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I have wanted Olwen for a long time. I open my free summon. 1 Red. 4 colorless. Friggin Gacha. Got a . . . useless something that was tossed into the feather grinder. Oh well I knew chances of getting Olwen were pretty much nil so no biggy. But boy do blue orbs seem to hate me these days.

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I have had an unprecedented amount of 5* pity breakers on the Hares at the Fair banner.  3 in total: Azura (before pulling Spring!Sharena), Amelia, and Soren.  Alm was my free pull on the Thracia banner, and 5* Seliph was my free pull on the new banner today.  I'm done with the new banner, but I wanted to get the Leif or the new Reinhardt from the Thracia banner *sigh* I've been putting every single spare orb towards the Hares at the Fair banner, but it seems like I'm doomed to be stuck with just Spring!Sharena.  I really wanted all of them, but alas, I can't hope for better luck.

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I've done nothing but full 20 orb summons from the Thracia banner and I somehow now have a 4.75% pityrate. You know, at this point I wouldn't even mind a non-focus pity breaker. I'd just like to have something for all those wasted orbs.

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1 hour ago, Kahvi said:

I've done nothing but full 20 orb summons from the Thracia banner and I somehow now have a 4.75% pityrate. You know, at this point I wouldn't even mind a non-focus pity breaker. I'd just like to have something for all those wasted orbs.

I feel you. Damn Cooldown banner just won't cooperate. Anyway, free pull from the TT banner.

  1. 3* Cordelia: Bleh. If you had TA3, you'd be good for something. Alas...

And now for yet another crack at the Cooldown banner. 4.5% pity rate go!

  1. 5* Catria: Well, damn! Didn't expect that! I've got Tana and Valter, so I'm not short on lance fliers, but I have been considering promoting a 4* Catria for a long time. Guess that's not necessary anymore. IVs are okay: +HP/-Red. Would have preferred a better boon, but 42 HP's nothing to sneeze at. Swordbreaker'll do nicely on you.
  2. 4* Sophia: Meh.
  3. 4* Femui: Okay.
  4. 3* Robin: Bleh.
  5. 4* Klein: DB3 is always useful.

That was disappointing. Over 150 orbs spent just for a mediocre 5* Catria. At least I got something though. Good luck, Kahvi.

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24 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

Free pull was 4* Effie so wary fighter fodder for someone.  I already have everyone on the TT banner anyway.

Aren't you going to check her IVs? Her atk stat is monstrous

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27 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Aren't you going to check her IVs? Her atk stat is monstrous

I already her with good IVs fully built at 5*.  She was my most used lance armor before C!Robin with his armor march showed up, I still use her some, but not enough for me to merge her.

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Okay, I got no choice but to give up on Leif ?. Fallen Celica, Elincia, Eldigan and -atk Reinhardt came to ruin my summoning sessions. At least Fallen Celica and Elincia are both +spd/-res. Time to collect orbs and wait to see who comes out on the next banner.

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Since my yolo pull on the tharcia banner went so well,  I did two pulls on the easter banner: 

No greens in two sessions (I wanted a Alfonse), but: 

Blue: 3* Subaki (didn't see him since some time)

Red: 5* Soleil (+ATK/-SPD) ... what? um, cool. I didn't have her at 5* yet. 

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I was also hoping for some blues.  Got none, but 1 red.  I pull it and get 5 star Seliph!  +HP/-res.  At least I have a bonus unit now.  Going to go defiant defense A slot, brash assault B slot, QR3 seal, bonfire, and some decent but cheap C skill.  

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Got some orbs to clear up some pity rates.

~With Geirskogul in hand, Brave Lucina +HP -Def arrives from Hares at the Fare, giving me the final CYL Hero. Not the best nature, sure, but at least it's not -spd or -atk.

~Nordion Princess, Nanna has arrived... with +HP -Spd... well at least I have her at all...? No, no I'd rather try for better.

~Lyn appeared again, +HP -Def...

~Prince of Leonstar acquired, +Def -HP. An acceptable nature, all things considered.

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Ugh ...

My ~4% pity rate on the spring banner was broken by a 5-star Maria.

I barely even got any green stones. This is stupid.

... At least I got a spring Kagero for my troubles by using my remaining 4 stones to make a final pull.

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

Ugh ...

My ~4% pity rate on the spring banner was broken by a 5-star Maria.

I barely even got any green stones. This is stupid.

... At least I got a spring Kagero for my troubles by using my remaining 4 stones to make a final pull.

You sure you're not mixing her up with Mist?

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Got Nephenee in 51 orbs and another 4* Nowi.  Still have 136, back to saving for Halloween to +10 Witch Nowi.  Wanted to just save everything till then but Wrath was just too tempting for use in Nowi solos.  Might break for Res Smoke too now that I've shown myself to have little resistance.  It's still all for Nowi anyway.

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5 hours ago, Humanoid said:

The Spring Banner still has the old 4-5* pool.

Huh. I didn't know that the pools for older banners remained unchanged

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6 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Huh. I didn't know that the pools for older banners remained unchanged

Similar thing last year when the Nohrian Summer banner still had the old 3* and 4* rates while the Sacred Stones banner that started afterwards had the rates swapped.

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I finally pulled Leif! He's -Attack but it's okay, at least I got him, phew.

I'm debating to try again for Spring Catria because my pity rate is 3.25%, but...those new hero banners...decisions, decisions.

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I don't know why, but I had the feeling I could get a Alfonse today ... he didn't come, practically all my orbs went away for a +DEF/-ATK Catria. :-(

No good fodder, nor Cordelia, nor Cherche, nor Caeda copies. 

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50 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I don't know why, but I had the feeling I could get a Alfonse today ... he didn't come, practically all my orbs went away for a +DEF/-ATK Catria. :-(

No good fodder, nor Cordelia, nor Cherche, nor Caeda copies. 

My condolences. Not even Cordelia out of blues is always an extra blow during bad summons. Cordelia on a fodder banner when, IS?

I'm tempted to jump back into the spring banner myself for a better Catria (mine is also -atk), but I don't feel too lucky. And with those 2 new heroes banners coming up, Golden Week, and brides next month.. I might just have to hope I have better luck during a legendary banner rerun for her.

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So after about 100 orbs on the Thracia banner hunting for Green!Olwen, I finally get her! Yay!



Oh what's her IV?  +Def/-Atk.



Whelp, guess Cecilia isn't getting benched anytime soon after all.

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20 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

My condolences. Not even Cordelia out of blues is always an extra blow during bad summons. Cordelia on a fodder banner when, IS?

I'm tempted to jump back into the spring banner myself for a better Catria (mine is also -atk), but I don't feel too lucky. And with those 2 new heroes banners coming up, Golden Week, and brides next month.. I might just have to hope I have better luck during a legendary banner rerun for her.

Thanks. I wanted to save these orbs for an eventual Cordelia fodder banner ... weak me. 

Good decision, pulling for better natured 5* exclusives is extra painful. 

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Wanted regular Olwen… Got Reinhardt thrice instead (two 5*, 1 4*)… To be fair, I only wanted Olwen for favoritism (and possibly to avoid duplicates), and Reinhardt is clearly the better unit… So I'm not all that frustrated by what I got… Although I do wish that you were not part of the same Focus, mainly because Reinhart screws over those looking for Olwen and he outclasses her… I might stop looking for Olwen, saving up for when Katerina becomes part of a focus, or her rarity drops… I heard we are getting new ones soon… Not to mention I'm still waiting on Ishtar and Julius, and they will probably be part of the gacha (I have a feeling at least one of them will be a Grand Hero Battle in May, though)…


Trying to replenish my stock doing lunatic missions, but the designers aren't kidding around when they named it that… Not to mention there will be more opportunities for Orbs, with Tempest Trials coming up…

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