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4 minutes ago, SaMaster14 said:

Thanks! I've been thinking about powering up Effie! 

After you get her up you should start looking at Kagero cause she is pretty grimy if you can use her right. Not to mention she will always be a consistent threat in arena cause of the infantry super effectiveness.

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1 hour ago, Fly_or_Die said:

Not quite ... you have 3% chance of getting *a* focus character (Eirika/Ephraim/Julia/Seliph), and a 3% chance of getting a non-focus 5*. Since Eirika/Ephraim/Julia/Seliph aren't in the non-focus 5* pool (last time I checked), your chances of getting any of these characters is 0.75% on a given orb. You have a 6% chance of getting a 5*.

For the last banner, units like Lucina had a slightly higher than 0.75% chance because you could pull them from the 3% focus pool or from the non-focus 5* pool.

I should have realized that but I was super tired and probably shouldn't have been posting, haha. Thanks for clarifying further.

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

After you get her up you should start looking at Kagero cause she is pretty grimy if you can use her right. Not to mention she will always be a consistent threat in arena cause of the infantry super effectiveness.

Interesting, never thought about that advantage. I'll look into training Kagero too! 


I need 1 more blue shield to upgrade Effie to 5* ... so painful haha 

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My apologies if this has been asked before in this thread, but does Panic (turns buffs into debuffs) affect Gronnblade's power? Since Gronnblade adds all buffs on the user to its power (or something like that), does that make it weaker because the user has debuffs? Does it just make it not add the buffs since they're considered debuffs thanks to Panic? Or is there no effect and the buffs are added as though Panic hadn't been applied?

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3 minutes ago, Masalo said:

Been having problems every time I try to go past the title screen it boots me straight to my home screen why is it doing this and how can I fix it

Try disconnecting and reconnecting from your Internet. If that doesn't work then you'll probably have to reinstall :(:

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How does Effective against X damage calculated?

I tried using Naga on Nowi and it surprisingly OHK her lol. I can't seem to make out the formula for it tho.

.The data I have:

Julia has 45 atk and Nowi has 30 res (and 33 def). Damage dealt to Nowi is 50 damage.

If I buffed Julia to 49 atk, it deals 57 damage.

Julia with 45 atk deals 53 damage to Nowi who has 27 res

If buffed to 49 atk, she deals 60 damage instead.


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Effective bonus is +50% Atk. WTA is +20% Atk, WTD is −20% Atk.
There is rounding down after each operation, except when at WTD, when it's rounding up.

The formula appears to be floor(floor(Atk × Eff) × WTA) at a WTA or when there's neither WTA nor WTD
                                    or ceiling(ceiling(Atk × Eff) × WTD) at a WTD.
The buff seems to be multiplied separately and then added to the total:

1) a) 45 × 1,5 = 67,5; rounded down to 67. 67 × 1,2 = 80,4; rounded down to 80. 80 − 30 = 50.
    b) 49 − 45 = 4. 4 × 1,5 = 6. 6 × 1,2 = 7,2; rounded down to 7. 80 + 7 − 30 = 57.

2) a) 45 × 1,5 = 67,5; rounded down to 67. 67 × 1,2 = 80,4; rounded down to 80. 80 − 27 = 53.
    b) 49 − 45 = 4. 4 × 1,5 = 6. 6 × 1,2 = 7,2; rounded down to 7. 80 + 7 − 27 = 60.


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18 hours ago, eclipse said:

Hawkeye hits hard, but isn't exactly tanky/fast.  Or that's what I've heard.

For your promotion question, Effie.  Have her replace Marth for the arena defense team.  For the arena offense team. . .you'll need to use Seliph.  Good luck.

He's not fast, but his defensive stats are pretty great. I can't be bothered to look up IV's since I'm on my phone (sorry >.<), but for reference, mine has 45HP, 31DEF and 27RES. Getting doubled a lot might make him look squishier than he is though.

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2 hours ago, Birdy said:

He's not fast, but his defensive stats are pretty great. I can't be bothered to look up IV's since I'm on my phone (sorry >.<), but for reference, mine has 45HP, 31DEF and 27RES. Getting doubled a lot might make him look squishier than he is though.

It's not that Seliph is bad.  It's that he requires some thought to use.  If I ever pull him, I'd want +Spd/-HP (the +Spd is because I'd Virion next to him).

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So... I am wanting to optimize my Arena team and would like some second opinions. Currently, I run..

Ryoma (+SPD, -ATT) || 4* Lissa, Level 37 (Balanced) || Ephraim (+DEF, -RES) || Camilla (+RES, -DEF)

It has served me decently thus far, however my current Arena High Score is just 4200 and I am at rank 22,615. I would like to make it at least in the top 10,000 (so I can get 2000 Feathers) and had managed to do so previously. However, there are likely more people playing FE: Heroes than at launch and now there has been time to improve team compositions, so I too need to adapt.

The major problem I have is that it is difficult to go for a pure 7-streak Deathless run as Ephraim is slow and has low RES while Camilla dies to almost anything in the Arena (but I need her to handle Robins, Effies, other Blues, and magic units. She can also lure in Kagero and finish her off since Camilla is not Infantry.). In addition, I tend to over-rely on Ryoma for everything, using only Ephraim and Camilla to handle their respective counters.

* * * * *

So, I am thinking of prioritizing 5-starring 4* Sharena (Balanced) to replace Ephraim (+DEF, -RES). She is faster and offers far more utility than him, and even with the DEF loss, Lissa can easily heal Sharena. Provided the "max stat chart" on the FE:Heroes Wiki is right, she also has 4 more stat points than Ephraim (177 vs 174).

A part of me also wants to replace Camilla (+RES, -DEF), but the only option I have that may work is 4* Nino (Balanced). I am in desperate need of a ranged unit as well as someone who can use magic, and with Ryoma (and Sharena) I have enough buffs to help Nino nuke foes. However, I am concerned about her survivability as my playstyle is more "outlast the enemy" than "blitz and annihilate the enemy." There is also the fact I plan on 5-starring Sharena first, so also getting Nino to 5* will take a long, long time...

My dream team would have Ryoma, Takumi (+ATT, -HP), Lissa, and a random, but I don't have Takumi. I originally had Elise down instead of Lissa, but I do not have Elise and Lissa's Rehabilitate it too good to pass up for my playstyle. As for the random, I would choose Sharena or even Olivia. If I had Azura or Hector, they would also be solid choices.

Anyways, here is my current roster. Also included are some misc information such as Boons and Banes.



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Units with a Heart (<3) are ones I marked down that have favorable Boons and Banes. Those who are not marked are either duplicates (saved for later merging) or are simply placeholders until I get a more favorable nature for that character.

Ryoma +SPD, –ATT || Cain                  +DEF, -HP
Marth              +RES, -DEF || Camilla              +RES, -DEF || Ephraim             +DEF, -RES
4* Chrom          +SPD, -HP || 4* Nino                 +N/A, -N/A    || 4* A!Tiki            +SPD, - RES|| 4* Felicia +ATT, -HP
4* Nowi +N/A, -N/A
4* Caeda +SPD, -HP

3* Fir (+RES, -DEF) || 3* Lon'Qu (+RES, -HP) || 3* Azama (+SPD, -RES) || 4* Niles (+SPD, -DEF) || 4* Serra (+SPD, -DEF) 

Arthur               (+ATT, -DEF)
Barst                (+ATT, -DEF)
Barte                (+SPD, -HP)
Gunter              (+SPD, -ATT)
Jegan               (+SPD, -RES)
Selena              (+DEF, -RES)
Cherche            (+DEF, -RES)
Beruka              (+DEF, -HP)
Shanna             (+DEF, -HP)
* * * * *
Niles                 (+DEF, -HP)
Gordin              (+DEF, -RES)
Florina              (+HP, -DEF)
Oboro               (Balanced)
3* Robin           (+ATT, -SPD)

4* Sheena         (+HP, -ATT)

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11 minutes ago, Sire said:

The major problem I have is that it is difficult to go for a pure 7-streak Deathless run as Ephraim is slow and has low RES while Camilla dies to almost anything in the Arena (but I need her to handle Robins, Effies, other Blues, and magic units. She can also lure in Kagero and finish her off since Camilla is not Infantry.). In addition, I tend to over-rely on Ryoma for everything, using only Ephraim and Camilla to handle their respective counters.

This boils down to: Which arena opponents do you die to consistently?  It'll make modifying your team a little easier, since I have several ideas floating around in my head.

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2 minutes ago, eclipse said:

This boils down to: Which arena opponents do you die to consistently?  It'll make modifying your team a little easier, since I have several ideas floating around in my head.

Most of my problems are due to being overwhelmed. My units can typically handle 1 on 1 without much hassle, but as soon as another unit joins in the mix, such as a ranged unit backing up a melee, my units tend to perish.

I believe it is mainly due to being caught out of position or being out maneuvered by the enemy. If they have Swap, Pivot, Reposition, or Draw Back, it can mess up my battlefield calculations. I tend to do poorly on the Lava Map and the Forest Map (Forest map sucks when they have a Dancer). It may be wise for me to have a Dancer of my own (for extra heals, movement, or damage - their versatility is amazing but leveling one up sucks.)

Character Problems:
Ryoma (+SPD, -ATT)
- Azura & Effie are the worst matchups against Ryoma. While he can eventually win with Lissa support, Ryoma practically has to have near Max HP each time or risk perishing. This is one of the reasons I keep Camilla around so she can handle this threat (and easily defeat M!Robins).
- Dragons (Tiki, Nowi, etc.) are also a problem with Ryoma due to his low RES. Like with Azura and Effie, Ryoma can handle Dragons (sans maybe blues) with healing support, but if there is another unit backing up the Dragon, Ryoma is screwed. (I once lost a match because a Young!Tiki was either +SPD or Lyn's Spur SPD managed to push Tiki past the threshold so Ryoma could not double.)
- Kagero is troublesome for Ryoma as she does insane damage and will likely kill Ryoma if not on max HP. I have not checked to see if an +ATT Kagero can one-shot Ryoma, but if she doesn't one-shot, Ryoma can typically retaliate and finish her off.
- Outnumbered: While a common problem innate to most characters, Ryoma definitely struggles with taking multiple hits per turn. Let's say I am trying to bait a Takumi, but there is also a Lyn or Lucina that can reach Ryoma. I do not think my Ryoma can survive that encounter. While most of the time I can get good positioning, every now and then I get screwed over (such as in the Lava map) due to hostile ranged units and melee coming in. || Another example is taking on two Melee units at once, such as Marth and Lucina. Say on the enemy phase Marth charges at Ryoma and dies. Then, Lucina comes in and finishes off Ryoma as he has about half health left.

Lissa (Balanced)
- She is a tanky healer, but only a 4* unit. Lissa is always paired up with Ryoma as I know he will suffer heavy damage for the tasks I set him to. In addition to healing, I can try using Lissa as a meatshield on rare occasions due to her not-so-delicate nature. For the most part, I worry about speedy units for Lissa.

Ephraim (+DEF, -RES)
- As I am just using Ephraim for the bonus for the Arena and recently got him, I do not know of any innate weaknesses besides simple magic and Kagero. I found him effective against red sword users such as Erika and Lyn, and Ephraim can hold his own if going up against Nowi.
- He is also weak to Camilla, should the enemy team field one. I have not seen any other greens in the Arena worthy of note.

Camilla (+RES, -DEF)
- Red Sword users (Who are almost guaranteed in the Arena - Lyn, Lucina, Marth, etc.)
- Takumi , or any Archer (One-shots Camilla)
- Camilla (If she gets to my Camilla first - Darting Blow works wonders for both sides)

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10 minutes ago, Sarracenia said:

Can you unlock character movies by using Unlock Potential to get certain characters to 5*?

If they were a focus character in the first banner, they get a movie.  Rarity doesn't matter - I have a 3* Robin, and got his cinematic.

2 minutes ago, Sire said:

Most of my problems are due to being overwhelmed. My units can typically handle 1 on 1 without much hassle, but as soon as another unit joins in the mix, such as a ranged unit backing up a melee, my units tend to perish.

I believe it is mainly due to being caught out of position or being out maneuvered by the enemy. If they have Swap, Pivot, Reposition, or Draw Back, it can mess up my battlefield calculations. I tend to do poorly on the Lava Map and the Forest Map (Forest map sucks when they have a Dancer). It may be wise for me to have a Dancer of my own (for extra heals, movement, or damage - their versatility is amazing but leveling one up sucks.)

Character Problems:
Ryoma (+SPD, -ATT)
- Azura & Effie are the worst matchups against Ryoma. While he can eventually win with Lissa support, Ryoma practically has to have near Max HP each time or risk perishing. This is one of the reasons I keep Camilla around so she can handle this threat (and easily defeat M!Robins).
- Dragons (Tiki, Nowi, etc.) are also a problem with Ryoma due to his low RES. Like with Azura and Effie, Ryoma can handle Dragons (sans maybe blues) with healing support, but if there is another unit backing up the Dragon, Ryoma is screwed. (I once lost a match because a Young!Tiki was either +SPD or Lyn's Spur SPD managed to push Tiki past the threshold so Ryoma could not double.)
- Kagero is troublesome for Ryoma as she does insane damage and will likely kill Ryoma if not on max HP. I have not checked to see if an +ATT Kagero can one-shot Ryoma, but if she doesn't one-shot, Ryoma can typically retaliate and finish her off.
- Outnumbered: While a common problem innate to most characters, Ryoma definitely struggles with taking multiple hits per turn. Let's say I am trying to bait a Takumi, but there is also a Lyn or Lucina that can reach Ryoma. I do not think my Ryoma can survive that encounter. While most of the time I can get good positioning, every now and then I get screwed over (such as in the Lava map) due to hostile ranged units and melee coming in. || Another example is taking on two Melee units at once, such as Marth and Lucina. Say on the enemy phase Marth charges at Ryoma and dies. Then, Lucina comes in and finishes off Ryoma as he has about half health left.

Lissa (Balanced)
- She is a tanky healer, but only a 4* unit. Lissa is always paired up with Ryoma as I know he will suffer heavy damage for the tasks I set him to. In addition to healing, I can try using Lissa as a meatshield on rare occasions due to her not-so-delicate nature. For the most part, I worry about speedy units for Lissa.

Ephraim (+DEF, -RES)
- As I am just using Ephraim for the bonus for the Arena and recently got him, I do not know of any innate weaknesses besides simple magic and Kagero. I found him effective against red sword users such as Erika and Lyn, and Ephraim can hold his own if going up against Nowi.
- He is also weak to Camilla, should the enemy team field one. I have not seen any other greens in the Arena worthy of note.

Camilla (+RES, -DEF)
- Red Sword users (Who are almost guaranteed in the Arena - Lyn, Lucina, Marth, etc.)
- Takumi , or any Archer (One-shots Camilla)
- Camilla (If she gets to my Camilla first - Darting Blow works wonders for both sides)

The unsaid issue IMO is Linde.  She'll blow up Ryoma/Ephraim without a second thought (in Ryoma's case, it will be a clean OHKO, assuming neutral Linde), and Camilla needs to get close enough to deal with her.

Since blues are becoming a bit more popular in the arena, try swapping Camilla for Nino, and Lissa for Serra.  Nino doesn't have that annoying archer weakness, and can safely bait and retaliate against Robin/Linde.  Serra has Hone Atk, which gives your Ephraim enough oomph to OHKO a neutral Kagero (if she has +HP or +Def, Nino will need to finish the job) and Tharja (if I did my math right).  Since Ryoma/Ephraim are weak to mages, Serra can safely bait most of them (do NOT bait +Atk Linde/Tharja, you will die).  This shifts your major issue to red magic users - both Tikis become a threat, as does +DEF Lilina.  You may want to consider running Swift-Winds Balm on Serra, so that Ephraim isn't doubled by Young Tiki.

Any thoughts?

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2 hours ago, eclipse said:

It's not that Seliph is bad.  It's that he requires some thought to use.  If I ever pull him, I'd want +Spd/-HP (the +Spd is because I'd Virion next to him).

Nono, I was talking about Hawkeye xD. Seliph actually has much less resistance, but more HP. I'm actually considering going the opposite way with Seliph that you described and want him to have +HP/+ATK and -SPD and try and focus solely on his Brash assault skill with that. 

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9 minutes ago, Birdy said:

Nono, I was talking about Hawkeye xD. Seliph actually has much less resistance, but more HP. I'm actually considering going the opposite way with Seliph that you described and want him to have +HP/+ATK and -SPD and try and focus solely on his Brash assault skill with that. 

Derp. :P:

I really like Seliph's raw damage, so I'd use Virion to hamstring the enemy, which means that the likes of Lucina no longer double him, while he doubles and murders Fae.

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32 minutes ago, eclipse said:

The unsaid issue IMO is Linde.  She'll blow up Ryoma/Ephraim without a second thought (in Ryoma's case, it will be a clean OHKO, assuming neutral Linde), and Camilla needs to get close enough to deal with her.

Since blues are becoming a bit more popular in the arena, try swapping Camilla for Nino, and Lissa for Serra.  Nino doesn't have that annoying archer weakness, and can safely bait and retaliate against Robin/Linde.  Serra has Hone Atk, which gives your Ephraim enough oomph to OHKO a neutral Kagero (if she has +HP or +Def, Nino will need to finish the job) and Tharja (if I did my math right).  Since Ryoma/Ephraim are weak to mages, Serra can safely bait most of them (do NOT bait +Atk Linde/Tharja, you will die).  This shifts your major issue to red magic users - both Tikis become a threat, as does +DEF Lilina.  You may want to consider running Swift-Winds Balm on Serra, so that Ephraim isn't doubled by Young Tiki.

Any thoughts?

Gonna run some numbers on Linde...

Ryoma || HP (Neutral): 41 || SPD (High): 38 || RES (Neutral): 21
Linde || ATT (Neutral) 49 [59] (49*.20 = 9.8 -> 10) || SPD (High): 42

59 - 21 = 38 || 41 HP - 38 Damage = 3 HP

Provided I did my math correctly (WTA gives 20% or .2 bonus to attack, right?), a Neutral Linde will come close to OHKO Ryoma, but not exactly. Linde needs 43 or more SPD to double my Ryoma (I tested thresholds on 9-5 Xander Lunatic. He had 27 SPD. In my notes, I needed 23 or more to prevent being doubled and used a 23 SPD Nowi without a problem. It is within 4 stat points, the same with +SPD Ryoma versus +SPD Linde.) However, a +ATT Linde will OHKO Ryoma.

Now for Lissa vs Serra... (Stats are incomplete and may be off. I personally suspect Lissa's listed SPD is her Boon and not the average.)

Serra	36	40	31	18	33
Lissa	39	33	29	28	30

I could use Serra to bait mages due to her higher RES. However, if I am running Nino, having two characters with Hone ATT may be redundant. In addition, Lissa has better "overall" usability and can be used to bait other (physical) units. My team will still be weak against Lindes (and offensive Tharja, curse that Darting Blow), but I do not recall ever encountering a Linde in Arena during my runs. I may have run into a Tharja once or twice, I do not remember.

Then of course there is the fact these are 4* characters and not 5*, so their stats are going to be a little lower compared to their 5* versions.

* * * * *

In short, I'll probably end up prioritizing Nino over Sharena, but I like Lissa too much (and Rehabilitate) to replace her with Serra. Gravity has its uses and I can make up for Ephraim's speed with Ryoma's Hone SPD (which is the same +4 as +SPD Balm). Nino's Hone ATT makes Serra's Hone ATT somewhat redundant as well (although the same could be said for Lissa's +ATT Balm).

Ryoma can generally handle Tikis 1v1, but he will need Lissa's healing. As for +DEF Lilina, she will no doubt be annoying, but I'll handle him the same way I handle +SPD Takumis, we fall back and reset the fight or charge forward and finish them off. One rounding opponents is nice for "action efficiency," but I don't go out of my way to make sure that happens.

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11 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Derp. :P:

I really like Seliph's raw damage, so I'd use Virion to hamstring the enemy, which means that the likes of Lucina no longer double him, while he doubles and murders Fae.

That's a good usage aswell. On the other hand, if Lucina has a boost in SPD from whatever character, she still outdamages him. I guess it depends a bit on what you want to do with him. Like, personally, if I want to murder Fae, I'll take Lucina who for me is just a much better unit as a whole. But if the meta changes or more hard (read: lunatic) story chapters come out, I have a sword unit that fulfills a different role than most.  

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10 minutes ago, Sire said:


Was looking at -HP Ryoma. ;/

Still, Olivia's a pretty popular arena pick, and Hone Attack sucks when you're on the receiving end.

My team's more offense-oriented, which prioritizes taking out nukes, and letting the rest of the units sort themselves out.  If a unit can kill me before I can retaliate, that's really bad.  I really don't like Gravity in the arena, since the units I want to slow down can reach my healer and smack her around on the next turn.  Fear/Slow are better IMO because the flat debuffing is a direct offensive nerf, meaning that you're more likely to survive EP.  However, Sakura's heals are nowhere near the level of Lissa's, even if she's the queen of damage mitigation.

Now, if Lissa could swap weapons with Wrys, that would be hilarious.

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Apologies if this has already been asked, but are Grand Hero Battle characters eventually going to be available by pulling? So far it doesn't seem like it, but I'm curious.  The heroes from the special maps can be drawn from Breidablik but I don't know if that's the same for the Grand Hero Battle ones since the maps were so hard to begin with.  Thoughts?

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33 minutes ago, mewyeon said:

Apologies if this has already been asked, but are Grand Hero Battle characters eventually going to be available by pulling? So far it doesn't seem like it, but I'm curious.  The heroes from the special maps can be drawn from Breidablik but I don't know if that's the same for the Grand Hero Battle ones since the maps were so hard to begin with.  Thoughts?

Doubt they will be added to the summon pool. Kinda defeats the whole point of Grand Hero Battle as who would bother wasting that much stamina when they can pull a higher star version of the same unit? The weekly rotations maps are there as more of a helping hand for new players so that they have a decent roster of units. 

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Anyone have an idea for the average speed of units in arena?  Thinking of pairing Leo with Clarine and a rally Speed hero.  Not sure if the two will stack, but if I could get his speed up he would just murder everything.

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3 minutes ago, Lushen said:

Anyone have an idea for the average speed of units in arena?  Thinking of pairing Leo with Clarine and a rally Speed hero.  Not sure if the two will stack, but if I could get his speed up he would just murder everything.

Average speed I'd say is 29 - 34. Not too many people are higher than that besides lyn and darting blow people but that's how much I'd say.

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1 hour ago, Lushen said:

Anyone have an idea for the average speed of units in arena?  Thinking of pairing Leo with Clarine and a rally Speed hero.  Not sure if the two will stack, but if I could get his speed up he would just murder everything.

Speed comes in three flavors for popular arena picks:

Slow (<27 on neutral) - Chrom, Effie, Ephraim, Hector, Julia, Lilina, Seliph, Tiki (adult).  I might've missed a few popular people (no, I'm not shoving the likes of Gordin in here, even if this is his home)

Average - Everyone who isn't mentioned

Fast (>33 Speed on neutral) - Azura, Eirika, Linde, Lucina, Lyn, Marth, Nino, Ryoma, Sharena (if she's not a support thing), Tharja

OH SHIT - Minerva, at 52 Attack and 38 Speed, on neutral.  While not necessarily popular, she will wreck teams that can't deal with fliers in a distant, timely manner.

Outliers - Camilla (Darting Blow) and M!Corrin (Yato)

Honestly, you're better off running Gunter, for +6 to Leo's Speed.  Not that it makes a huge difference, given his amazing base 22 Speed.

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