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4 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

I am just going to recommend this and that is youtube, the videos on there have been a lot of help to me on beating certain levels and giving me ideas for builds.  Clear videos tend to help me more then then the people in the questions thread here, because I can see what people are doing and where they are putting their units.

As to pulls I just pulled my first Rebecca, which is nice but I want Jakob to show up soon.

Yeah, I probably should do that more often...

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With the orbs I got from the new paralogue, quests, and Chain Challenge, I gathered enough orbs for some summons on Ayra’s banner:

5* Eirika (+Res/-Atk)

5* Ayra (+Res/-HP)

4* Cordelia (-Atk)

3* Barst

4* Fae (+Spd/-HP)

FINALLY got Ayra! I’m so happy right now! Finally got her after getting a -Spd Brave Roy, -Atk Eldigan, and a -Atk Eirika. I also got some solid fodders. Barst can provide Reposition and Fae can provide Renewal 3. Overall a very nice haul.

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So, it's been a long time since I played this game, but I'm back now, and from my most recent pulls I received (alongside a bunch of feather-fodder)...

Brave Lyn (Free Pull... actually wasn't sure if I should go with her or Ike, but I wanted horse archer... and so far she's worked out for me, can't wait to try and fit her into my old cavalry team)

5-Star Innes (Don't Recall Boon/Bane, but hey, Innes is cool)

5-Star Eldigan! (+DEF/-RES, which I think is pretty good)

5-Star Leo! (+I Don't Recall/-ATK... that -ATK hurts)

2 4-Star Athenas (Dunno Boons/Banes, really I'm just excited because she looks alright and has Sturdy Strike, which I'm sure I can find a use for on someone else when I decide which one I won't be keeping)

So, mostly excited for Eldigan (finally have a good replacement for Stahl on my cavalry team) and Brave Lyn (HORSE ARCHER WOO), and Innes is cool too (I remember liking him back in Sacred Stones, so it's nice to have him back here).

Hopefully I'll be able to pull Cat Sakura before the Halloween banner ends.

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45 orbs later, and the only focus unit I got was Henry D: I got a bunch of other repeat units, so I either merged them or sent them home for feathers.  Notably, I finally pulled a 4* Clarine and a 4* Eliwood, so I could upgrade my long suffering 3* versions of them.  It seems like obtaining Jakob and Sakura is going to take a long while...

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I had a lot of orbs.  I spent them all.  471 total pulled characters to date.






Guess which one was the free pull?

As for boons/banes:


Seliph (+Spd/-Atk): Had this been the reverse, it would've been perfect.  Alas.

Bartre (+Spd/-Atk): The fuck?
Mathilda (+Atk/-Def): This is surprisingly competent.  32/32 isn't the world's best, but she should be able to lay on the hurt with Ridersbane.
Rebecca (+Def/-Res): An improvement over my other Rebecca.  I FINALLY HAVE DARTING BLOW FODDER!
Niles (+Def/-Res): At least he has Iceberg!
Gordin (+Atk/-Spd): I just pulled another amazing Gordin.  I have no idea what I did to deserve this, but thanks~!  Now, where am I going to get 100,000 feathers?

Palla (+HP/-Spd): Moonbow fodder~!
Saizo (+HP/-Def): I'm thinking about a Firesweep/Poison Strike combo on someone.  Please talk me out of this.
Oboro (+Atk/-Spd): This turns her into a slower, bulkier Donnel.  YES PLZ.
Felicia (+Res/-HP): Breath of Life is a wonderfully niche skill~!
Cain (+Res/-Def): And I finally have proper Wings of Mercy fodder.

Saizo (+Atk/-Res): This is literally as good as he gets.  Might be worth it to slap a Silver Dagger and Bonfire on him for giggles.
Ogma (+Spd/-HP): He could actually put Life and Death + Desperation to good use.
Robin (+Spd/-Def): I'm probably a bad person for thinking about Defiant Spd + Desperation, but it's too funny to resist.
Marth (+HP/-Atk): And now I have Escape Route to go with Wings of Mercy~!
Witch Nowi (+HP/-Atk): This is. . .unfortunate.  I guess it's better than -Spd (which is a literal disaster), but not by much.  Thanks to Goad Fliers, she should be able to do her thing without too much trouble.  Now I have to think long and hard about how I want to run my arena units this time around.

Very interesting pulls.  Glad I got an arena bonus unit!


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So when I started summoning the first 240 orbs gave me nothing interesting. 5star M!Corrin, Priscilla, SwordLyn, and Leo all with +HP for some reason.

After a few hours, I tried again and got 3 of them (Sakura, Jakob, Nowi all with ok IVs) in 70 orbs...... my luck is weird sometimes. XD

As much as I love Henry, I absolutely hate sniping one color so I think I'm done with this banner and start saving for the next one.

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I wasn’t going to summon today, since I only had 17 orbs, but then I realized it was Halloween. I had to summon on the Halloween banner during Halloween.

The result: My first undoubtedly good summoning session in over one month (I got a Shigure with great IVs a couple of weeks ago but it was a yolo pull)



she’s +Res -Hp

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So the plan was to not pull on this banner, but the temptation got the better of me, because I actually need some Pallas for flier emblem anyway, so I figured "Maybe I should just pull reds now anyway"

So here is my free pull!


+Atk -Res

Rezenator was happy today~


I went to 13 orbs and decided to go in again:



+Atk -HP

2 Back to Back +Atk 5 stars

I guess Seliph stole all your -Atk power Rezzy! I am happy to get him too~ Not that I even wanted him... but eh I'll take it. Now I can run Armor Emblem extremely easy. I even have 4 Draugs for quad ward! bwahahah

No Takumi though

The power of Rezenator is strong.


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I got some orbs from the story mode and threw them in. I managed to get an armoured Henry (+att/-res), which was actually the unit I wanted the most from this banner. I'm quite pleased with that - it will help build additional armour teams.

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Took the orbs from the newest chain challenge and continued my hunt for a Nowi for a flying team. Instead I got my pity rate broken by a +spd/-res Sigurd which I am super okay with since I didn't have a good red horse for my horse emblem team (I missed Xander's GHB so my horse team has been Reinhardt, Lyn, Camus, and Priscilla which obviously struggles against some greens)

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52 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


So the plan was to not pull on this banner, but the temptation got the better of me, because I actually need some Pallas for flier emblem anyway, so I figured "Maybe I should just pull reds now anyway"

So here is my free pull!


+Atk -Res

Rezenator was happy today~


I went to 13 orbs and decided to go in again:

  Hide contents


+Atk -HP

2 Back to Back +Atk 5 stars

I guess Seliph stole all your -Atk power Rezzy! I am happy to get him too~ Not that I even wanted him... but eh I'll take it. Now I can run Armor Emblem extremely easy. I even have 4 Draugs for quad ward! bwahahah

No Takumi though

The power of Rezenator is strong.


Congrats on the Henry, and is that a Luke?  I am still Lukeless currently.  Off-Banner Seliph has been taking all my Red Pulls.

If you saw earlier, I managed to get a +Atk-Spd Henry, so that's good.  CYL Ike was my -Atk this time.  I'm trying to avoid spending any more on Orbs right now, but I'll try for the Red Wagon more as the free Orbs come in this month.  I almost hope the mid-month banner is something I'm not interested in, so I can save my Orbs back up.  I never really recovered from Sigurd.

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Finally got this girl with some TT orbs...


But sadly, Nowi's IVs are shit. +Def, -Spd doesn't look usable for her at all. I'll try to pull another one. But maybe there's a way to use this one.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Finally got this girl with some TT orbs...


But sadly, Nowi's IVs are shit. +Def, -Spd doesn't look usable for her at all. I'll try to pull another one. But maybe there's a way to use this one.

Nowi's in a weird spot where she really wants Hone Fliers on her to make good use of a Blade tome, but she has it herself, unless you also have Hinoka.  With a Fort Flier buff, she can still reach 59 Atk, which isn't too shabby, but 29 Speed means she'll need either a Breaker or Quick Riposte to secure kills on a lot of units.

Maybe they'll release another unit before long that will have Hone Fliers.  We had to wait for Oscar to get Lancebreaker, so it's possible.


Still no Red Wagon for me.

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I managed to summon a Neko Sakura! Went in with 9 orbs and there were three colorless. She was in the first one I chose. It's such a relief since I was going to try saving for once but ended up committing to the Halloween banner anyway. That makes her my third seasonal unit since the start of the game (second if you don't count duplicates). Also got another merge for Nino on the way so I'm pretty happy. 

Like Delthea and Ayra before her, she's +Def/-Hp. But if it means getting characters that I really like then it's no big deal. I think she can face down the typical Reinhardts I meet (~58atk w/ QP Moonbow) too if she has a little support. She'll be a great option for AA once I get her up to speed. And she had dagger valor too! In the rare case I want to train a dagger unit.

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17 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Nowi's in a weird spot where she really wants Hone Fliers on her to make good use of a Blade tome, but she has it herself, unless you also have Hinoka.  With a Fort Flier buff, she can still reach 59 Atk, which isn't too shabby, but 29 Speed means she'll need either a Breaker or Quick Riposte to secure kills on a lot of units.

Maybe they'll release another unit before long that will have Hone Fliers.  We had to wait for Oscar to get Lancebreaker, so it's possible.

I don't have Hinoka, sadly... I wish I did.

Witch Nowi can't really take hits, so QR wouldn't be that useful for her, unfortunately. So I guess my best bet for her is a breaker.

Yeah, maybe.

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I decided to spend 125 orbs on the Halloween banner trying to get Witch Nowi since I have neither S. Camilla or S. Corrin to make a good flier team.

After getting nothing but Lonqus, Olivias, and Firs I didn't get Nowi however I still ended up getting spooked by something good.



An Elincia with +Atk/-Def! I didn't get Elincia back when her banner was up and I wasn't expecting to get her any time soon but I'll take it. I will probably trade Palla out for her once I train her. I still got a whole month to gather up orbs and try for Nowi later.


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I do hope they add another unit with Dagger Valor eventually.  I want to complete my set, but two units in Colorless Hell is a tall order.

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Since y'all are doing Halloween pulls, I decided to give it a go.  476 total units pulled.



One of these heroes is not like the others.  Take a guess.

For boons/banes:


Corrin (+Atk/-Res): WOOHOO!  This is about as perfect as he can get!  Definitely getting Darting Blow and a -breaker (yes, Desperation is a thing, but eh).
Tiki (+Def/-Spd): This set screams shenanigans.
Tiki (+HP/-Atk): This, on the other hands, screams "Spend 2000 feathers to give Bonfire to someone else".
Soren (neutral): Another version of him is in training, so. . .
Raven (+Atk/-Spd): This one doesn't mind his default weapon.

Corrin FTW.


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