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Yeah but to be fair Sophia REALLY, REALLY needed the art refine. More than anyone else on that list aside from Eliwood, who needed it just as badly.

Also, I amend my "FE7 bias" to "there is a lord bias overall, but right now it feels like an FE7 bias". Honestly, excluding the Jugdral cast, the main beneficiaries to any sort of alts are always the lords. Marth, the FE7 trio, the twins, the royals and Azura ... all of them have an excess of alts, a lot of them unnecessary. I'm just not sure if it's a good idea to put all of the FE7 lords so quickly in the first few months of FEH Pass, you'd most likely want to space them out, no?

Even if Diovanni's theory of "they got Hector and Eliwood's voice actors to do the voices when they had them" holds, is there any reason they can't record the voices in advance but release them later? I'm not necessarily annoyed about Hector getting a Resplendent alt, I just wish it wasn't right now and there are certainly launch day 5-stars who could use it more, like the aforementioned Leo. Takumi as well, yeah, but Leo in particular seems to be strangely dumped on in FEH despite being more popular than his big bro and little sis.

Edited by Sunwoo
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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

you'd most likely want to space them out, no?

Oh, yeah, certainly. I said earlier that I had been hoping for Leo, Ryoma, or Linde. I was just saying that I don't think this is an "FE7 bias" situation, but more of a "popular characters/lords" bias.

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49 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Oh, yeah, certainly. I said earlier that I had been hoping for Leo, Ryoma, or Linde. I was just saying that I don't think this is an "FE7 bias" situation, but more of a "popular characters/lords" bias.

Yeah, which is why I amended my own statement to "lord bias". Even now IS has not learned to avoid spamming certain games/characters in too short of a time span, except for their strange lack of Three Houses.

Edited by Sunwoo
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3 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Yeah, which is why I amended my own statement to "lord bias". Even now IS has not learned to avoid spamming certain games/characters in too short of a time span, except for their strange lack of Three Houses.

i dont think its bias, sure they tackling the more popular choices, which is the right thing to do. But they are tackling mostly launch characters. I mean which were the 2 games with the most 5 star exclusiv and 3-4 star units on launch? Fates and Blazing/Binding Sword, especially if you consider the 5 Star exclusives and Lords then those games far exeeded the others.

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Even amongst launch characters you have more variety of popular characters to choose from. Also, Archanea and Ylisse also brought a decent amount of launch day units with them.

Again, there's Leo and Takumi, who are both still popular. They probably needed the stats bump more than Azura. No issue with Cordelia, but Chrom needs the art refine too, as do both Robins. All three are also popular. Lucina is also an acceptable 5-star choice for a Resplendent since she's just as outdated as Lyn and Hector, and hey she's number two girl. Probably more popular than Hector. Tharja's also eligible if Cordelia is, albeit lower rarity. This isn't including characters like Oboro and Minerva and Raigh who aren't necessarily /popular/ but if Sophia got a Resplendent then they're just as eligible as her.

They have plenty of popular launch characters to pick from aside from the three FE7 lords. And again, I don't mind Hector getting a Resplendent, I expected it. But I think it was a not good move putting him right after Eliwood when other characters who are just as popular are just as eligible.

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2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Even amongst launch characters you have more variety of popular characters to choose from. Also, Archanea and Ylisse also brought a decent amount of launch day units with them.

Again, there's Leo and Takumi, who are both still popular. They probably needed the stats bump more than Azura. No issue with Cordelia, but Chrom needs the art refine too, as do both Robins. All three are also popular. Lucina is also an acceptable 5-star choice for a Resplendent since she's just as outdated as Lyn and Hector, and hey she's number two girl. Probably more popular than Hector. Tharja's also eligible if Cordelia is, albeit lower rarity. This isn't including characters like Oboro and Minerva and Raigh who aren't necessarily /popular/ but if Sophia got a Resplendent then they're just as eligible as her.

They have plenty of popular launch characters to pick from aside from the three FE7 lords. And again, I don't mind Hector getting a Resplendent, I expected it. But I think it was a not good move putting him right after Eliwood when other characters who are just as popular are just as eligible.

the case with Hector. It had to be a 5 Star wirh semi bad art. 

Of the launch unit that disqualifies 4Stars ans Leo Takumi Ryoma Lucina have fine Art. also needs to fit the theme Muspell. Only one i would have seen is Leio But again he has good Art. But yea they could have also picked someone else but the options were scarce.

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Hm... The Three Heroes selection this time is... pretty meh! Not that it was amazing one day... 

I believe I have all 3 at 4* Lv 40, so the quests will not the hard to complete.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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6 minutes ago, Othin said:

I wonder if the next Resplendent will be Camilla.

She's inevitable at some point, so I don't mind getting her over with.

I wouldn't mind Camilla... Honestly, I would like a Resplendent Attire for her. She would really enjoy the extra stats.

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On one hand, I love seeing my Freddy Bear among the three heroes quests! He doesn't get much attention.

On the other, another stupid healer? Seriously? They should never include healers in these, it's far too hard to get kills with them unless you built them to 5 star and gave them a Wrathful refine or something. Which I doubt many players did with many 3-4 star healers.

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15 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

On one hand, I love seeing my Freddy Bear among the three heroes quests! He doesn't get much attention.

On the other, another stupid healer? Seriously? They should never include healers in these, it's far too hard to get kills with them unless you built them to 5 star and gave them a Wrathful refine or something. Which I doubt many players did with many 3-4 star healers.

I've upgraded all the 3-4* units up to Tethys to 5*, so I have no objections. Haven't given them all refines yet, but I have plenty of extra gold rocks.

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1 minute ago, Othin said:

I've upgraded all the 3-4* units up to Tethys to 5*, so I have no objections. Haven't given them all refines yet, but I have plenty of extra gold rocks.

Well, that's you. I still doubt many players upgraded 3-4 star healers.

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19 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

On the other, another stupid healer? Seriously? They should never include healers in these, it's far too hard to get kills with them unless you built them to 5 star and gave them a Wrathful refine or something. Which I doubt many players did with many 3-4 star healers.

Those quests were pretty easy.

I beat Lissa's quest using a 3* Lissa, without problems at all.

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1 minute ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Those quests were pretty easy.

I beat Lissa's quest using a 3* Lissa, without problems at all.

Well, like I said to Othin, that is you. I always have problems doing these with healers and I'm sure other players do too.

Edited by Anacybele
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Didn't upgrade many healers to 5 stars but I did build Lissa, Sakura, Clarine and Lachesis up as 4 stars, merged them up to +10 and had them all inherit Pain+.

Edited by NSSKG151
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Just now, Anacybele said:

Well, like I said to Othin, that is you. I always have problems doing these with healers and I'm sure other players do too.

Two dancers and a support unit. That's all you need. Everyone have these units I mentioned  built already... and if they don't, then there is something wrong with them.

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4 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Two dancers and a support unit. That's all you need. Everyone have these units I mentioned  built already... and if they don't, then there is something wrong with them.

So if I chose not to build a Lissa, there's something wrong with me? How rude. I don't have to 5 star and build every character in the game.

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

So if I chose not to build a Lissa, there's something wrong with me? How rude. I don't have to 5 star and build every character in the game.

You are interpreting my words in a wrong way... 

I said if a player doesn't have a support unit and dancers built in the barracks, then something is wrong. I didn't say not having Lissa built is wrong.

Like I said, Lissa at 3* is very capable to kill Lv35 foes with the help of her allies. She doesn't need to be 5* for these quests. My 3* Lv 40 Lissa has 29 Atk with her Gravity (not + version) equipped... And she killed 5 Lv 35+ foes with the help of her allies. Not even Wrathful Staff was used.

You don't need to 5* every single character in this game to compete the quests.

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43 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

On the other, another stupid healer? Seriously? They should never include healers in these, it's far too hard to get kills with them unless you built them to 5 star and gave them a Wrathful refine or something. Which I doubt many players did with many 3-4 star healers.

I have many healers from the 3*/4* pool and I am pretty sure most players do not have an issue with the quest.

If you have trouble with the quests, just go to Story Maps, pick an easy map where enemies are level 35, and have healers kill things there. It really does not take much effort to train them and complete the quests, especially with the Ranged: Special Training map being active right now. It will take at most 15 minutes total to train Lissa to level 40 and kill things to complete the quests. For the training, all you need to do is to literally just move Lissa to the bridge in the Ranged: Special Training map and just spam End Turn until the map is done.

Edited by XRay
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Just now, Diovani Bressan said:

If you don't use Crystals instead.

I forgot about those. But yeah, with Shards and Crystals, training is instant, so the combat portion will just be like 2 or 3 minutes max.

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21 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

You are interpreting my words in a wrong way... 

I said if a player doesn't have a support unit and dancers built in the barracks, then something is wrong. I didn't say not having Lissa built is wrong.

Like I said, Lissa at 3* is very capable to kill Lv35 foes with the help of her allies. She doesn't need to be 5* for these quests. My 3* Lv 40 Lissa has 29 Atk with her Gravity (not + version) equipped... And she killed 5 Lv 35+ foes with the help of her allies. Not even Wrathful Staff was used.

You don't need to 5* every single character in this game to compete the quests.

Oh, sorry. I really misunderstood then, my bad. And I know she doesn't NEED to be 5 star, but not being 5 star still makes it annoying imo.

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A non-Atk asset 4* Lissa is able to clear the level 8 training stratum with not much trouble if you bring support. She's got decent bulk so focusing on her offensive stats should be enough for her to secure KOs.

Edited by Flying Shogi
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