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Well I blew through 90'ish orbs which means I won't get too many more pulls anytime soon and all I got when my pity finally broke was this -


Had Liliana been Nowi instead I would be stoked. But of course I blow everything I have and get the unit I want least form the banner. At least his ATK Boon/RES Bane isn't terrible. But my Armor team+Dancer would be all Green at this point. Oh God. Oh god no. I just realized. Henry, Amelia, Hector, Axura. HA HA!



What I wanted from this was Nowi and Sakura. Jakob could be interesting since his colorless nature is unique amoung armors. I know it wouldn't look as good if he had Blue spirits, but I kinda wish Henry was a blue mage. Effie being the only truly useful blue armor gets a bit boring. It means she is nearly always slotted on my armor team. It would be nice if she had gotten some competition.

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Well my first set of pulls on the Halloween banner had 3 greens, free pull was 3* Arthur, second pull was 4* Cecilia and the 3rd pull was H!Henry! Can't wait to train him on Friday.  I also pulled a 3* Virion while trying for Jakob.  I will gather more orbs and Try for Jakob again later.

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Nearly a 100 orbs saved up. I did well on the Dancer banner, so I'm anxious about this one. I suppose my most wanted is Nekomakura for the valor skills since I love collecting those. But it's incredibly rare that I raise a dagger unit. I'll probably stop pulling grays the minute I get either of those focus units.



First pull, 1 red, 4 gray. Promising!

  • 3* Felicia +Res/-Def
  • 4* Leon +Hp/-Spd
  • 4* Jakob +Def/-HP
  • 3* Azama +Def/-Spd
  • 4* Tharja +Def/-Atk

Nothing of note.

Second pull, 2 red, 1 gray, 2 blue.

  • 3* Eliwood +Hp/-Res
  • 4* Cain +Spd/-Atk
  • 3* Robin +Atk/-Spd
  • 3* Serra +Spd/-Def
  • 4* Jagen +res/-HP

Finally some good news. I always appreciate a Gunter or Jagen since I've got dozens of cav projects, but I've pulled less than half a dozen of those two characters since release. Eliwood and Cain are good fodder too.

Third Pull, 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 2 gray

  • 3* Gunter+Def/-Res
  • 3* F!Corrin + +Atk/-Res
  • 3* Gaius +Hp/-Atk
  • 4* M!Corrin +Atk/-Spd
  • 5* Halloween Jakob +Def/-Spd

Now that's what I'm talking about! Got what I believe is a great nature for Jakob. Also, M!Corrin is new to my catalogue. Not going to promote him with that nature, but I wish I had him for the previous voting gauntlet. And Gunter is a huge get too. Trying to decide if +Atk or +Def is best for Gunter, since I'd like to raise one and have both with -Res.


Good ending. Still have a number of orbs left, but seeing how disappointing these pulls can be, I think I'll take time to save up. I really am only happy with these sessions when I can do multiple at once. And I need time to consider whether I want to focus hunt or not for the remaining three.

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After a friend pulled the 4 Halloween characters in a row, I tried to summon somethin... wasted like 80 orbs... Only got 5*Camilla


Well, at least is a 5* I didn't had before lol

Idk if keep trying on Halloween or save orbs for obvious Christmas banner that maybe could have a character I want and like... Eeeeehhh, I take my Camilla and send home everyone else

Still too many colorless and no Innes :( , damn it game, I take any Innes, even the one with the worst Ivs!!!

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So, I reinstalled the game to get the free daily orbs at least and I decided to summon as well. I still won't do any battling for awhile though. I'll collect my arena rewards later and that's it.

I hardly got any reds sadly, so no Nowi. I also messed up and thought we had a blue unit on this banner for some reason, but we don't. I wound up with a bunch of trash, mainly (4 star Freddy was a nice get tho, more merge fodder for my 5 star Freddy later)...

Until my final session, I got this.


Count Henry! I had to buy orbs to open the rest of the greens, but it literally paid off. This was in roughly 75 orbs.

+Res, -Spd. Not the best IVs, but not the worst either. I can work with it.

Just give me some more damned reds next time, game!

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

So, I reinstalled the game to get the free daily orbs at least and I decided to summon as well. I still won't do any battling for awhile though. I'll collect my arena rewards later and that's it.

I hardly got any reds sadly, so no Nowi. I also messed up and thought we had a blue unit on this banner for some reason, but we don't. I wound up with a bunch of trash, mainly (4 star Freddy was a nice get tho, more merge fodder for my 5 star Freddy later)...

Until my final session, I got this.


Count Henry! I had to buy orbs to open the rest of the greens, but it literally paid off. This was in roughly 75 orbs.

+Res, -Spd. Not the best IVs, but not the worst either. I can work with it.

Just give me some more damned reds next time, game!

Why'd you have to uninstall/reinstall?


I had enough for two Pull rounds.

I got a - Atk CYL Ike and a +Atk-Spd Vampire Henry.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Why'd you have to uninstall/reinstall?


I had enough for two Pull rounds.

I got a - Atk CYL Ike and a +Atk-Spd Vampire Henry.

I wanted to quit for awhile is all. But then I decided I didn't want to miss out on free daily orbs if I did eventually play again. And then I decided summoning was okay, I just didn't want to do anymore battles for awhile.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

I wanted to quit for awhile is all. But then I decided I didn't want to miss out on free daily orbs if I did eventually play again. And then I decided summoning was okay, I just didn't want to do anymore battles for awhile.

Why did you want to quit, even if for a while - fed up with the game?? TT?

Sometimes I get fed up as well - 'whaled out' again recently - even though I had some good pulls its getting much less rewarding - the more units I gathered the less challenging it got - for now I will just be collecting free orbs and not do any more pulls - at least not until the next new heroes banner.


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7 minutes ago, Prince Endriu said:

Why did you want to quit, even if for a while - fed up with the game?? TT?

Sometimes I get fed up as well - 'whaled out' again recently - even though I had some good pulls its getting much less rewarding - the more units I gathered the less challenging it got - for now I will just be collecting free orbs and not do any more pulls - at least not until the next new heroes banner.

Fed up with not being able to get much help when I have trouble. I'm told to read the AI and stuff when I've tried it and it just didn't work out for me. I don't really blame other people for this, I blame myself more than anything, but still.

But the game is still fun and I love building up my favorite characters. Still want the dream of a 5 star lv. 40+10 Frederick. I'd try that with Ike too, but he's much harder to pull.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Fed up with not being able to get much help when I have trouble. I'm told to read the AI and stuff when I've tried it and it just didn't work out for me. I don't really blame other people for this, I blame myself more than anything, but still.

But the game is still fun and I love building up my favorite characters. Still want the dream of a 5 star lv. 40+10 Frederick. I'd try that with Ike too, but he's much harder to pull.

What exactly do you want to know? I wouldnt call myself an expert but I still do VERY WELL with this game! Just ask, anything!


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I hope we get a good number of orbs this month. 100 orbs on Ayra just to get Eldigan'd and 100 on Nowi/Sakura to get Jakob'd really stings. I can't even seem to get more than 1 5* every 100 orbs and it's usually the one I want least on a banner, so I need all the help I can get.

I really wanted to pull more for Ayra and Hinoka but it feels like my luck will make me struggle just to get Nowi before the end of the month at this rate. 

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2 minutes ago, Prince Endriu said:

What exactly do you want to know? I wouldnt call myself an expert but I still do VERY WELL with this game! Just ask, anything!

Okay, but perhaps we should take this elsewhere. It's the pull topic, not a help thread, so... :P

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Gathered up 15 orbs, so might as well do a few pulls.

  1. 4* Fir: Well, I can use more Spd+3 fodder.
  2. 4* Gordin: No thanks.
  3. 4* Barst: Reposition fodder. Other orbs are blue, so I'll stop.

And that's probably going to be the extent of my Halloween pulls. Don't really care for any of the characters, although I like Sakura and Nowi as units. Need to save orbs for future banners.

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Decided I'd try again.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Hinata (Nice fodder! Fury 3 is always nice to get), 3* Laslow (Axebreaker 3's no bad thing to pass), 4* Barst (Nice! He's a good fodder), 5* FrankenJakob (The one I wanted the least. Shoot. +Spd/-Def, that nature sucks too), 4* Abel (That pull was worth it. Swordbreaker's always nice fodder)

Jakob's such a killjoy.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless (I know, right?)

3* Virion (I knew the trash would come back. Ugh), 4* Draug (I'd think Arden might like Ward Armour.), 4* Ogma (Does his nature suck? +Att/-Res. It does not. YAY!), 4* Frederick (He's +Res/-HP, so I'm going to pass Luna to someone.), 4* Catria (It's pretty weak fodder honestly. Luna's still nice though)

Well, I finally got a good Ogma at least. 

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green (Can I get lucky?)

4* Rebecca (+Def/-Spd. Arvis is going to love your skills), 4* Jakob (I don't need your kind round here. Sucky units, I mean. +HP/-Def, really?), 4* Rebecca (2 in the same set. Not the worst to repeatedly pull at least. +HP/-Def), 3* Palla (Always good fodder for any flier), 4* Beruka (I was wondering when her craptacular self would show up. Neutral, Still will raise.)

80 orbs today. I got Jakob. Dangit, what a sucky birthday gift. :P. 3.5% for now.

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5 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I wanted to quit for awhile is all. But then I decided I didn't want to miss out on free daily orbs if I did eventually play again. And then I decided summoning was okay, I just didn't want to do anymore battles for awhile.

I am just going to recommend this and that is youtube, the videos on there have been a lot of help to me on beating certain levels and giving me ideas for builds.  Clear videos tend to help me more then then the people in the questions thread here, because I can see what people are doing and where they are putting their units.

As to pulls I just pulled my first Rebecca, which is nice but I want Jakob to show up soon.

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*Garon's increasing groans of discomfort* (Also just realized that "Garon" and "groan" use the same letters. Probably not intentional, but still amusing.)

Got another 20 orbs for the Halloween banner on my alternate account. My first pull was 5* Julia (+DEF -HP). Normally I'd be happy to see her....but she's one of the few 5 stars I actually have on that account. XD Maybe +DEF -HP is better than my +HP -RES one. It seems to me that she likes having RES more than HP. Oh well. I finished the pull and got Caeda (+SPD -RES), the pull prior to this one gave me a +SPD -HP one. I'll likely use the former. Repeat characters were 3* Oboro (+SPD -DEF....wow >.>) and 3* Frederick (Neutral). Likely won't use either of them. And a new character was Leon (+ATK -DEF). -DEF is a bit of a bummer, but I'm always happy to see this beautiful child. I'll definitely be using him, especially since he got a good boon. :3

That's a 4% pity rate down the toilet. *siiiiiiigh* I think since I got a 5 star out of the banner, I'll stop for now. Maybe I'll try again towards the end of the month, or maybe I'll just save since I think I have more than enough characters to make most of the maps work for me.

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I did the Chain Callenges, Paralogues, Arena, and Tempest for some more Orbs.

First, I got Sanaki.  Oh why?

Then I got Leo.  It shames me to say I was trying to get Nowi and was sad to see my boy Leo again.  At least I can merge him.

I'll post pics when I can.

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So, um, I guess I'm already through with this banner. My pre-birthday luck is very much real apparently. Nowi and Jakob are both +Atk/-Res while Sakura.....is +Def/-Atk. Dammit Rezzy, she just had to be the one that you would curse... Still, that's one Atk bane to three Atk boons so I can't be too upset. Oh, and I also got a dup 5* along the way.



+Def/-Res as opposed to the +Def/-Spd the first one had. I still don't see myself making much use of him though.

So now, I guess the only thing to do next that would make sense is to...save orbs for whatever we get in two weeks. The horror! Me actually choosing to save orbs! Though yeah, there's no point in continuing on this banner aside from trying for a better Sakura, which I'm not really interested in doing. So it's off into the uncharted territory of orb saving for me then I guess.

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.....I'm pretty tempted to be honest.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green

4* Seth (Fortress Def fodder's neat I guess. He's +Att/-Res, Which I think is better than +Spd/-Att, but the older one has skills inherited (Luna and Fortify Cav). What do?), 4* Gunter (HONE CAV FODDER! +Spd/-Res, Guess I'll fodder the other one I think)

2 Blue, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Barst (Again, nice fodder. Nature's not too relevant), 4* Saizo (+Atk/-Res. I should check my other Saizo's IVs), 3* Gaius (What a waste)

3.75%. Still want my Henry or Nowi in particular.

Also, @Tybrosion, pretty sure my birthday luck got taken by you. The only one I got was Jakob.

Edited by Dayni
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Okay, picture time!

First off +Atk-Spd Henry


In the same group, I got -Atk CYL Ike.  I don't know whether I should merge him, or use him as fodder.  I'll probably be indecisive and keep him on the bench forever.  Poor Ike got the curse this time.


I tried for Radio Flyer Red Wagon, but got these two instead.


Getting repeats is a letdown, but I can make my Leo +2 now.  Sanaki, there's just no real positive there, though.  She's my second Sanaki, and I have no real desire to use her.


That's all my Orbs for now.  This Banner's a month long, so I might be able to get that Red Wagon before it's all over, to make my Flier Emblem team OP.

@Tybrosion Yes, I personally cursed the Red Wagon.

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So I passed my driving test, so I thought I'd test my luck now that I had 15 orbs at least.

Main account, had 2 blue which I ignored, 1 red, and 2 colorless.

Red was a 4 star +Atk/-Def Laslow. Colorless was a +Res/-HP 3 star Clarine and a +Spd/-HP Lachesis (new). Err, okay I guess, maybe I'll give Lachesis some levels/SP while the TT is still going.

Second account had 2 blue (again, ignored), 1 colorless, 1 red and 1 green.

Green was a Fae fodder, Red was a -Atk fodder (will be fed to Leo...not sure if I should promote first + version or not) and Colorless was...

a +Atk/-Spd Innes o.O

Err, I'll take it! Spd bane is sad but Niddhog can sort of patch that up, and I can't complain about having a 5 star only character. Thank goodness for Sacred Seals I guess (which I should upgrade soon)

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