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I said in my thoughts as a joke, "On this first summon I'm crossing my fingers for Lon'qu". I ended up summoning him. I'm impressed at his attack level and he is only a level one 3*. 

Also, I pulled out a Priscila. I was expecting Mist but I ended up pulling her instead. Should I keep Priscilla or send her home? She's the only unit I have that knows Panic. 
I guess karma is getting me back after sending home that 5* Peri. It's as if Peri cursed me after I sent her home. I can't complain anymore. I'll just be patient for now and promote some of my 4* units to 5*.
Edited by Smog
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Decided to try pulling for Ike/Soren/Titania today. I didn't get any of 'em, but I did get (notables only):

2 Camillas (One's +SPD/-ATK, probably gonna be Brave Axe & Draconic Aura/Darting Blow fodder. The other's +ATK/-HP, so I'll try to train her up)

Cherche (Pivot fodder... but I've been kinda looking for Pivot fodder for a while, so it's nice to have someone I don't care about to give it up)

Chrom (NEW! Would be more exciting, but I already got rid of him)

LILINA (5-Star! I already have a 4-Star, but I think I'll keep the new version instead... which means I need to figure out which skills Lilina wants...)

Raven (NEW! Still kinda weird that he uses an axe despite having a sword in his art, but whatever)

CHROM (5-Star! I like this one more than the 4-Star (this one's +DEF/-HP), so I'm gonna keep him... I sacrificed the 4-Star Chrom to give this one Sol/Defiant DEF 2/Spur DEF 2, but now I dunno which skills I'll give this Chrom... besides Aether, he's getting that)

So, no Tellius characters... but still a pretty good pull, I say.

Now to pull only Green for the rest of this banner, since I really want Fae (already have one, so any future one will be Renewal fodder unless she's got a better Boon/Bane than my current Fae... but I want Renewal fodder for Marth and maybe Chrom), Raven (I want him less now that I have him, but I won't complain if I get another one), Soren (the reason I wanted to pull Green this banner), Titania (she looks like a good anti-Blue cavalry, and I'd like one of those), and to a lesser extent Hector (don't especially care for him, but he has Distant Counter, and I can maybe give that to someone).

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20 hours ago, Smog said:

The losing streak continues.

Three banners have passed and still no 5-Star Pull

I guess many other players in here are having tough luck with this game as well. 

^My reaction when I found out Alm wasn't added to the 4 star pit. You are not alone my friend. I used about 120 or so orbs on the last banner for Alm and ended up with three chicks instead. Going to save orbs this time around since Tellius isn't really my jam.

Last pull I did ended up being the common 3 star trio of Stahl, Sophia, and Hinata. Since I had numerous of each, they went home for the feathers.

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So I've had a really crappy day. Pulled an all nighter, been running on an hour of sleep, had one really crappy presentation. So I decided to throw a bit of money at the game in a delirious fit of self pity and poor money management ...

Even better he's Atk+/-Res!!

Also of note I got two 4* Erika's a +Spd/-Hp and +Res/-Def... I know which of those I'll be training up! Aaaaand a Neutral 4* Tharja


Now I just need my luck to not completly die before the banner runs out so I can get Soren's bestboyfriend pfff


Edited by DarkLordIvy
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1 hour ago, Smog said:

I said in my thoughts as a joke, "On this first summon I'm crossing my fingers for Lon'qu". I ended up summoning him. I'm impressed at his attack level and he is only a level one 3*. 

Also, I pulled out a Priscila. I was expecting Mist but I ended up pulling her instead. Should I keep Priscilla or send her home? She's the only unit I have that knows Panic. 
I guess karma is getting me back after sending home that 5* Peri. It's as if Peri cursed me after I sent her home. I can't complain anymore. I'll just be patient for now and promote some of my 4* units to 5*.

I'd suggest never sending anyone home, period. The feathers are too few to be worth it, and you might always find some use for the unit, either as a bonus unit during an arena season or as skill inheritance fodder. (that Peri would have been really nice to hand off her Threaten Defense, for example)

And Priscilla is pretty bad like all healers are, but she's a mounted one at least, which is nice, and she'll be useful when training other units in the training tower.

Edit: Oh I almost forgot why I came to this thread.

I had 5 orbs and thought I'd give it a shot for that 1 green orb Titiania snipe. Entered the summoning session, no green orbs. Picked a red one to get that second Ike.. and I pulled an adult Tiki 4*! +spd -hp. Obviously not anything good, but at least she's a unit I hadn't rolled before, so I guess that's something.

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12 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Finally another 5*! I got Linde with neutral IVs. Is she fine without +speed or +attack?

Neutral is still better than minus in either of those stats so I'd say so!

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16 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Now I need to figure out how to fit her into a team...

Well she's the "independent woman" type of unit where you don't have to build a team around her in order for her to become a psychopath. You can always do the old "Life and death, desperation, ardent sacrifice" set since she has the stats for it.

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1 hour ago, Alkaid said:

And Priscilla is pretty bad like all healers are, but she's a mounted one at least, which is nice, and she'll be useful when training other units in the training tower.

I never think of healers as a "bad" unit, especially with defense maps with reinforcements, and the permadeath event right around the corner. In fact, I think Priscilla is a great unit on your team, with Rehabilitate that can save your allies' breath from near-death situations.

She might actually be useful on the arena, on Defense at least, where the death of a unit doesn't matter. It can be pretty niche, I know, but Panic can cause... well... panic, just like Gravity. I had this case with Leo's Brynhildr making me unable to get out of the attack range and caused the death of one unit in an arena run. For Panic, it's to essentially turn a Horse / Flier / Dragon Emblem into their worst nightmare when they rely on it a lot.

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Just now, Arcanite said:

Well she's the "independent woman" type of unit where you don't have to build a team around her in order for her to become a psychopath. You can always do the old "Life and death, desperation, ardent sacrifice" set since she has the stats for it.

I guess I need to find a fodder for Life and Death then. I'm still working on my Flier Emblem team :)

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Just now, GuiltyLove said:

I guess I need to find a fodder for Life and Death then. I'm still working on my Flier Emblem team :)

Unfortunately, life and death 3 fodder is hard to come by, so you can always settle for Life and Death 2


but settling is for squares, so if you're cool [like me] you'll wait until you're baller enough to promote Hana for Life and death 3


Or Zephiel



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Just now, Arcanite said:

Unfortunately, life and death 3 fodder is hard to come by, so you can always settle for Life and Death 2

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but settling is for squares, so if you're cool [like me] you'll wait until you're baller enough to promote Hana for Life and death 3

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Or Zephiel



I'll wait until I'm baller like you then

I hate Hana so she'll have a good reason to be sacrificed now :)

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5 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

I'll wait until I'm baller like you then

Heh, I wish.

Also, been a while since I posted my pulls:

Pulled two orbs.

Got a 4 star Henry and a 3 star Olivia

My 4 star Olivia is now +6


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46 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Finally another 5*! I got Linde with neutral IVs. Is she fine without +speed or +attack?

Neutral IVs work just fine on most characters, especially ones that are already good.

2 hours ago, DarkLordIvy said:

So I've had a really crappy day. Pulled an all nighter, been running on an hour of sleep, had one really crappy presentation. So I decided to throw a bit of money at the game in a delirious fit of self pity and poor money management ...

Even better he's Atk+/-Res!!

Also of note I got two 4* Erika's a +Spd/-Hp and +Res/-Def... I know which of those I'll be training up! Aaaaand a Neutral 4* Tharja

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Now I just need my luck to not completly die before the banner runs out so I can get Soren's bestboyfriend pfff


I'll trade you my -Atk Soren.

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3 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I'll trade you my -Atk Soren.

If you open a trading post regarding "trading +ATK Soren for -ATK Soren", it will have 0 offers, and it will stay that way... forever~ :3

Like, no kidding. +ATK Soren is the best for him with his B skill.

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If he's -Atk, Rezzy you're getting a phone call




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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:






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If he's -Atk, Rezzy you're getting a phone call




It's weird seeing someone super excited about Marth for me. In the first week of the game, I pulled 5 of him all 5* with no other 5*s until Nowi broke the chain.

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3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:






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If he's -Atk, Rezzy you're getting a phone call




I guessed like three times, and none of my guesses were Marth lol.

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Another full summon and no Laslow. :D: I pulled Soren, 5* Eldigan, 3* Subaki, 4* Tharja (again), and 3* Cherche (again). I guess fighting with SoC did something useful. 

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4 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

LOL did you seriously get a -Atk Soren too? That's just way too sad.

All I get is -Atk units, let's see...




Spring Lucina



Male Corrin




Spring Camilla



Baby Tiki

I have 14 -Atk 5*.

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Just now, Rezzy said:

All I get is -Atk units, let's see...




Spring Lucina



Male Corrin




Spring Camilla



Baby Tiki

I have 14 -Atk 5*.

Ouch.... But hey, at least you have fourteen 5*s...

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I guessed like three times, and none of my guesses were Marth lol.

Yeah I already have an OP sword user so it's kind of meh right now XD

Also, @Rezzy.

It looks like his bane is -Spd. If you're the queen of -Atk, does that make your Husband the King of -Spd?

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