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55 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:


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It'll only last a week (until the 18th) according to the datamine.


Ugh, and if you add 14 to today's date for the probable New Heroes reveal, that'll be too late. Save us, intern-kun, you're our only hope.

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I haven't been able to get my game to update. Which is annoying, since I want that upgraded Tactics Room before I do today's AR.

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Is the game unbelievably slow now for anyone else? It's been doing this for me since the update. This was never an issue before. Not like this anyway. It has literally not stopped being slow since I updated. In the past, if I had lag or slowness, it lasted a much shorter time.

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According to the datamine, the next Limited Hero Battles:


Limited Hero battles start on July 13th, next Monday:

  • GHB: Linus
    Use DXRiKNP.png Genealogy and 5XIp7uh.pngThracia units - One Dancer allowed;
  • BHB: Tana and Amelia
    Use CsjQ9D8.png Echoes units - No Dancers allowed;
  • GHB: Walhart
    Use 7TXDWaX.pngHeroes units - One Dancer allowed;
  • BHB: Raven and Lucius
    Use 63QTPKZ.png Fates units - No Dancers allowed;
  • LHB: Hector
    Use u4qAzgX.png Binding Blade units - One Dancer allowed.

Lucky players that have Larum, since she is the only Binding Blade dancer we have. This is not my case lol


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As of the newest banner, the highest-scoring CYL4 characters that haven't been added in some form (other than a secondary duo unit, in Rhea's case) are:

  • 9. Plumeria (20,800)
  • 13. Marianne (14,105)
  • 15. Felix (12,465)
  • 19. Ashe (9,288)
  • 24. Jill (6,999)
  • 27. Jorge (6,728)
  • 31. Rhea (5,627)
  • 40. Linhardt (4,591)
  • 43. Shamir (4,452)
  • 47. TMS Tiki (4,161)
  • 48. Seiros (4,145)
Edited by Othin
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The game is still slow for me almost all the time. Anyone know how to fix this? Or should I report it through feedback and see if IS does something?

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Just now, Anacybele said:

The game is still slow for me almost all the time. Anyone know how to fix this? Or should I report it through feedback and see if IS does something?

Have you tried restarting your device?

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2 minutes ago, Othin said:

Have you tried restarting your device?

No, I guess I could see if that works later on. I've taken a break from the game for now.

EDIT: Oh yeah, my debit card is working again now, and I didn't even have to call my bank. I guess it really was just locked up for the rest of the day yesterday after doing those orb purchases for that last Elincia merge.

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14 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

The game is still slow for me almost all the time. Anyone know how to fix this? Or should I report it through feedback and see if IS does something?

It's working normal to be. Maybe the restarting idea from Othin helps... if not, yeah, send feedback.

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24 minutes ago, Othin said:

As of the newest banner, the highest-scoring CYL4 characters that haven't been added in some form (other than a secondary duo unit, in Rhea's case) are:

  • 27. Jorge (6,728)

Sigh. Stupid shit like this really gets to me. We have actual units and named bosses that can't even be voted for, but people are going to rally on literal memes.

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4 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

Sigh. Stupid shit like this really gets to me. We have actual units and named bosses that can't even be voted for, but people are going to rally on literal memes.

I've heard claims that bots were involved with him, but I'm not sure how legit that is. Whatever is the case, I don't expect it to go anywhere. 

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10 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

Sigh. Stupid shit like this really gets to me. We have actual units and named bosses that can't even be voted for, but people are going to rally on literal memes.

More than likely someone set up a bot to force feed votes to him. That's what I have heard more than once.

But hey, maybe this will lead IS to make a merchants banner featuring Jorge, Merlinus, Fates Anna and Three Houses Anna with Brigand Boss as the GHB unit. (I am half joking and half serious about this).

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1 minute ago, NSSKG151 said:

More than likely someone set up a bot to force feed votes to him. That's what I have heard more than once.

But hey, maybe this will lead IS to make a merchants banner featuring Jorge, Merlinus, Fates Anna and Three Houses Anna with Brigand Boss as the GHB unit. (I am half joking and half serious about this).

May as well put CDI Zelda's Morshu on it so that the cancer will be complete.

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So after the game decided to throw a giant pile of sleepy fairies at me yesterday, I was tapping through Mirabilis's voice lines and got curious and tapped her name for her character description.

And holy shit the English localization team is a fucking tryhard compared to the Japanese. (I'd seen the English description, but hadn't seen the Japanese description until now.)

In contrast to the English letter vomit "A ljósálfr from Ljósálfheimr, the realm of dreams," the Japanese text just says "夢の国アルフの妖精," "A fairy from Álfr, the realm of dreams." A fairy! Real words!


I don't know why this made my day, but it did.

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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

So after the game decided to throw a giant pile of sleepy fairies at me yesterday, I was tapping through Mirabilis's voice lines and got curious and tapped her name for her character description.

And holy shit the English localization team is a fucking tryhard compared to the Japanese. (I'd seen the English description, but hadn't seen the Japanese description until now.)

In contrast to the English letter vomit "A ljósálfr from Ljósálfheimr, the realm of dreams," the Japanese text just says "夢の国アルフの妖精," "A fairy from Álfr, the realm of dreams." A fairy! Real words!


I don't know why this made my day, but it did.

Oh wow. Not like anyone even calls them anything but fairies anyway. 

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Ok, I want someone to tell me what skills you have in your foes in the Resonant Battles of this week... and also the Interval.

I discovered that my foes have some different skills that are not in my friends's foes.

Like... My Nanna has Lancebreaker while friend's Nanna has Pass. My Tanya has Distant Def, while my friend's has Fortress Def. And like... 3 friends have the same skills, while I have different ones. We are all in Interval 10, and score the same.

The first two images are mine, showing maps at my high and low scores

fDL4TSA.jpg  vPomrWE.jpg

The these are my friends images:

NZrPeXb.jpg  y9OwMXv.jpg

 Does anyone also have the same skills as me?

Edit: Looks like PM1 also have the same guardians as I. But still, the mystery continues...

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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I have to say, I really like the character choices they've been making for seasonals lately. Out of the 50 seasonal units added over the past year (from Soiree onwards), the only characters who've gotten a seasonal before are anniversary units (Marth, Caeda), duo units (Hector, Marth, Alfonse, Micaiah, Mia) or both (Palla). The other 42 are all first-time seasonals, including 12 characters new to the game entirely (Rinea, Ilyana, Dozla, Rolf, Rudolf, Rafiel, Selena, Rhys, Ingrid, Sylvain, Dorothea, and Lorenz). I hope future seasonal banners keep working like this.

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53 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Does anyone also have the same skills as me?

I'm only in interval 9 (I just use the Pheonixmaster strat) but have the same skills as you, only difference being the understandably lower stats.

Had a peek at Pheonixmaster's channel right now and he published an hour ago - his Tanya is also Distant Defense for what it's worth.

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Okay, I tried restarting my phone, but the game is still really slow. And now I'm getting connection errors. This did not start until the latest update. I'm sending feedback to IS about this...if I can reconnect at all. Other apps and stuff load and work just fine, so it isn't the phone.

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1 hour ago, SockPuppet said:

@Diovani Bressan omg that’s super weird! I have Fortress Def on mine...

I used Summer Mia, L Leif/Chrom/Lucina if that’s any indicator of the AI changing their skill sets depending upon your team 😬

I used +0 Summer Mia, +1 L Leif, +10 Nowi and +0 Flying Olivia.

I dont know if teams chance It, since I have friends with Double Mias and friends without Mia that had Fortress Def on Tanya. I spent 2-3 tries testing different teams, and all maps had Tanya with Distant Def.

It may not mean that much now, but for players that follow guides (which is not my case) It could be a problem in higher intervals, where stats are way bigger. What if the guide uses a lance unit to kill Nanna, but the Nanna it's like mine that have Lancebreaker?

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Turns out I don't need to send feedback now. I restarted my phone another time and that seems to have solved my issues entirely. That was weird. Not complaining tho!

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@Diovani Bressan The Tanya in my version of Resonant Battles has the same skills as your friend (bottom image). However, the stats are not the same. Mine has:

69 HP
60 ATK
41 SPD
40 DEF
38 RES

Which is essentially 1 less in every non-HP stat, and 2 less in HP. Your Tanya has higher stats as well as a different skill, maybe it depends on your max points and/or tier.

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