. Its just so happen no one used Leo and Cecilia's non threatening build hard counters Lynhardt


Infantry didnt really come close to stacks up to Ranged Cavalry until BIke

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4 hours ago, Lewyn said:

No Reinhardt just like any older unit wouldn't get stat boosted.  However people in general responded very poorly to Reinhardt/Bow Lyn and it gave a general hatred to ranged cavalry.  So they played it safe and so gen 2 ranged cavs didn't get a boost.  Dancers are utility and people are mostly summoning them for that not their combat potential so BST isn't nearly as big a factor with them as any other unit.

I don't think the buffs stated are in line with how the unit types performed gen1.  I also think we are going to see more BST power creep in the future, and it will continue and continue until the game ends.  The easiest way to get people to pull for units is higher BST.   Besides extra stats being a good thing and getting people to pull, as well as arena scoring, it also makes older units less and less appealing/usable.  It is a shady practice true of most gacha games I believe.  

You still haven't addressed at all why the in-betweens got in-between boosts as opposed to identical boosts across the board.

Not only that, but "the easiest way to get people to pull for units is higher BST" contradicts the fact that they didn't just boost everything to have the same stat total. Infantry would be significantly more marketable by closing the gap between them and armors instead of leaving the stat difference the exact same before and after.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but what I'm seeing you do is assuming a motive and trying to fit actions into supporting that assumed motive (and ignoring anything that contradicts it) rather than looking at actions and trying to deduce a motive.

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On 12/4/2018 at 1:00 PM, XRay said:

Reinhardt was the performance ceiling for a really long time. Power creep only happens when the performance ceiling rises.

Reinhardt had very few weaknesses back then, and the weaknesses he had were negligible. If you were running Reinhardt, you would probably be running Olivia too as she is cheap and can shut down anything green with Ruby Sword-Distant Counter.

Kind of late, but I would call the Fighter Skills for armored units as power creep as it gave them an unmatched advantage versus other movement types. I would say that's powercreep, but because you talked about this performance ceiling. Can you define to me what this power ceiling is?

Also Reinhardt has always been weak defensively, especially if you went for an offensive build with Dire Thunder. He's relentless when attacking, I agree, but he didn't have a few weaknesses. Many things could either outspeed and double or outright one shot Reinhardt when he's not attacking. Like most units there's always a sufficient amount of weaknesses for everyone because they generally sacrifice some quality of their defense or offense for the opposite trait. 

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1 hour ago, Ae†her said:

Kind of late, but I would call the Fighter Skills for armored units as power creep as it gave them an unmatched advantage versus other movement types. I would say that's powercreep, but because you talked about this performance ceiling. Can you define to me what this power ceiling is?

Also Reinhardt has always been weak defensively, especially if you went for an offensive build with Dire Thunder. He's relentless when attacking, I agree, but he didn't have a few weaknesses. Many things could either outspeed and double or outright one shot Reinhardt when he's not attacking. Like most units there's always a sufficient amount of weaknesses for everyone because they generally sacrifice some quality of their defense or offense for the opposite trait. 

Reinhardts defense stats arent that bad. granted not great. His great defense comes from the fact that Infantry Armorers Flyers cant reach him without letting that unit stay in the dust. Thats what makes his defense good: his movement range. You either bait him with a counter unit or you play it risky and send allies in with the chance of gettign annihilated by the other Team members, because they cant be repositioned/danced into safety because you need to travel such a long distance.

Of course there is also a weakness to higher movement range and attack range. While harder to reach, its easier to bait! But you can negate that when you overlap attack ranges... prime example Aether Raids, the PT doesnt move, their attack ranges overlap and its very hard to bait horses in there with 1 unit because 3-4 Attack ranges overlap, chances are 1 of those 3-4 overlaping attack ranges will get the baiting unit killed. So you are forced to play it risky (charging in)and with 2-3 dancers at minimum to keep it safe lulz.

Movement range also dictates if you can outrun an enemy and avoid a possible attack, which again plays into some form of defense. a Cavalry unit can outrun pretty much anything but itself. Try running away with an Infantry unit with no dancer attached to it.

Edited by Hilda
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6 hours ago, RexBolt said:

Doing the Three Heroes quests with Azama is pure torture. I think i will have to give him Death Blow just so i can kill things in less than 5 turns each. 


My +Def -Atk Azama was equipped with Pain+, Close Counter, and Close Defense 3 SS on the final map of World of Birthright Lunatic.

easy as pie, but expensive Azama... also healers can't learn Death Blow.

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The key to complete the Azama's Quests without having a 5-Star Azama without  Wrathful or Dazzling staff is to use and abuse of buffs. I used Marth with refined Falchion and double drives (Atk/Spd), Corrin with refined Yato and Support with Azama, and Titania with Triple Tactic.

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5 hours ago, daisy jane said:


.... but... you have two of his three ideal IVS! haha you're half way to a +10 Ryoma ;) 
(i would so give you my Hrid for your Ryoma. seriously. his DC is Myrrh's the instant Arena is over). 

I still have a -Atk Eldigan - I kept thinking that when I discovered his IVs xD

Turns out I had a last Ryoma hiding that was +Res -Def so I think my merge, when I get round to it, will be +3. Highest legendary merge for me so far :D

Ach, that's painful to hear. The ice prince didn't want to come home for me >< Oh well, gotta use 'em for the things you need 'em for :)

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3 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

The key to complete the Azama's Quests without having a 5-Star Azama without  Wrathful or Dazzling staff is to use and abuse of buffs.

The key is Pain and Savage Blow on his teammates.

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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

The key to complete the Azama's Quests without having a 5-Star Azama without  Wrathful or Dazzling staff is to use and abuse of buffs. I used Marth with refined Falchion and double drives (Atk/Spd), Corrin with refined Yato and Support with Azama, and Titania with Triple Tactic.

they key for happiness with Azama is to boost his defensiv stats so high that your enemy suffers in eternal damnation dealing 0 dmg to him... thats his real goal!

Edited by Hilda
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8 hours ago, ILikeKirbys said:

I had guessed we were gonna get Book III soon when we got 7 prf weapons with this month's update.

Well, the Book II-revealing (IIRC that was the 11/14/2017 one, correct me if I'm wrong please) Feh Channel was longer, but it also revealed the Weapon Refinery and everything associated with it and Farfetched Heroes and debuted Legendary Banners, as well as Book II. Presumably this one's shorter 'cause it's not gonna reveal anything quite as big as the Weapon Refinery, and probably won't have a Legendary Banner associated with it, probably just the next regular banner and Book III, maybe one other thing.

The 11/14/2017 one was about 18 minutes.

  • ~1:00 of intro
  • ~3:00 of Farfetched Heroes
  • ~3:00 of general changes
  • ~5:00 of Weapon Refinery
  • ~1:30 of legendary hero banner
  • ~2:30 of Book II and Fjorm
  • ~0:40 of closing

So if we assume ~4 minutes for intro, Book III, and closing again, that leaves ~6 minutes at most for everything else, compared to ~13:30 last time.

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14 minutes ago, Othin said:

The 11/14/2017 one was about 18 minutes.

  • ~1:00 of intro
  • ~3:00 of Farfetched Heroes
  • ~3:00 of general changes
  • ~5:00 of Weapon Refinery
  • ~1:30 of legendary hero banner
  • ~2:30 of Book II and Fjorm
  • ~0:40 of closing

So if we assume ~4 minutes for intro, Book III, and closing again, that leaves ~6 minutes at most for everything else, compared to ~13:30 last time.

That was one of the better channels. Regarding the latest channels I'd expect a lot of streeeetch time. 

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5 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

That was one of the better channels. Regarding the latest channels I'd expect a lot of streeeetch time. 

Yeah, that too.

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8 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

That was one of the better channels. Regarding the latest channels I'd expect a lot of streeeetch time. 

“flap flap.. flap flap.. flap flap.. Well hellooooo.. summonerr... it's meee... Feh!! BRRRR... it sure is getting coollddd... I might need to warm up by the fire.. aah...... Oh hey what are these? Oh wow... There are foouur oorrbs... They must mean there are fooour topics today! ...Oh wwwoooowoww”

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

“flap flap.. flap flap.. flap flap.. Well hellooooo.. summonerr... it's meee... Feh!! BRRRR... it sure is getting coollddd... I might need to warm up by the fire.. aah...... Oh hey what are these? Oh wow... There are foouur oorrbs... They must mean there are fooour topics today! ...Oh wwwoooowoww”

I wouldn't mind a little teasing ... if there was good content. 

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

I wouldn't mind a little teasing ... if there was good content. 

Return of Relay Defense, whalelectric boogaloo







people are so gonna kill me if its ended up being true did they

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