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56 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

well I think I got to wait for his Spd+ copy. U said that after a merge, will get rid of Bane , right ? If I have a Eliwood with Spd+ Res- lv 40 with 33 Spd & 29 Res. After merge, his bane in res fly away & his res become neutral stat .  So he now have 33spd & 32 res. Stat base on wiki :


Low 35 28 26 20 29
Middle 39 31 30 23 32
High 42 34 33 26 35


Also is there a dancer that can heal as well ? Atk ... Push skill make my main damage dealers lose their health real fast

Yes, his Res bane goes away and so he'll have 32 res. But the merge will also give him +1 each in his top two level 1 stats:

The top two stats for a +Spd Eliwood are HP and Spd, as highlighted:



Therefore he also gains +1 HP and +1 Spd. A level 40 5-star +Spd Eliwood will therefore have 40/31/34/23/34. With the second merge, he gains +1 each to his next best stats, so +1 Atk and +1 Res. The third merge gives him +Def and +HP, and the cycle continues like that.

Reyson is a dancer who passively heals adjacent units a bit.


P.S. Merges are added together so if you have a +1 +Atk Eliwood now, when you get an unmerged +Spd Eliwood later and merge the Atk copy into the Spd one, he will up at +2 merges. This is good because as mentioned above, +2 gives you an extra point in Atk. The +3 merge is a bit useless as it's only HP and Def.

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25 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

P.S. Merges are added together so if you have a +1 +Atk Eliwood now, when you get an unmerged +Spd Eliwood later and merge the Atk copy into the Spd one, he will up at +2 merges. This is good because as mentioned above, +2 gives you an extra point in Atk. The +3 merge is a bit useless as it's only HP and Def.

Xray : it only count as 1 merge

wait who is right ?


29 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Reyson is a dancer who passively heals adjacent units a bit.

I use Leif ( cavalry archer ), he has Atk/res push skill. normal maps are ok to him. He can take care all of them. But in special map , enemy reinforcements keep coming turn to turn. Make his hP lose real fast

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Also The enemies are harder time to time. Brave Dimitri(Dimitri, Brave Camilla, Peony, Reginn) team can't handle them anymore. I would like to ask everyone about new  other team combinations. So I can handle many types of enemies for awhile until complete 1nuke-3dancers team.Because my barrack has change abit since I summoned some new charaters. Please let me let show you which heroes I current have , so it will be easier to help me : Edit : I got Valentine hentiette too



 I use Leif ( cavalry archer ), he has Atk/res push skill. normal maps are ok to him. He can take care all of them. But in special map , enemy reinforcements keep coming turn to turn. Make his hP lose real fast

Also The enemies are harder time to time. Brave Dimitri(Dimitri, Brave Camilla, Peony, Reginn) team can't handle them anymore. I would like to ask everyone about new  other team combinations. So I can handle many types of enemies for awhile until complete 1nuke-3dancers team.Because my barrack has change abit since I summoned some new charaters. Please let me let show you which heroes I current have , so it will be easier to help me :



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16 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

wait who is right ?


I use Leif ( cavalry archer ), he has Atk/res push skill. normal maps are ok to him. He can take care all of them. But in special map , enemy reinforcements keep coming turn to turn. Make his hP lose real fast

I think Xray misunderstood your question. This can be easily shown using the preview feature - on the left is an unmerged Gwendolyn, on the right a +9. Result, +10.


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29 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

I use Leif ( cavalry archer ), he has Atk/res push skill. normal maps are ok to him. He can take care all of them. But in special map , enemy reinforcements keep coming turn to turn. Make his hP lose real fast

Do not use Atk/Res Push. Use Death Blow.

12 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

Also The enemies are harder time to time. Brave Dimitri(Dimitri, Brave Camilla, Peony, Reginn) team can't handle them anymore. I would like to ask everyone about new  other team combinations. So I can handle many types of enemies for awhile until complete 1nuke-3dancers team.Because my barrack has change abit since I summoned some new charaters. Please let me let show you which heroes I current have , so it will be easier to help me :

14 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

I use Leif ( cavalry archer ), he has Atk/res push skill. normal maps are ok to him. He can take care all of them. But in special map , enemy reinforcements keep coming turn to turn. Make his hP lose real fast

Which maps are you having trouble with? If you do not tell us specifically which map or mode is giving you trouble, it is hard to come up with suggestions.

Sometimes maps have special victory conditions and you will want a more tailored team to deal with it.

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@XRay all abyssal maps . they're too strong. Even Dimitri can't win, But I will deal with them later when those special maps come back.

So now for orbs, Infernal Mila I still can't beat that maps. I watched online but they don't use same units like I have.

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11 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

@Humanoid I got gwendolyn too, what asset you choose for her ?

I don't actually use her, it's just as an example. She's +9 because a couple of years ago there were no such things as Combat Manuals so I had nothing else to do with my spare 4-star copies other than to merge them together.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Do not use Atk/Res Push. Use Death Blow.

Which maps are you having trouble with? If you do not tell us specifically which map or mode is giving you trouble, it is hard to come up with suggestions.

Sometimes maps have special victory conditions and you will want a more tailored team to deal with it.

Atk/Res Push is fine for most purposes. Abyssal maps are too long for it to keep working, though. For those, I recommend Fury + Escape Route, plus a Brazen seal.

5 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

@Humanoid I see. I just wondering are you guys upgrade Reginn ? like give her new skills etcv...v... Im not sure she would appear in banner to summon for merge

I gave mine Reposition, her skill set is fine other than her lack of assist.

As always, I recommend against summoning specifically for merges. That said, Reginn is part of the usual legendary/mythic rotation. Her next appearance is scheduled for the mythic banner at the end of March: 


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Same, just reposition. I have no real incentive to invest in her since I have both Eliwood and Ares at +10. Plus as powerful as Canto is, I keep forgetting it's active and get annoyed at it blocking other unit selection. Good for following guides and as the obligatory 6th slot in AR of course.

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10 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Same, just reposition. I have no real incentive to invest in her since I have both Eliwood and Ares at +10. Plus as powerful as Canto is, I keep forgetting it's active and get annoyed at it blocking other unit selection. Good for following guides and as the obligatory 6th slot in AR of course.

Speaking of guides, that reminds me - as @XRay has said, guides may require a neutral Reginn with no merges (or dragonflowers), so merging your free neutral Reginn can lock you out of being able to fully follow them.

Just now, Hasechi said:

wow. Someone really upgrade Anna


Lots of people upgrade the Askr trio. They aren't particularly powerful, but they're the most common Arena bonus units, so building them up is an easy way to always have a bonus unit on hand.

Personally, I've upgraded a copy of almost every low-rarity unit to 5*. Takes a while, but options are nice to have.

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I've had a 5-star Sharena since 2017 (promoted her since I had no 5-star lance infantry at the time, then obviously Ephraim turned up the following week) but never got around to the other two. But not doing Anna in particular has made certain quests harder than they need to be - regular Alfonse gets by with a plain Brave Sword. At this stage it's more of a in-joke that I'll never do it than actual smart allocation of resources.

That said, I'm still considering my options on who to +10 alongside Valentine's Titania this week. Going to do three +10s in one go, of which up to two can be Grail units. Shortlist is Reinhardt, L'Arachel (depending on refine), Naesala, Cordelia, Petrine, Mininerva, Ashnard, Gordin, Nanna, Mordecai and Plegian Kris (added just in time). Didn't end up getting enough copies of Rath to make him possible.

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thank @Othin @Humanoid 

36 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Reinhardt, L'Arachel (depending on refine), Naesala, Cordelia, Petrine, Mininerva, Ashnard, Gordin, Nanna, Mordecai

What asset you choose for those charaters. I have those charater too

it look like SP don't transfer well when merging

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Reinhardt - 100% Atk
L'Arachel - probably Spd unless the refine next week makes it otherwise.
Naesala - Grail unit, so neutral.
Cordelia - Depends on build, probably going Atk personally because I can see her struggling to double these days with stat inflation.
Petrine - Grail unit
Mininerva - Grail unit
Ashnard - Grail unit
Gordin - 100% Atk
Nanna - Probably Spd
Mordecai - Either Atk or Def, undecided. He's a support unit anyway so not a huge decision.

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@Othin like I said in older comments that I have 8 copies of Eliwood.So I think upgrade then merge him. After inherit to him some recommend skills . Is it worth resources to do that? I want to ask you cause you once said some units have to be huge invested in or end up below Reginn.

thank @Humanoid Also are you keeping all their copy in barracks ? 

Do you guys use Eliwood, what do you build him ?

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8 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

@Othin like I said in older comments that I have 8 copies of Eliwood.So I think upgrade then merge him. After inherit to him some recommend skills . Is it worth resources to do that? I want to ask you cause you once said some units have to be huge invested in or end up below Reginn.

thank @Humanoid Also are you keeping all their copy in barracks ? 

I've been playing long enough that I have 15-30 combat manuals of the listed non-grail units.

As for merging Eliwood, as a new player I would focus more on getting more variety of units before trying to +10 anyone. Going for +1 makes sense though, because the bane-erasing thing means the first merge gives you 5 stat points. But every merge after that is only 2 stat points, which is not a lot for 20k feathers for new players. Once you have 30 good units (because Arena Assault requires 28 units) then maybe +10 merging starts to make sense.

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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

I've had a 5-star Sharena since 2017 (promoted her since I had no 5-star lance infantry at the time, then obviously Ephraim turned up the following week) but never got around to the other two. But not doing Anna in particular has made certain quests harder than they need to be - regular Alfonse gets by with a plain Brave Sword. At this stage it's more of a in-joke that I'll never do it than actual smart allocation of resources.

That said, I'm still considering my options on who to +10 alongside Valentine's Titania this week. Going to do three +10s in one go, of which up to two can be Grail units. Shortlist is Reinhardt, L'Arachel (depending on refine), Naesala, Cordelia, Petrine, Mininerva, Ashnard, Gordin, Nanna, Mordecai and Plegian Kris (added just in time). Didn't end up getting enough copies of Rath to make him possible.

Sharena was my first 5* upgrade, personally. I think Anna was second, and Alfonse not much later.

34 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

thank @Othin @Humanoid 

What asset you choose for those charaters. I have those charater too

it look like SP don't transfer well when merging

SP doesn't transfer at all when merging. Any unused SP on the sacrificed unit just goes away, the SP the base unit gains is independent of that. So it's worth using as much as you can, since the skills learned will transfer.

3 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

I've been playing long enough that I have 15-30 combat manuals of the listed non-grail units.

As for merging Eliwood, as a new player I would focus more on getting more variety of units before trying to +10 anyone. Going for +1 makes sense though, because the bane-erasing thing means the first merge gives you 5 stat points. But every merge after that is only 2 stat points, which is not a lot for 20k feathers for new players. Once you have 30 good units (because Arena Assault requires 28 units) then maybe +10 merging starts to make sense.

Agreed. Even a +10 Eliwood has to compete with Reginn and her way better skill set. Not something to prioritize for now.

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2 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

@Humanoid @Othin wait ? merge cost feathers, anything ? I thought merging doesn't cost anything to do that

Promoting to 5-star costs 20,000 feathers. To get a 5-star +10 unit you would need 11 promoted copies of that unit, so 220,000 feathers. Add even more if some of them were 3-star originally. That's about 3 months worth of feathers.

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39 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Promoting to 5-star costs 20,000 feathers. To get a 5-star +10 unit you would need 11 promoted copies of that unit, so 220,000 feathers. Add even more if some of them were 3-star originally. That's about 3 months worth of feathers.

Also Eliwood really wants Galeforce, which costs another 20k feathers to upgrade a Cordelia. And refined Blazing Durandal, which costs 350 Divine Dew. (150 to get Blazing Durandal, then 200 to get its special refine.)

12 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

I think I should not prioritize for eliwood right now. thanks

Yeah, seems like a good call. Between Reginn and Eirika, you should have all the red cavalry nukes you need for now.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

Even a +10 Eliwood has to compete with Reginn and her way better skill set. Not something to prioritize for now.

I really don't understand why the game is so imbalance like that . wow. 

Like my favourite is tanya (archer) I really like her look. But noway she can conpare to Alm ( archer )

Well I just got the answer, make people spent orbs to summon stronger units to compare to others

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4 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

I really don't understand why the game is so imbalance like that . wow. 

Eliwood was released 4 years ago and was available as a 3-star summon from day 1. Reginn was released 3 months ago, and is a 5-star-exclusive Mythic Hero. It's only natural that Reginn is leagues stronger than Eliwood.

Same deal with Tanya. She was the 4-star demote of her banner. Alm is a Legendary Hero.

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