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I managed to get Summer Gunnthrá (-Spd/+Res second worst possible IV out come) so with that in mind who wants her skills?


I also got Petra with the same IV spread, but I'll make it work, I have to make it work.

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On 6/28/2020 at 6:26 PM, TheSilentChloey said:

I managed to get Summer Gunnthrá (-Spd/+Res second worst possible IV out come) so with that in mind who wants her skills?

-Spd is not great for combat, but she can still be a pretty decent support unit with +Res running Sabotage. Hikami's 4 range is pretty huge, and Sabotage can help her debuff enemies beyond that.

If you are absolutely certain you do not want to use her, I would just book her as a Combat Manual and save her as a stepping stone to get Swift Sparrow 3 whenever you get that. I do not recommend inheriting Swift Sparrow 2 right away unless you are sure the unit you are giving it to is going to get Swift Sparrow 3 later down the line. Swift Sparrow 2 is not bad, but Life and Death 3 is a bit better in my opinion and a whole lot cheaper, so I would not recommend inheriting Swift Sparrow 2 right away until you get Swift Sparrow 3. Joint Hone Spd is not worth inheriting on its own, and while it is not terrible, it is not that great either and there are a lot of better options for the C slot.

Personally, I would keep her around so she can debuff stuff, especially with +Res. Sabotage skills are pricy though, but with Fortress Res out in the 3*/4* pool, the rest of the Sabotage skill set is pretty cheap.
Sabotage Support:
(Any Assist) -- Reposition
(Any Special) -- Moonbow
Fort. Def/Res
(Any Sabotage)
(Any C)
Fortress Res
Fort. Def/Res is technically the best A skill for Sabotage so it should be the end goal, but it is pretty expensive. Fortress Res is much cheaper and is sufficient in most cases, as it only has 1 less Res so it is not really a huge loss. Basically, if you get a Fort. Def/Res fodder in the future, then that is great, and if you do not get, then it is no big deal either and nothing to worry about.

You can also run other debuffing skills on the B slot, so her nature does not matter at all.
Chill Support:
(Any Assist) -- Reposition
(Any Special) -- Moonbow
(Any A) -- Life and Death (to divert Chills away from allies) -- R Duel Flying
(Any Chill)
(Any C)
(Any Chill)

I am not a fan of Ruses and Feints since I find them to be a huge hassle as you need to waste a unit's action to activate it, unlike Sabotages and Chills that are automatic. Giving up an action is too steep of a price to pay in my opinion, as the unit can other wise use their action to break structures, Reposition or Smite its allies, or just move out the way so it does not get killed. It is still something to think about though if you do not mind the huge downside.
Ruse-Feint Support:
(Any Rally) -- Harsh Command? (I believe Harsh Command counts as a Rally but you might want to double check to make sure.)
(Any Special) -- Moonbow
(Any A) -- Life and Death (to divert Chills away from allies) -- R Duel Flying
(Any Ruse)
(Any C)
(Any Feint)
Harsh Command does not count as a Rally, so it does not work with Ruses and Feints.

On 6/28/2020 at 6:26 PM, TheSilentChloey said:

I also got Petra with the same IV spread, but I'll make it work, I have to make it work.

She needs a skill kit rehaul in my opinion so she can have some longevity in battle. Most importantly, I would run Life and Death to make sure her Def/Res is as low as possible to make sure she activates Hunting Blade reliably.
Standard Player Phase:
Hunting Blade
Life and Death
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd)

If you are going for a one hit counter build against beast units, you can skip Desperation and run something else on the B slot. I prefer the above build with Desperation since being able to double has better damage output over all and she will be more effective against a much larger vatietu of units, although it does require setting up Desperation first. If you do not need her to deal with a variety of units and just need her to be a one trick pony to deal with Beasts quickly without setting up Desperation, one shot build might be better.
One Shot Beast Counter:
Hunting Blade
Moonbow -- Ruptured Sky
Life and Death
(Any B) -- Wings of Mercy -- Aerobatics -- Windsweep (with Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
Death Blow -- (Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd) (with Windsweep)

Edited by XRay
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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

+Atk or +Def for Fallen Berkut?

If you are using him exclusively against ranged foes, +Atk is better. He got Wary Fighter against ranged units, and he got enough bulk to avoid being killed in one hit against most of them, so +HP/Def/Res is not super necessary in my opinion.

If you are using him as a general purpose Enemy Phase unit, I lean towards +Def so he does not die as easily against melee units.

2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

+Def or +Res for Hardin?

I prefer +Res to balance out his bulk.

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Harsh Command does not count as a Rally, I checked that after pulling another SummUrsula. Speaking of, are there any Dagger Units that can use Scallop Blade better than their normal weapons? Mostly asking for the future, only Dagger Unit I plan on using for now is Jaffar, who’s just built to Player Phase the crud out of Mages, and Ursula’s kit looks meh outside of the knife(?) and double Rally+.

Also, is Lugh good for anything? He kicked my Selena run in the Orbs and my wounded wallet demands restitution, does he have any niche use or is it the chopping block for the boy? 

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7 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Harsh Command does not count as a Rally, I checked that after pulling another SummUrsula.

@TheSilentChloey, tagging you just so you know one of the skill recommendation I gave does not work.

7 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Speaking of, are there any Dagger Units that can use Scallop Blade better than their normal weapons? Mostly asking for the future, only Dagger Unit I plan on using for now is Jaffar, who’s just built to Player Phase the crud out of Mages, and Ursula’s kit looks meh outside of the knife(?) and double Rally+.

Any Player Phase dagger unit that does not have a Weapon that boosts their Atk/Spd. I recommend consulting this stats table on Gamepedia. Filter by dagger and sort by Atk and Spd to see you best candidates for it.

Personally, I prefer sticking with Barbed Shuriken, and I would just merge SR!Ursula. Scallop Blade is conditional on the foe having Penalties, which might not always be easy to set up beforehand.

7 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Also, is Lugh good for anything? He kicked my Selena run in the Orbs and my wounded wallet demands restitution, does he have any niche use or is it the chopping block for the boy? 

Mages with decent Atk/Spd are always good with Blade tomes, and he has pretty good Atk/Spd.

In terms of fodder, he got a Serpent tome if you need it for tanking, but I do not see a lot of mage tanks using Serpent tome these days, so I am not sure if it is worth inheriting it. He also got a Rally skill, but that is only relevant if you need it for scoring, since it otherwise sucks. Feints also suck, especially with Ruses out now, so I would not inherit it.

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Hm, don’t really have any Green Tomes built so I guess he’ll do then. In the meantime, I pulled a second L-Chrom, which is unavoidably getting sacked for CC, either to prepare for my meme Takumi team or else to set up a meme Gharnef. Is +ATK -DEF or -ATK +DEF better? The gamepedia says + either -SPD is best, but I don’t have that so which is the better stat for him?

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2 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Hm, don’t really have any Green Tomes built so I guess he’ll do then. In the meantime, I pulled a second L-Chrom, which is unavoidably getting sacked for CC, either to prepare for my meme Takumi team or else to set up a meme Gharnef. Is +ATK -DEF or -ATK +DEF better? The gamepedia says + either -SPD is best, but I don’t have that so which is the better stat for him?

Since you seem to be willing to spend Orbs more liberally, I personally recommend merging CE!Chrom rather than fodder him. You can get Close Counter from Takumi on the weekly Revival Foci. CE!Chrom is generally much harder to snipe and merge, and he also helps boost your score, so I think merging him will give you more value in the long run compared to foddering him.

Although CE!Chrom has strong Enemy Phase performance, he also has decent Player Phase presence due to his mobility and armor effectiveness. For dual phase units, I generally prefer to prioritize their Player Phase performance more than Enemy Phase performance, since if they take out the strongest enemies on Player Phase, they have less need for Enemy Phase. For CE!Chrom, I recommend keeping +Atk, and preferably merge him to +1 to get rid of his -Def Flaw.

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I actually don't usually, I'm trying to save Orbs more in the desperate hope that we get the Cipher OCs in the future, but few things hold a more powerful grasp on the will of mere mortal men than the Fluorspar in a swimsuit. As for Gunnthra, she actually backstabbed me, I've been trying to get some version of Laevatein ever since she was first summonable, but she avoids me at all costs on both my accounts(while her sister has thrown herself on me multiple times), picked a Grey Orb on a no-Green ring and surprise, Gunnthra. I also ask questions on here about both accounts without really specifying which one I'm talking about, so it may sound like I'm spending a bunch of Orbs but it's actually split between two accounts, albeit not always evenly.

I generally just go until I get my first 5-Star when I summon on Legendary/Mythic Banners. This time around I didn't even bother sniping since the only Unit I would have been annoyed to get would have been Yune, maybe Lyn, and it landed me Chrom and Duma. I don't summon on the Revival Foci in general, just take my freebie and leave, and while it's netted me two Hectors, a Young Tiki, an Ephraim, and a Celica, Takumi has yet to show his face. I already have OG Takumi and Fallen Takumi built for CC-Vantage, I just need to pull Summer and New Years on my main account, my second actually already has New Years but doesn't have spare CC.

I'm also very attached to my Ishtar, very few Blue Units might be able to oust her as my main Blue, and powerful though Chrom may be(having wrecked my Arena runs multiple times the scrub), I prefer Mjolnir or even Geirskogul to Randgridr, so Chrom's probably not switching in on my team any time soon.

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5 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

I'm also very attached to my Ishtar, very few Blue Units might be able to oust her as my main Blue, and powerful though Chrom may be(having wrecked my Arena runs multiple times the scrub), I prefer Mjolnir or even Geirskogul to Randgridr, so Chrom's probably not switching in on my team any time soon.

I recommend keeping and ideally merging CE!Chrom not because he is going to permanently replace your primary units, but because he offers more tactical options. Outside of Counter-Vantage Blade mages, there are not a lot of strong dual phase ranged units. Yune, UOT!Leif, and CE!Chrom are the only really strong ones that are not Blade mages that come to mind. I guess there is also Kronya, although she mostly excels in just Aether Raids and she is not very stellar elsewhere.

Even if you give Ishtar a Blade-Counter-Vantage build, I still think there is value in keeping and merging CE!Chrom since he targets Def rather than Res, as well as having a huge movement range and armor effectiveness.

What are you using CE!Chrom's Close Counter for?

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3 hours ago, XRay said:

Even if you give Ishtar a Blade-Counter-Vantage build, I still think there is value in keeping and merging CE!Chrom since he targets Def rather than Res, as well as having a huge movement range and armor effectiveness.

I actually don't use Blade Ishtar, I run base kit but with Vantage swapped for Desperation - with S Support with my Roy she has just enough bulk to live on most things that could counter her, then she just Desperations with surprising effectiveness. Yeah, it's not optimal, but she kills things and looks sexy doing it(dat Mjolnir animation tho) so I'll take her.

3 hours ago, XRay said:

What are you using CE!Chrom's Close Counter for?

As said before,

12 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

either to prepare for my meme Takumi team or else to set up a meme Gharnef.

TakuMeme Squad is four different versions of Takumi, all with Vantage and CC to harken back to ye olde days when that was the worst thing you had to fear in the Arena. I already have Base and Fallen Takumi built, and Fallen Takumi is surprisingly fun with that build, though I know there's some better Bow I could use instead of the Skadi for it. Gharnef...I think I'm going to wait on building him until I get Close Foil, he's got decent enough DEF that I decided I was going to one day build a CC-variant of him as soon as I saw his Lv40 stat spread but Close Foil grants him those extra stats and he'll only fail to counter against Dragons, which I don't usually run into ever.

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Hey, um, X-ray, I just noticed you answered Chloey’s question about Summer Gunnthra by talking about New Years Gunnthra. Was that intentional?

Starting to train my Summer Gunnthra and I realized her base kit is hot(or cold?) garbage as my AR team is hardlocked to Líf, Peony, Legendary Azura, Brave Camilla, and a Bonus Unit. Gamepedia recommends:

Lethal Carrot


Swift Sparrow


Odd ATK Wave

Heavy Blade Seal


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56 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:


Garbage. Summer Gunnthra has 50 Atk with neutral Atk, an Atk refine, and Swift Sparrow 2 before buffs. That's nowhere near enough to activate Heavy Blade to make the Lethal Carrot worth running.

If you're going to run Heavy Blade, it's pretty much required to run either Windex or Broadleaf Fan as your weapon in order to actually have enough Atk to activate it.


If you're not running Clorox or Broadleaf Fan, I'd personally go with the "standard" dagger build:

Barb Shuriken+ [Spd]
Swift Sparrow / Life and Death / Atk/Spd Solo / Brazen Atk/Spd
Hone Cavalry / whatever your team needs
Swift Sparrow

Alternatively, Tropical Treats is actually an okay weapon, so you can also just use Tropical Treats+ [Spd] with the exact same build. You won't activate Moonbow every round of combat, but you get +8 damage if you double. Tropical Treats will win out if the opponent has a Guard effect or you can't get a follow-up, whereas Barb Shuriken will win out if the opponent has a Dull effect, but they'll be pretty similar otherwise.

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On 6/29/2020 at 12:52 PM, XRay said:

-Spd is not great for combat, but she can still be a pretty decent support unit with +Res running Sabotage. Hikami's 4 range is pretty huge, and Sabotage can help her debuff enemies beyond that.

If you are absolutely certain you do not want to use her, I would just book her as a Combat Manual and save her as a stepping stone to get Swift Sparrow 3 whenever you get that. I do not recommend inheriting Swift Sparrow 2 right away unless you are sure the unit you are giving it to is going to get Swift Sparrow 3 later down the line. Swift Sparrow 2 is not bad, but Life and Death 3 is a bit better in my opinion and a whole lot cheaper, so I would not recommend inheriting Swift Sparrow 2 right away until you get Swift Sparrow 3. Joint Hone Spd is not worth inheriting on its own, and while it is not terrible, it is not that great either and there are a lot of better options for the C slot.

Personally, I would keep her around so she can debuff stuff, especially with +Res. Sabotage skills are pricy though, but with Fortress Res out in the 3*/4* pool, the rest of the Sabotage skill set is pretty cheap.
Sabotage Support:
(Any Assist) -- Reposition
(Any Special) -- Moonbow
Fort. Def/Res
(Any Sabotage)
(Any C)
Fortress Res
Fort. Def/Res is technically the best A skill for Sabotage so it should be the end goal, but it is pretty expensive. Fortress Res is much cheaper and is sufficient in most cases, as it only has 1 less Res so it is not really a huge loss. Basically, if you get a Fort. Def/Res fodder in the future, then that is great, and if you do not get, then it is no big deal either and nothing to worry about.

You can also run other debuffing skills on the B slot, so her nature does not matter at all.
Chill Support:
(Any Assist) -- Reposition
(Any Special) -- Moonbow
(Any A) -- Life and Death (to divert Chills away from allies) -- R Duel Flying
(Any Chill)
(Any C)
(Any Chill)

I am not a fan of Ruses and Feints since I find them to be a huge hassle as you need to waste a unit's action to activate it, unlike Sabotages and Chills that are automatic. Giving up an action is too steep of a price to pay in my opinion, as the unit can other wise use their action to break structures, Reposition or Smite its allies, or just move out the way so it does not get killed. It is still something to think about though if you do not mind the huge downside.
Ruse-Feint Support:
(Any Rally) -- Harsh Command? (I believe Harsh Command counts as a Rally but you might want to double check to make sure.)
(Any Special) -- Moonbow
(Any A) -- Life and Death (to divert Chills away from allies) -- R Duel Flying
(Any Ruse)
(Any C)
(Any Feint)
Harsh Command does not count as a Rally, so it does not work with Ruses and Feints.

She needs a skill kit rehaul in my opinion so she can have some longevity in battle. Most importantly, I would run Life and Death to make sure her Def/Res is as low as possible to make sure she activates Hunting Blade reliably.
Standard Player Phase:
Hunting Blade
Life and Death
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd)

If you are going for a one hit counter build against beast units, you can skip Desperation and run something else on the B slot. I prefer the above build with Desperation since being able to double has better damage output over all and she will be more effective against a much larger vatietu of units, although it does require setting up Desperation first. If you do not need her to deal with a variety of units and just need her to be a one trick pony to deal with Beasts quickly without setting up Desperation, one shot build might be better.
One Shot Beast Counter:
Hunting Blade
Moonbow -- Ruptured Sky
Life and Death
(Any B) -- Wings of Mercy -- Aerobatics -- Windsweep (with Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
Death Blow -- (Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd) (with Windsweep)


On 6/29/2020 at 11:26 AM, TheSilentChloey said:

I managed to get Summer Gunnthrá (-Spd/+Res second worst possible IV out come) so with that in mind who wants her skills?


I also got Petra with the same IV spread, but I'll make it work, I have to make it work.

Um...did you actually read my question or just ignore it? I am asking with regards to SUMMER GUNNTHRÁ not new years Gunnthrá.

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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Um...did you actually read my question or just ignore it? I am asking with regards to SUMMER GUNNTHRÁ not new years Gunnthrá.

Woops, my bad, I misread. For Summer Returns Gunnthrá, I would just merge her.

Her Weapon is not bad, but mage tanks who can fill that role already got exclusive or default Weapons to either help them do that (e.g.: Felicia, Trick or Defeat! Sakura) or to fill a different role (e.g.: Flora, Summer Refreshes Lilina); it is also reliant on buffs to work, and sometimes you do not want give units buffs due to Panic. For good tanking Weapon, I rather go with Bottled Juice or Kitty Paddle.

Rally skills are good for scoring, but they otherwise suck.

AR-O skills are only relevant if you play Aether Raids, but even then, they are not great and I would not recommend using them. Player Phase units rather use something more simple and reliable like Swift Sparrow or Life and Death, and Enemy Phase units want a Stance skill for Guard.

Disarm Trap is decent, but it is only relevant if you play Aether Raids.

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7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Garbage. Summer Gunnthra has 50 Atk with neutral Atk, an Atk refine, and Swift Sparrow 2 before buffs. That's nowhere near enough to activate Heavy Blade to make the Lethal Carrot worth running.

If you're going to run Heavy Blade, it's pretty much required to run either Windex or Broadleaf Fan as your weapon in order to actually have enough Atk to activate it.


If you're not running Clorox or Broadleaf Fan, I'd personally go with the "standard" dagger build:

Barb Shuriken+ [Spd]
Swift Sparrow / Life and Death / Atk/Spd Solo / Brazen Atk/Spd
Hone Cavalry / whatever your team needs
Swift Sparrow

Alternatively, Tropical Treats is actually an okay weapon, so you can also just use Tropical Treats+ [Spd] with the exact same build. You won't activate Moonbow every round of combat, but you get +8 damage if you double. Tropical Treats will win out if the opponent has a Guard effect or you can't get a follow-up, whereas Barb Shuriken will win out if the opponent has a Dull effect, but they'll be pretty similar otherwise.

...I’m ashamed to admit I had to read this twice to figure out what ‘windex’ and ‘clorox’ were referring to.

So Moonbow, Swift Sparrow, and Desperation were good options, though? Hm...now I need a Shanna...

3 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Um...did you actually read my question or just ignore it? I am asking with regards to SUMMER GUNNTHRÁ not new years Gunnthrá.

Chloey, I don’t know if you realize this, but you have a tendency to come off as hostile, especially here, since I just asked that same question two posts before you. I assume you just didn’t see it?

1 hour ago, XRay said:

Her Weapon is not bad, but mage tanks who can fill that role already got exclusive or default Weapons to either help them do that (e.g.: Felicia, Trick or Defeat! Sakura) or to fill a different role (e.g.: Flora, Summer Refreshes Lilina); it is also reliant on buffs to work, and sometimes you do not want give units buffs due to Panic. For good tanking Weapon, I rather go with Bottled Juice or Kitty Paddle.

Is Gunnthra even a tank, though? Everyone I’ve talked to says all three versions of her are meant to be run as nukes

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1 hour ago, SoulWeaver said:

Is Gunnthra even a tank, though? Everyone I’ve talked to says all three versions of her are meant to be run as nukes

She is not great for that role, but her Weapon leans that way.

For tanking mages, I lean towards using Kitty Paddle to one shot mages on the counter. Her Weapon's primary advantage over Kitty Paddle is that the stat boost also works against staff units, but one glaring problem is the conditional effect of requiring bonus buffs, which staff units can shut down with Panic. Panic is pretty common, even in PvE, so that is pretty big vulnerability.

Additionally for SR!Gunnthrá herself, she cannot run Null C-Disrupt since she is a cavalry unit, so her Weapon's primary advantage over Kitty Paddle is pretty much moot since she cannot even counterattack against the vast majority of staff units as they are mostly Firesweepers.

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For scoring in Arena-style modes, it looks to me like SP impacts score in increments of 100, with the highest available bin being 2400 and only currently accessible to units with a personal B skill. Is that all accurate?

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

For scoring in Arena-style modes, it looks to me like SP impacts score in increments of 100, with the highest available bin being 2400 and only currently accessible to units with a personal B skill. Is that all accurate?

The part about being in bins of 100 is accurate. Not sure about the rest though, but I assume if you are using the scoring calculator to get those numbers, I think it should be correct.

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4 minutes ago, XRay said:

The part about being in bins of 100 is accurate. Not sure about the rest though, but I assume if you are using the scoring calculator to get those numbers, I think it should be correct.

Yeah, that's what I was using.

Without a personal B skill, the most you can get is 400 weapon, 400 assist, 500 special, 300 A, 240 B, 300 C, and 240 S, for a total of 2380. Aside from Brave Hector, who has the only 350 point passive in the game, so he can get 2430.

Some takeaways I'm getting from this:

  • Units with a personal weapon and no 300 SP passives can get a max of 2260 points. So they don't need all four passives to be 240 SP to get into their highest bin, they can get away with just three 240s and one 200.
  • Same situation for units with a non-refined inheritable weapon (max 2160) and units with a refined inheritable weapon and one 300 SP passive (max 2270).
  • Units that have a personal weapon and one 300 SP passive (max 2320), a non-refined inheritable weapon and one 300 SP passive (max 2220), or a refined inheritable weapon and no 300 SP passives (max 2210) will not go up a bin from replacing a 240 SP skill with a 300 SP one.
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1 hour ago, Faellin said:

Just got my first copy of Sothis, and she came up -speed. How detrimental is that for her? Seems pretty bad

It’s not unworkable. With her default kit, she activates Sirius on the first counter, so she only needs to double if she faces several rounds of combat on EP. She’s still worth keeping around unless you really need Time’s Pulse fodder.

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Good uses for special spiral outside of AoE special spammers like Ophelia or Igrene? Just free pulled a Keaton who i'm never going to use, so i'm just going to fodder him off.

Someone in another topic mentioned rupptured sky users to have it proc every single attack. But my only ruptured sky user is Karla, and with her weapon it already triggers on every hit basically. So special spiral is a bit overkill in this regard.

The other 2 options i'm considering are Sothis for infinite sirius procs. And Shannan for astra spam.

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1 hour ago, Faellin said:

Good uses for special spiral outside of AoE special spammers like Ophelia or Igrene? Just free pulled a Keaton who i'm never going to use, so i'm just going to fodder him off.

It is mostly for spamming area-of-effect Specials. You can use it to spam in-combat Specials too depending on skill set up, although it generally is inferior to just spamming area-of-effect Specials.

2 hours ago, Faellin said:

The other 2 options i'm considering are Sothis for infinite sirius procs. And Shannan for astra spam.

If you are only using Sothis for defense, she got Wrath and Time's Pulse, so she does not need Special Spiral. I would only give her Special Spiral if you are using her manually in other modes.

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The rewards we get from things like Twitter campaigns don't expire as long as we log in within the distribution period, right? As in, once we log in and it's in the present box, it'll stay there until it's collected?

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11 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

The rewards we get from things like Twitter campaigns don't expire as long as we log in within the distribution period, right? As in, once we log in and it's in the present box, it'll stay there until it's collected?

Yeah. Items in the present box never expire (unless the item itself expires, like with flags).

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