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42 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Dump Lucina, use Ike! That is pretty decent for him!

I hope to use both.  I could use a lot of units for Arena Assault.  I don't have many bulky Blues.  Most rely on buffs or are glass cannons.

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10 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I hope to use both.  I could use a lot of units for Arena Assault.  I don't have many bulky Blues.  Most rely on buffs or are glass cannons.

Well, if her -Atk doesn't hurt too much, be my guest then. XD

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Third full pull on Brave Banner. Got Brave Ike and Saber. Ike is -Atk/+Def, Saber is -Spd/+Def. Not good natures, but I'm not complaining about adding these two to my collection. I WAS going to use my free hero on Ike, but we'll see if I can get Roy and Lucina to complete the collection. My luck just won't stop!

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Free CYL pull was Lyn. Now on to the banner itself...

- B!Roy is +spd -hp (Fast Roy, cool)

- 4* Seth is +hp -spd (Uhhh...I'll keep him around for merging purposes)

- 2 4* Firs (Keep one)

- 4* Boey has neutral IVs

- Random blue orb (more Catrias as always welcome)...5* B!Lucina with +res -hp, I think. (Hm, I'll take her) 

That leaves B!Ike. 

Edited by Lord-Zero
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My free CYL pull was Lyn because I'm not going to deal with attempting colorless after the horror of sniping colorless for Innes. Now onto the actual banner.

-free pull: 4* stahl

-4 orb pull: 5* Athena (+res, -attack)(too bad she has horrible ivs because she was a unit that I really wanted and had never obtained until now)

- the remainder of my current pulls have been nothing but horrible 3*s or 4*s that I already had.




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39 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Well, if her -Atk doesn't hurt too much, be my guest then. XD

I hope to get a better nature.

Although it looks like a Tellius Banner is right after this, so I don't know if I should keep going.

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20 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I hope to get a better nature.

Although it looks like a Tellius Banner is right after this, so I don't know if I should keep going.

Yeah, I'm having a hard time deciding whether or not to do another full pull or two on CYL because of that myself. Elincia and Kieran could be in the banner!

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9 hours ago, Thib-Ryu said:

Well, that just happened...

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D*mn it Corrin !!

1st Brave Lucina : -HP +DEF, good builk I guess
2nd Brave Lucina : -RES +SPD, ooooooh here we are !
Brave Lyn : -DEF +RES, not the best again, but no -ATK or -SPD so I think it's okay !
Alm : -ATK +SPD, no problem, I already have a +ATK Alm, I can change with the other when I need some ATK boost
Aaaand Corrin (F) : +SPD -DEF, but I already have Corrin (F) 5* with +SPD -RES

I never had 3x 5* in 1 pull and only pulled 2x 5* in a row, so that one is pretty... incredible to me.



After this beautiful draw this morning, my luck vanished during 70 orbs, and then :




Brave Ike appeared ! At this point, all stats would be okay, but +ATK -RES showed up... Couldn't hope better than that in my wildest dreams.

Then I finished with my free summon banner and picked Neutral Brave Roy up. 1st time I got all focus champions of a banner (even if one was free) with good stats, and this one is pretty cool I think. Not disappointed.

About the other summonings, I didn't have many good characters, maybe :
 -> Athenais 4* +SPD -DEF, very good one, because the 1st I got was -SPD +DEF...
 -> Camilla 4* +SPD -DEF, she could replace my +RES -DEF.
 -> Sully 4* +ATK -RES, the other one will be used on skill inheritance. 

Then, the others... Some TA fodders, SpearBreaker, GTomeBreaker... and the last ones are obviously a loss of orbs. But it's okay, I've got what I wanted !


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2 hours ago, SniperGYS said:

Choose Lyn as freebie unit

Then I got for free summon...

Got 4*Stahl... Now just checking who of my characters need Swap

Yo, I just wanted to let you know thta your sig and avatar just melts my heart dude.  I blame the sprite artwork, it just lends itself to such adorability!


Anyway, onwards to the late night hour summoning.


I got Lyndis for my free CYL summon for obvious reasons (to avoid CH and to finally acquire a decent archer; I'm trying to get a Quadsuna built, but that's really not working out for me at current, she's just too weak for my needs.)


And then came the first summoning session.  That GLORIOUS summoning session.


I only had enough orbs this month saved up for one session and four summons.  As you can see below, I summoned two 3*s, one Oboro, one Florina.  And then that third summon.  Like a shining star atop the hill, came the glorious Yillesean Future Prophet in her impeccable armour - okay, I'm being hyperbolic, but seriously - That was some lovely luck if i say so myself.  Pretty happy with her Defense Boon; anything that keeps a unit in the battle longer is fine with me.  Only problem with it is that she has an attack bane, but frankly I think I can work with it for now.  I think I'll try rolling for her again once I have some more orbs saved up and add in some more orbs to my inventory once my next paycheck comes in, but for now, I can at the very least have her use her default set and use her to finally beat that first Squad Assault set.






Anyway, I'm pretty happy with these results; had I gotten better IVs, I'd just save up the orbs I get from here-on-out.  But hell, since I'm already gonna be spending some of these near the end of the banner, I think I'll gun for Ike as well, if only because I need an additional axe user to complement my Tana & Amelia team.

Quick question for those who actually know what they're doing as far as improving their characters.  Does combining duplicates to units that are Level 40 impact their IVs at all or does it just give them additional SP?  I've been hearing about Level 20 Arenas having as much as +10 leveled units, and I'm trying to see the advantage to combining so many units as opposed to using them for SI fodder.





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Why hello there Ike #2! Yes please and thank you! This one is +res/-hp, hmmm do I keep this one or the free neutral? Decisions decisions...

Fury 3, Darting Blow 3, and Reposition are quiet welcome too! And with this Gaius I now have a pointlessly +10 3* Gaius!

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I chose Lyn since colorless tend to go bad for me, used my free pull and got 4* Seth which made me laugh so hard since I spent about a 100 orbs getting his 5* version.  then I ended up with Lucy who I will train but will not be replacing Lucas on my infantry team any time soon, 3* Hana, 3* Draug and 2 Ikes!  Ike is my first 5* merge since I have been needing a good infantry ax unit for a while,  all in all I am happy and now I will start saving orbs again since I don't really need Roy. 

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Picked Lyn as my free CYL Hero, and went in for a regular summon.  Free summon:


Full summon:



Cordelia: +Hp, -Atk, Gwendolyn: +Def/-Res, Cherche: +Hp/-Atk, Niles: +Spd/-Hp, Robin-M: +Hp/-Res

That's my third Cordelia with -Atk, but at least my other ones are +Spd.  Gwendolyn will probably be merged, Cherche will be SI'd to Genny, Niles is useless, and Robin-M is added to my growing stack of Bonfire fodder.


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Got impatient and bought some orbs to try and get Lucina so that I have all 4 brave heroes. Got her in 90 ish orbs though she is +hp/-spd which is a little unfortunate. Also got a 5* neutral Merric in the same session, and with that, I'm done with this banner.

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, I'm having a hard time deciding whether or not to do another full pull or two on CYL because of that myself. Elincia and Kieran could be in the banner!

Same. Still threw all my orbs at it though. Need that Lucina for the buffs. 

At least we are likely getting Black Knight as a GHB. I don't care if he is the worst one yet, I am using him.

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, I'm having a hard time deciding whether or not to do another full pull or two on CYL because of that myself. Elincia and Kieran could be in the banner!

Same. Still threw all my orbs at it though. Need that Lucina for the buffs. 

At least we are likely getting Black Knight as a GHB. I don't care if he is the worst one yet, I am using him.

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1 minute ago, Tolvir said:

At least we are likely getting Black Knight as a GHB. I don't care if he is the worst one yet, I am using him.

Yeah, me too! BK is awesome and I'll use him on armor teams that I'll need for any future armor quests.

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2 hours ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

Yo, I just wanted to let you know thta your sig and avatar just melts my heart dude.  I blame the sprite artwork, it just lends itself to such adorability!



And yeah, heroes sprites are adorable! That's why I wanted something for them with the sprites

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Wouldn't it be funny if they made all the freebie CYL units +HP-Atk?


Update on Rezzy's quest for everybody

I got Roy my boy: +Atk-Def.

My quest for all 4 is complete, with Orbs to spare.

Lyn: True Neutral

Ike: +Spd-Res  Sites say Speed is a bad boon for him, but 31 speed is 35 with Hone, which seems good to me.

Lucina: -Atk+Spd No Baner is complete without a -Atk, I might keep pulling for better



I have a real dilemma.  I don't know whether to try for better nature(s) or to stop while I'm ahead and save up for the upcoming Tellius Banner.  Do we have confirmation that these units aren't limited time banners?

1 hour ago, Tolvir said:

Same. Still threw all my orbs at it though. Need that Lucina for the buffs. 

At least we are likely getting Black Knight as a GHB. I don't care if he is the worst one yet, I am using him.


1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, me too! BK is awesome and I'll use him on armor teams that I'll need for any future armor quests.

Hopefully Alondite gets Distant Counter.

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I started with 160 orbs, and my initial plan was to pull everything.  That plan went sideways immediately, but I still came out pretty well, with these as my notable pulls:

5* Mist (+Hp, -Res) No harm done, since I pulled her on my first circle, but this spooked me enough that I decided to skip colorless and settled for free Brave Lyn.

5* Fae (+Hp, -Def) Why hello, Reinhardt counter.  Not the best boon/bane combo, but I'll live with a 50 Hp Reinhardt tank.

5* Hawkeye (+Spd, - Hp) My SECOND pity-killing Hawkeye, and both of them have had great boon/bane combos, wasted on SI fodder.

5* Brave Ike (Neutral) Woohoo!  Having spend over 200 orbs going for regular Ike with no luck, I'm pleased that Brave Ike came so quickly.  

5* Brave Lyn (Neutral) From the free pull.  I can live with neutral for her.

All in all, four 5-star units out of 160 orbs is quite good, considering I was able to get a focus unit I really wanted.  I'm debating whether or not to go for Roy and Lucina now.  I have a +1 Eldigan and Xander, so Roy is pretty superfluous.  Lucina is quite tempting though, and since she's mainly a buffbot, she can absorb a bad bane more easily than any of the other CYL focuses.  Hilariously, I doubled my number of colorless 5-star units today, since I've avoided colorless orbs like the plague.  

Also, @Rezzy, I think Spd is a bad boon for Ike because his kit seems to want for him to get doubled.  I read on Gamefaqs that he can have Aether ready after getting attacked once if he gets doubled.  Credit for the little breakdown below goes to Milkman5.

Aether = 5
5 - 1 = 4(Urvan)
4 -1 = 3 (Enemy Attacks)
3 - 1 = 2 (Counter Attack)
2 - 1 = (Enemy Attacks)
1 - 1 = 0(Steady Breath)


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3 minutes ago, Eridras said:

Also, @Rezzy, I think Spd is a bad boon for Ike because his kit seems to want for him to get doubled.  I read on Gamefaqs that he can have Aether ready after getting attacked once if he gets doubled.  Credit for the little breakdown below goes to Milkman5.

Steady breath gives you 2 charge per action, Aether is Moonbow when you wield Urvan. (And Luna is pulsed Moonbow).


Ike's speed stat is for fighting melees---higher speed = he gets doubled less, with a possibility of a natural Aether counter if he's fast enough to double. Lower speed is useful vs. ranged because he guarantees and Aether charge in one round---letting him heal up most of the damage afterwards, but higher speed still saves you the 20% of damage the follow up would've caused, so it's not exactly bad.

Ike's stat priority is weird in that HP is worth nearly as much as def/res (1.2 hp = 1 def and 1 res), and he doesn't care too much about speed except versus physical units---against whom hp is far worse than def, because he's countering in between. He can absorb -spd better than other units, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't want high speed.

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So CYL went live and I've thrown what hoarded orbs I had at it...and what did I get?

For starters, my CYL freebie was:




The Archer for Horse Emblem! Wohoo~!
And colourless hell avoidance.
I almost picked Lucina but...Horse.Archer. Hng. Far too tempting.


Now, the pulls:

Pull #1



Yeah...nothing new.
And that's Henry #10 now. :/


Pull #2




Some more SI fodder - Swordbreaker is always useful, as is more Hone Cavalry.


Pull #3


[2 blue | 3 colourless]

A 4* Lukas and a 3*Oboro.
SI fodder take 3.

Pull #4





My look, it's that boy, Roy! He's...Res+/Atk-. Oh. Didn't wipe the smile off my face though.


Pull #5





I can't...I've lost my ability to...yeah I have no words adequate to describe this.
He's...Def+/Atk-. Hm...I've been getting a good chunk of Atk- as of late. :S
(The spare blue held a 4* Shanna)


Pull #6



[1 blue | 4 colourless]

The singular blue held a 4* Atk+/HP- Reinhardt! (Phew he broke the -Atk streak) 
That was a really pleasant surprise and boy, am I glad I saved up feathers now - 40+2 Reinhardt here I go~!

And the previous 5* of him was HP+/Atk-, which was merged to a 5* promoted HP+/Spd-. 


And as can be gleaned from my last summon, I'm now back in blue hell - just how many more blue will my barracks get until I find the elusive Brave!Lucina? Tune in at [static]

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My Recent Pulls:

Gauntlet Boys Banner: 5* Roy (+Res/-Def)!  First 5* free pull!  I would have preferred Ike, but still, awesome!

Gauntlet Girls Banner: 4* Female Corrin.  There were no red or green orbs.

CYL Banner (59 orbs spent, I think):

Free 5* focus hero of my choice: CYL Lyn

3* Frederick

4* Peri

4* Est

4* Bartre

3* Shanna

3* Cecilia

4* Merric

4* Gunter

4* Mathilda

3* Oboro

4* Camilla

3* Arthur

5* CYL Ike (+HP/-Atk).  Not that upset about the bad nature.  I just wanted him.

4* Cain

That's it for now!  Aiming for CYL Lucina next!

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