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I decided I was being a bit too indecisive with leaving the Fallen banner on 20-odd pulls when the spark was probably only about 70-80 orbs away, so I just YOLOed the spark so I wouldn't have to think about it anymore. This decision may have been affected by my failure to even put a dent in the Legendary Myrrh Limited Hero Battle where my FE1 units were so pathetically weak that it was barely worth attempting. No indecision about who the unit I sparked would be, it's Maria. And so FEH comes full circle with a 5-star Maria being both my first 5-star ever back on launch day, and now she's my most recent one.

Only got one other 5-star down the home stretch, a +Spd -HP Syrene. I was very disappointed with that as I thought Syrene was one of those crappy 5-stars who come with no Prf and a barely 4-star quality kit in general. Turns out I was mistaken: I was thinking of Annand, and Syrene actually is a reasonably premium and recent unit. So just the two exclusive units on the way to the spark (the other being a +Spd -Res Risfallen Chrom previously) but both being good units and coming with pretty much perfect natures more than compensates. (I think this random Laevatein might be from the banner too but whatever)

Bonus: Picked up a Mia from her weekly revival banner.

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Blue for the Hall of Forms banner.

  1. 4* Subaki: No.

Red for Rearmed Lif's banner and its tickets.

  1. 4* Raigh: No.
  2. 4* Guy: No.
  3. 3* Hana: No.
  4. 3* Jagen: No.
  5. 4* Cordelia: No.

That's a shame. Grey for Bridal Beloveds.

  1. 4* Nyna: No.

Blue for Weekly Revival 23.

  1. 4* Abel: No.

Grey for Weekly Revival 58.

  1. 4* Kiragi: No.

Blue for the Moonbow banner.

  1. 3* Mathilda: No.

Now to make some pulls from Bridal Grace to see if I can get Shanna or a merge for Catria and Thea. 178 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Athena: No.

Bleh. No such luck...

  1. 4* Selena: Reposition fodder.
  2. 4* Mamui: No.
  3. 4* Cecilia: No.

165 orbs left.

  1. 3* Hinata: No.
  2. 5* Galzus: Hello again. +Res/-Spd is awful, so merge fodder for my +1 +Atk copy.
  3. 4* Vyland: No.

152 orbs left.

  1. 5* Nyx: Not bad. +Atk/-Spd is a good master copy, certainly better than my current +1 +Res copy.
  2. 4* Erk: No.
  3. 3* Reyson: No.
  4. 3* Bastian: No.
  5. 4* Nino: No.

This is becoming interesting...132 orbs left.

  1. 3* Palla: No.
  2. 3* Laslow: No.

123 orbs left.

  1. 3* Sylvain: You finally deigned to show up. However +Res/-Spd is terrible, so you'll be merge fodder whenever another copy comes around.
  2. 3* Mustafa: No.

114 orbs left.

  1. 4* Balthus: No.

109 orbs left.

  1. 4* Raigh: No.
  2. 3* F!Shez: No.
  3. 3* Camilla: No.
  4. 3* Ross: No.

92 orbs left.

  1. 3* Ares: No.
  2. 4* Libra: No.

83 orbs left.

  1. 3* Silvia: No.
  2. 4* Hana: No.

74 orbs left.

  1. 3* Laslow: No.
  2. 4* Ricken: No.

65 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ross: No.

Up to a 4% pity rate now. 60 orbs left.

  1. 4* Erk: No.

55 orbs left.

  1. 4* Cain: No.
  2. 3* M!Morgan: No.
  3. 4* Erk: No.
  4. 3* Python: No.

38 orbs left.

  1. 3* Hana: No.
  2. 3* Merric: No.
  3. 4* Vyland: No.
  4. 4* Echidna: No.

I should have taken the hint when I got 2 5*s back to back. 21 orbs left for one more circle.

  1. 4* Palla: No.
  2. 3* Marth: No.
  3. 3* Sylvain: No.
  4. 4* Rath: No.

Well, now I'm in a bad mood. 46 orbs got me merges for Galzus and Nyx, then another 128 got me absolutely nothing at all. So much for making any pulls from the upcoming Legendary banner, because now I have to hope I can kill my 4.5% pity rate with whatever orbs I can scrounge up in the next few days. Let's see if the weekly Arena ticket will give me something actually worthwhile.

  1. 5* Laevatain: Not really...+Def/-Atk is bad, so merge fodder for my +2 +Def copy.
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41 pulls from the Forging Bonds rerun banner:

  • 1 Lif (+1 spark)
  • 1 Shez
  • 2 pity breakers
    • Felix
    • Brave Marth

First copy of Felix. He's also [+Spd, -Res], which is literally perfect. Lif has an Atk Asset, which means he'll replace my existing neutral copy as a merge base... once I find a unit to give Arcane Eljudnir to.

Also got a copy of Male Byleth, which is another copy of Ruptured Sky that I can hand out.


88 pulls from the Fallen Heroes banner:

  • 3 Chrom (+1 spark)
  • 3 Byleth
  • 0 Maria (+1 spark)
  • 1 pity breaker
    • Azel

The previous banner clearly took all of my luck with Assets because the best Chrom I got was neutral, and the best Byleth I got was [+Atk, -Spd], which means I need to use a second copy of her to get rid of the Flaw and only end up with one copy available as skill fodder instead of two.

But I got yet another copy of Male Byleth.


I'll pull on the Bride banner after I pull on Legendary Hinoka's banner.

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Weekly Arena ticket:

  • Week 1: Horse Chrom
  • Week 2: Luke
  • Week 3: Lewyn
  • Week 4: Maribelle
  • Week 5: Velouria
  • Week 6: Takumi
  • Week 7: Nah
  • Week 8: Mareeta
  • Week 9: Brave Veronica
  • Week 10: Laegjarn
  • Week 11: Male Byleth
  • Week 12: Luke
  • Week 13: Velouria
  • Week 14: Phina
  • Week 15: Mareeta
  • Week 16: Brave Lysithea
  • Week 17: Owain
  • Week 18: Larum
  • Week 19: Jaffar
  • Week 20: Nina
  • Week 21: Phina
  • Week 22: Velouria
  • Week 23: Jaffar
  • Week 24: Maribelle
  • Week 25: Brave Lyn
  • Week 26: Lucina
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I can't believe I failed to get Hinoka from my three pulls on the Legendary banner, surely nine orbs would be enough. (It makes sense to me to spend the amount of orbs you get from an LHB to get the corresponding unit) Oh well, I'll get you next time, Gadget. On a happier note, I got my second consecutive CYL Claude from the weekly arena freebie, and he's +Spd to boot!


1. Veronica
2. Mamori
3. Sad Tiki
4. Innes
5. Katarina
6. Green Olwen
7. Lyn
8. Peganino
9. Kinoka
10. Dorcas
11. CYL Camilla
12. Bernadetta
13. Leanne
14. Takumi
15. Larum
16. Yarne
17. Genny
18. Faye
19. Loki
20. Bernadetta
21. Caineghis
22. Green Olwen
23. Silque
24. Rinkah
25. CYL Claude
26. CYL Claude

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I was saving orbs to try to pull legendary male Robin.

And I succeeded, with an extra Dagr as well.

The fodder on this banner is pretty nice and I still don't have Myrrh, but I'm gonna call it a victory that I started with about 88 and ended up with 43 when I got Robin.

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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

I can't believe I failed to get Hinoka from my three pulls on the Legendary banner, surely nine orbs would be enough.

Meanwhile, Hinoka comes home exactly on my third pull.


66 pulls from Hinoka's banner because that's how many pulls it took to clear my pity rate after the spark:

  • 2 Hinoka (+1 spark)
  • 3 Nanna
  • 2 Ophelia
  • 1 Robin

At the very least, the session that cleared my pity rate gave me Nanna, Ophelia, and Robin in a single session, though I obviously would have preferred one of those to have been another Hinoka instead.

Too few pulls to be good for statistics, but a 12.1% focus rate so far is quite good. Even if I had only gotten 1 focus unit on the last session, I still would've been at an above-average 9.1% focus rate, so I can't really complain too much.

My best copy of Hinoka so far has an Atk Asset, which is decent. Robin is now +3.

I'll probably decide what I want to do with this banner over the weekend. I'm quite a bit below budget this month, but I'd also like to stay quite a bit below budget. It's a nice place to be. Chances are I'll start pulling on the Bride banner first and see how that goes before returning to this banner. At most, I think I might try for 1 more copy of Hinoka, but it's just really depressing getting more copies of Nanna and Ophelia that I can't really do anything with. I now have 20 copies of Ophelia, which is honestly absurd. I wish those were Rearmed Grima instead. I could actually use copies of her.


Also, this week's free Arena ticket gets me another Luke:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn
  14. Laegjarn
  15. Fallen Female Corrin
  16. Fallen Ike
  17. Say'ri
  18. Karel
  19. Female Byleth
  20. Takumi
  21. Fallen Tiki
  22. Ike
  23. Sigurd
  24. Ike
  25. Elincia
  26. Luke


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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Meanwhile, Hinoka comes home exactly on my third pull.

You made me do another session out of jealousy. Two reds ...both +HP Nanna. 😮

Okay I'm done for real now, not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

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I go into Legendary Hinoka's banner thinking I'll just use my free pull and leave. I couldn't possibly get anything from this, right? I have awful luck with Legendary/Mythic banners. But what does the game decide to do? Give me Legendary Hinoka. At +Atk/-Def. Talk about a change of luck.

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A little off from my usual schedule, but I need to kill my 4.5% pity rate on Bridal Grace. 112 orbs on hand thanks to Chain Challenges.

  1. 4* Florina: No.

107 orbs left.

  1. 3* Bastian: No.
  2. 3* Beruka: No.
  3. 4* Soren: No.
  4. 4* Ross: No.

Disappointing. Up to 4.75% now. 90 orbs left.

  1. 4* Scathach: No.
  2. 3* Palla: No.
  3. 3* Frederick: No.
  4. 4* Fae: No.
  5. 4* Cecilia: No.

You've got to be kidding me. 70 orbs left.

  1. 3* Tharja: No.
  2. 4* Cherche: No.

Up to 5.25% now...61 orbs left.

  1. 3* Knoll: No.
  2. 4* Soren: No.
  3. 3* Beruka: No.

Unbelievable. 48 orbs left.

  1. 4* Fir: No.
  2. 5* Mamori: A 4* Special after far longer than usual. +Def/-HP is a great master copy, but I think I'll keep my current +2 +Res copy.
  3. 4* Atlas: No.

5.5% now! 35 orbs left.

  1. 4* Bartre: No.
  2. 3* Cath: Reposition fodder.
  3. 3* Orochi: No.

22 orbs left.

  1. 3* Draug: No.
  2. 5* Bridal!Shanna: Finally! Only took me 273 damned orbs! +Def/-HP is tolerable. I'll take the rest of the banner now.
  3. 4* Fir: No.
  4. 3* Mae: No.
  5. 4* Saizo: No.

That took way longer than it had any right to. 284 orbs and 67 pulls got me one measly copy of Bridal!Shanna, plus merges for Galzus, Nyx, and Mamori. Anyway, might as well do the rest of the free pulls available right now. Blue for Bridal Belonging.

  1. 3* Est: No.

Blue again for the BHB banner.

  1. 4* Tatiana: No.

Red for L!Hinoka's banner.

  1. 3* Ogma: Figures.

Yeah, my lucky streak is well and truly murdered now. Let's see what the weekly Arena ticket gives me.

  1. 5* Sigurd: He finally shows up after many years. +Atk/-Spd is bad, but it's not like he's any good anymore anyway.
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I just had the weirdest free summon experience ever.

Went to the revival banner with Hector. Got one green stone. Tried to click on it. Got a communication error and got kicked back to the main screen.

Reload summoning session. There's a Hector there now.

Hector crashed my summon, apparently.

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I tried another circle on Legendary Hinoka's banner just for the heck fo it, and it immediately, and I mean immediately gave me Legendary Myrrh. Anther brand new unit I hadn't gotten yet. This Legendary banner is being unusually kind to me.

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Weekly Arena ticket:

  • Week 1: Horse Chrom
  • Week 2: Luke
  • Week 3: Lewyn
  • Week 4: Maribelle
  • Week 5: Velouria
  • Week 6: Takumi
  • Week 7: Nah
  • Week 8: Mareeta
  • Week 9: Brave Veronica
  • Week 10: Laegjarn
  • Week 11: Male Byleth
  • Week 12: Luke
  • Week 13: Velouria
  • Week 14: Phina
  • Week 15: Mareeta
  • Week 16: Brave Lysithea
  • Week 17: Owain
  • Week 18: Larum
  • Week 19: Jaffar
  • Week 20: Nina
  • Week 21: Phina
  • Week 22: Velouria
  • Week 23: Jaffar
  • Week 24: Maribelle
  • Week 25: Brave Lyn
  • Week 26: Lucina
  • Week 27: Jaffar

That's the third Jaffar it's given me, and every single one has been +Def/-HP. What in the world kind of odds are those? Well, at least my Jaffar went from merged +1 to merged +4, I guess.

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Had another flutter on the Legendary banner now that the trailer for the (awful) New Heroes banner is up. Figured I'd pull until the next 5-star. Which I got, and was... another Legendary Nanna. So that's 14 pulls total on that banner, for the haul of three Nannas. Can't complain about that 5-star rate, but geez.

None are any better than my old neutral +1 one, so I'll consider who besides Rearmed Ophelia wants Push + Menace. (Ophelia is getting it so she has something useful to give to non-Infantry red mages besides her weapon)


EDIT: Had another go after the reset and was offered no reds. Opened the one grey in the hopes for my second-most wanted unit here, Ascended Elincia. Somehow those hopes came true. +HP -Def, I'll take definitely take that. 15 pulls in and four 5-stars, I'll have a think about more pulls closer to the end of the banner.

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This week's free Arena ticket gets me Elise:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn
  14. Laegjarn
  15. Fallen Female Corrin
  16. Fallen Ike
  17. Say'ri
  18. Karel
  19. Female Byleth
  20. Takumi
  21. Fallen Tiki
  22. Ike
  23. Sigurd
  24. Ike
  25. Elincia
  26. Luke
  27. Elise


Other than that, the only notable pull I've gotten since my last post was a copy of Summer Noire from the Tharja-Ninian-Sanaki Bride banner.

And I'm still procrastinating on pulling from the current Bride banner because I can.

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So I was in one of those funny moods, where after opening the first round of the New Heroes banner, I saw there were two reds and two greens and got baited into opening all four. Nothing, as expected, but I got kind of annoyed at myself for being ill-disciplined with my orbs. After all, I would much rather Hinoka than any of these rubes, so what the hell was I doing?

In disproportionate response, I decided to be even less disciplined and just go all the way from 16 to 40 pulls on the Legendary banner. I don't even have FEH Pass, but maybe I'll feel generous tomorrow and sub for a month, even if only to get sparking access to both summer banners in addition to getting Hinoka.

On pull 24 I got my fourth Rearmed Ophelia overall (first of this banner). At least it isn't another Nanna I guess.

On pull 25 I got ...Legendary Nanna again. Fourth of this banner and sixth overall, you've got to be kidding me. In essentially the blink of an eye, she's become my most-pulled Legendary Hero of all time, pulling ahead of Ephraim and Leif (five each). Was kind of tempted to abort this operation and end it there. But I forged on...

Whole lot of junk until the very final circle, where on pull 39, it happened, and I got my Legendary Hinoka. She's even +Atk -Def, and therefore a very tempting target for a Florete (especially as I picked one up yesterday from Elincia meaning I'm now sitting on 11 unused).

So yeah, I'm all cleaned out, 6 orbs remaining after doing all the Mid-book quests (and getting 20 orbs on top because the quests made me do story maps that I hadn't done yet). I have three tickets left for the New Heroes but will sit on them for a while while I decide whether it's worth burning a few extra orbs when spending them.

In the end, I can't complain about the haul from this banner which has been very generous in terms of 5-star rate: 42 pulls total, 4x Legendary Nanna, 1x Rearmed Ophelia, 1x Legendary Hinoka, 1x Ascended Elincia, 1x Tibarn and 1x OG Lysithea.

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New Heroes & Mythic Heiðr:

  • #5: Rennac (+Atk/-Res) (1 Summon Charge)
  • #6: Brave Ike (4★ Special) (+HP/-Def)
  • #7: Dorothy (4★) (+HP/-Res)
  • #20: Brave Marth (+Def/-HP) (2 Summon Charges)
  • Spark: Ascended Fir (Neutral)
  • #41: Letizia (+Def/-HP) (3 Summon Charges!)
  • #50: Heiðr (+Def/-Atk)

Pity Rate: 3.00% (52 Pulls)
Orbs spent: 191

I said I wasn't gonna go hard on this banner, but Heiðr twisted my arm because I was a hairsbreadth away from a full Summon Charge, had a pity rate, and Green is the easiest to get 5★'s from.


Also, nothing's too good for my daughter.


Edited by Some Jerk
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Alright, let's see what I get this week. Blue for Weekly Revival 24.

  1. 4* Thea: No.

Red for Weekly Revival 73.

  1. 4* Draug: No.

Red again for Bridal Bloom.

  1. 4* Hawkeye: No.

Grey for Bridal Blessings.

  1. 4* Tanya: No.

Red for the Duel banner.

  1. 3* Guy: No.

Grey for the Ground Orders banner.

  1. 4* Gaius: No.

Green for the Lull banner.

  1. 4* Merric: No.

Red for the New Power banner.

  1. 4* Chrom: No.

Red for Heoir's banner to see if I can get Fir.

  1. 4* Soleil: No.
  2. 3* Caeda: No.
  3. 3* Ares: No.
  4. 4* Sophia: No.
  5. 3* Ricken: No.

All of those banners, and absolutely nothing of interest. Let's see what the weekly Arena ticket gives me.

  1. 5* Fallen!Celica: Meh. +Def/-Atk isn't even good. Merge fodder for my +1 +Atk copy.
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I realized that I needed to pull a copy of Heidr for Aether Raids, so I went ahead and pulled on her banner despite having only 8 open slots in my barracks.

46 pulls to get my first (non-spark) copy of Heidr:

  • 1 Heidr (+1 spark)
  • 1 Fir
  • 1 Noah
  • 1 pity breaker
    • Astrid

So I somehow got both Fir (pull 28) and Noah (pull 40) before Heidr (pull 46) despite sniping green. Neither have useful Assets. The non-spark Heidr also doesn't have a useful Asset, so the neutral spark will have to be the base for the time being.

Also got a bunch of pulls from the SR pool. Lakche is now +9, and I still have not gotten a copy better than neutral. Mamori would be +5 if I merged all of her copies, but I'm waiting for her refine to decide which base to use. I pulled my first copy of Adrift Female Corrin with a Spd Asset... as my 13th copy of her. The pity breaker Astrid brings her up to +6.

I will try to see if I can get my barracks cleaned out before the Bride banner expires since I still haven't done my pulls from there yet and pulling with only 4 open barracks slots kind of sucks.

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I was a bit disappointed that the DSH banner didn't have Valentine's Takumi in it, but decided to summon anyway because all the options are good (and I don't have any of them). 10 pulls in and I got 4-star Byleth and Ninja Camilla.

Considering that I've never actively pulled for any Camilla, I'm a bit confused as to how the only one I'm missing is her spring version.

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Broke my string of arena Claudes with Kinoka. I have no problem with accumulating copies of her either, so I have no complaints. That said, my most wanted unit ahead of the next round of demotes soon remains CYL Camilla, in order to fix up my one -Atk copy.

Besides that, did a full round on the Double Special banner for no result. Not too fussed about the banner in general, the only units I really want are the two recent Duos in Linde and Elise. Nothing doing from the various celebration skills banners either.


1. Veronica
2. Mamori
3. Sad Tiki
4. Innes
5. Katarina
6. Green Olwen
7. Lyn
8. Peganino
9. Kinoka
10. Dorcas
11. CYL Camilla
12. Bernadetta
13. Leanne
14. Takumi
15. Larum
16. Yarne
17. Genny
18. Faye
19. Loki
20. Bernadetta
21. Caineghis
22. Green Olwen
23. Silque
24. Rinkah
25. CYL Claude
26. CYL Claude
27. CYL Claude
28. Kinoka

Edited by Humanoid
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Weekly Arena ticket:

  • Week 1: Horse Chrom
  • Week 2: Luke
  • Week 3: Lewyn
  • Week 4: Maribelle
  • Week 5: Velouria
  • Week 6: Takumi
  • Week 7: Nah
  • Week 8: Mareeta
  • Week 9: Brave Veronica
  • Week 10: Laegjarn
  • Week 11: Male Byleth
  • Week 12: Luke
  • Week 13: Velouria
  • Week 14: Phina
  • Week 15: Mareeta
  • Week 16: Brave Lysithea
  • Week 17: Owain
  • Week 18: Larum
  • Week 19: Jaffar
  • Week 20: Nina
  • Week 21: Phina
  • Week 22: Velouria
  • Week 23: Jaffar
  • Week 24: Maribelle
  • Week 25: Brave Lyn
  • Week 26: Lucina
  • Week 27: Jaffar
  • Week 28: Midori
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Always a fun reminder that X character is still in the regular summoning pool, by having them shoved in my face when I'm not expecting them.
In this case, it's Duessel. At least this version of him is +Atk -Res, compared to my existing +Spd -HP copy of him, and I guess since his fodder is just kinda okay it's safe to merge him and make his stats better without feeling like I'm gonna regret not giving Lull AD to someone.

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It's nice that all of these skill banners last for three days. Makes it a lot easier to keep on top of them. Anyway, green for the Glimmer banner since I have Dimitri and Hapi.

  1. 4* Raven: No.

Blue for Weekly Revival 25.

  1. 3* Subaki: No.

Red for Weekly Revival 59.

  1. 4* Sophia: Not quite.

Blue for the Reposition banner.

  1. 5* Ninian: A bad 4* Special is still better than the nothing I've been getting recently. +Def/-HP is rubbish, so merge fodder for my +2 +Atk copy.

Red for the Rally banner.

  1. 3* Eirika: No.

And for fun, I might as well pull from the Double Special banner. Only 59 orbs on hand, but there's a lot of good units here.

  1. 4* Fir: No.
  2. 4* Seliph: No.
  3. 4* Est: No.
  4. 3* Orochi: No.
  5. 4* Elice: No.

That's disappointing. 44 orbs left.

  1. 4* Soleil: No.
  2. 4* Chrom: No.
  3. 3* Nowi: No.
  4. 4* Mae: No.
  5. 3* Serra: No.

Very disappointing. 24 orbs left.

  1. 3* Caeda: No.
  2. 3* Tailtiu: No.
  3. 4* Tatiana: No.
  4. 4* Khadein!Byleth: Meh. It's not nothing, but it's not like +HP/-Spd is any good either.
  5. 4* Subaki: No.

I really get the feeling Heroes doesn't want me to play it anymore. Three full circles didn't get me anything but a 4* copy of Khadein!Byleth, which is like the absolute minimum required to prove that focus units do actually exist and I can pull them.

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