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Thanks to both for your answers. Since I run her in my flier emblem, which has a lot of mobility,wouldn't it be better to go with her default spd/res bond since I can easily put beside her another unit and get a +5 bonus instead of the +3 I can get from speed+3?

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3 hours ago, Yukiko said:

Thanks to both for your answers. Since I run her in my flier emblem, which has a lot of mobility,wouldn't it be better to go with her default spd/res bond since I can easily put beside her another unit and get a +5 bonus instead of the +3 I can get from speed+3?

Bonds are not reliable for nukes, especially so for healer nukes. Nukes need to break your starting formation to attack and it is not practical to always anticipate and send another teammate forward just to fulfill the adjacent requirement so you can provide your healer with more stats to nuke something. Healers nukes have an additional problem in that they do not have access to Reposition, so they cannot move anyone out of enemy range.

Here is a simple illustration of why Bonds are unreliable for nukes.


E = Enemy Infantry/Flier
A = Ally Infantry/Flier
N = Ally Infantry/Flier Nuke
D = Ally Infantry/Flier Dancer

If you move A to b3 in anticipation of N to be in c3 to nuke E in c1, you are jeopardizing the safety of A by leaving A in enemy range. If you do not move A to b3, N cannot activate its Bond to give itself a stat boost. Moving D to d3 in anticipation for N to nuke E in c1 is also not an option as that leaves both N and D in enemy range and A at best can only Reposition and save N while possibly be in enemy range itsell. The best course of action would be to to send N to c3 without sending any allies to the front lines, and then have D move to c4 and Dance N and move N back to c5 and use Reposition on D to move D to c6. This means, Speed +3 is better than any Bond because it will always be active. If N is a healer, it gets more complicated as there is no safe way to attack and Reposition everyone out of enemy range this turn, i.e. you need to spend a turn to reorganize your formation before you attack.

Edited by XRay
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9 minutes ago, XRay said:


BBCode set you up and ate your b-file. Maybe enclose the letters in bars (e. g., |b|) rather than brackets?
(not to say your explanation isn’t educational)

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

BBCode set you up and ate your b-file. Maybe enclose the letters in bars (e. g., |b|) rather than brackets?
(not to say your explanation isn’t educational)

Yeah, I just realized that. I just added a period after b.

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You stick it in a code tag to preserve formatting.


Some forums also have the pre tag which is a lesser version but useful for preserving white space and also setting a monospace font without separating out the content into its own box. Doesn't appear to work here though.

Edited by Humanoid
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4 hours ago, XRay said:

Bonds are not reliable for nukes, especially so for healer nukes. Nukes need to break your starting formation to attack and it is not practical to always anticipate and send another teammate forward just to fulfill the adjacent requirement so you can provide your healer with more stats to nuke something. Healers nukes have an additional problem in that they do not have access to Reposition, so they cannot move anyone out of enemy range.

Here is a simple illustration of why Bonds are unreliable for nukes.


E = Enemy Infantry/Flier
A = Ally Infantry/Flier
N = Ally Infantry/Flier Nuke
D = Ally Infantry/Flier Dancer

If you move A to b3 in anticipation of N to be in c3 to nuke E in c1, you are jeopardizing the safety of A by leaving A in enemy range. If you do not move A to b3, N cannot activate its Bond to give itself a stat boost. Moving D to d3 in anticipation for N to nuke E in c1 is also not an option as that leaves both N and D in enemy range and A at best can only Reposition and save N while possibly be in enemy range itsell. The best course of action would be to to send N to c3 without sending any allies to the front lines, and then have D move to c4 and Dance N and move N back to c5 and use Reposition on D to move D to c6. This means, Speed +3 is better than any Bond because it will always be active. If N is a healer, it gets more complicated as there is no safe way to attack and Reposition everyone out of enemy range this turn, i.e. you need to spend a turn to reorganize your formation before you attack.

Ok I understood. Thanks for your patient and clear explanation. I think I'll change her skill then.

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37 minutes ago, RexBolt said:

What refine is best for Ethlyn's base staff? And Mia's Witchy wand?

Generally the priority for staves is Dazzling > Wrathful, since ensuring you can safely land the effects is going to be far more important than extra damage in most situations.

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36 minutes ago, RexBolt said:

What refine is best for Ethlyn's base staff? And Mia's Witchy wand?

If you do not have Wrathful Staff or Dazzling Staff in the B slot, Wrathful Staff Refinement with Desperation is good for offense while Dazzling Staff with Chills or movement skills is good for support.

It really depends on what you want them to do, but I personally lean towards a more offensive role since they got the stats and access to movement buffs.

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19 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

Weird question, maybe. Does the ArcticSilverFox sim let you apply a specified merge level to all enemies on any of their built-in lists besides “Full Filtered”?

I do not think so. The way I get around that is to export the list, copy-paste to a Word Pad or whatever word processor, then find-replace "5*" to "5*+10", then copy-paste that whole thing into the import option.

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11 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

Weird question, maybe. Does the ArcticSilverFox sim let you apply a specified merge level to all enemies on any of their built-in lists besides “Full Filtered”?

Yes. The last setting in the Duel Rules box is Enable Mass Enemy Adjustment, which opens a new box that lets you set buffs and merges for all units in the list simultaneously.

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2 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I recently got a duplicate regular sword Ike. I was thinking of using him as Aether fodder, but then I thought...who actually WANTS Aether? I can't think of many units who want it that don't already have it. Advice?

Bulky units with high Atk who don't actually need a Special activation for most enemies don't mind using Aether for improved sustain in longer game modes. It's also fairly decent for pretty much anyone running Special acceleration, like Bold Fighter or Steady Breath.

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10 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Bulky units with high Atk who don't actually need a Special activation for most enemies don't mind using Aether for improved sustain in longer game modes. It's also fairly decent for pretty much anyone running Special acceleration, like Bold Fighter or Steady Breath.

So if I were to give it to Marth with Steady Breath, or LA!Lyn with BF, it would work okay?

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2 minutes ago, tobuShogi said:

If I promote a 4* combat manual to 5*, does the unit automatically learn all of their skills?

Yes. It’s impossible to earn SP and learn skills on manuals anyway.

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2 hours ago, tobuShogi said:

If I promote a 4* combat manual to 5*, does the unit automatically learn all of their skills?

You don't need to learn skills to transfer them with Skill Inheritance anyways. As long as the skill is unlocked at that rarity, it can be taught.

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

You don't need to learn skills to transfer them with Skill Inheritance anyways. As long as the skill is unlocked at that rarity, it can be taught.

I just wanted to make sure I didn't have to do extra training just to grind the SP needed to get the 5* weapon for the merge base. Since the 5* combat manual will unlock all of its skills(including the weapon), I can just promote both the 4* merge base and the 4* combat manual and merge the combat manual into the merge base to use the unit's base set immediately so any SP the merge base gains can go towards the skills I want to replace. 

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1 hour ago, tobuShogi said:

I just wanted to make sure I didn't have to do extra training just to grind the SP needed to get the 5* weapon for the merge base. Since the 5* combat manual will unlock all of its skills(including the weapon), I can just promote both the 4* merge base and the 4* combat manual and merge the combat manual into the merge base to use the unit's base set immediately so any SP the merge base gains can go towards the skills I want to replace. 

In that case, I'm actually not sure if that works. I don't know if merging a Combat Manual into another unit will automatically have the base learn all of its skills without the need to use SP.

Hunch says no. Actually, I can probably try it with some of my recent pity breakers.


EDIT: @tobuShogi

As I expected, using a Combat Manual as merge fodder does not allow you to get around spending SP to learn a unit's skills.

EDIT 2: @tobuShogi

Actually, you do automatically learn any "unlocked by default" (the 5-star weapon, for example) skills from the Combat Manual. So you can skip the SP cost of those skills, but just them.

For example, promoting a 4-star Chrom (therefore doesn't have Falchion learned) and feeding it a 5-star Chrom Combat Manual will allow it to learn Falchion for free.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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6 hours ago, Zihark11 said:

ok so got more feathers to make another 5 star. I really like the idea of an 'Enemy phase" unit. what are some really good units for this? 

Dragons like Nowi, Tiki, and Fae. Lukas, Hinata, most Armors, Roy, Chrom.

Basically anyone with a high Def or good mixed bulk paired with a Breath skill and QR/Vengeful Fighter. "Slaying" weapons are ideal for those without Prf weapons.

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1 hour ago, Landmaster said:

I have a +2 Nowi that's +Spd, -Res and I just pulled one that's +Atk, -Res. I'm debating if I should value the extra +Atk more or keep the +Spd.

does the speed increase at all if you merge her into your +atk?

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