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20 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Nice luck! What was your pity rate?

I believe it was at 3.25%, although there might be a pull that I forgot that pushed it to 3.50%. Regardless, it was much lower than I expected it to get.

15 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Don’t tempt me and my 18 orbs! Congrats with your Barst, you wanted him lots. Oh, and Dorcas is there too. Cool, I guess.

I'm sorry! I felt dirty the moment I hit Summon, although I can't say I regret it. Honestly, I think Barst might be the most exciting part of this session; Dorcas is great, and Abel is great, but Barst is truly someone special. I feel like I have to promote Jagen, Cain, Draug, and Wrys now too, so I can 5-star the entire early Shadow Dragon party, haha.

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1 hour ago, Glaceon Mage said:
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Finally.  I literally spoke relief aloud in a hallway when I saw her

...Then expressed my bitter disappointment upon seeing her nature is +Attack/-Speed...

Gotta love those mixed blessings, fellow Ohioan...


If you're willing to sacrifice both an A and Seal slot and are equally willing to shell out 160 Sacred Coins for it, you can "easily" patch up that speed bane. :)

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1 minute ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

Gotta love those mixed blessings, fellow Ohioan...

Yeah... I'll probably give her LnD 2 or Darting Blow 3 to try and compensate for the speed loss, even though I'll have to discard Atk/Res Bond for it.  

Somewhat amused that the nature's identical to my Summer Corrin, though.  I guess mage flyers pulled by me secretly gravitate to that nature.

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1 minute ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Yeah... I'll probably give her LnD 2 or Darting Blow 3 to try and compensate for the speed loss, even though I'll have to discard Atk/Res Bond for it.  

Somewhat amused that the nature's identical to my Summer Corrin, though.  I guess mage flyers pulled by me secretly gravitate to that nature.

Okay, see you're much smarter than I am.  I'm always forgetting about the "X Blow" skills when it comes to compensating for banes.

The A/R Bond skill, though, does it's effect stack with more adjacent allies like an owl tome or what, I keep forgetting its effects since I haven't unlocked it yet.

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1 minute ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

Okay, see you're much smarter than I am.  I'm always forgetting about the "X Blow" skills when it comes to compensating for banes.

The A/R Bond skill, though, does it's effect stack with more adjacent allies like an owl tome or what, I keep forgetting its effects since I haven't unlocked it yet.

It'd be super broken if it did (+15 attack and res with three allies) so I doubt it.

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17 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

It'd be super broken if it did (+15 attack and res with three allies) so I doubt it.

That makes sense.  Though as busted as Reinhardt and Sigurd are, I'd say it would be a fair super-advantage. lol


Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with your flying candy witch loli, fellow Ohioan (I know you have a moniker, but its just exciting to meet someone from the same state over the vast expansive ocean that is the internet; reminds me that even in a world with 7 billion people, it can still be small lol). ^_^

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Been Red sniping for Mia since the FH banner opened. Finally got her yesterday! (+SPD -HP, which is close to ideal). Extremely happy.

Got a Dorcas (+HP -SPD) along the way as well (When no red stones appeared). Wanted to get him as well, but wasn't targeting him, so it worked out :)

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So, uh, I guess it's time for bad news, worse news, and best news.

Bad news: no Katarina, which I was very hopeful for. Oh well, that means I can just save...

Worse news: I didn't. I bought the 75 orb pack. These are cool characters with good skills, but in hindsight, I really should've waited...

Best news: I got both Nephenee and Sonya, with 19 orbs to spare. Nephenee is +Atk/-HP, and Sonya is +Res/-HP. Both of them are new units, and units that I've been wanting. And now I can safely save for next week, with a few extra orbs as well. I also got some solid fodder along with these two, so all-in-all... I really hope that I don't use up all of my luck before the Legendary Hero banner, haha.

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Bought Orbs yesterday. Pulled until I got a - SPD Lute, but with the +3 Spd Seal and TT bonuses, she is still destroying.

Also pulled this for free (the only one I needed too):


+HP - DEF. So basically neutral. Now should I merge my - Atk into this one? Or inherit Wrath 3 to someone.....?

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Decided to try and pull for Sonya to reunite Genny with her bitter buddy.

My free summon only had one green. 5* Soren (+SPD, -ATK). Kinda didn't know whether I wanted to press my luck after getting a free 5*, but ultimately decided to continue. Next pull had no greens, 3* Donnel and back next. Next one had two greens, 3* Arthur and 5* Sonya (+HP, -RES).

My luck has been insane recently. I get the feeling my luck's gonna run out if the Children of Fate banner has a character I want, though.

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0_0 ..............I must have sacrificed something in my sleep. IDK what I did. Decided to buy a few orbs because I've been itching to pull. And I've really, really been wanting another Takumi to give Close Counter to some peeps. For 70 orbs, I got a HUGE haul. 

-4* Lucius (+RES -DEF) - Lucius merge will now be +2. 
-5* Sakura (+HP -ATK) (+SPD -ATK) (+SPD -DEF) - Dang this girl likes me. She appeared on my very first summon, then again in the very next summon. The last time she appeared, I was pretty upset, but her brother came along in the same summon, so it's all good. The last copy is actually a pretty good merge base. I can now make a Sakura +3, but I might save her for fodder just in case.
-TAKUMI (+HP -DEF) - IDK if he's better than my -SPD +RES one...but ONE of them is getting sacrificed to someone. 

I had 13 orbs left, so I decided to do some summons from the Farfetched Heroes banner as well.
-4* Tailtiu (+ATK -HP) - Brand new character. Amazing nature. She's getting used. 
-Dorcas (+SPD -ATK) - Meh nature, but new character!!!!!!! I can use him in the Tempest for sure. 

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So, I decided I wasn't spending orbs until December.

There's a new banner at least. Shame I didn't really bother with the Death Blow banner.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green (aka a total waste. I have a great Sonya and a very good Nephenee nature wise)

3* Frederick (Why is he so common lately?)

So, back to saving orbs.

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I'm so glad I waited on the Ryoma/Karel banner for one where Karel was on his own. It still took me over 100 orbs, but I got him. Karel is finally mine!

Along the way, I picked up lots of swap fodder, even more axebreaker fodder, several others that I can't remember a use for... and Est. I had to pull with no reds a couple of times and ended up with Live to Serve fodder and Est -.- I really want her husband to appear, preferably with an attack boon so I can finally 5* him (or pull him at 5*. Either way I'll be happy).

I'm expecting Karel to be -Atk or -Spd but I'm happy just to have him, finally. He's the last unit currently in the game that I really, really wanted (at least until the next banner, units depending).

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> "I think I'll pull a green for my free summon here"

> No greens

> "Okay, I think I'll pull the blue then"




Second time getting a freebie summon 5*.  An unlike time #1, this one doesn't have an awful nature, being +HP/-Res (my Innes was +Res/-Atk)

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My freebie pull from the new banner was Nephenee. She’s +Atk -Spd. She’s definitely better than my first Nephenee that has -Atk. Now, back to saving orbs for the Christmas banner and Shiro. 

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I caved on the BHB and spent 9 orbs trying for Hinoka, and I got her, but...



My curse of 5* flyers having bad natures continues:

+Res/-Atk.  Following in the footsteps of +Def/-Speed Minerva, +Atk/-Spd Swimsuit Corrin, +Atk/-Spd Halloween Nowi.

Someone save me from flyer hell. 

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17 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

I caved on the BHB and spent 9 orbs trying for Hinoka, and I got her, but...

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My curse of 5* flyers having bad natures continues:

+Res/-Atk.  Following in the footsteps of +Def/-Speed Minerva, +Atk/-Spd Swimsuit Corrin, +Atk/-Spd Halloween Nowi.

Someone save me from flyer hell. 

Welcome to my club.

I tried for Blue for the freebie on the new Banner today, and I got Subaki, aka Quick Riposte.

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