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*Is on the short hair banner with 13 orbs and gets 2 reds, 2 neutrals and a green*
*pulls the green in hopes of Amelia and gets 3* Cecilia*

Hmm, getting a better Katarina wouldn't be the worst thing ever.



Oh, cool.
*Katarina is +HP/-Atk*
I hate my life sometimes. Swift Sparrow fodder it is then, probably.


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4* Florina from the DB banner. Hopefully I'll get you some day, Delthea. 

I'm tempted to impatiently use my meager 9 orbs on the short hair banner for more Hinoka attempts, but I think I'll start saving in case there's a mid-month surprise bombshell. I still need Kitty Sakura too.. 

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Another Death Blow banner? Haven't we just had one of these? I already have Klein and Elincia with good IVs, so I'll try for a blue free pull.

  1. 4* Est: No thanks, RNG.

There were three red orbs, any of which could have been Elincia, but saving for future banners is more important than making my current Elincia +1.

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Death Blow banner, 8 orbs, possibly Delthea and/or a better Elincia.

Except not: 3★ Palla, 3★ Shanna, and 3★ Jagen. Anna why. I just have promoted you, and none of these are even green!

Edited by Vaximillian
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XD I was really tempted to pull from the entire batch of orbs. I picked blue because it'd be nice to get a Delthea with a more neutral nature aka not -ATK or -SPD. I don't have Elincia, but I also don't have any strong desire to pull for her. Klein would've been cool too, but I've been let down too many times by colorless orbs. 

3 star Jagen. 

Oh well. If the next banner looks like a dud (which I doubt it'll be c'mon Dawn Brigade) I'll pull from this one since Deathblow fodder is always appreciated. 

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Now up to 494 total pulled units. Thanks random banner!



. . .and it wasn't even the Death Blow banner.

For boons/banes:


Klein (+Atk/-HP): What the. . .that's the third amazing Klein I've pulled!
Matthew (+Def/-HP): So apparently HP is overrated.  I could always use more Hone Spd fodder~!
Klein (+Atk/-HP): I pulled them. . .twice. WHAT IS GOING ON?!

Lissa (+HP/-Atk): You're not Death Blow fodder!  But that boon/bane is quite tempting.

. . .I don't even know what happened.


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1 hour ago, Korath88 said:

Henry was the free pull. Spent 4 more orbs to get this +Spd -Atk Elincia (of course it had to be -Atk)


Also free pull Henry and then my first Delthea (+SPD -ATK) as second pull ... lol 

-ATK on Elincia isn't too bad, since +SPD is her best boon. Give her something to raise that speed even further (Swift Sparrow, LnD, Fury), waste a Cordelia on her and have fun with Galeforce ;-) 

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Ooof, the Death Blow banner is tempting.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless.

3* Shanna (+HP/-Spd. Definite fodder), 3* Henry (Well, it is some good fodder), 4* Lucius (Hmph. +Res/-Att. he's sucky)

Well, that happened. Might pull again some other time, it's got good units.

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1 hour ago, eclipse said:

Now up to 494 total pulled units. Thanks random banner!

  Hide contents


. . .and it wasn't even the Death Blow banner.

For boons/banes:

  Hide contents

Klein (+Atk/-HP): What the. . .that's the third amazing Klein I've pulled!
Matthew (+Def/-HP): So apparently HP is overrated.  I could always use more Hone Spd fodder~!
Klein (+Atk/-HP): I pulled them. . .twice. WHAT IS GOING ON?!

Lissa (+HP/-Atk): You're not Death Blow fodder!  But that boon/bane is quite tempting.

. . .I don't even know what happened.


Wow i wish i had your luck in Kleins.

banner is tempting but i want to save orbs so only did free pull, and I was looking for Klein anyway

main account had 2 blues and 3 reds. A non -Spd Elincia is tempting but i don't have a Delthea yet so went blue. 4 star +HP/-Res Mathilda. Err same game but i already have a +Spd one. Cancel Affinity fodder?

had all units in second account so an extra Klein fodder would be nice. 1 green, 2 reds and 2 blues. Already have a nice +Atk Delthea so I tried my luck in red hell for a non +Res Elincia. 4 star -Atk/+HP. Of course. Raighs and Sophias seem to like this account...

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Free pull today: Went blue as I decided a blue mage would be better to get than another sword unit.

Sully appeared.

I'm not actually disappointed - I have been running out of Sully's and she's useful for draw back and, especially, swordbreaker. My only gripe is she was 3 instead of 4* but oh well.

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Huh, just did a full summon on the short haired ladies banner and got:

A 4 star Hinata. Finally, my regular Nowi can get Fury.

A 4 star Selena. Now my Hinoka can get Repo.

4 star Effie. Hopefully this is a good natured Effie so I can use a better one for my armor emblem team.

5 star Reinhardt (+atk/-spd). How. Can someone explain how this happened? It doesn't help that the last full summon on the short haired ladies banner got me both a Hinoka and Takumi plus he isn't +def so I can't do raven Rien


3 star Odin. Moonbow for Rein, I guess.

Edited by Poimagic
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Well my free pull was another 4* Matilda, also did 2 pulls on the Halloween banner 3*Selena and 4*Setsuna.  I now have a 4% pity rate on the Halloween banner, I just want H!Jakob.  I will have to wait until Friday to try again.

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Back to Trick or Defeat. I still have yet to get someone besides FrankenJakob (*Shakes fist)

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Nino (Drag Back I guess), 4* Camilla (This is a pull that hasn't happened in a while. Oh well, she's not even my third highest axe flier at this rate +Att/-Res, if that's the best nature for her than why didn't I get Cherche?), 4* Virion (Another unit from the land of disappointment),  4* Jeorge (Well, he's neutral, better than my -Spd Jeorge.), 4* M!Robin (More fodder at least)

Hope I can get someone else. 3.25%

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I just pulled Elincia as my free summon and was pretty damn happy... unfortunately she is -Atk +Def.. Can I still use her somehow? I was really looking forward to fielding her too.

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55 minutes ago, Nanima said:

I just pulled Elincia as my free summon and was pretty damn happy... unfortunately she is -Atk +Def.. Can I still use her somehow? I was really looking forward to fielding her too.

Sure, you can still run her.
-ATK Elincia has 42 ATK with Amiti, and yours should end up with 28 DEF, so you could reasonably run Bonfire (or maybe Ignis?) if you want to take advantage of that (not sure if it outdamages Moonbow/Luna, but hey, it's an option). Her ATK isn't so bad with Death Blow 3 bringing it up to 48 on your turn (the only time she should see combat, seeing as she has a Brave weapon and low HP), and if you still think that's a bit low you can always give her the ATK +3 Sacred Seal to raise it up to 45 ATK (51 with Death Blow 3), and her 32 SPD (she has 34 naturally, but Amiti inflicts -2 SPD on Elincia) is pretty good for a Brave weapon user. Your Elincia probably really wants Hone and/or Goad Fliers, so if you have Hinoka/Palla, she could work well with them (particularly Hinoka, that +6 ATK & SPD is a great thing, and with Flier Formation Elincia can warp to a nearby Hinoka to ensure she gets that +6 on the next turn, though Palla's +4 ATK & SPD via Goad Fliers is pretty good too if you don't have Hinoka... or you could just use both of 'em). You could also go with Hone ATK and Hone SPD (if you have a 5-Star Eirika, or 5-Star Ephraim with a little Skill Inheritance, those would be pretty good candidates for your team with Elincia), but IMO the flier buffs are better and preferable for a low-ATK Elincia if you have them.
So don't despair mate, your Elincia should still be perfectly usable.

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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Yeah, 42 Atk with a Brave weapon is still solid, worst case scenario is she's a much faster Palla with less HP.

On that note, the one true Queen delivers:


+Spd/-HP Elincia
+HP/-Def Delthea

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1 hour ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Sure, you can still run her.
-ATK Elincia has 42 ATK with Amiti, and yours should end up with 28 DEF, so you could reasonably run Bonfire (or maybe Ignis?) if you want to take advantage of that (not sure if it outdamages Moonbow/Luna, but hey, it's an option). Her ATK isn't so bad with Death Blow 3 bringing it up to 48 on your turn (the only time she should see combat, seeing as she has a Brave weapon and low HP), and if you still think that's a bit low you can always give her the ATK +3 Sacred Seal to raise it up to 45 ATK (51 with Death Blow 3), and her 32 SPD (she has 34 naturally, but Amiti inflicts -2 SPD on Elincia) is pretty good for a Brave weapon user. Your Elincia probably really wants Hone and/or Goad Fliers, so if you have Hinoka/Palla, she could work well with them (particularly Hinoka, that +6 ATK & SPD is a great thing, and with Flier Formation Elincia can warp to a nearby Hinoka to ensure she gets that +6 on the next turn, though Palla's +4 ATK & SPD via Goad Fliers is pretty good too if you don't have Hinoka... or you could just use both of 'em). You could also go with Hone ATK and Hone SPD (if you have a 5-Star Eirika, or 5-Star Ephraim with a little Skill Inheritance, those would be pretty good candidates for your team with Elincia), but IMO the flier buffs are better and preferable for a low-ATK Elincia if you have them.
So don't despair mate, your Elincia should still be perfectly usable.

Thanks for the advice. I don't really have a flier team (nor Hinoka unfortunately) and have been using my Pallas mostly as moonbow fodder (still got a few left I believe). I'd have to dust them off first though.... Actually, wait no those are all three stars. I'll probably use her as a buffing unit then, not sure which team exactly, but I'll figure it out.

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