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Heroes My Nintendo Rewards


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Looks like some in-game items have appeared on My Nintendo page for this game. They can be bought with My Nintendo points.

10 Orbs - 0 Platinum Points

  • Redeemable:  1 time
  • Orbs for Fire Emblem Heroes. Used for summoning and other features.

Light's Blessing - 100 Platinum Points

  • Redeemable:  3 times
  • One Light's Blessing for Fire Emblem Heroes. Used in battle to revive all allies, restore HP, enable allies to move, and enable use of Special skills.

Stamina Potion - 100 Platinum Points

  • One Stamina Potion for Fire Emblem Heroes. Gives +50 Stamina.

500 Universal Crystals - 100 Platinum Points

  • Universal Crystals for Fire Emblem Heroes. Used to level up any allies that are level 20 and higher.

500 Universal Shards - 100 Platinum Points

  • Universal Shards for Fire Emblem Heroes. Used to level up allies that are level 19 and lower.

Dueling Crest - 100 Platinum Points

  • One Dueling Crest for Fire Emblem Heroes. Restores all Dueling Swords.

There are also a bunch of My Nintendo missions posted for Heroes, which award 100 Fire Emblem platinum points each (slightly different from normal platinum points). Looks like they're all obtained by progressing through the game.

Edited by Star
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Just make sure you know that you're accumulating FE Heroes Platinum Points through the missions. The Voting rewards are Universal but the mission points are Game-specific. @Star and others

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52 minutes ago, Elieson said:

Just make sure you know that you're accumulating FE Heroes Platinum Points through the missions. The Voting rewards are Universal but the mission points are Game-specific. @Star and others

The way My Nintendo deals with "game-specific" points is kinda confusing, so to clarify:

  • If you are aiming to get a reward for a Nintendo smartphone game, you can only use its game-specific platinum points or "generic" platinum points you get for doing stuff like logging into the eShop and Miiverse every week. This means even if you've played through all of Super Mario Run and accumulated a bunch of points, you unfortunately can't use those points to buy items for FE Heroes.
  • The only way to spend "game-specific" platinum points on something outside the game you earned them in is to use them for 3DS/Wii U eShop coupons or downloads, which treats all platinum points as eligible.
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It'll definitely be nice to have some use for all these coins. It's a real shame that they expire.

Hopefully they amp up My Nintendo after the Swtich comes out, because its pretty lackluster as of now. It's really cool that they're doing digital rewards like this, though.

1 hour ago, Elieson said:

Just make sure you know that you're accumulating FE Heroes Platinum Points through the missions. The Voting rewards are Universal but the mission points are Game-specific. @Star and others

25 minutes ago, Sakurina said:

The way My Nintendo deals with "game-specific" points is kinda confusing, so to clarify:

  • If you are aiming to get a reward for a Nintendo smartphone game, you can only use its game-specific platinum points or "generic" platinum points you get for doing stuff like logging into the eShop and Miiverse every week. This means even if you've played through all of Super Mario Run and accumulated a bunch of points, you unfortunately can't use those points to buy items for FE Heroes.
  • The only way to spend "game-specific" platinum points on something outside the game you earned them in is to use them for 3DS/Wii U eShop coupons or downloads, which treats all platinum points as eligible.

Thanks guys, I'll edit the OP! I didn't think those were any different from the normal ones.

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This is really nice support, I especially like the free orbs. Combined with the missions they have up this looks like a decent way to get some iap-like bonuses without actually using money.


Also, anyone know if there's a way to get the golden My Nintendo points from purchases you've made before creating a My Nintendo account? I only created my account for the Heroes voting, but I've made enough eshop purchases before.

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11 minutes ago, Sylphid said:

Also, anyone know if there's a way to get the golden My Nintendo points from purchases you've made before creating a My Nintendo account? I only created my account for the Heroes voting, but I've made enough eshop purchases before.

Sorry, I think you're out of luck there. Although, you could try calling support and seeing if they can do anything. As far as I know, there's no way to do it yourself.

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The only theme I've ever bought is the Nintendo Consoles one. I've never found much use for the Platinum Coins, but I really hope they let us purchase Orbs with them in the future though. Considering it's not already possible, though, I doubt it.

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I've so far bought a few stamina potions(grinding for orbs and SP) and one set of universal crystals. 100 coins for each, but 100 coins for beating a world, I think that is fair. I'm loving this game!

Edited by Lord_Grima
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1 minute ago, Magician Lugh said:

So I have redeemed the 10 orbs on My Nintendo account but how do I get it in the game? I've linked the game to the account but I have not received the 10 orbs. Anyone know what's going on? 

Did you click on the owl?

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On 2/2/2017 at 0:26 AM, Suichimo said:

Does the Stamina Potion restore or increase your stamina. I'm assuming restore, but the wording is so vague.

It increases it by the max amount, which is nice, since it can actually exceed the max amount if you have more than 0 stamina points left-- so if you have 1-3 stamina and use a potion, it will elevate you to 50 + your current amount before deducting it. Very nice.

On 2/2/2017 at 6:21 PM, Star said:

Fire Emblem related clothes have been added to Miitomo.

Aww man.... sucks that I can't have Miitomo and FEH on my phone at the same time x___x I wouldn't mind having that Tiki shirt lol... ;;

On 2/3/2017 at 7:52 PM, Magician Lugh said:

I did. I thought I was gonna get it from the owl but once I redeemed the orbs on My Nintendo, the owl didn't have anything new to give me.

You might have to wait a bit, there is a small delay between redeeming the My Nintendo rewards and actually getting them. 

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10 hours ago, BANRYU said:

You might have to wait a bit, there is a small delay between redeeming the My Nintendo rewards and actually getting them. 

Hopefully that is the case. But it has been a day so I'm kinda worried that I never get it. I've only redeemed the orbs on My Nintendo once I stopped re-rolling so I'm not sure re-rolling has affected this. I did link the app in previous attempts though. 

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