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Gave into impulse and spent 20 orbs. Was sad that there was only one blue orb. Pulled the blue orb first, saw smoke, got excited, and....It was a Jagen...I have a rule though to pull every orb so not expecting much went and pulled those as well. SO GLAD I DID. I now have a Lachersis and Takumi! 



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3 minutes ago, Sartek said:

I rolled 240 orbs, and the only thing of note I got was Jaffar (basically the thing I wanted the least). Now excuse me while I hang myself.

Jaffars seems pretty good though. With the Wiki reporting 42 ATK and 41 SPD (predumably neutral but with Life and Death), he's a force to be reckoned with. If it's possible to inherit Kagerou's dagger, a +SPD or +ATK Jaffar will wreck faces >.<


As for my pulls:

Jaffar: +DEF -ATK

Karel: Neutral

Ninian 1: +ATK -SPD

Ninian 2: +RES -ATK


Happy with the characters, not so happy with the boons/banes. Should I train Ninian 1 or 2?

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So I spent around 70 orbs trying to get Ninian. Did I succeed? Well, no, but let's see what I got:


First Summon: One blue orb, got 3* Shanna.

Second Summon: One blue orb, got 3* Oboro.

Third Summon: No blue orbs, so picked green and got 3* Barst.

Fourth Summon: Two blue orbs, got 3* Oboro (again) and 4* Cordelia.

Fifth Summon: No blue orbs, so picked colorless and got 4* Serra. Adore me!

Sixth Summon: One blue orb, got 3* Subaki.

Seventh Summon: No blue orbs, so picked colorless and got...



Marcella Lentz-Pope's voice acting is really cute so I'll gladly accept this! There were two other colorless orbs so I'm glad I picked this one in particular.

Eighth Summon: One blue orb, got 3* Robin.

Ninth Summon: Three blue orbs, got 3* Oboro (again), 3* Sully, and 3* Jagen.

Tenth Summon: Three blue orbs, got 3* Oboro (what's with her?), 3* Sully (again), and 5* Reinhardt! Reinhardt's a bit late to the party, not that I mind.

Eleventh Summon: One blue orb, got 3* Est.

Twelfth Summon: One blue orb, got 3* Subaki (again).

So while I didn't get the character I wanted, I still doubled my amount of 5 stars (and got one of the focus characters) so I can't complain too much.

EDIT: Due to lack of willpower I ended up rolling again with 16 orbs. There were two blue orbs, the first being 3* Sully (again). The second was...



I seem to have good luck getting focus blue 5 stars... from the last focus, anyway. But again I can't complain, and now Reinhardt is reunited with his sister!

Edited by Lightchao42
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Went for three pulls with my accumulated orbs.

First one was garbage. Sully, Wendy, Hana, and two Gaiuses, all 3*.

Second one was decent.

  • 3* Gaius: I don't even...
  • 3* Azama: Meh.
  • 4* Wrys (+Atk/-HP): I can combine him with my neutral freebie, so not bad.
  • 4* Femui (+Def/-Atk): I just promoted my other one to 5*, so worthless.
  • 5* Hawkeye (+Atk/-Spd): These are pretty good IVs, so I'll look into him.

Third pull had 2 grays, 2 reds, and 1 blue, perfect for this focus. Naturally...

  • 3* Saizo: This is the 4th one. Please, RNG, stop.
  • 3* Stahl: I already have a 4* version.
  • 3* Jagen: Again, 4* version.
  • 3* Hana: Bleh.
  • 4* Klein: Couldn't have shown up earlier? Still, he's my first 4* archer.
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I forgot to mention, that 5* Hector I pulled was -Atk, +Res. I'm not sure if there could be a worse boon/bane for him. Not even sure if I want to replace my +Spd -Res Nino for him. But either way, I'll raise him to Lv.40 and see what happens. Maybe he'll still pull his weight with some Atk-buffing units like Eirika.

At least my 4* Effie was +Spd -Res. I think she will be my next 5* unit.

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46 minutes ago, KMT4ever said:

Went for three pulls with my accumulated orbs.

First one was garbage. Sully, Wendy, Hana, and two Gaiuses, all 3*.

Second one was decent.

  • 3* Gaius: I don't even...
  • 3* Azama: Meh.
  • 4* Wrys (+Atk/-HP): I can combine him with my neutral freebie, so not bad.
  • 4* Femui (+Def/-Atk): I just promoted my other one to 5*, so worthless.
  • 5* Hawkeye (+Atk/-Spd): These are pretty good IVs, so I'll look into him.

Third pull had 2 grays, 2 reds, and 1 blue, perfect for this focus. Naturally...

  • 3* Saizo: This is the 4th one. Please, RNG, stop.
  • 3* Stahl: I already have a 4* version.
  • 3* Jagen: Again, 4* version.
  • 3* Hana: Bleh.
  • 4* Klein: Couldn't have shown up earlier? Still, he's my first 4* archer.

Who is Femui? Never heard him/her

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2 minutes ago, Thalyon said:

Who is Femui? Never heard him/her

Corrin is called Kamui in the Japanese version, thus female Kamui → Femui.

Edited by Vaximillian
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I got Jaffar!!!!!!! I am going crazy right now he is litterally the character I wanted the most! It took being orb picky (no red orbs) but I got him and he is not half bad. Now I just need Ninian and Hector...I will post a picture of Jaffar later.

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Perhaps against my better judgement I went ahead and did three full summons on the new banner, hoping mostly for Karel, Ninian, and Jaffar.



Tiki!  Unfortunately she's +Res/-Spd, which means she's now doubled by neutral Takumi, both Corrins, Marth, Jeorge, +Spd Robin, and probably a few other noteworthy characters.  I'll train her up anyway since I actually have very few decent red units, but she'll likely see the bench once Adult Tiki is promoted.  Merric and Florina are nice as well, but Merric is also saddled with -Spd.  Florina is the opposite at +Spd, but I'm not sure what's actually good on her; her stats seem very strange.




The next two pulls were nothing special -- all doubles, and the only 4* with a passable boon/bane was Gunter, who is balanced.  I want Karel and Ninian, but I may just wait and see what the next banner brings.


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Nothing good again:

3 stars: Cherche x 2, Henry

4 stars: Setsuna x 2

Wth game? I still have mmm... 24 orbs + new paraloges + lunatic chapters... Not gonna use the orbs until new characters I like get in the game cofInnescof, maybe

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59 minutes ago, Locke087 said:

I got Jaffar!!!!!!! I am going crazy right now he is litterally the character I wanted the most! It took being orb picky (no red orbs) but I got him and he is not half bad. Now I just need Ninian and Hector...I will post a picture of Jaffar later.


I just got Jaffar too. Now Nino will really do her best. 


Also, I still haven't got any of my S-Support partners from my Awakening and Fates playthroughs other than Tharja, 

Edited by Smog
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Used up all my orbs aiming for Ninian. Needless to say, I didn't manage to get her and is left with a 3.5% rate up.

Do you guys wanna know my first session? Then feast upon it!

On 3/13/2017 at 11:00 PM, pianime94 said:

RNG trolls me hard and gave me a full orbs without Ninian's color.


Why Anna....


She did gave me Reinhardt (+HP -Res)! (What a spook)


With this, my Cavalry is complete and is perfect until they decide to throw in Camus.

The rest of the pulls include

3* Saizo (-Spd +Res). Well...this is definitely a bad IV..

3* Oboro (-Def +Res). Don't really know her thing..

2x 3* Subaki (-Atk +Spd and +Spd -Def). The latter is definitely his best so I'll train him up. The other will become fodder for Reinhardt.

2x 3* F Corrin and 1x F Corrin (2x -Def +Res and 1x -Atk +Spd). I want to use her, but I actually dunno which one is the better IV for her...

2x 4* Pothead (+HP -Def and -Spd +Def). Please no more Donnels...

4* Hawkeye (+Def -Res). He'd make a nice fodder because Death Blow.

2x 4* Catria (-HP +Def and +HP -Spd). Compared with the previous Catria I got who has +HP -Res, I guess I'll have to raise the -HP +Def one

and last

4* Cordelia (-HP +Spd). Is one of her best IV I think, so I'll have raise her up later for my flier team.

In recap, I have achieved my cavalry dream team and also completed my flier team. Level grinding Reinhardt is fun.

I think I'll be able to get another 20 orbs later. Hopefully the 3.5% rate will work miracle, or at least let me reset the rate.

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Just now, pianime94 said:

Used up all my orbs aiming for Ninian. Needless to say, I didn't manage to get her and is left with a 3.5% rate up.

Do you guys wanna know my first session? Then feast upon it!


  Reveal hidden contents



Why Anna....



She did gave me Reinhardt (+HP -Res)! (What a spook)


With this, my Cavalry is complete and is perfect until they decide to throw in Camus.

The rest of the result includes

3* Saizo (-Spd +Res). Well...this is definitely a bad IV..

3* Oboro (-Def +Res). Don't really know her thing..

2x 3* Subaki (-Atk +Spd and +Spd -Def). The latter is definitely his best so I'll train him up. The other will become fodder for Reinhardt.

2x 3* F Corrin and 1x F Corrin (2x -Def +Res and 1x -Atk +Spd). I want to use her, but I actually dunno which one is the better IV for her...

2x 4* Pothead (+HP -Def and -Spd +Def). Please no more Donnels...

4* Hawkeye (+Def -Res). He'd make a nice fodder because Death Blow.

2x 4* Catria (-HP +Def and +HP -Spd). Compared with the previous Catria I got who has +HP -Res, I guess I'll have to raise the -HP +Def one

and last

4* Cordelia (-HP +Spd). Is one of her best IV I think, so I'll have raise her up later for my flier team.

In recap, I have achieved my cavalry dream team and also completed my flier team. Level grinding Reinhardt is fun.

I think I'll be able to get another 20 orbs later. Hopefully the 3.5% rate will work miracle, or at least let me reset the rate.


Anna doesn't always give you what you want, but she at least gives you something good!

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Got Ninian after about 30 orbs, which I'm happy about.

But Jaffar is one of my favourites so I couldn't stop. I spent about 120-130 orbs in total and never got him... why you do dis, game.

I did however get Klein, Reindhart, Kagero, and Nowi all as 4* and Lachesis as 5*, none of whom I had pulled before, so it wasn't a total loss.

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All I wanna do is get Priscilla. I NEED a healer on a pony. So please game give me my pony healer (Ninian or Jaffar wouldn't be bad, but please not Rebecca).


EDIT: I did not pull Priscilla. 32 orbs and the best thing I got was 4* Maria. And I'm pretty much screwed without the daily orbs.

Edited by Finn1412
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Hello all, time for another set of pulls.  Against my better judgement, I decided to spend all of my accumulated orbs in order to get two full summons, as roughly 2/3rds of these new focus units look fairly dope, and the other two don't look too terrible either.  Was my rashness looked upon with pity and rewarded, or has my luck finally started to return to normal?

Round 16 Pulls



Round 16 [Blazing Shadows]: 4* Cecilia [+Res, -HP] || 3* Bartre [+Spd, -HP] || 3* Oboro [Neutral] || 4* Reinhardt [+Res, - Spd]??? || 3* Corrin-F [+Def, - Spd]

I was really hoping to get Ninian out of this banner, so obviously 3 blue orbs is reason for excitement, right? Unfortunately, all that potential amounted to some alright pulls, but nothing particularly spectacular.

  • It certainly is nice to get a 4 star Cecilia, although if she is anything like the 3 star version I have, training her up is going to be rough.  That nature is pretty decent as well, considering she wasn't going to live a physical hit anyway.
  • Yaaaah, a new unit.  Based off of what little I know about our lusciously mustached friend, that nature looks alright - he's a little outclassed by most of my higher-starred axe users (Hector, Camilla, and Sheena are for certain better, probably Raven too even with his -Atk nature), but I plan to have some fun with him (maybe I can finally learn to stop worrying and love the Fury).
  • Oh, my first Oboro... Not going to lie, her artwork in this game is really off-putting, for reasons I can't adequately explain.  I like the voice-acting though, so maybe that'll be enough to get me to give her a try, who knows...
  • Oooooh, I certainly was stoked to get myself a Reinhardt.  4 star versions of him are so new that I had issues working out his nature, but based off of some other info, he is definitely -Spd, which is not the worst thing for him.
  • And another Corrin-F, which is alright by me.  Corrin's stat spread confuses me immensely, so I have no clue what passes for a "good" nature for her, but she might have enough natural speed to make this nature work fairly well on a defensive build.

Round 17 Pulls



Round 16 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Saizo [+Def, -HP] || 3* Corrin-F [+Atk, -Res] || 3* Oboro [+Atk, -Spd] || 3* Corrin-F [Neutral] || 4* Reinhardt [+Spd, - Atk]???

Wowzers, I even got 4 blue orbs this time, I'm so stoked for what is about to come... oh.  I'm a little disappointed with this one, especially coming right after my last pull, but you can't win all of them.

  • I don't have much to say on Saizo, as I've already got an identically natured 4 star version of him, but he tanks physical hits quite nicely, so that's cool I guess.
  • Well, this seems like one of Corrin's better natures if you are making an offensive build, but I've already trained up a +Spd, -Res version of her.  Would anyone care to advise me on which is better?
  • Oh, Oboro again... This nature looks pretty good for her, so I can't complain.
  • Awww thanks Heroes, that is most definitely the blue dragon I was hoping to get this banner... 3 times, no less :dry:.
  • I guess this gets me the quadruple on -Spd Sophia and Gordin (Jesus, I didn't realize Reinhardt was that slow), and keeps him from being doubled by a few meta-relevant threats like Effie, Hector, Leo, Ephraim, and Chrom (assuming he lives a hit, which is a funny joke in and of itself), but -Atk is just the worst.  I'll take my chances with my magical tank Reinhardt above...

Yeah, I'm a little cross.

On the positive side of things, Breath of the Wild is amazing I got a single death arena streak on my first try earlier today, so I 5-starred my Camilla to celebrate.

My flawlessly natured Waifu



Now just make Iote's Shield a B-skill, and we're in business :)


Edited by red-and-soulless
Due to reaching my attachment limit, all the pretty summoning pictures will be stored here: http://imgur.com/a/Ftyat
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My sister tempted me into using 1 summon. There was 1 blue orb.


*pulls 4 star Peri*

*screams eternally into the demonic sky*

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I feel like sending my *5 Setsuna and *5 Olwen home, since I neither fancy them (as units and character) nor am I a tier whore. Being *5's, though, it's kind of stupid. Also, bragging right collectibles. 

Question, is smart to keep them around for when skills become exchangable?

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8 hours ago, Birdy said:

Jaffars seems pretty good though. With the Wiki reporting 42 ATK and 41 SPD (predumably neutral but with Life and Death), he's a force to be reckoned with. If it's possible to inherit Kagerou's dagger, a +SPD or +ATK Jaffar will wreck faces >.<


As for my pulls:

Jaffar: +DEF -ATK

Karel: Neutral

Ninian 1: +ATK -SPD

Ninian 2: +RES -ATK


Happy with the characters, not so happy with the boons/banes. Should I train Ninian 1 or 2?

ninian 2 is better imo she needs to be able to tank


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1 minute ago, Soul~! said:

Question, is smart to keep them around for when skills become exchangable?

Bowbreaker and Reciprocal Aid are actually really clutch skills, so Setsuna's valuable because of those, rather than her mediocre stats. 


Olwen's Ward Cavalry might be helpful as it stacks with Goad Cavalry for a My Little Pony themed team (which I'm legit interested in trying). Additionally, Dire Thunder might work better on Linde, who totes a natural 39 speed and would suffer far less from it than Olwen, and Linde's 39/42/45 Atk with a blue Brave Tome might be helpful with a modified 31/34/37 Speed to run it with.

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Mediocre? wtflol, her stats are pretty badass. That's pretty much 90% of the reason I'm still using her, despite finding her mildly annoying. I'm seriously thinking of ditching her in favor of my *3fuckingNiles.

Also, My LittlePony. LOL.

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15 minutes ago, Soul~! said:

Mediocre? wtflol, her stats are pretty badass. That's pretty much 90% of the reason I'm still using her, despite finding her mildly annoying. I'm seriously thinking of ditching her in favor of my *3fuckingNiles.

Also, My LittlePony. LOL.

Out of all the archers in the game, Niles and Setsuna are the absolute stankiest, hands down. Between Setsuna and Niles I'd go Setsuna cause of dagger breaker. The next middle point of archery are Virion, Gordin and now Mehbecca. Then there's the big dogs; Tacomeat, Jeorge, and Klein. Just to give you a little break down. So in my opinion, if you don't have anyone from Virion and up, keep your Setsuna. But if you do have someone from virion and up keep her for skillz.


I said virion was at middle point but he's the only person I don't know the stats for off the top. A lot of people examine these things so maybe I'll get corrected if I'm wrong.


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