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My impulse control for this game has been shot to shit. I used to be able to stock up over a hundred orbs, but now I have trouble saving over 30.

Anyway, I've already gotten plenty from Brave Heroes, but the odds of me ever getting one of them again outside of this banner are too low. Let's go!

  1. 4* Boey: Earth Boost fodder.
  2. 3* A!Tiki: Eh.
  3. 3* Felicia: Bleh.
  4. 4* Jagen: I might have need of your Fortify Cavalry.
  5. 5* Brave Lucina: ......I have no idea what to say. I really did not expect to actually get one of the focus units. +HP/-Atk, so she's getting merged into my free one like the other one I pulled.

Now I'm kind of regretting that I picked Lucina as my free Brave Hero. Sure, my first +2 merge is nice, but I could have had Brave Ike. Well, both of the ones I pulled had crap IVs, so I suppose it's alright. I've gotten 3 focus 5* and one off-focus 5* from this banner for only 95 orbs, so I should definitely sit down and stop complaining.

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I did a YOLO pull with 9 orbs and got a 4*Olivia and a Neutral B!Lucina. I already have 3 of the brave heroes and I can easily live without Roy so I'm done with the CYL banner.

On a related note, what should I do with Lucina, leave her as a spur bot or go towards a more offensive approach?

Edited by Alexmender
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Another day of Tempest grinding, another day of BHB banner summoning. Let's try for reds again, shall we~?

First up is the Merc with a Mouth herself, Selena! Sporting +HP/-Spd at a 3-star rarity, she barely comes out ahead of the prior +Spd/-Atk, but falls short compared to the current 4-star +Atk/-Spd. Looks likes she'll be Repositioning herself, right into another unit's skill set!

Nextly and lastly, it's the Vapid Victim of Valla, the Blundering Brother from Beyond Borders, it's... Male Corrin! He's looking a little plain today, with a modest 4-star +Res/-Spd ensemble. But lucky for him, he can afford to hold back, because all of his competitors have already been Sent Home! Will he follow in his fellow fodder's footsteps? Or will his Dragon Fang and Defense +3 give him the edge he needs to remain? Find out next time, on: "Nifty! Or! Iffy!!!"

This is how I cope with constant disappointment.

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5 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Look, I do legitimately feel bad that I incidentally pulled her when there are those like you who actually want her but can't get her to show up even though you're specifically hunting for her. Heroes just seems to have a knack for giving me characters I don't care for more often than it gives me characters who are actual favorites of mine. Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long for it to drop Lyn well, a Lyn that isn't in a wedding dress rather on my lap.

Also for clarification, I wasn't calling the Lyn I pulled a mistake. The mistake I was referring to was my decision to pull reds to begin with. I don't even want a 5* Eliwood that badly but still thought it'd be neat to pull one as opposed to using feathers to promote my 4* one who incidentally has that exact combo that yours has. 

I know it's the game and not the players. Just frustrating to see so many people pull her and then... well. Yeah. I do pretty well at getting the characters I want in this game, but the #1 character I want I've been consistently denied and at this point I have 5 days left to get her. Worse that I haven't pulled a single Brave unit and I have to put so many resources into Lyn when she could have just showed up at the beginning instead of Eliwood.


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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

For how long have you been pulling for her?

Since I first started playing in April. But this is the first banner that's had her since I've been playing, I passed on the VG banner (3 reds? nothx), but as soon as this TT banner came up, I've literally put every single orb I have into reds for her and all I have to show for it is 2 Eliwoods.

It's never been this hard to get a unit I want, not even S!Corrin was this tough.

Edited by Zeo
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I managed to get Brave Ike on Friday. +HP/-Spd, which actually works pretty well with Steady Breath. I'm now only missing Brave Roy from the banner.

What does concern me is that four out of my past five 5* pulls have been -Spd- both my Ninians, Brave Lucina, and Brave Ike. I'm concerned that I'm becoming the Rezzy of -Spd. On the bright side, Ninian is a dancer and Brave Ike doesn't mind being slow, so it hasn't hurt that much.

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4.50% pity rate. I'll take another Brave Ike duplicate game just give me something! At least I got something new with Seth. There's a good chance he'll just end up as Fortress Defence fodder in the long run but a new face is nice (he's +def/-hp). 

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So I made a full draw and to my surprise I drew a 5* Lyn she is +Spd -Hp (I will get Katarina someday just you watch) however I already have a neutral Lyn at lvl 40 with most of her kit already and I'm not really sure if I should train this new Lyn and merge the old one into her or if its not worth the effort and I should merge the new into the old.

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Last 20 Hard Story mode/Paralogue orbs

%4,50 Pity rate

want Hector so much

1 Green 3 Red 1 Colorless (kms)

and got -Speed 5* Soren and +HP -Def Lyn on the same summon ! i am okay with these pulls i can merge Soren but i dont understand this game sometimes.. got Ephraim on free summon but for Lyn and Soren had to spend all Hard mode orbs...

i am not gonna spend my Lunatic orbs until we got a Celica/Sonya/Julia banner i really need some mages

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I give


5.25% on the CYL banner last night and rate broken by Cordelia and Effie. (Cordelia's better than my old one, which is cool, but I literally just promoted a +atk Effie the other day). Easily 200+ orbs of sniping blues and no Lucina. 0 CYL units besides free Lyn. Even the "fodder" was 90% Oboros and stuff out to mock my efforts. I feel like I'm the only person who can't pull a CYL unit off this banner. (i know that's not true, but man it feels bad) The game's like, "hey if you thought getting 3 -spd S Corrins was funny, how about you just get no banner units at all!"

I'll probably throw away the last couple orbs we get in the next 3 days in vain still trying for Lucina, but otherwise I'm probably saving everything else this month until the Hallloween banner. As much as I want Nephenee (and possibly Elincia), I'll need all the orbs I can get for Halloween to have a hope at getting anything.

Edited by Alkaid
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Now up to 365 total units pulled.  Thank you free summon!




First one was off of the Brave Hero banner, second was off the Bound Hero banner.

As for boons/banes:


Mae (+Res/-Def): Since I can't pull Shanna any more, she might end up as Desperation/Draw Back fodder.
Laslow (+Res/-HP): I still find plenty of uses for Axebreaker.
Camilla (+Def/-Res): I have uses for Savage Blow!
Klein (+Spd/-HP): So. . .Firesweep, Poison Strike, Savage Blow, terrible idea, Y/Y?
Jeorge (+Def/-Atk): Maybe I'll have need of a level 2 Spur, one day?

Seliph (+Def/-Atk): Workable boon, awful bane.  WHY?
Ogma (+HP/-Def): The only neutral hero that will dodge the HP +3 seal and Panic Ploy is Zephiel.
Sully (+Def/-Res): I like giving Draw Back + Swordbreaker to a lot of units.
Virion (+Res/-HP): Fun fact: I use him as a base for Glimmer SI.
Jakob (+Def/-Atk): We've gone through this before, dear.  It doesn't work.  But I'm sure someone will appreciate Renewal!

So, where my Faye with a crappy nature?  Klein wants her bow, dammit!


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Got more orbs from Tempest, so tried on BHB for reds. Got three reds, which was thankfully exactly enough for how many orbs I had. Let's see who I got:

Seliph, Roy, and Eliwood. What a pleasantly thematic session. They're even in appearance order, since Leif isn't here yet. All 4-stars, as well.

Seliph is +Res/-Def, which is... awful, honestly. Especially since I already have him at 5-stars with +Atk/-Spd. I was hoping he might be -Res so that I could have an excuse to +1 my 5-star, but it's not worth 20,000 for just that. He doesn't even give Brash Assault 3 at 4-stars, so he may just end up being sent home for feathers. Shame too, since I actually quite like him, but that's what my current one is for.

Amazingly, Roy is neutral. Unfortunately, I like my Brave Roy more in every way, and normal Roy is perfect Triangle Adept fodder, so he'll most likely be giving that to someone else.

Eliwood is +HP/-Atk, almost exactly opposite of my current +Spd/-HP Eliwood. He'll be giving somebody Ward Cavalry for sure.

All in all, a solid session. Still no 5-star, and I'm now at 3.75% pity rate, but the decent fodder and interesting line-up of characters saved it from being unenjoyable.

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Should get enough orbs for another summon once I cap Tempest. then probably rely on dailies then spend like 15$ or sometihng at the end.

Priority would be looking for a better IV Lucina. Everyone else is fine.

Yesterday pulled an Eldigan and BIke at a 3.75% in one session.

Eldigan had the worst IV with -attack,+Res.  but I'll level him anyway and more BIke merging for me. Think hes at a +2 or 3 now.


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More orbs, more BHB banner summoning. Had enough for three orbs just in case there were that many reds, oh look, there's no reds. Just one blue, two green, and two colorless. Guess I'll just open the blue one, since it's all by itself, and then back out befo-

...Hello, 5-star Lukas. At first, this man's calm facial expression annoyed me, because I believed I already had the ideal Lukas, with +Atk/-Spd. However, this newcomer's demeanor soon became clear, because he holds what may be the greatest contender for "best Lukas" (besides a -Res bane): +Def/-Spd. I might have to get a second opinion on which is better. +Atk basically gives him five points of defense for free, but +Def gives him a monstrous 46 defense at all times. This will be difficult. Either way, my pity rate was broken and I have enough for two more units. Let's try colorless.

4-star Niles from the first one. +Res/-HP. That's some honestly intimidating resistance, but I don't really plan to use Niles, so he'll probably just end up as fodder. Now for the second orb:

Hey, my first ever Lucius! +Spd/-Def, which, in terms of his ability to survive, might be one of if not the best possible boon and bane I could get. Also, looking at his level 40 stats, he has oddly good offensive stats. If I ever get a Genny to spare, I may him Wrathful Staff.

This was actually a very positive session to me. I've continued summoning on this banner mostly so I could get something out of my pity rate; I'm a bit sad it was someone I already had that ended up doing that, but he still has solid stats, and if that hadn't happened now, I wouldn't have pulled this great first Lucius either. Now, to save orbs for the triumphant return of Katarina!

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with the log in bonus.

I had enough for a summon so y not. All 3s and 4s till the last Blue Orb on top. I'm hoping for Lucina as shes top priority. At a 3.25% chance, I was blessed with Brave Lucina (2nd one).

Had an +attack, -Defense. Decent but better then the 1st one.

So now I got all the braves with IVs I'm fine with except Lyn cause idm Neutral.

Finally I can start saving for the next banner that interests me.

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Did a pull on the BHB banner. Three blue orbs.

Robin (M) was boring, not even worth being a new base.

Roderick was new, but I suspect he will be foddered.

BUT I GOT EPHRAIM! (+HP -Spd). I think Tana will be having some fun times soon... that also means I'm pretty set for Elincia, should she be next. Not fantastic, but not bad.

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