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Got an extra ninja lyn, and am torn between who should recieve that SS / rein fodder. I have no interest in keeping her, since I honestly don't even like using seasonals in general. And i'm not a big fan of Lyn in general.

So the 2 I had in mind were Seteth and original Minerva. Both of which I have decently merged up. (Seteth at +7, Minerva at +4). Seteth is definitely a stronger unit with his pref weapon, but I already gave him a valentia Catria for fodder awhile ago. Running the bond 4 / aerobatics setup from her. So he already has a good build going. And both are big favorites of mine as well.

Edited by Faellin
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3 hours ago, Faellin said:

Got an extra ninja lyn, and am torn between who should recieve that SS / rein fodder. I have no interest in keeping her, since I honestly don't even like using seasonals in general. And i'm not a big fan of Lyn in general.

So the 2 I had in mind were Seteth and original Minerva. Both of which I have decently merged up. (Seteth at +7, Minerva at +4). Seteth is definitely a stronger unit with his pref weapon, but I already gave him a valentia Catria for fodder awhile ago. Running the bond 4 / aerobatics setup from her. So he already has a good build going. And both are big favorites of mine as well.

Personally, I am not a fan of Bonds (and Seteth's Weapon) as it is too restrictive for use on player phase units, and it generally does not end well for enemy phase unit's allies who help activate Bonds since they can get sniped. It is fine for low difficulty modes, but I would not use it in Aether Raids and Abyssal where it is a hassle to use, and Aether Raids in particular is unforgiving of mistakes.

If you really want to use Seteth as a dual phase unit with Spear of Assal, I would give him Catch instead since there are no positioning requirements, so in the off chance he is separated from his allies, he can still get stat buffs to do something. Unity is also an option if you want to double down on his horrible positioning requirements, but it means that he needs his allies to be babysitting him nearby all the time.

As for ITM!Lyn fodder, normally both candidates are fine in my opinion, but if you plan to glue Spear of Assal onto Seteth, then I would prioritize those skills for Minerva instead (assuming she is a player phase unit), since player phase units really need that positioning flexibility to work well. If you plan to have both be dual phase units, then I do not recommend foddering those skills for them, and I would save those skills for someone else. For dual phase fliers in general, I would stick with Solos and Catches on A; Flights, Dulls, Traces, and maybe Guard on B; and Reins and Pulse Smoke on C (and Atk Smoke for budget option).

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The golden week free summons were underwhelming except for one thing: a spare copy of CYL Claude. Convince me to not give Fury 4 and Atk/Spd Rein 3 to Clair. She is +Atk, +10 merged, +10 Dragonflowers, has had my Summoner Support for a long time, runs Galeforce, and ties with Eliwood for my most used or useful +10 units followed by Echidna, Brunnya, and maybe Marisa in the future. Fury 4 would definitely help for Pegasus Flight whenever I can get a spare copy of Fiora or whoever if it ever shows up on another flier. Otherwise, I may stick with Darting Blow 3 for the extra 2 speed over 4 attack, defense, and resistance. Atk/Spd Rein would help for passing speed checks for Rhomphaia's Flashing Blade 3.

The things making me hesitate is her and future units. Like Caeda, she is a low base neutral attack unit, and while Caeda has a resplendent form for those who do pay for FEH Pass, Wing Sword and Rhomphaia are not Blazing Durandal. They're not even Scarlet Sword or Shamshir much less things like Arden's Blade, Ayra's Blade, Divine Tyrfing, or Sneering Axe. Dual effective damage patched up their low attack and Flashing Blade makes them unique since fliers cannot inherit it, but that's it. There's no extra speed, follow-up prevention, guaranteed follow-up, special charge manipulation neutralization, or anything else like that. Caeda and Clair are at the mercy of their stats, especially against fliers and infantry, armors or cavalry with neutralize effective damage effects, and anyone with a Guard effect. Had they had Darting Blow 3 or even 2, that would have still helped by giving them extra speed when initiating. Anyway, I digress.

The main thing is that there is a thought in the back of my head that is telling me to hold onto that manual of CYL Claude instead of giving it to Clair. At the same time, she is definitely feeling the stat gap and effects of newer and newer units.

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3 hours ago, Kaden said:

Convince me to not give Fury 4 and Atk/Spd Rein 3 to Clair.

If you're going to give Clair premium skills, she'd rather like a skill that gives her more Atk and Spd. Clair's Atk is very low, so she needs all the help she can get, and because her Asset will be in Atk instead of Spd, she'll lag behind units with similar base Spd stats due to the lack of an Asset. Additionally, the fact that Rhomphaia has effective damage makes each point of Atk worth more than usual.

Ideally, you'd want Swift Sparrow, Atk/Spd Solo, or Atk/Spd Ideal. Fury is only really useful if you're using Pegasus Flight, but I'd argue that the Spd comparison on Pegasus Flight is so lenient that the additional points of visible Spd from Fury is not a necessity.

On the C slot, you'd ideally want Spd/Def Rein instead of Atk/Spd Rein.


48 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

I dont have much orbs for +10 Brave Ike. I have Flayn so ... how about I'll go for Brave hector? Is Bector good as Ike? 

They are both good units, but aren't used for the same role.

Ike is an all-round tank that is extremely bulky against everything that doesn't nullify percentage damage reduction, but requires a lot of support. Hector is a primarily physical tank with dual-phase presence and is less dependent on team support, but can still survive a stray magic attack as long as the magic user can't bypass his follow-up prevention.

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3 hours ago, Hasechi said:

sound like brave ike so much better


You need to consider, however, that unlike Bector, people actively build counters to units like Brave Ike, and that includes the devs. Look at Valentine Lif, who ignores half of all non-special damage reduction, as well as the Deadeye skill and Young Innes.

And as stated, Bike needs support. The best Bikes are being supported by Brave Lucina and Flayn, have high Spd investment, their special refine, and Spurn. The best Brave Hectors have their refine and maybe Special Fighter instead of Bold Fighter, maybe Armor March to get them into place.

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8 hours ago, Kaden said:

The golden week free summons were underwhelming except for one thing: a spare copy of CYL Claude. Convince me to not give Fury 4 and Atk/Spd Rein 3 to Clair. She is +Atk, +10 merged, +10 Dragonflowers, has had my Summoner Support for a long time, runs Galeforce, and ties with Eliwood for my most used or useful +10 units followed by Echidna, Brunnya, and maybe Marisa in the future. Fury 4 would definitely help for Pegasus Flight whenever I can get a spare copy of Fiora or whoever if it ever shows up on another flier. Otherwise, I may stick with Darting Blow 3 for the extra 2 speed over 4 attack, defense, and resistance. Atk/Spd Rein would help for passing speed checks for Rhomphaia's Flashing Blade 3.

Fury is better on player phase units, and Atk/Spd Rein is for Galeforcers without access to Flashing Blade. Pegasus Flight is a dual phase skill and it is a hassle to keep the flier topped up if you are running Fury. While you can give Clair Atk/Spd Rein for better bulk, since Fury and Atk/Spd Rein are bundled together, I rather prioritize the fodder for a player phase Galeforcer like Jill or Fir: Student of Spring.

Clair is fine if you only use her as a counter pick option rather than a generalist Galeforcer. But yeah, having more stats definitely helps and it would let her move beyond just being an anti-armor Galeforcer.

Trace is also a thing now, and AS Near Trace (whenever it gets released) is better than Flights in my opinion since there are no stat checks involved.

5 hours ago, Hasechi said:

I dont have much orbs for +10 Brave Ike. I have Flayn so ... how about I'll go for Brave hector? Is Bector good as Ike? 

You do not need to merge Ike: Brave Mercenary to +10. +5 to +7 is good enough to stay in Vault of Heaven with some effort, and +1 is more than sufficient for bouncing in and out of Vault of Heaven. If you plan to use Ike: Brave Mercenary, I also recommend giving him Null Follow-Up so you have the option of switching his B skill depending on how often you see certain units for a particular week.

For Hector: Brave Warrior, as @Xenomata said, he is a bit different from Ike: Brave Mercenary. You can use him as a regular super tank, but his movement is abysmal, so he is better as Save Tank in my opinion since that is role that he can use to differentiate himself.

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"Look at Valentine Lif, who ignores half of all non-special damage reduction, as well as the Deadeye skill and Young Innes." that sounds scary. I wonder if that is too risky to play enemiy phrase, Also there are something like "foe cannot counter attack" sound scary too.


2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

And as stated, Bike needs support. The best Bikes are being supported by Brave Lucina and Flayn, have high Spd investment, their special refine, and Spurn. The best Brave Hectors have their refine and maybe Special Fighter instead of Bold Fighter, maybe Armor March to get them into place.

I was prepared. I have a lot of fodder now with spurn,  Special Fighter, Bold Fighter, Far save, close save, Null Follow-Up, Brazen Atk/Spd 3,Special Fighter 3.v..v.. I have Flayn too, Corrin, and Brave Lucia in current banner, I would summon her too if she's necessary . Actually I really concern about Spurn on Ike. Im not hure his spd would enough higher than the enemy.


1 hour ago, XRay said:

You do not need to merge Ike: Brave Mercenary to +10. +5 to +7 is good enough to stay in Vault of Heaven with some effort, and +1 is more than sufficient for bouncing in and out of Vault of Heaven. If you plan to use Ike: Brave Mercenary, I also recommend giving him Null Follow-Up so you have the option of switching his B skill depending on how often you see certain units for a particular week.

For Hector: Brave Warrior, as @Xenomata said, he is a bit different from Ike: Brave Mercenary. You can use him as a regular super tank, but his movement is abysmal, so he is better as Save Tank in my opinion since that is role that he can use to differentiate himself.

I don't know what to say lol. Actually I don't know  which one to summon. Just look up +10 merge Fjorm equal to non merge child Innes

Also spent all free tickets and didn't get Brave hector, lucina, ike, edelgard xD. 

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30 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

Actually I really concern about Spurn on Ike. Im not hure his spd would enough higher than the enemy.

That's the reason why he absolutely needs support to function. You can stack an enormous amount of Spd by using Geirskogul, Drive-like skills, Summoner Support, Ally Support, merges, Dragonflowers, and Resplendent stat boosts, which can bring his in-combat Spd up into the 50's.

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26 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

Are you guys all in Vault of Heaven?? wow

I'm not. I don't care that much so I often don't even try to keep my units alive, only quitting if I can't destroy the enemy Aether structures before winning.

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4 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

If you run Bike, Blucina is a must have right? Do she need +10 merge too?

B!Lucina is not meant to enter combat with this strategy, so merges aren't relevant.

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1 hour ago, Hasechi said:

Are you guys all in Vault of Heaven?? wow

I am only in Vault of Heaven about 75% of the time. I can get in really easily, but staying there sometimes depend on luck and what kind of defense teams you face. If I face a lot of Líf: Undying Duos, then I am probably going to drop out of Vault of Heaven.

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2 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Who would most want Life and Death 4?

Any unit that needs out-of-combat Atk and/or Spd:

  1. Units running an AoE Special (Ophelia, Legendary Lilina, etc.)
  2. Units with an out-of-combat Atk or Spd comparison (Kagero, Legendary Julia, etc.)
  3. Units intended to draw Chill-type debuffs to themselves (Male Corrin, Fallen Ike, etc.)


12 minutes ago, Rinco said:

Does anyone knows if B Duel Flying 4 is in the skill pool for the current Hall of Forms?

I haven't seen it yet, but that's obviously not conclusive.

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2 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Who would most want Life and Death 4?

Any Blazing nuke with a Slaying Weapon.

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17 minutes ago, Naoshi said:

What does rating mean?


Rating is the units Stat Total.

Not Base Stat Total, stat total including Weapon and skills. For instance, my Legendary Julia has a Rating of 229, and that total includes her Atk asset, the 14 Might of Virtuous Naga, the +3 Atk bonus, and an Atk +3 Sacred Seal on top of her existing +10 merge bonus, +10 dragonflower uses, and S rank Summoner support.

You can actually see this in some other Fire Emblem games.

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for each mythic unit you get the bonus of that respective unit one time
however at a certain level you start to lose score (cause you have to skip the bonus unit /blessed units)
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