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Hella, my current arena team is Lucina, Takumi, Camilla and Ursula (for the necessary season bonus). Although when this season is over I'll probably switch Ursula out. The thing is I don't have a staple blue unit: I started with Subaki, promoted Sharena to 5* and yesterday I obtained +DEF/-HP 5* Hinoka. I also pulled a +ATK/-RES 3* Robin, which would have the magic damage I'm lacking on the team, but I heard that even when he counters Takumi and it's pretty sturdy it's not that "great".

So, my options are stick with Sharena and seek a mage for another color, using Hinoka (which has a nice buff with Camilla but I don't know if the unit itself is good) or promoting Robin to 5*, which I can do at the moment but I don't want to rush and make a bad decision. Any ideas?

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So, I got spring fes Camilla (5*, HP34/ATK44/SPD22/DEF23/RES16, lvl 32), and I have a 4* Nino (HP15/ATK16/SPD10/DEF3/RES6).
Which is going to be the better green mage in the long run? I have no problem making my Nino a 5* if it pays off. 

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1 hour ago, lordcorrin said:

So, I got spring fes Camilla (5*, HP34/ATK44/SPD22/DEF23/RES16, lvl 32), and I have a 4* Nino (HP15/ATK16/SPD10/DEF3/RES6).
Which is going to be the better green mage in the long run? I have no problem making my Nino a 5* if it pays off. 

Camila I'd say.  She might not have great skills (or stats for that matter) but she's a flier.  Going to be more universal in grand heroes for those "I really need a flying ranged user" moments.

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1 hour ago, lordcorrin said:

So, I got spring fes Camilla (5*, HP34/ATK44/SPD22/DEF23/RES16, lvl 32), and I have a 4* Nino (HP15/ATK16/SPD10/DEF3/RES6).
Which is going to be the better green mage in the long run? I have no problem making my Nino a 5* if it pays off. 

I'd say Nino. Nino has the spd to double plenty of units while Camilla doesn't. The thought of a flying magic unit is intriguing, but if you don't have a spare Michalis then Camilla's still very vulnerable to archers. 

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2 hours ago, lordcorrin said:

So, I got spring fes Camilla (5*, HP34/ATK44/SPD22/DEF23/RES16, lvl 32), and I have a 4* Nino (HP15/ATK16/SPD10/DEF3/RES6).
Which is going to be the better green mage in the long run? I have no problem making my Nino a 5* if it pays off. 

If you have a team to support Nino then Nino would be better, but Camilla is better solo (so really it depends on the rest of your party). That said, I haven't done any calcs, but I imagine a Gronnblade Easter!Camilla on a Hone Flier team would be pretty terrifying if you manage to make a team like that. 

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Is Sharena still a good unit worth upgrading to 5*? I've been pulling purely blues for awhile looking for something good but I still have not pulled Nowi or Effie.

I have 5*: Xander, Catria, Hinoka

4*: Donnel, Abel, Oboto, Gwendolyn, Cordelia, Subaki

My main team is an Eirika + Nowi combo which works well but sometimes I feel limited because I don't have a good front line tank. Eirika has decent defense but she loses out in melees against red units.

It does feel like Sharena has fallen a bit out of favor with skill inheritance.

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So I got Spring Xander with a +Def -Hp nature, and I'm basically making him a tank.

The build so far:
Weapon: Carrot Lance+
Assist: Swap
Special: Escutcheon
A: Resistance +3
B: undecided
C: Fortify Def 3

I can't decide what to do with his B skill. I could either go defensive with lancebreaker or b tomebreaker, go offensive with quick riposte, or give him sustain with renewal 3. I have a +Def -Atk Eldigan that has a similar build and so far it's working great, so I wanted to build something similar with Xander. The difference is that Xander doesn't have Eldigan's attack but he does have higher resistance, so i figured i'd just work on making xander a wall against all things. Any thoughts?

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47 minutes ago, alatartheblue42 said:

Apologies if this was already asked, but does anyone know what decides the SP earned when an enemy is slain? I know it has a level cut-off line based on your unit's level, but other than that I have no idea.

I believe this should answer your question:

Fire Emblem: Heroes - "Will you gain SP?" for Skill Inheritance

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Hey guys, I just summoned in the recent banner and I didn't get any of the focus but I did get a 5* male corrin and a 4* nowi. So I went ahead and checked their iv and got a -atk/+def m corrin & -hp/+spd Nowi. Are those iv any good or should I just use them as skill inheritance fodder?

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I have a -Atk/+Def Jagen, and I'm planning to use his Fortify Cavalry for a Blarblade Ursula. Should I use him or pass Fortify cavalry to someone else? (Thinking on passing it to Abel)

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2 hours ago, ScarletSylph said:

Hey guys, I just summoned in the recent banner and I didn't get any of the focus but I did get a 5* male corrin and a 4* nowi. So I went ahead and checked their iv and got a -atk/+def m corrin & -hp/+spd Nowi. Are those iv any good or should I just use them as skill inheritance fodder?

Corrin - Not his best combo by far, but I think it can be salvaged.  You can either attempt to GO FAST with Yato and give him Life and Death, tank with Fury, or shrug and give him something like Death Blow to make up for that bane.  Yato is what saves him, IMO - 36 speed on player phase is respectable.

Nowi - Again, not the absolute best, but she can work with it.  You can do the usual Swordbreaker cheese, or massage her into some other build.

1 hour ago, Zero1000 said:

I have a -Atk/+Def Jagen, and I'm planning to use his Fortify Cavalry for a Blarblade Ursula. Should I use him or pass Fortify cavalry to someone else? (Thinking on passing it to Abel)

Pass it to someone else.  If Ursula has a -blade tome, she wants that buff on her for an additional 12 MT.

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Hi, I need some help again.

I want to pass the Lunatic Challenge quest for chapter 9, but blue mages Ursula and Masked man are becoming my pain... The only green mages I have to counter them are a 3*Nino and 4*Cecilia. Could one of them be of help? (but I think that Cecilia can't deal with Ursula, right?)

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A trained Nino should be able to handle them as long as she is buffed.

For the masked man, you can have Nino directly bait him.

Edited by pianime94
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2 hours ago, pianime94 said:

A trained Nino should be able to handle them as long as she is buffed.

For the masked man, you can have Nino directly bait him.

What type of buff is the best in this case? Res or Atk? I have a Linde so she can buff the Res, for attack I would need to run Olivia or Sharena I think

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What's the better nature for f!Corrin between Def+/Spd- and neutral? Since Corrin's def and speed are both pretty good I feel like she doesn't want to sack either of them so I'm leaning toward neutural, but not super sure. 

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14 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

What's the better nature for f!Corrin between Def+/Spd- and neutral? Since Corrin's def and speed are both pretty good I feel like she doesn't want to sack either of them so I'm leaning toward neutural, but not super sure. 

I would go with neutral. Going from neutral speed to -Spd is a drop from 34 to 31. 

Notable units that double -spd Corrin but not neutral Corrin: neutral Linde, Lucina, Easter Lucina, Nino, Anna, and Minerva (with LoD 3) and +Spd Marth, Takumi, Olwen, and Corrin herself. 

Notable units that -spd Corrin no longer doubles that neutral Corrin does: neutral M!Robin and Nowi

These calculations are all without taking into account skills such as Fury, Spd +3, Darting Blow, or Life and Death (except Minerva bc she comes with it) or Hone/Spur Spd buffs, so with those in mind, -spd Corrin is in even more danger than these calculations show. 

tldr - I'd go with neutral over -spd. 

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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19 hours ago, Fire Penguin Disco Panda said:

Hella, my current arena team is Lucina, Takumi, Camilla and Ursula (for the necessary season bonus). Although when this season is over I'll probably switch Ursula out. The thing is I don't have a staple blue unit: I started with Subaki, promoted Sharena to 5* and yesterday I obtained +DEF/-HP 5* Hinoka. I also pulled a +ATK/-RES 3* Robin, which would have the magic damage I'm lacking on the team, but I heard that even when he counters Takumi and it's pretty sturdy it's not that "great".

So, my options are stick with Sharena and seek a mage for another color, using Hinoka (which has a nice buff with Camilla but I don't know if the unit itself is good) or promoting Robin to 5*, which I can do at the moment but I don't want to rush and make a bad decision. Any ideas?

I'll add that I have a completely neutral 4* Corrin (F) but I don't think it wil be better than the Robin which, my bad for not being specific, is male. I didn't start yet to look on skill inheritance since I have yet to read more about it and the most common (and best) options for the characters.

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13 minutes ago, Fire Penguin Disco Panda said:

I'll add that I have a completely neutral 4* Corrin (F) but I don't think it wil be better than the Robin which, my bad for not being specific, is male. I didn't start yet to look on skill inheritance since I have yet to read more about it and the most common (and best) options for the characters.

Robin is certainly not as omgwtfbbq amazing as people have made him out to be, but he's still fairly solid. You have a +Atk Robin, which should be able to OHKO neutral Takumi with Triangle Adept, and you can stick a breaker on him (people generally go for Swordbreaker or Lancebreaker) to make up for his speed. From the looks of your team, Camilla deals with lances fine, so I'd recommend Swordbreaker (in which case there is literally not a single sword unit in the game that he does not ORKO, not even a +Res Caeda with Res+3 or Fury 3). 

I think Sharena is a more solid character overall, but from what it looks like, your team is currently in more need of magic damage than another physical unit (though if you had other non-blue mages besides Robin, you could certainly consider replacing Takumi/Camilla and putting in Sharena instead of upgrading Robin). 

I think Corrin is an excellent unit as well, but I personally think your team would benefit more from Robin's range than Corrin's tankiness and debuffs. That said, I will readily admit I'm not confident enough in my knowledge of Robin vs Corrin to give you a more in-depth answer, so I'll let someone else pitch in. 

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'banny is indecisive AF' question time again...

So I've got enough feathers to upgrade one of my three 4* > 5* candidates (still too indecisive to choose which one to do lmao) and am halfway to another 5* upgrade. Should I save for another upgrade or spend my 10k or so upgrading couple folks to 4* for inheritance fodder? Got Bartre, f!Corrin, several Pallas, and some other good stuff...

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So I've been doing some summoning in the spring banner and was fortunate enough to summon Spring Xander, his IVs were +HP -Res. I've trained him up a lot and used skill inheritance on him a fair bit too. Then I go summoning in the banner again, and ANOTHER Spring Xander shows up! This one's IVs are +Atk -HP. So I would merge these two Xanders but which one has the better IV set? It sounds like the +Atk one is better as he hits harder but then again Spring Xander is a bit of a tank so +HP may not be so bad either. And then the +HP one has used skill inheritance too, so I'd have to wait for an update to give those skills onto the +Atk Xander... some guidance would be appreciated, and thanks in advance!

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12 minutes ago, sdgj1994 said:

So I've been doing some summoning in the spring banner and was fortunate enough to summon Spring Xander, his IVs were +HP -Res. I've trained him up a lot and used skill inheritance on him a fair bit too. Then I go summoning in the banner again, and ANOTHER Spring Xander shows up! This one's IVs are +Atk -HP. So I would merge these two Xanders but which one has the better IV set? It sounds like the +Atk one is better as he hits harder but then again Spring Xander is a bit of a tank so +HP may not be so bad either. And then the +HP one has used skill inheritance too, so I'd have to wait for an update to give those skills onto the +Atk Xander... some guidance would be appreciated, and thanks in advance!

My first and foremost advice would definitely be to wait so you don't do something you regret before you have both options on the table, y'know? As for which nature, +Atk is almost always good, but it's tough to say, honestly. Def get some more input.

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