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11 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Atrocity is good and all, but... yeah a Lull does sound like a good idea for EP...

Given his having an Evasion effect in his weapon and the ability to stack it with another Evasion skill, +Spd is great to have on him (and it makes Flashing Blade work all the better for a Galeforce set). Despite the superasset, I don't know if he really NEEDS +Atk given he already has 41 at base, +5 from his weapon effect, plus a 25% damage buff if the foe is healthy, but... you know, more damage is never a bad thing.

So yeah, +Spd is probably his BEST asset, doubling as both his offense and defense, with +Atk being a good secondary asset. Don't quote me on if +Atk is best for scoring though, I don't really pay attention to that...

Another option is NFU, if it seems more relevant.

Dimitri has 177 BST, so his trait doesn't affect his scoring. With no merges he'll range from 176-178 and be in the 175 bin, with merges he'll range from 180-181 and be in the 180 bin.

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3 hours ago, Xenomata said:

So I was thinking, LegDimitri could probably be used as an EP unit since his Prf skills don't have PP-locked effects. I was just wondering, is there a "best" way to go about it? Just to be clear, I'd like to try and avoid having him inherit an Evasion skill if I can help it, as I only have one to spare (Close Call from Mareeta) and I'm not sure how invested I actually am in Dimitri beyond giving him Distant Counter...

Spurn skill is the best type of B skill for him, especially if you can stack it at least two or three times. Just one stack of Spurn by itself is not all that great in my opinion. I recommend going for Spurn since the other options are just as expensive in my opinion.

If you do not want Spurn, then the next best B skill would be Null Follow-Up to prevent doubles and potentially Specials from activating.

Lulls are just as expensive in my opinion, and while it is good, I would save them for cavalry since they do not get access to other good B skills, although if you are not using cavalry tanks then Lulls should be fine.

Personally, I would just stick with Atrocity until you get a copy of Spurn.

50 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

What are Leg Dimitri's best IVs?

You want +Spd to prevent doubles and to activate Spurn on his Weapon.

If you want to use him as a super tank, the next best Asset would be +Res in my opinion to help balance out his bulk.

His damage output and physical bulk is fine, so +Atk and +Def are decent but not necessary.

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I have a +Def/-Res Bride Fjorm, and now that I have 100 Trait Fruits, I want to make her +HP. -Def seems like the natural choice for her bane since it's lower and seems less relevant, but -Res is also an option. Seems like a pretty small difference either way, but how do they compare?

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51 minutes ago, Othin said:

I have a +Def/-Res Bride Fjorm, and now that I have 100 Trait Fruits, I want to make her +HP. -Def seems like the natural choice for her bane since it's lower and seems less relevant, but -Res is also an option. Seems like a pretty small difference either way, but how do they compare?

I do not think it makes much difference since she is going to die either way, as her bulk and Spd are not that high. I lean towards -Def since her Res is slightly higher, so if she gets attacked, she has a better chance of survival against a weak mage/cleric than a weak thief (and she dies to archers anyways).

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On 11/2/2020 at 7:49 PM, XRay said:

I do not think it makes much difference since she is going to die either way, as her bulk and Spd are not that high. I lean towards -Def since her Res is slightly higher, so if she gets attacked, she has a better chance of survival against a weak mage/cleric than a weak thief (and she dies to archers anyways).

Yeah, that was my thinking and what I ended up going with. 

On another note, it seems like one possible strategy to get easier matches in AR is to set up a weak defense team during the downtimes when you can't lose lift, to try to get more losses against weak foes so you can rematch them later. It does require remembering to change back before the timer runs out, of course, so you don't actually lose more lift from it. Is that a legit strategy?

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27 minutes ago, Othin said:

Yeah, that was my thinking and what I ended up going with. 

On another note, it seems like one possible strategy to get easier matches in AR is to set up a weak defense team during the downtimes when you can't lose lift, to try to get more losses against weak foes so you can rematch them later. It does require remembering to change back before the timer runs out, of course, so you don't actually lose more lift from it. Is that a legit strategy?

Yes, fishing is a legitimate strategy. It means you have a chance to rematch people that might coast in the lower tiers later in the week when you’re ariund T25/26. 

It is considered bad manners by some to create a fishinb map that has Pot denial built in. One tibarn or L!Leif with the pots behind him so he can’t be boxed in and it is almost impossible to get the pots without him killing something or killing himself. 

I am of the mindset that every edge you can get is fair game, but I don’t bother with fishing myself. Too much work and I tend not to have much trouble with matches anyway.

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3 minutes ago, Vicious Sal said:

Yes, fishing is a legitimate strategy. It means you have a chance to rematch people that might coast in the lower tiers later in the week when you’re ariund T25/26. 

It is considered bad manners by some to create a fishinb map that has Pot denial built in. One tibarn or L!Leif with the pots behind him so he can’t be boxed in and it is almost impossible to get the pots without him killing something or killing himself. 

I am of the mindset that every edge you can get is fair game, but I don’t bother with fishing myself. Too much work and I tend not to have much trouble with matches anyway.

Makes sense. The fish map I made doesn't have any tricks, just Osian sitting in the middle of my thrones. 

I guess the downside is getting less info about the defense team's performance. I can consistently get perfect offense scores on Light seasons, so I think I won't bother there, just for Astra where I want that cushion for later in the week. 

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16 minutes ago, LoneStar said:

Has the auto confirm for quest just started to work? I was auto battling the tempest and just noticed that I didn’t have to tap confirm the quests. I don’t know if I hadn’t noticed before.

I think it's already been working. Maybe you just weren't watching it happen?

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hey guys, a few questions i got if you would help, there's a lot i don't know about the game.

1 - i have several copies of several different units and i was thinking of merging them together, see if i could make one of this cool +10 units i see others use, i don't have any atm. So my question is, if i raise a 5* to lvl 40, and i have a few other 5* copies of it at lvl 1 and i want to merge those low lvl units to my lvl 40, will the low lvl 1 units give my lvl 40 the same stat bonuses that merging multiple lvl 40s would? I don't want to grind to raise them all to lvl 40 before merging them if that is possible.

2 - What's the best way to get trait fruit? I just found out the other day that it can change the traits of your units. And how does it work? See i pulled Flayn with a resistance boon, and after raising her to 40 i realized her resistence is +5 instead of +3 over the neutral resistance stat at lvl 40, which i think is what you call a super boon? if i use trait fruit to change her boon from resistance to attack, will she lose 5 points to resistance or 3? Or will she gain +5 to her attack stat? right now her attack is 53, so 56 or 58? please tell me 58, i'll like that very much!

3 - when i look over at the friend stone on the home menu, it says i have "helped" friends 17 times. I don't remember doing any of that. So far i got only one person on my list, how do you "help" them?

4 - what is this "meta" every one keeps talking about? is there a leader board? tournaments? to be honest i hate the idea of a meta environment in a gacha game like this one, but it is what it is.

5 - are healers any good? how do you use them in your teams? I understand interactions in this game are pretty one-sided, so i guess using a healer on my team when I play is very different than having one on my "defense" team that i have no control over, right? you don't use healing to win games after all. On that topic, from what i can tell from the current summoning banners, Flayn is a very recent healer, how would you say she stacks up on current environment? I also pulled a Silque but her stats so far have been very underwhelming.


I'll leave it at that for now but i'll come later when more stuff comes to mind.

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1 hour ago, Sil/phire said:

1 - i have several copies of several different units and i was thinking of merging them together, see if i could make one of this cool +10 units i see others use, i don't have any atm. So my question is, if i raise a 5* to lvl 40, and i have a few other 5* copies of it at lvl 1 and i want to merge those low lvl units to my lvl 40, will the low lvl 1 units give my lvl 40 the same stat bonuses that merging multiple lvl 40s would? I don't want to grind to raise them all to lvl 40 before merging them if that is possible.

As long as the units you Send Home (i.e.: sacrifice) are 5*, what level they are does not matter. If I am trying to merge Cordelia to 5*+10, the sacrificial fodder only has to be 5*, so they do not have to be level 40.

1 hour ago, Sil/phire said:

2 - What's the best way to get trait fruit? I just found out the other day that it can change the traits of your units. And how does it work? See i pulled Flayn with a resistance boon, and after raising her to 40 i realized her resistence is +5 instead of +3 over the neutral resistance stat at lvl 40, which i think is what you call a super boon? if i use trait fruit to change her boon from resistance to attack, will she lose 5 points to resistance or 3? Or will she gain +5 to her attack stat? right now her attack is 53, so 56 or 58? please tell me 58, i'll like that very much!

The best way to get Trait Fruits (or any resource) is to participate in every mode. While not every mode awards Trait Fruits, you should play every mode to get as many resources as possible. The more overall resources you have, the easier it is to gain any specific resource.

Flayn's Normalized stats are 40/39/27/21/35 (HP/Atk/Spd/Def/Res) before factoring any skills. The red numbers denote super Flaw, meaning that the stat drop will be -4 if you choose to make that stat the Flaw. While Flayn does not have a super Asset, if she did have a super Asset, that means the stat gain will be +4. Regular Assets and Flaws would +3 and -3 respectively. See this Gamepedia article for more information on stats.

I advise against using Trait Fruits on Flayn. Flayn is primarily a support unit, so she should not face any kind of combat. Therefore, what her Asset or Flaw are does not matter too much. While some support units do rely on stats to function, Flayn generally is not one them, although you certainly can use her that way. Personally, I recommend keeping her Res Asset as she can use her relatively high Res to utilize Sabotages and Ploys to debuff enemies if you choose to invest in her more.

1 hour ago, Sil/phire said:

3 - when i look over at the friend stone on the home menu, it says i have "helped" friends 17 times. I don't remember doing any of that. So far i got only one person on my list, how do you "help" them?

You help them when they use your representatives for various game modes.

1 hour ago, Sil/phire said:

4 - what is this "meta" every one keeps talking about? is there a leader board? tournaments? to be honest i hate the idea of a meta environment in a gacha game like this one, but it is what it is.

Meta refers to the play environment in various modes. When people talk about meta right now, it mostly refers to the meta in Aether Raids since that is the only mode where things are sufficiently difficult and unpredictable enough where strong, consistent performance matters.

Various game modes have their own meta and each one is a bit different. For Arena, the mode is easy enough (at least for veterans) that you do not need to super high performance units to do well, although having high performance certainly do help. For Røkkr Sieges, the meta is pretty brain dead, and you just use two Galeforcers with a Brave Weapon and Guard on B, and two Reysons in the back for healing and Singing.

1 hour ago, Sil/phire said:

5 - are healers any good? how do you use them in your teams? I understand interactions in this game are pretty one-sided, so i guess using a healer on my team when I play is very different than having one on my "defense" team that i have no control over, right? you don't use healing to win games after all. On that topic, from what i can tell from the current summoning banners, Flayn is a very recent healer, how would you say she stacks up on current environment? I also pulled a Silque but her stats so far have been very underwhelming.

For clarity, there is a difference between staff units, healers, and healing as a tactic. All staff units are healers, but not all healers are staff units. In my opinion, the best healers are Eir, Reyson, and Leanne, and none of them are actually staff units. Healing as a tactic is required for certain teams, but not all types of teams need healing. For example, healing is actually pretty detrimental to the vast majority of player phase teams since they generally rely on Desperation, Wings of Mercy, and maybe Brazens, which all require units to be under a certain HP threshold work.

Whether healing as a tactic is good is dependent on your team and mode. Healing is pretty much mandatory if you are using a super tank team. Whether you need healers for healing is another story. The best super tanks can rely on themselves for healing (e.g.: Aether) if they have the proper support and set up (e.g.: Brave Heroes Lucina). For example, my super tank team for Astra season in Aether Raids has no healers since BH!Ike can just heal himself with Aether as long as he is near BH!Lucina.

As for healing on defense, it depends on the mode, your defense team, and what your objectives are. For Aether Raids, if you just want to score well in the mode to obtain decent rewards, I do not think it is necessary to invest in defense all that much. If you want to rank well in Aether Raids though to get Gold Thrones, then you should invest in your defense, but whether it needs a dedicated healer on the team is dependent on the type of defense team. In my opinion, you generally want to have a healer (preferably cavalry staff unit) and/or Healing Tower (D) on defense to stop players with Kronya from cheesing your defense team. You want a cavalry staff unit because they have access to Firesweep effect via Dazzling Staff to shutdown Counter-Vantage players, and their cavalry movement also helps with that.

As for Flayn, she stands out as a support unit because of her ability to reduce damage by a pretty significant percentage for her allies, not because she is an amazing healer. Flayn is pretty average as far as healers go. For most players, if they are using Flayn, they would be primarily using her for her percentage damage reduction ability, and her ability to heal is just a cherry on top. If I were to invest more into Flayn, this is how I would build her:
Caduceus Staff
Deluge Balm — Imbue
Fort. Def/Res
Sabotage Spd
(Any C) — Spd Ploy — Drive Spd
Phantom Res

If you want a healer for just healing, I would use Eir, Reyson, or Leanne since they can heal allies automatically at the start of turn without using up an action, and that frees them up to do other important things.

Silque is a pretty decent support unit due to her stat spread. Her high Res means that she can debuff enemies with Sabotages and Ploys pretty easily.

For any staff unit with high Res, they can run the following skill set:
(Any Weapon) — Kumade
(Any Assist)
(Any Special)
Fort. Def/Res
(Any Sabotage)
(Any C) — (Any Ploy)
Phantom Res — (Any Ploy)

If they have high HP, they can run something similar:
(Any Weapon) — Kumade
(Any Assist)
(Any Special)
Sudden Panic — (Any Pulse Tie)
(Any C) — Panic Ploy
HP+5 — Panic Ploy

Edited by XRay
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7 hours ago, Sil/phire said:

2 - What's the best way to get trait fruit? I just found out the other day that it can change the traits of your units. And how does it work? See i pulled Flayn with a resistance boon, and after raising her to 40 i realized her resistence is +5 instead of +3 over the neutral resistance stat at lvl 40, which i think is what you call a super boon? if i use trait fruit to change her boon from resistance to attack, will she lose 5 points to resistance or 3? Or will she gain +5 to her attack stat? right now her attack is 53, so 56 or 58? please tell me 58, i'll like that very much!

Trait Fruit are available through Arena, Resonant Battles, Mjolnir's Strike, and Forging Bonds, plus potentially certain quests. With average performance in those modes, you can generally get about 50 fruit a month, so it takes a while to save up for upgrades - use them wisely.

Changing Flayn from neutral Atk and +Res to +Atk and neutral Res would give her -3 Res and +3 Atk. I'm not sure why you think your Flayn has 5 extra Res compared to the normal, but if you post a screenshot of her that includes her skills, we can help you figure out what you're misunderstanding.

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2 minutes ago, Othin said:

Changing Flayn from neutral Atk and +Res to +Atk and neutral Res would give her -3 Res and +3 Atk. I'm not sure why you think your Flayn has 5 extra Res compared to the normal, but if you post a screenshot of her that includes her skills, we can help you figure out what you're misunderstanding.

The only scenario where Flayn would have 2 extra Res on top of a +Res asset would be if she was equipped with Res +2 (or two Res +1s). No other forms of Res +2 exist outside of Allegiance battles if Flayn is being used in the 4th slot with a unit who would provide such a small Res bonus.

As stated @Sil/phire, an asset or flaw only ever change a stat by +3, +4 if its a Superboon or Superbane. The only time a stat would change by 5 or higher is if the unit in question is being changed to a Superboon from a normal asset at +1 merge and the Asset stat is being pushed into being the highest Lv1 stat instead of another stat, such as if a +1 merge +Res Annette were changed to +Atk.

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11 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

The only scenario where Flayn would have 2 extra Res on top of a +Res asset would be if she was equipped with Res +2 (or two Res +1s). No other forms of Res +2 exist outside of Allegiance battles if Flayn is being used in the 4th slot with a unit who would provide such a small Res bonus.

As stated @Sil/phire, an asset or flaw only ever change a stat by +3, +4 if its a Superboon or Superbane. The only time a stat would change by 5 or higher is if the unit in question is being changed to a Superboon from a normal asset at +1 merge and the Asset stat is being pushed into being the highest Lv1 stat instead of another stat, such as if a +1 merge +Res Annette were changed to +Atk.

Could be a Summoner Support, since this person seems to care a lot about Flayn.

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8 hours ago, Sil/phire said:

will the low lvl 1 units give my lvl 40 the same stat bonuses that merging multiple lvl 40s would?

Yes, the level doesn't matter, but make sure they're all 5* because that does matter.

8 hours ago, Sil/phire said:

2 - What's the best way to get trait fruit? I just found out the other day that it can change the traits of your units. And how does it work? See i pulled Flayn with a resistance boon, and after raising her to 40 i realized her resistence is +5 instead of +3 over the neutral resistance stat at lvl 40, which i think is what you call a super boon? if i use trait fruit to change her boon from resistance to attack, will she lose 5 points to resistance or 3? Or will she gain +5 to her attack stat? right now her attack is 53, so 56 or 58? please tell me 58, i'll like that very much!

If you change Flayn's boon to attack, she should gain 3 attack and lose 3 resistance, so she would only have 56 attack. The good news is that maxing out her summoner support (if that's why she has extra res) would give her 58 attack.

8 hours ago, Sil/phire said:

5 - are healers any good? how do you use them in your teams? I understand interactions in this game are pretty one-sided, so i guess using a healer on my team when I play is very different than having one on my "defense" team that i have no control over, right? you don't use healing to win games after all. On that topic, from what i can tell from the current summoning banners, Flayn is a very recent healer, how would you say she stacks up on current environment? I also pulled a Silque but her stats so far have been very underwhelming.

Flayn and Silque both have effects that makes them quite useful. Flayn gives nearby allies damage reduction and is the only unit (so far) with an assist that both heals and retreats at the same time. When Silque attacks, she can prevent the enemy from activating their special. In general, staff units are best used as support units that heal, buff and debuff, rather than pure damage dealers. They can't use offensive specials, but once you unlock the weapon refinery, they have easy access to Dazzling Staff, which allows them to attack most enemies without being countered.

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wow. you guys know your stuff. thank you all for the very detailed explanation, tbh some of it goes completely over my head but that's normal i just have not played much. For example, I really don't know the first thing about "building" units or eather raids, my in-game rank is 5 i think, i have yet to finish the book 1 story to unlock rank 6 and aether raids recommends rank 12 i think.

8 hours ago, Othin said:

Could be a Summoner Support, since this person seems to care a lot about Flayn.

I don't even know the character and I have never played 3 houses but I like her design a lot.

How often do units or banners roll around again? I would like to try for a Sacred and Fallen Julia, and I would like a shot at some of the Tokyo Mirage units.


Another question, what are differences between the blessings you can give to your units? I noticed that the Eir, Ike, and Fjorn units you get from the story have this big emblems on their pictures but are the fire, wind, water, etc. blessings I get give the same benefits as those?

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40 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

How often do units or banners roll around again? I would like to try for a Sacred and Fallen Julia, and I would like a shot at some of the Tokyo Mirage units.


Another question, what are differences between the blessings you can give to your units? I noticed that the Eir, Ike, and Fjorn units you get from the story have this big emblems on their pictures but are the fire, wind, water, etc. blessings I get give the same benefits as those?

Normal New Hero banners normally are never rerun, though for the past year they have been rerunning banners from about a year ago, granting a second chance at getting the units (in addition to applying all new heroes released after the banners original run and Sparking, in which if you perform 40 summons on the banner then you can pick one of the focus heroes for free). Seasonal banners get rerun typically around the same time as the banners original run, so expect a run of the Christmas banners in the next month, and then New Year banners in the weeks after that.
As for when individual units get rerun, you typically see a new unit get rerun in two scenarios: the first is in a Skill Focus banner, which typically runs the most recent 3 or 4 units with a certain type of skill. Fallen Julia for instance would probably be run in a "Units with Solo skills" banner. The second would be Legendary and Mythic banners some months after the unit is originally released. Legendary and Mythic banners are never rerun though, so after that you pretty much have to wait out random chance and future banner plans.
You may see additional chances for a newer unit to appear in a Bound Hero Battle banner (which always features the two units featured in the banner plus one other unit closely related to the two), but I wouldn't count on them.

On the topic of Fallen Julia though, based on the current results of the vote for the rerun banner, you may get a shot at her in January when they host the next Event Revival.

As for the blessings, certain heroes known as Legendary or Mythic heroes can provide other heroes with bonuses if they are of the same element and during certain seasons, which rotates every week. Legendary Ike provides a bonus of HP +3 and Atk +2 to any heroes who have been given an Earth blessing during Earth season for instance. Mythic heroes provide similar bonuses, but only in Aether Raids.
All heroes can receive any blessing they want (Flora is blessed with Fire), but Legendary and Mythic heroes can never change who they give blessings to, their elements are locked.
Another benefit of blessings is that heroes with Fire, Water, Wind, or Earth blessings will be permitted use in the Blessed Gardens, although this matters far less once you clear every garden.

You receive blessings as rewards from various quests, events, and weekly rewards, as well as receiving one blessing of the matching element any time you receive a Legendary or Mythic hero.

Edited by Xenomata
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Hey all, been a while since I was last here. I started playing FEH more seriously since the Brave Hero Bonanza a few months back so I've got a few questions brewing as of late. Can't remember all of them at the moment, but here are the ones I'm dealing with right now.

1. I just spent like 500 orbs trying to get as many L!Dimitris as possible and got him to +2 (its gonna be a long road to 10 >_<). I played around with his base kit and its fun, but i do want to give him all the premium fodder he wants since i will be trying to max him. I know the obvious path is to make him an enemy phase tank, but im already building a B!Dimitri as one (got him to +6 during his debut) so I want to make him more player phase or at least mixed phase. I also heard galeforcing would be good for him but I have a totally superficial issue with galeforce units in not being able to see their special arts when it activates. I know its a stupid thing to get hung up on, but if I can avoid making a galeforce build, I try. So is there any good build for him that doesn't lead me to make a copy of my B!Dimitri or force me to make him a galeforcer, or should I suck it up and pick one?

2. While summoning for said L!Dimitri, I summoned a boatload of Fallen Corrins. I don't really need another blue dragon, i already have an invested refined female corrin, but i hear he's also really good. Should I merge him all up or just hang onto the fodder?

3. I got the forma summer micaiah with some nice premium skills, but I cant decide what to bless her and where I want to use her.

She has ruptured sky, sturdy impact, lull atk/res, and time's pulse, along with her standard weapon and dance. 

I use B!Lysithea as red magic nuke and peony as my dancer in light season, and i already use Kiria and Plumeria as red mages and dancer in Astra. I don't think she would be as useful in defense teams as shes more player phase (am I wrong?), so where should I use her?

Bonus question: are the original blessings good for anything nowadays outside of arena cores or should i just replace them all with mythic blessings? I'm sitting on so many of them, and lately I've only been blessing every new unit I get for aether raids; im annoyed that some of my older units don't seem to score much for anything there with an old blessing, even when they are a bonus unit.

I'll have more questions in the future I'm sure!

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57 minutes ago, Silver Lightning said:

Hey all, been a while since I was last here. I started playing FEH more seriously since the Brave Hero Bonanza a few months back so I've got a few questions brewing as of late. Can't remember all of them at the moment, but here are the ones I'm dealing with right now.

1. I just spent like 500 orbs trying to get as many L!Dimitris as possible and got him to +2 (its gonna be a long road to 10 >_<). I played around with his base kit and its fun, but i do want to give him all the premium fodder he wants since i will be trying to max him. I know the obvious path is to make him an enemy phase tank, but im already building a B!Dimitri as one (got him to +6 during his debut) so I want to make him more player phase or at least mixed phase. I also heard galeforcing would be good for him but I have a totally superficial issue with galeforce units in not being able to see their special arts when it activates. I know its a stupid thing to get hung up on, but if I can avoid making a galeforce build, I try. So is there any good build for him that doesn't lead me to make a copy of my B!Dimitri or force me to make him a galeforcer, or should I suck it up and pick one?

2. While summoning for said L!Dimitri, I summoned a boatload of Fallen Corrins. I don't really need another blue dragon, i already have an invested refined female corrin, but i hear he's also really good. Should I merge him all up or just hang onto the fodder?

3. I got the forma summer micaiah with some nice premium skills, but I cant decide what to bless her and where I want to use her.

She has ruptured sky, sturdy impact, lull atk/res, and time's pulse, along with her standard weapon and dance. 

I use B!Lysithea as red magic nuke and peony as my dancer in light season, and i already use Kiria and Plumeria as red mages and dancer in Astra. I don't think she would be as useful in defense teams as shes more player phase (am I wrong?), so where should I use her?

Bonus question: are the original blessings good for anything nowadays outside of arena cores or should i just replace them all with mythic blessings? I'm sitting on so many of them, and lately I've only been blessing every new unit I get for aether raids; im annoyed that some of my older units don't seem to score much for anything there with an old blessing, even when they are a bonus unit.

I'll have more questions in the future I'm sure!

1. DC, Atrocity, Panic Smoke, and Spd/Res Solo is probably his most optimal non-Galeforce build.

2. He's a busted unit so you should keep at least one copy of him~

3. Anima or Dark on your AR Def team (build an IP team if you don't have one already).

Bonus: Arena Assault. I wouldn't waste AR Blessings on units that you will never use in the mode~

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4 hours ago, Sil/phire said:

How often do units or banners roll around again? I would like to try for a Sacred and Fallen Julia, and I would like a shot at some of the Tokyo Mirage units.

If Sacred Julia is the blue tome one, she will next be available on the Legendary/Mythic banner at the end of January. The other units I’m not sure of, they will probably be rerun some time in the next few months.

4 hours ago, Sil/phire said:

Another question, what are differences between the blessings you can give to your units? I noticed that the Eir, Ike, and Fjorn units you get from the story have this big emblems on their pictures but are the fire, wind, water, etc. blessings I get give the same benefits as those?

Those units are Legendary/Mythic. If you give a unit a water blessing and deploy them with a water Legendary like Fjorm, they will gain a stat boost and other benefits depending on the mode. Xenomata covers the details well.

3 hours ago, Silver Lightning said:

2. While summoning for said L!Dimitri, I summoned a boatload of Fallen Corrins. I don't really need another blue dragon, i already have an invested refined female corrin, but i hear he's also really good. Should I merge him all up or just hang onto the fodder?

He’s good fodder. Any fast PP unit would like Atk/Spd Solo. For an infantry unit that already has Atk/Spd Solo 3, you can give them both Atk/Spd Solo 4 and Null Followup 3.

3 hours ago, Silver Lightning said:

3. I got the forma summer micaiah with some nice premium skills, but I cant decide what to bless her and where I want to use her.

Do you have Yune? If so, give her a Dark blessing.

3 hours ago, Silver Lightning said:

Bonus question: are the original blessings good for anything nowadays outside of arena cores or should i just replace them all with mythic blessings?


I would only replace an element blessing with a mythic blessing if you want to use that unit in Aether Raids.

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16 hours ago, Landmaster said:

1. DC, Atrocity, Panic Smoke, and Spd/Res Solo is probably his most optimal non-Galeforce build.

2. He's a busted unit so you should keep at least one copy of him~

3. Anima or Dark on your AR Def team (build an IP team if you don't have one already).

Bonus: Arena Assault. I wouldn't waste AR Blessings on units that you will never use in the mode~

Unfortunately I don't have a spare panic smoke fodder and I'm unwilling to give up my only thrasir and f!julia. I do have a spare Lif lying around if he would benefit from dc/time's pulse, otherwise i guess I'll just give him my last Hrid. Would JDA be better? I just got another Lilith as a pity breaker the other day.

Yep, I definitely try to keep a copy of every unique hero I get. Good to know!

I actually haven't gotten around to making one, so I guess I'll try. I've been sitting on grails now for an eternity waiting for a worthy grail project so I have over 5000 to play with.

12 hours ago, Baldrick said:

He’s good fodder. Any fast PP unit would like Atk/Spd Solo. For an infantry unit that already has Atk/Spd Solo 3, you can give them both Atk/Spd Solo 4 and Null Followup 3.

Do you have Yune? If so, give her a Dark blessing.


I would only replace an element blessing with a mythic blessing if you want to use that unit in Aether Raids.

Nice! Good to know I have a valuable stack. Last time I had something that lucrative was when I ended up pulling 7 Amelias with armored march on some early Legendary banner long ago lol.

I do have Yune, does she work better with her in particular? Might just make a new dark IP team with her.

Welp, I guess I'll just slap them onto older units for sp bonuses. I wish there was a new mode to make them relevant again.

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On 11/10/2020 at 1:48 PM, Silver Lightning said:

1. I just spent like 500 orbs trying to get as many L!Dimitris as possible and got him to +2 (its gonna be a long road to 10 >_<). I played around with his base kit and its fun, but i do want to give him all the premium fodder he wants since i will be trying to max him. I know the obvious path is to make him an enemy phase tank, but im already building a B!Dimitri as one (got him to +6 during his debut) so I want to make him more player phase or at least mixed phase. I also heard galeforcing would be good for him but I have a totally superficial issue with galeforce units in not being able to see their special arts when it activates. I know its a stupid thing to get hung up on, but if I can avoid making a galeforce build, I try. So is there any good build for him that doesn't lead me to make a copy of my B!Dimitri or force me to make him a galeforcer, or should I suck it up and pick one?

For player phase, there are several broad categories of nukes. Raw damage nukes are your traditional nukes where their main focus is on dealing as much damage as possible. Galeforcers are another type of nukes, and their primary function is to give your team more actions per turn. Firesweepers are the last type of nuke, and they are more niche and specialized than other nukes as their primary function is to deal with problematic enemies that the other two types of nukes cannot handle.

In my opinion, ranged nukes are almost always better than melee nukes. Ranged units' extra reach makes a huge difference in making game play easier, so they make better raw damage nukes and Firesweepers. The one thing that ranged nukes in general cannot do is Galeforce, and that is where melee nukes come in to fill in that niche.

You can turn SK!Dimitri into regular raw damage nuke, but I would not recommend it since ranged units generally just do that role so much better in my opinion. If you are on a budget, you can run the following standard player phase build for raw damage output, with skills in red being budget options.


Ruptured Sky — Moonbow
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd) — FuryLife and DeathBrazen Atk/Spd
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd)

The following is a variation on standard player phase that also focuses on damage output, but with a Brave Weapon:


Ninja Yari — Brave Lance
Fury — Life and Death — Brazen Atk/Spd
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd)

If you have more resources to spare, you can run the following Blazing nuke build. Blazing nukes are some of the hardest hitting nukes.


Blazing Wind — Growing Wind — Blazing Light
Life and Death
Special Spiral
(Any C)
Hardy Bearing — Attack +3 — Heavy Blade

I personally recommend going with player phase Galeforce since only melee units can do this role:


(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd) — Flashing Blade
(Any C)
Flashing Blade — (Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd)

This is a variation on player phase Galeforce:


Ninja Yari
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd) — Flashing Blade
(Any B) — Desperation — Windsweep — Watersweep — Atrocity — (Any Lull Spd/Stat) — Dull Close — Close Call — Wings of Mercy 
Time's Pulse
Flashing Blade — (Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd)

Dual phase:


Atk/Spd Solo — Spd/Res Solo
Atrocity — Spurn — Null Follow-Up
(Any C) — Panic Smoke — Spd Smoke — Pulse Smoke — Rouse Atk/Spd — Rouse Spd/Res
Atk/Spd Solo (not released yet) — Spd/Res Solo 

Dual phase Galeforce:


Atk/Spd Solo — Spd/Res Solo — Flashing Blade
Atrocity — Spurn — Null Follow-Up
(Any C) — Panic Smoke — Spd Smoke — Pulse Smoke — Rouse Atk/Spd — Rouse Spd/Res
Flashing Blade — Atk/Spd Solo (not released yet) — Spd/Res Solo 

— — — — — — —

On 11/10/2020 at 1:48 PM, Silver Lightning said:

2. While summoning for said L!Dimitri, I summoned a boatload of Fallen Corrins. I don't really need another blue dragon, i already have an invested refined female corrin, but i hear he's also really good. Should I merge him all up or just hang onto the fodder?

I would keep at least one copy, and depending on the Trait of the unit, you may want to merge.

If you have [+Atk/Spd, -HP], I would not bother merging if you want to use him primarily as a player phase unit, since the drop in HP is beneficial for entering Desperation and Wings of Mercy range. [+Atk/Spd, -Def/Res] does not need merging either in my opinion, but you can if you want to fix the Flaw and use him as dual phase unit. For any other Trait combination, I would merge.

As for who to give his skills to, I would save Atk/Spd Solo for staff units and dual phase units. Since staff units do not have good access to most offensive A skills, Atk/Spd Solo should be reserved for them, since regular player phase units can pick a myriad of other A skills. Solos also have minor positioning requirements, so it is not ideal for regular player phase units. Besides staff units, Solos are also ideal for dual phase units since Solos are active on both phases, do not reduce bulk, and have no HP requirements.

Null Follow-Up should be saved for super tanks. Super tanks are primarily used in Aether Raids.

On 11/10/2020 at 1:48 PM, Silver Lightning said:

3. I got the forma summer micaiah with some nice premium skills, but I cant decide what to bless her and where I want to use her.

She has ruptured sky, sturdy impact, lull atk/res, and time's pulse, along with her standard weapon and dance. 

I use B!Lysithea as red magic nuke and peony as my dancer in light season, and i already use Kiria and Plumeria as red mages and dancer in Astra. I don't think she would be as useful in defense teams as shes more player phase (am I wrong?), so where should I use her?

She is pretty good on defense against offense teams using Counter-Vantage strategies. Whether you should give her Dark or Anima Blessing depends on how often you see offense teams using Counter-Vantage against you.

If you do not see Counter-Vantage being used against you often, then I recommend giving her Light or Astra Blessing. It is always a good idea to have a diverse selection of units available for use in Aether Raids offense. She primarily functions as Dancer/Singer, but if the need arise, she can also function as a soft check against bulky enemy armor units and enemy Counter-Vantage units.

On 11/10/2020 at 1:48 PM, Silver Lightning said:

Bonus question: are the original blessings good for anything nowadays outside of arena cores or should i just replace them all with mythic blessings? I'm sitting on so many of them, and lately I've only been blessing every new unit I get for aether raids; im annoyed that some of my older units don't seem to score much for anything there with an old blessing, even when they are a bonus unit.

I'll have more questions in the future I'm sure!

They are still good for Arena, Arena Assault, and Allegiance Battles.

For Arena and Allegiance Battles, if you want to be really competitive, you will eventually want to run three or four Arena teams outfitted with full Blessings to help improve your score.

For Arena Assault, Mythic Blessings are better, but I think it is still a good idea to use Legendary Blessings whenever possible. For example, if there are units that you do not use often or are not particularly powerful, rather than wasting a Mythic Blessing on them, it is better to give them a Legendary Blessing instead. I do not use armor units very much and most of them suck, so I give most of them Legendary Blessings instead of wasting Mythic Blessings on them.

7 hours ago, Silver Lightning said:

Unfortunately I don't have a spare panic smoke fodder and I'm unwilling to give up my only thrasir and f!julia. I do have a spare Lif lying around if he would benefit from dc/time's pulse, otherwise i guess I'll just give him my last Hrid. Would JDA be better? I just got another Lilith as a pity breaker the other day.

You do not have to give him Panic Smoke right now, but I do recommend start saving and budgeting your Orbs for particular skills. When we recommend skill sets on here, I do not think any of us expect others to immediately outfit their units with the builds we recommend (unless it is something cheap), since not every player is a whale who can afford everything at once. When I build my high investment units, it usually takes me a while to accumulate everything I need, so I often fill an empty slot temporarily with something cheap.

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A completely random Shinon decided to appear today, his IVs are +HP and -Def and I don’t have any idea what to do with him.

His fodder could be useful for my Brunnya who is currently my merge project. I’ve heard lull atk/spd is good on her. Or perhaps I could take Deadeye for one of my archers. On the other side, Shinon seems to be a good unit who could be fun to use. 


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1 hour ago, Karuu30 said:

A completely random Shinon decided to appear today, his IVs are +HP and -Def and I don’t have any idea what to do with him.

His fodder could be useful for my Brunnya who is currently my merge project. I’ve heard lull atk/spd is good on her. Or perhaps I could take Deadeye for one of my archers. On the other side, Shinon seems to be a good unit who could be fun to use. 


I recommend turning him into a Combat Manual, but I would not fodder him for skills just yet.

While Lull Atk/Spd is great for super tanks, I would not fodder Shinon for it since he also comes with Time's Pulse and Deadeye. In my opinion, it is better to save Orbs for Julian, Perceval, and Sirius if you are specifically looking for Lull Atk/Spd, as their other skills are in less demand.

For Deadeye, I recommend saving it for a future infantry archer and give them Time's Pulse as well. I would not give Deadeye to any existing archer right now as none of them can reliably take down BH!Ike and SK!Dimitri. To reliably take down those two, that future infantry archer's Weapon needs to have some kind of Blade tome effect to reach extremely high Atk so they can one shot BH!Ike and SK!Dimitri, or at least leave them at very low HP for other units to finish those two bulky units off.

Edited by XRay
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