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40 minutes ago, Cornguy said:

While spending way too many orbs on the legendary banner, I've pulled three Vanguard Ikes, no HNowi or Zelgius, or any of the colorless units I was trying for.

I just wanted to ask who might be a good candidate(s) for Warding Breath. Off the top of my head I've got ATiki, Nowi, and both Morgans who I was considering, but I also have a boatload of other units, so if you know of a unit I didn't think of, I might have them. 

Also, am I correct to assume +atk/-spd is pretty good for LIke? Since he's not too fast to begin with, and I kind of want him to get hit to charge RAether.

I'm reasonably sure someone's asked a similar question by now, but this topic's 400+pages, I'm sorry.

Warding Breath is melee only (and infantry/armour only). That's a nice Ike though, yes.

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For Halloween Sakura, +Atk -Spd or +Spd -Atk? I'll be using her default kit with CA or Swordbreaker B slot. She'll see action in AA on occasion.

I feel like +Spd is better here since she'll mostly be fighting mages (in enemy phase to proc Warding Stance).

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1 hour ago, Tragonight said:

For Halloween Sakura, +Atk -Spd or +Spd -Atk? I'll be using her default kit with CA or Swordbreaker B slot. She'll see action in AA on occasion.

I feel like +Spd is better here since she'll mostly be fighting mages (in enemy phase to proc Warding Stance).

+atk. Her atk is good enough to deal effective damage to mages, but not sword units. +SPD won't make much of  a difference if it's 37 and you're running warding stance. She's a good mage tank/killer so have her b slot be either CA or QR. For seal it'd recommend QR if you're running CA. If you're running QR in your b slot then it'd recommend DD as a seal

Edited by silveraura25
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3 hours ago, Tragonight said:

For Halloween Sakura, +Atk -Spd or +Spd -Atk? I'll be using her default kit with CA or Swordbreaker B slot. She'll see action in AA on occasion.

I feel like +Spd is better here since she'll mostly be fighting mages (in enemy phase to proc Warding Stance).

1 hour ago, silveraura25 said:

+atk. Her atk is good enough to deal effective damage to mages, but not sword units. +SPD won't make much of  a difference if it's 37 and you're running warding stance. She's a good mage tank/killer so have her b slot be either CA or QR. For seal it'd recommend QR if you're running CA. If you're running QR in your b slot then it'd recommend DD as a seal

I agree with @silveraura25, I would run +Atk with Cancel Affinity or Dull Ranged.

I would not run Swordbreaker on her since she is not likely to kill a beefy sword unit, and Distant Counter sword units will easily kill her if they run Quick Riposte. I do not think it is necessary to run Quick Riposte on her since she usually one shots most mages, unless you need her to face fast and bulky armor mages like TOD!Henry and LA!Lyn. Also, against Bold Fighter armor mages, you might want to use a Triangle Adept mage tank instead of TOD!Sakura since they hit pretty hard.

Edited by XRay
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Which characters are in the general summoning pool but can't appear in random enemy selections like the Training Tower?

I've heard that both Brave Heroes and Farfetched Heroes are excluded, are there any others?

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28 minutes ago, Othin said:

Which characters are in the general summoning pool but can't appear in random enemy selections like the Training Tower?

I've heard that both Brave Heroes and Farfetched Heroes are excluded, are there any others?

Not to my knowledge

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Managed to get lucky for once and got 3 F!Grimas with my hoarded orbs, the IV's are as follows:

+Atk -Def

+HP -Atk

+HP -Spd

One of them is getting a +2. +Atk -Def seemed like the obvious choice to me, but is that -Def superbane potentially make that version worse than either of the what I assumed to be worse -Atk/-Spd ones?

For a Grima that will be used in flier emblem and dragon emblem teams, any advice on which should be the unit to inherit the other 2?

Edited by BaronKrause
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25 minutes ago, BaronKrause said:

Managed to get lucky for once and got 3 F!Grimas with my hoarded orbs, the IV's are as follows:

+Atk -Def

+HP -Atk

+HP -Spd

One of them is getting a +2. +Atk -Def seemed like the obvious choice to me, but is that -Def superbane potentially make that version worse than either of the what I assumed to be worse -Atk/-Spd ones?

For a Grima that will be used in flier emblem and dragon emblem teams, any advice on which should be the unit to inherit the other 2?

I'd recommend getting feedback on this from several people.
I'd go with +atk -def. If she's fast enough in flier emblem along with the defensive boost from her dragonskin, she can avoid death and potentially double

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38 minutes ago, BaronKrause said:

Managed to get lucky for once and got 3 F!Grimas with my hoarded orbs, the IV's are as follows:

+Atk -Def

+HP -Atk

+HP -Spd

One of them is getting a +2. +Atk -Def seemed like the obvious choice to me, but is that -Def superbane potentially make that version worse than either of the what I assumed to be worse -Atk/-Spd ones?

For a Grima that will be used in flier emblem and dragon emblem teams, any advice on which should be the unit to inherit the other 2?

My only F.Grima is +Atk -Def like one of yours, but my choice is obvious, asd.

She hasn't the T.advantage, so I think the bane in Atk is the worst, and speed too seems a bad bane to me. I would choose the +Atk -Def, in a flyer emblem she could be huge.

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43 minutes ago, BaronKrause said:

Managed to get lucky for once and got 3 F!Grimas with my hoarded orbs, the IV's are as follows:

+Atk -Def

+HP -Atk

+HP -Spd

One of them is getting a +2. +Atk -Def seemed like the obvious choice to me, but is that -Def superbane potentially make that version worse than either of the what I assumed to be worse -Atk/-Spd ones?

For a Grima that will be used in flier emblem and dragon emblem teams, any advice on which should be the unit to inherit the other 2?

17 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

I'd recommend getting feedback on this from several people.
I'd go with +atk -def. If she's fast enough in flier emblem along with the defensive boost from her dragonskin, she can avoid death and potentially double

2 minutes ago, Kektor said:

My only F.Grima is +Atk -Def like one of yours, but my choice is obvious, asd.

She hasn't the T.advantage, so I think the bane in Atk is the worst, and speed too seems a bad bane to me. I would choose the +Atk -Def, in a flyer emblem she could be huge.

I agree with the others and I would go with +Atk. As a Player Phase unit, her bulk matters a lot less once she gets into Desperation range.

Expiration, Moonbow
Life and Death, Desperation
Speed +3
Enemies +5 +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase [+Atk, -Def] 92:14:127
Player Phase [+HP, -Atk] 70:10:153
Player Phase [+HP, -Spd] 57:16:160
Player Phase [+Atk, -Def, 6/6/0/0] 201:11:21
Player Phase [+HP, -Atk, 6/6/0/0] 195:7:31
Player Phase [+HP, -Spd, 6/6/0/0] 145:7:81

Expiration, Moonbow
Fury, Desperation
Speed +3
Enemies +5 +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase [+Atk, -Def] 68:13:152
Player Phase [+HP, -Atk] 45:13:175
Player Phase [+HP, -Spd] 25:28:180
Player Phase [+Atk, -Def, 6/6/0/0] 172:7:54
Player Phase [+HP, -Atk, 6/6/0/0] 158:7:68
Player Phase [+HP, -Spd, 6/6/0/0] 105:7:121

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53 minutes ago, BaronKrause said:

Managed to get lucky for once and got 3 F!Grimas with my hoarded orbs, the IV's are as follows:

+Atk -Def

+HP -Atk

+HP -Spd

One of them is getting a +2. +Atk -Def seemed like the obvious choice to me, but is that -Def superbane potentially make that version worse than either of the what I assumed to be worse -Atk/-Spd ones?

For a Grima that will be used in flier emblem and dragon emblem teams, any advice on which should be the unit to inherit the other 2?

I also say definitely go with +Atk/-Def. That honestly seems like one of her better natures, since her Def stat is pretty unremarkable to begin with, and she definitely wants more Atk since she'll never have the weapon triangle advantage. Even with the superbane, her Def stat is serviceable and doesn't hinder her bulk all that much. She's not a tank, and so losing a few points here doesn't seem all that bad. A Spd bane, however, does hurt her bulk, since she depends on not being doubled, and it hurts her usefulness, since she needs to double if she wants to do good damage.

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Sweet that's exactly what i'll do then, thanks! I can always throw on a distant defense seal when I want her dragonskin skill to shine too.

And at the very least the second merge should make the def superbane become just a normal bane too haha.

Edited by BaronKrause
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Hmm. . . Trying to make barracks space. I have a little over 90000 feathers. With this I could turn my 4*+10 Eirika into a 5*+5 and 7k feathers later into a 5*+6. She is a rather strong staple in my arena teams these days. Still not sure if I should take the plunge. That is a lot of feathers. If I do go for it I can either keep her at +ATK/-HP or switch to +ATK/-DEF.  I don't have any +SPD copies even if I wanted to play around with that boon.

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So I pulled two female Grimas this LG. One is +Spd -HP and the other is +Def -Res. Obviously I am using the former. Now the question is what to do with the other one? Does anyone appreciate Res smoke or Cancel Affinity? Or should I just merge?

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Very late replies.

On 2/25/2018 at 11:07 AM, XRay said:

Depends on your build, since they all have slightly different ideal natures. I would try to get her a +Atk nature since that gives her +4 Atk at 5*.

For a pure Enemy Phase build, I think -HP is okay even though it reduces both her Physical and Magical bulk. Corrin's amazing bulk also comes from her Speed as well, and not being doubled (and killed) is probably more important than a few points of HP, Def, or Res. She might have trouble with Brave units running Moonbow-Heavy Blade since they are sort of always doubling whatever they attack. This is her best build I can find in the calculator:

F!Corrin +Atk -HP/Res
Lightning Breath [Spd], Ignis
Steady Breath, Quick Riposte
Speed +3
Enemies +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 201:6:16

F!Corrin +Atk -Res
Lightning Breath [Atk], Moonbow
Fury, Quick Riposte
Attack +3
Enemies +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 184:7:12
Enemy Phase [-HP] 183:10:30

You might want to tweak the enemies to suit what your priorities are, like giving them +Atk instead, more merges, or run a custom enemy list.

+Spd, -HP is good for a mixed phase build. -HP makes it easier for her to hit Desperation range after being an Enemy Phase unit for one turn, and +Spd allows Desperation to activate more reliably. Just do not expect her to be amazing on either phase since she is mixing Player Phase and Enemy Phase skills together. She hits like a rubber dildo without +Atk, but Breath Refinements should help her deal with ranged units more easily.

I am not sure about Windsweep though. It prevents the unit from doubling so F!Corrin will have a really difficult time doing anything.

I was asking about a Windsweep build since it's something she can do better than the other dragons which isn't saying much since she, Ninan, and GF!Robin are the only dragons with >= 33 speed and Ninian is mainly a refresh unit. She could do a Lightning Breath, QR build, but the other dragons exist and they hit harder and have higher raw resistance. Sure, they'll probably get doubled by everything, but that doesn't mean much if they can take little damage and dish out a lot of damage. F!Corrin targets resistance which is generally lower, can target ranged units' lower defensive stat, +Atk F!Corrin has the same base attack as =Atk kid Tiki, she can get good damage from her defense, and she naturally doubles and avoids more doubles, but Nowi exists, she has Lightning Breath by default, and she's not that difficult to summon when she's a 4* to 5* summon.

The idea of Windsweep F!Corrin is to make use of her high speed and a refined Dark Breath to safely inflict -7 Atk/Spd on her target and enemies 2 spaces within them. On enemy phase, she's probably going to double them and they won't be able to do as much damage to her or her allies. It's obviously crap for a ORKO meta, especially compared to Alm with a unique refined Falchion using Windsweep just to make sure he doesn't take a counterattack against units who are slower than him and manage to survive, but certain maps, I could see it being useful at least as another option if Nowi doesn't work out.

Well, now I'm wondering if maybe I should wait for a +Atk, -HP F!Corrin and run a speed refined Dark Breath or go with +Spd, -HP and have her be even faster with a speed refine or increase her bulk with either a defense or resistance refine.

On 3/15/2018 at 4:54 PM, BANRYU said:

TBH I'd consider Spd and maybe HP the best boons to take; if you're planning on refining his weapon, he can actually be a pretty good magic-soaker, especially if you decide to give him like Warding Breath or something. His Res isn't that good to begin with, so I feel like he'd be better off being at least neutral there to get the most out of being able to take magic hits. Grain of salt though I'm not so much an expert on him, but it seems like a decent idea to make him good at taking magical hits. 

Seliph doesn't gain a superboon with +Spd, so he only goes up from 24 speed to 27 and neither of those speeds are that great. +HP makes sense considering his massive health pool.

And I found it, the discussion about Seliph having a resistance bane being all right because of Divine Tyrfing's percentage-based magic reduction: https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/79315-weapon-refinery-and-its-beneficiaries/&do=findComment&comment=5060092. Seliph has 22 base resistance and a resistance bane drops him down to 19 resistance. -Res Seliph would have 2 points more than =Res Sigurd (17) and 1 point less than -Res Sigurd (20) while also having 6 more HP than his dad. Granted, he's going to get doubled much more easily when he has 24 speed compared to Sigurd's 32 and he doesn't have Crusader's Ward, but he could just run Deflect Magic or something.

+Spd, -Res could work, but maybe +Def, -Res or +Def, -Spd might be better since it would allow Seliph to have higher physical bulk while also having good magical one-hit bulk.

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I'm here with a F!Grima question as well, sorry! I have two: +SPD / -HP and +ATK / -HP. Which one should I build? I'm leaning toward +ATK but I've seen others say that SPD is her best boon.

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I finally got a god-pull out of my rerolls, two B!Lyns and a F!Grima.

F!Grima is +Res/-HP, which I'm assuming is going to become a stellar anti-ranged tank. My question is what to work towards with the B!Lyns, as neither got boons to Atk or Spd (one is +HP/-Def, the other is +Def/-Spd).

Bare in mind I have not synced to Nintendo yet, and being on MEmu I'm hoarding instances with good pulls, so continuing to reroll for a better B!Lyn/F!Grima pair is still an option.

Edited by Some Jerk
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Going through my pulls before I managed to snag 2 Gunnthrás as well, both also with IV's that are nothing to write home about.

First is +Res/-Atk and the second is +HP/-Spd

On a cavalry team and probably using her own tome, i'm thinking the +Res/-Atk one might actually be better, any advice? Either way it will end in a +1 unit.

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3 hours ago, Reddazrael said:

I'm here with a F!Grima question as well, sorry! I have two: +SPD / -HP and +ATK / -HP. Which one should I build? I'm leaning toward +ATK but I've seen others say that SPD is her best boon.

I also think that Spd is her stronger boon. Since she never has the weapon triangle to work to her advantage, she'll be relying on doubling the enemy in order to do good damage. Moreover, since her defensive stats aren't spectacular, her bulk depends on her not being doubled.

If she has her vanilla set, her matchups against the cast w/Fury 3 overwrite looks like this:
+Atk: 23 wins/37 losses/159 draws
+Spd: 24/18/177

If the enemy initiates combat,
+Atk/-HP: 23/41/155
+Spd/-HP: 25/19/175

If she has a Hone Flier buff and initiates,
+Atk: 83/8/128
+Spd: 128/9/82

Same, but enemy initiates,
+Atk: 80/13/126
+Spd: 123/13/83

While I didn't write it down here, the +Spd variant continues to score more wins and less losses than the +Atk one even if you switch up the A-passive to something that's stronger, like Fury or LnD, and if you pit her against merged enemies as well. The trend continues for other configurations. You can play around with the calculator yourself here, if you want to experiment with that kind of thing yourself.

1 hour ago, Some Jerk said:

I finally got a god-pull out of my rerolls, two B!Lyns and a F!Grima.

F!Grima is +Res/-HP, which I'm assuming is going to become a stellar anti-ranged tank. My question is what to work towards with the B!Lyns, as neither got boons to Atk or Spd (one is +HP/-Def, the other is +Def/-Spd).

Bare in mind I have not synced to Nintendo yet, and being on MEmu I'm hoarding instances with good pulls, so continuing to reroll for a better B!Lyn/F!Grima pair is still an option.

What's the question? You didn't actually ask one there. Is it which is better out of the two Lyns? +HP/-Def.

31 minutes ago, BaronKrause said:

Going through my pulls before I managed to snag 2 Gunnthrás as well, both also with IV's that are nothing to write home about.

First is +Res/-Atk and the second is +HP/-Spd

On a cavalry team and probably using her own tome, i'm thinking the +Res/-Atk one might actually be better, any advice? Either way it will end in a +1 unit.

I'd opt for the +Res/-Atk one as well. If you find you want her to have more firepower, you can have her inherit a regular Gronnblade tome from a 3* Nino somewhere down the line. Horse Buffs + Blade Tome is a very powerful configuration.

If she's running her regular tome, Fury 3, Moonbow and w/ a Hone Cav buff and a +1 merge, her matchup against the cast w/Fury overwrite is:
+Res/-Atk: 109 wins/11 losses/99 draws
+HP/-Spd: 81/11/127

Same scenario, but now the enemy has +5 merges:
+Res/-Atk: 71/13/135
+HP/-Spd: 53/14/152

So the +Res/-Atk one appears to outperform the +HP/-Spd one. And it's easy enough to give her Gronnblade later on, if you want to make her more powerful (and you're not relying on her for Arena points).

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3 minutes ago, Astellius said:

What's the question? You didn't actually ask one there. Is it which is better out of the two Lyns? +HP/-Def.

My question was what to do with the +HP\-Def B!Lyn. Is there any sort of build that can take advantage of the extra HP? Or should I just build her for general Firesweep shenanigans?

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2 minutes ago, Some Jerk said:

My question was what to do with the +HP\-Def B!Lyn. Is there any sort of build that can take advantage of the extra HP? Or should I just build her for general Firesweep shenanigans?

No, she doesn't particularly care about the extra HP, so don't worry about that. The two most important stats for her are Atk & Spd;  she's pretty indifferent towards the rest.

Her default kit is quite good, so I'd recommend just starting with that. All she needs is to inherit an assist skill like Draw Back or Reposition, and then she is good to go. I wouldn't worry about getting her a Firesweep Bow, since there's only one character with that skill, and she's a 5* exclusive. Just stick with her default bow, especially since you're just starting out.

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Um, I guess nobody saw my question:

8 hours ago, Nanima said:

So I pulled two female Grimas this LG. One is +Spd -HP and the other is +Def -Res. Obviously I am using the former. Now the question is what to do with the other one? Does anyone appreciate Res smoke or Cancel Affinity? Or should I just merge?

If this was ignored on purpose, I'll just take my question elsewhere. But it's not like I have any way of knowing that, so I hope it's not annoying or against the rules for me to reiterate it.

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20 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Um, I guess nobody saw my question:

So I pulled two female Grimas this LG. One is +Spd -HP and the other is +Def -Res. Obviously I am using the former. Now the question is what to do with the other one? Does anyone appreciate Res smoke or Cancel Affinity? Or should I just merge?

If this was ignored on purpose, I'll just take my question elsewhere. But it's not like I have any way of knowing that, so I hope it's not annoying or against the rules for me to reiterate it.

Both Mathilda and Innes have Cancel Affinity, and while Innes is only available as a 5★, Mathilda is a rather common (for me, anyway) blue pull. Granted, you do have to upgrade her to 5★ before you can inherit Cancel Affinity 3, but to me that's a better option that sacrificing L!Robin for a skill that other units (including a 4★ unit!) already have.

Res Smoke 3 would be the skill to sacrifice her for, as it's unique to her. As to who to give it to? A dragon team would be able to get good usage out of it, I bet. Also mage units/teams. Keep in mind that Res Smoke only takes effect after combat, so putting it on a support unit that ideally doesn't see much combat obviously limits its usefulness. ...And yeah, that's all I've got. If anyone else wants to chime in with far better advice, please do.

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