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Damn it, IS, why'd you have to bring back Freddy so soon and on THIS crazy banner? DX

I did pull a 4 star of him, so it's not all bad. Not the IVs I wanted (I wanted +Def, -Res, this one is +Spd, -HP), but at least he's not 3 star! I got tired of pulling only 3 star Fredericks when I wanted 4 star to save some feathers. If I pulled more 4 stars, I could be saving around 8,000 feathers by now when promoting them to 5 star for merges.

Also tried for Oscar, but he never showed. I'm probably gonna try again another time since this banner will be around for a good bit, but I do also still want to save for Summer Freddy who has a big chance of returning at the end of the month on the next legendary banner...

Edited by Anacybele
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Well my free pull was 3*Olivia so a merge for her.  I was pity broken on the RD banner by regular Roy, someone is getting TA3 and I am calling it quits on the banner since I do want to save some orbs for other banners.  At least the RD units will be in the regular pool and hopefully they will show up for me some other time.

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Pulled 5* Lucius with the free summon on the 4* fodder banner, sent him home for feathers.

No luck on Miccy and Sothe. I'm just gonna give up and save my orbs for the anniversary, because the last thing I want is to have no orbs in the unlikely event that we get Brave Marth, because if we do, I'll break my F2P status for him.

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I summoned a bit on this new banner and got Rhajat, who is RES+ ATK- of all things as one of the few ATK- units I've gotten recently. Also got a Fae (RES+ DEF-) and Frederick (don't care about his IVs, I already have a ATK+ RES- one that I'm using).


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I got New Year Azura, Micaiah, and Zelgius-all of them on the first orb for each time I went to their banners. I also seem to have a surplus of Fae, now...at this rate, she'll be at least +4.

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Finally beat 9 + 10 Lunatic CC! Is my struggle over?

3 Blue, 2 Red

4* Est (A unit with no useful skills! +Def/-HP is not much good), 4* Shanna (A unit with useful skills! +Def/-Atk, Desperation ho!), 4* Tailtiu (I seem to run into her often enough. +Spd/-Res, think I have it already)

This banner: a 5* Jakob and 4% pity. If the payoff sucks, I might end up done.

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This is certainly an interesting banner. I'm saving for the anniversary, but I think I'll do one full pull. Need some skill fodder anyway.

  1. 3* Henry: Ugh, no thanks.
  2. 4* Gordin: Wrong Brave Bow unit.
  3. 4* Cecilia: SP for my 5* copy.
  4. 5* Gray: This is a pleasant surprise! He's +Def/-HP, which is only tolerable, but that's still better than the +Res/-Atk copy I already had.
  5. 3* Virion: Useless.

That went very well for 15 orbs. Didn't really get good skill fodder, but +1 Gray is always nice.

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Pull One Million Six Hundred and Eighty-Six (some exaggeration may be expected).

Still no Zelgius. Added several 3* Hana, Lon'qu, Hana and Raighs to the mix. Stahl also came along at 4*, despite being the only one of those with useful fodder at 3* -.-

Zelgius eludes me. Rate up to 3.75 after the last pity breaker of a repeat Young Tiki... Starting to worry about future banners...

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I broke my FTP status for some orbs. Is it over?

3 Red, 2 Colourless

4* Jakob (If that had been 5*.... +Def/-HP, could be better), 3* Azama (Asshat with a bad nature here. Not worth the promotion.)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless

4* Odin (Well, not the mage I want. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Gaius (Well that's not very tasty. +Def/-Res)

NO IT ISN'T. 4.25%

Edited by Dayni
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So I collect enough orbs for my last summon on the the NY!Banner, and I got nothing. Everything was trash, including the Caeda, who I had wanted for the longest time, until I realized that her fortify fliers would jank up my team. *sigh*

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I am proud to say that I finally exhausted my pity rate on 4* banner with Klein. +Atk -Spd. Is that good, I dunno I have +Atk -HP at 4* and this is good QR3 fodder.

The others were a 4* Klein, Raigh, Lazlow, and fuck my brain that might get it working again it looks like Hector SHIT WAIT THAT IS HECTOR.

+Spd -Res, which is similar to my current Hector (+Spd -HP) and not that amazing, so I CAN FINALLY GIVE SOMEONE DISTANT COUNTER YES.

Lemme just say that most of the orbs came from the starter pack, and I have spent hundred of dollars at a time summoning, and yet this measly $4 is the best dough I spent on this game in months???

Edited by Xenomata
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I did a bit of birthday pulling and after some next to useless fodder:


Hello only character in this franchise that can pull off a belly shirt! +Spd/-Def, why are all mya dagger units other than Jaffar + spd??? Well I'll take him!

Happy birthday to me, and I've still got 135 orbs for all the nonsense coming up.

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Latest pulls from the New Year's banner: Useless Twit #1 (3* Wrys) and Useless Twit #2 (3* Oboro), both from a circle that naturally didn't have a single green and no chance at HNY!Azura

This damn banner hates me, I swear. I know greens have the lowest chance of turning up, but the amount of times I've gotten circles with not even one has gotten beyond frustrating at this point.

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Banner of misery, turn turn, tell us what fodder to burn!

3 Red, 2 Green (Good thing I forgot to get the present orbs beforehand! Have to grind though....)

4* Gunter (He won't hesitate! He also won't be around long, though he is +Spd/-Res)

3 Colourless, 2 Green (No Michiah Mouse then...)

5* Rebecca (Gacha was a mistake. +Atk/-Def, actually a good nature), 4* Klein (Good Fodder. +Spd/-HP, is that much good or is +Atk the best choice?), 3* Niles (Well, this crapbasket shows up for once. But he has +Atk/-Def, so he can stay once and for all), 4* Titania (Another unit who could be a better pull. +Spd/-Atk), 3* Barst (Good fodder. )

This crummy banner, I wash my hands of it, nothing but pity breakers and shame. This banner caused me to break and I don't even get good pity breakers.

Must be because I haven't played Tellius, only I've gotten all of the other ones by now. This banner is disheartening. 

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5 hours ago, DarkLordIvy said:

I did a bit of birthday pulling and after some next to useless fodder:


Hello only character in this franchise that can pull off a belly shirt!

I reckon Inigo doesn't do a bad job in his Performing Arts outfit xD

Congrats :D


Decided to put a cash injection into the game in preparation for the upcoming events and also because I was annoyed at my 4.5% rate. Zelgius finally came after about four more pulls. Darn you for eluding me so long, but thanks for finally coming. Haven't dared look up the stats yet. Expecting the usual -Atk xD

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2 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

I reckon Inigo doesn't do a bad job in his Performing Arts outfit xD

Congrats :D

Oh dang you’re right! I totally forgot about Inigo D: poor guy.

gotta amend my statement to: “Hello one of two characters that can pull off a belly shirt” lol

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Today I spent my last orbs that I was willing to spend on Miccy's banner and I didn't get her but I did manage to pull :D  Tailtiu instead and that's a lot better than Miccy since I I've been trying that smiling thunder noble ever since she was released.

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I yolo pulled because I need a lot of fodder (not from the 4* banner). I got Draug from a single red orb, and my jaw dropped because I needed him the most for Ward Armor. I will be saving my orbs until the Special Heroes banner now. OTL

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