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I seem to have the same problem as eclipse, where every time I enter a summon session, the Reds are drawn to me...

While I'm not complaining about pulling a 5 Star Lucina, I already have two 5 Star Marths and a 5 Star Lyn... I think I've done 7-8 sessions now (all f2p).... and I have really bad blue and green and gray units. I mean, if you're going to give me great Red units, can I at least have a magic or dragonstone user!?

If only this was Sword Emblem, where you can beat the whole game with swords! >:(

Edited by Iris
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32 minutes ago, Iris said:

I seem to have the same problem as eclipse, where every time I enter a summon session, the Reds are drawn to me...

While I'm not complaining about pulling a 5 Star Lucina, I already have two 5 Star Marths and a 5 Star Lyn... I think I've done 7-8 sessions now (all f2p).... and I have really bad blue and green and gray units. I mean, if you're going to give me great Red units, can I at least have a magic or dragonstone user!?

If only this was Sword Emblem, where you can beat the whole game with swords! >:(

Combine this with my luck, which is 6-7 pulls, and 2 5* units.  Hence why I have to get creative to win!

Not that I'm complaining, because I like doing ~shenanigans~, and quite frankly, it's more fun this way.

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6 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Combine this with my luck, which is 6-7 pulls, and 2 5* units.  Hence why I have to get creative to win!

Not that I'm complaining, because I like doing ~shenanigans~, and quite frankly, it's more fun this way.

Have you beaten the Narcian level on Hard yet? I'm having trouble since my main team is mostly Swords. . .trying to train up other units, but not sure if I'll make it in time.

Also, I realized I pulled a 4 Star Gordin at some point...I like Gordin, so I would gladly use him, but he has 0 speed. JFC, how slow would that be in real life?

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1 minute ago, Iris said:

Have you beaten the Narcian level on Hard yet? I'm having trouble since my main team is mostly Swords. . .trying to train up other units, but not sure if I'll make it in time.

Also, I realized I pulled a 4 Star Gordin at some point...I like Gordin, so I would gladly use him, but he has 0 speed. JFC, how slow would that be in real life?

Yes!  Turns out Raigh is VERY useful on that map.  Sucks to be a green tome unit on a horse.

Gordin was also clutch for that map.  His Speed is 0 because he comes with a Brave Bow.  His Defense is through the roof, and I managed to drop Narcian's sword flunkie's damage to 0.  It was glorious!

Managed to pull a handful of green/colorless.  Though I don't have many green units, the few that I have are well worth it.  It took me a while before I got my staffbots, though.  Blue, on the other hand. . .had to promote a 3* Odin.  He'll be joined by Special Map Subaki (one day).  Can't pull blue to save my life.

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Didn't even notice he had the Brave Bow equipped! That's good to know. Guess I'll try to raise him up ASAP and probably some Blue unit see if they can carry their team on their backs~

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Well, I was going to save all 145 orbs I had for the next banners, but I decided I would make a few more pulls on this set. My first two pulls were rather meh, got a few 4*s but nothing really notable, then I got this:


Worth it.

Edit: I still have 4 full pulls for the next banners. Hope I get lucky.

Edited by Suichimo
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58 minutes ago, Smog said:

Woo, I got a Silver Est. Now I just need a Silver Palla to complete the trio. Also, I need Minerva too to have the complete Whitewings team.

I've gotten a couple Ests, but none of her sisters, yet.  I did just get Abel, though.

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I haven't shared any of my pulls yet, so I might as well rectify that now (my apologies/gratitude to @Sire for appropriating your gorgeous layout, hopefully you don't mind too terribly much):

Previous (Undocumented) Pulls (1-5)

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Round 1 [Legendary Heroes]: 5* Marth || 5* Tiki (Young) || 3* Donnel || 4* Sheena || 4* Azama

After 34 re-rolls (and much regret and consternation over skipping over very good individual units), this is the pull I ended up going with, and I'm content with that decision overall.  Tiki has easily been the MVP of my team thus far, and Azama has made it through most of Normal, Hard, and Lunatic mode as my "oh, he'll do for now, but he's getting replaced when someone better comes along" healer.  Marth is holding up about as well as expected on my back-up squad, and I will likely train up Sheena for some situational utility; Donnel looks set to be a bench-warmer for life, though. 

Round 2 [Deep Devotion]: 4* Camilla || 3* Florina || 3* Cecilia || 4* Jeorge || 3* Lissa

My second set of pulls also turned out pretty well.  Camilla is a monster (albeit a slightly squishy one that require a touch of finesse), and Jeorge is proving his worth with my back-up squad.  Cecilia proved to be a little frail/weak for my tastes (maybe I got bad growths?), but she might be worth training up in the future.  Florina and Lissa look interesting, but they're bench-warmers for now.

Round 3 [Deep Devotion]: 4* Chrom || 4* Shanna || 4* Wrys || 3* Clarine || 4* Effie

I can't complain about my third pulls either.  It took me a little while to come around to Effie (realizing my Manakete + Axe user core was incredibly weak to falchion users may have played a factor), but she is a beast if you can work around her flaws.  Wrys has been a useful back-up healer (mostly on account of situationally healing the entire party) and Shanna has been a nice addition to my back-up team, because Pegasus Knight's are a blast.  I haven't put much effort into Chrom or Clarine yet, but I may in the future.

Round 4 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Fir || 3* Laslow || 4* Tiki (Adult) || 3* Barst || 3* Clarine

And this is where my mid-game unit drought began.  Adult Tiki's multi-range counter does look really appealing, though she seems outclassed by Young Tiki aside from that, and none of the other units seem too amazing to these pleb's eyes.

Round 5 [Deep Devotion]: 4* Draug || 3* Tiki (Adult) || 3* Donnel || 4* Raven || 3* Clarine

Ditto with my fifth round of pulls.  Draug and Raven look like they could be fun, but I don't really have room for them on my current squad.  Outside of potentially training those guys up, there's nothing much here.

Now that we've got those out of the way, time for pretty pictures :)

Round 6 Pulls



Round 6 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Fir || 4* Lilina || 4* Robin (M) || 3* Arthur || 3* Niles

Now this was a fairly promising pull.  I'm a little miffed that I got Robin out of this focus as opposed to, say, Takumi or a 5* Camilla, but both he and Lilina seem to be rather fun units that will supplement my secondary team nicely.  I've got little faith in other units, but who knows, they could be diamonds in the rough?

Round 7 Pulls




Round 7 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Matthew || 4* Robin (M) || 5* Nowi || 4* Maria || 3* Setsuna

Now we're cooking.  Not only did I get one of the better healers in the game in Maria (I probably would've preferred Elise or Linde, but those are long-shots at best), I also broke my 5* curse, and with a character I like fairly well to boot!  I don't know if Nowi has what it takes to replace my main lady Tiki (and I definitely don't need an extra Falchion weakness), but I will waste no time in training her up to see.  I got another Robin from the wrong focus, which is kinda humorous, but since this is likely to be the last pull I make from these foci, I'll take it.  Matthew and Setsuna seem kinda meh, but as Matty's my only dagger user besides Felicia, I'll probably work on him a bit.

Hopefully those were enjoyable/sufficiently on topic for this thread.

Edited by red-and-soulless
Due to reaching my attachment limit, all the pretty summoning pictures will be stored here: http://imgur.com/a/Ftyat
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1 minute ago, Lupine said:

The last one was Oboro, Effie, and Saizo that were noteable.  So I was happy with those pulls.  Glad I got Peri, since she is like the Harley Quinn in fire emblem.  Those crazy ladies just attract me lol

1. Don't double-post.
2. Any luck pulling Serra? :P:

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I've been hunting Lucina for the longest time, and I've wanted Hector both to complete my Blazing Sword Lord trio, and because I've been hurting for a good green unit. Lo and behold, I've been blessed.


Edited by mr0cheese
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I have a theory on that Rezzy. When I was doing my two days of trying to pull two 5* I wanted. Awakening Characters which ended being Lucina and Male Robin. I notice whenever I got 5* focus character first like Marth.  I always seem to get another 5* when I try to pull 5 characters.  Like Marth and then Young Tiki, Marth and random 5*, and Marth, Marth, and Ogma.  But when I pulled non focus 5* I would get that one five star.  Where it seems if it you get focus character in the group you have a better chance at pulling another random 5 star.  Granted it didn't happen all the time since I did pull a Lucina by herself and Takumi by themselves. But their maybe some secret RNG thing with pulling 5* characters if you pull a focus 5* character.

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11 minutes ago, Skids said:

I have a theory on that Rezzy. When I was doing my two days of trying to pull two 5* I wanted. Awakening Characters which ended being Lucina and Male Robin. I notice whenever I got 5* focus character first like Marth.  I always seem to get another 5* when I try to pull 5 characters.  Like Marth and then Young Tiki, Marth and random 5*, and Marth, Marth, and Ogma.  But when I pulled non focus 5* I would get that one five star.  Where it seems if it you get focus character in the group you have a better chance at pulling another random 5 star.  Granted it didn't happen all the time since I did pull a Lucina by herself and Takumi by themselves. But their maybe some secret RNG thing with pulling 5* characters if you pull a focus 5* character.

I managed to get Takumi, Camilla, and Baby Tiki from the focus, but they were always by themselves.  My other 5* are Abel and Maria, who were also alone.

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I really wanted a robin, on my last blue summon, I was ecstatic that I got Robin, too bad it was a three star. I had five orbs left and decided to summon a blue orb, and it turned out to be a five star Robin.  Finally got him and now I can deal with takumi

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I wish I had this kind of luck when I played the lottery last month. XD

I had been saving my orbs, but I figured I'd go ahead and try one last pull. I ended up with a 5* Lucina and another 5* M. Robin, as well as a 4* Eliwood. (I also got an Olivia and Saizo to merge into the ones I already have.) I had been hurting for red units, and now I am blessed. The RNG gods heard my cries of agony. XD

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