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"Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread


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38 minutes ago, Othin said:

Your defense team is pretty extreme. Do you have two-mythic teams for other situations?

Almost every time I lose, I lose to a defense team similar in concept to my own, basically involving a bunch of high mobility ranged nukes with overlapping coverage. The presence of Nött does not actually matter in many cases, and in some cases her presence actually makes it easier since she takes the place of Bramimond that can actually deal some damage to super tanks. What does matter though is the presence of Fatal Smoke and how many ranged nukes there are. If the defense team has Fatal Smoke and all their nukes are ranged, that puts a lot of pressure on Henriette: Overflowing Love and can cause her to fail, although she sometimes does survive with single digit HP. I imagine things would be similar if all the nukes are melee and putting a ton of pressure on Gustav: Majestic Love, but full melee teams are pretty easy to deal with using other offense teams.

My main team has Ike: Brave Mercenary, Lucina: Brave Princess, two Peonys, Dagr, and whatever bonus offensive Mythic. I try to use this team as much as possible since it scores the highest.

My Galeforce team has the three infantry from In the Moment Focus, Dagr, and two Peonys.

Fir: Student of Spring, Hinoka: Blue Sky Warrior, and Micaiah: Dawn Wind's Duo form the core of my corner buster team, and got Dagr and two Peonys.

I also got my old player phase team on the fifth slot, but it is just a placeholder since it is not properly Blessed, so I generally do not use it.

47 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

In that case, I think you might be better off running 2 Mythic Heroes and 2 ranged tanks, one with Far Save and one without. Going from 1 Mythic Hero to 2 Mythic Heroes increases your score by 20 plus the number of merges on the second Mythic Hero, but losing your first unit costs you only 10 points in the Vault of Heaven and no points otherwise if you have a Mythic bonus unit, assuming I remember the scoring rules correctly.

You can try putting the tank without Far Save in front and use the Far Save tank as a sacrifice to soak up damage for the other tank, though being able to actually cover with Flayn will depend on how much space the map gives you.

Running 2 Mythic Heroes also gives you at the minimum an additional +5 HP, and you can get an additional +5 Res if Dagr, Eir, or Ashera is a bonus unit.

While Nött hits like a wet noodle against most melee super tanks, she hits pretty hard against everyone else, so I am not sure if the non-Save ranged tank and Mythics can take her on. I guess I can try it out.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

While Nött hits like a wet noodle against most melee super tanks, she hits pretty hard against everyone else, so I am not sure if the non-Save ranged tank and Mythics can take her on. I guess I can try it out.

You'd still run a Near Save tank with it to cover the non-Save ranged tank on at least one of your team slots. The full team would consist of

  1. Near Save tank (replace with a second Flayn if you don't need it)
  2. Far Save tank
  3. Non-Save ranged or Distant Counter tank
  4. Flayn
  5. Mythic Hero
  6. Mythic Hero

A lot of the good Distant Counter tanks are green (Winter Fae, Winter Sothis, Brave Edelgard, etc.), so you should still be able to handle Nott moderately well without Gustav, and Near Save is typically only needed to block Lunge in this situation.


Also, as a complete side note because we're discussing Save skills, I was looking into better Far Save options than Henriette because Henriette has problems.

The biggest issue with Far Save units in general is simply the fact that there are too many units that have effective damage against them or some other form of damage boost. Unlike Gustav, who can shrug off effective damage with his hilariously high Def and his weapon's Atk penalty (-6 Atk is stronger than +6 Def/Res due to effective damage and the weapon triangle), ranged units are sorely lacking in defensive stats. The ranged armor with the highest Res (Henriette) has 6 less Res than the melee armor with the highest Def (Gustav), which is a huge discrepancy (and that's even before mentioning Henriette having 7 less HP than Gustav).

Dragons are vulnerable to Ruptured Sky, and Thrasir is still relatively common (and Sothis loses her immunity to dragon-effective damage if she offloads Distant Counter to her weapon). Beasts are vulnerable to Ruptured Sky and Windsweep. Red tomes in particular are vulnerable to Guinevere and vanilla Micaiah, who aren't very common, but will very much ruin your day if they appear, as well as being vulnerable to the much more common Ophelia, Reinhardt, and the increasingly popular FE8 Selena.

Brave Hector and Brave Edelgard get around most of these issues other than Windsweep, but both of them are forced to run a counterattack skill in their A slot instead of Distant Def 4, and Hector in particular has an issue with his low Res. Fallen Edelgard can probably still brute force her defenses by stacking stats as long as the opponent doesn't have Legendary Byleth, but getting her transformed to enable Distant Counter is not always feasible on the first turn.

Ignoring Fallen Edelgard for now, I'm currently leaning towards Picnic Faye as the leading contender with her build completely reworked from her default:

Picnic Faye [+Res]
Courtly Bow+ [Res]
[whatever Assist]
Iceberg / Sol
Distant Def 4
Crafty Fighter 3
A/R Far Save 3 (or D/R Far Save 3 when it gets released)
Distant Def 3

Courtly Bow is essentially just a weaker, inheritable version of Gustav's Loyalist Axe, giving a weaker stat boost (+5 Atk/Def compared to an effective +6 Atk/Def/Res) and having a smaller damage reduction on the opponent's first attack if they can double (50% instead of 75%).

Faye also has almost the exact same stat spread as Henriette. After accounting for Faye's 5 extra Dragonflowers, her stats are +2/+1/+6/+1/-1 relative to Henriette's (both of them also have a superboon in Res), though Courtly Bow does lose an additional 5 effective Res relative to Unity Blooms in exchange for the percentage damage reduction.

Faye's only real weaknesses (beyond those shared by most tanks in general) are Cecilia, Fallen Lyon, and Windsweep.

I really hope they give us a more optimized Far Save unit in the near future (saying this despite Faye already having quite good stats). A unit with Faye's stats and a bow or dagger version of Loyalist Axe would be nice (especially if it also has Nagi's damage reduction from AoE Specials).

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Two questions.

So I finally got my iPod issues resolved and rejoined the game. Decided I wanted some fodder from the rerun Banner and did the 40 Summons.

I pulled Catherine, Shamir, a second Fallen Celica, a second Brave Micaiah, base Ike, merges for Rhajat and Idunn(swapped +SPD for +RES, that was nice), and two Seteth.

I wasn’t expecting to actually pull any Focus units, so my plan was to grab either Catherine or Shamir for fodder purposes, but I forgot about Flayn.

Keeping in mind that I haven’t played since the Ninja Banner last year(though I did luck out and pick up Summer Freyja already), could I get some advice on what to use that freebie on? I’m currently on the fence between Shamir for her fodder(which was better than I remembered it being) and Flayn so I can rage about not being able to put her staff on Sakura I MEAN so I can use her as another standby healer.

Any advice on what to do with the other units mentioned above would also be appreciated. Seteth in particular looks useless on his face and doesn’t seem to have good fodder.

Second question, do we know any of the units for sure coming up in the next Mythic Banner? I haven’t been paying attention to FEH stuff and have missed the last few updates to the Legendary/Mythic calendar.

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57 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Two questions.

So I finally got my iPod issues resolved and rejoined the game. Decided I wanted some fodder from the rerun Banner and did the 40 Summons.

I pulled Catherine, Shamir, a second Fallen Celica, a second Brave Micaiah, base Ike, merges for Rhajat and Idunn(swapped +SPD for +RES, that was nice), and two Seteth.

I wasn’t expecting to actually pull any Focus units, so my plan was to grab either Catherine or Shamir for fodder purposes, but I forgot about Flayn.

Keeping in mind that I haven’t played since the Ninja Banner last year(though I did luck out and pick up Summer Freyja already), could I get some advice on what to use that freebie on? I’m currently on the fence between Shamir for her fodder(which was better than I remembered it being) and Flayn so I can rage about not being able to put her staff on Sakura I MEAN so I can use her as another standby healer.

Any advice on what to do with the other units mentioned above would also be appreciated. Seteth in particular looks useless on his face and doesn’t seem to have good fodder.

Second question, do we know any of the units for sure coming up in the next Mythic Banner? I haven’t been paying attention to FEH stuff and have missed the last few updates to the Legendary/Mythic calendar.

Like you said Shamir has really good fodder, but since you already got one and if you don't care to use her then get Flayn. I think getting Flayn regardless is good, drive damage reduction is great.

There's a Mythic Heroes thread somewhere around here. It should be on the first or second page of this sub-forum. One of the units of note is L!Sigurd who's breaking the game right now.

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3 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Second question, do we know any of the units for sure coming up in the next Mythic Banner? I haven’t been paying attention to FEH stuff and have missed the last few updates to the Legendary/Mythic calendar.


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So I'm building up a W!Nino forma and I've currently got Blarfox/Rally Atk/Def+/Glimmer/AS Ideal/Daring Fighter/AR Menace. I'm fishing for AS Menace and Ruptured Sky since i'm finished hall 25, and hopefully Flora Guide will pop up somewhere along the way, but I'm unsure if I should keep Daring Fighter if Special Fighter pops up along the way. I don't have any daring fighter units, so I've been unable to play around with it in practice, while Special Fighter is a pretty reliable option. I'm curious what people think of these two skills on a fast armour that could make use of either.

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1 hour ago, Ether said:

So I'm building up a W!Nino forma and I've currently got Blarfox/Rally Atk/Def+/Glimmer/AS Ideal/Daring Fighter/AR Menace. I'm fishing for AS Menace and Ruptured Sky since i'm finished hall 25, and hopefully Flora Guide will pop up somewhere along the way, but I'm unsure if I should keep Daring Fighter if Special Fighter pops up along the way. I don't have any daring fighter units, so I've been unable to play around with it in practice, while Special Fighter is a pretty reliable option. I'm curious what people think of these two skills on a fast armour that could make use of either.

There's a lot of follow-up negation in the game so being able to break through that is good. Nino isn't that bulky of an armor, so the Desperation should be good too. It's weird how they haven't released more units with Daring Fighter, but Special Fighter is more available.

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So two Ninja Lyn questions, mine is +Atk -HP. Right now I'm running her with her default kit plus A/D Far Trace, and she's been taking pretty good advantage of it, all things considered. But Disarm Trap... that'd let me put her wherever I want on a AR map without worrying about loss of turn, even if it means giving up an easy way to below 50% HP (for WoM play). So...

  • Would it be worth it to dip back into Normal 1 compiling menu to get Spring Palla (I've not done anything to the Mystery/Shadows path, so it'd cost me 4,000 Divine Code 2s to get to her) for Disarm Trap?
  • Since I'm not even using her with Desperation normally, and her defensive abilities are so blatantly bad that one hit from most units these days puts her at risk of death (yes even with Mythic bonuses and especially if Far Save is in the equation), should I forego the stance of not merging her and just merge her up? I could have her at +4 right now.
Edited by Xenomata
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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

So two Ninja Lyn questions, mine is +Atk -HP. Right now I'm running her with her default kit plus A/D Far Trace, and she's been taking pretty good advantage of it, all things considered. But Disarm Trap... that'd let me put her wherever I want on a AR map without worrying about loss of turn, even if it means giving up an easy way to below 50% HP (for WoM play). So...

  • Would it be worth it to dip back into Normal 1 compiling menu to get Spring Palla (I've not done anything to the Mystery/Shadows path, so it'd cost me 4,000 Divine Code 2s to get to her) for Disarm Trap?
  • Since I'm not even using her with Desperation normally, and her defensive abilities are so blatantly bad that one hit from most units these days puts her at risk of death (yes even with Mythic bonuses and especially if Far Save is in the equation), should I forego the stance of not merging her and just merge her up? I could have her at +4 right now.
  • In my entire time of being in AR for the last year, with a bit in VoH, I think I've maybe seen one person do a WoM attack, so the disarm trap idea sounds solid on paper, if you don't have an immediate merge project with the Divine Codes 2. Definitely seen a weird increase in disarm trap ninLyns on defense replays.
  • SS3 feels like rare enough fodder vs maybe +2 atk/spd that I'd personally lean towards not merging her, but it definitely depends on how serious a carry you want her to be, and to invest in.  Maybe a +1 one merge to negate the bane and increase survivability a touch?
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On 7/14/2021 at 2:42 PM, LoneStar said:

Like you said Shamir has really good fodder, but since you already got one and if you don't care to use her then get Flayn. I think getting Flayn regardless is good, drive damage reduction is great.

There's a Mythic Heroes thread somewhere around here. It should be on the first or second page of this sub-forum. One of the units of note is L!Sigurd who's breaking the game right now.

I mean I was mostly there for Catherine's Sparrow 3/Lull SPD-DEF so I think I'll just take Flayn, I forgot about that drive reduction and that'll be huge for clearing GHBs and BHBs.

Honestly I'm not that into game-breakers, I just want the Units that I think are cool or else have solid fodder I can sack for a Unit I'll actually use(I have so many 5S Units just sitting around anyways), so Sigurd's not that big a deal to miss.

21 hours ago, Naoshi said:


Ah, excellent, thank you. The new one is definitely not Anri which means I don't care who it is, and the rest of the reveals look meh so that's good, I can just freebie a Blue in hopes for Dimitri or Seiros then skip and save. Thanks!

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Question for y'all: I just got a +SPD/-RES Nailah (one of the last few characters I really really wanted to get, and an eventual +10 project). I'm  a 'occasionally gets into VoH' type of player that'd like to use her in AR.  What builds would y'all suggest?  open to high investment / "wacky/fun" builds for a niche.

Her base kit confuses me because she reads like a ... blue fallen lyon on first glance (staff/windsweep counter?), but her tankiness is ... not that great for the current meta.  (I really need a duolif counter, sob)

I remember reading a reddit user that landed in the top 100 AR players that used nailah as a carry, of all characters, for galeforce/Glare shenanigans... leaning towards something like that - wish I knew what other skills they used. ;a;

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2 hours ago, kradeelav said:

Question for y'all: I just got a +SPD/-RES Nailah (one of the last few characters I really really wanted to get, and an eventual +10 project). I'm  a 'occasionally gets into VoH' type of player that'd like to use her in AR.  What builds would y'all suggest?  open to high investment / "wacky/fun" builds for a niche.

Her base kit confuses me because she reads like a ... blue fallen lyon on first glance (staff/windsweep counter?), but her tankiness is ... not that great for the current meta.  (I really need a duolif counter, sob)

I remember reading a reddit user that landed in the top 100 AR players that used nailah as a carry, of all characters, for galeforce/Glare shenanigans... leaning towards something like that - wish I knew what other skills they used. ;a;

Her base kit is fine if you make the assumption that it was designed for any mode other than Aether Raids and ignore the fact that Null C-Disrupt is nearly useless except in Aether Raids.

She's been out for over 2 years now and was in the first batch of beast units, so her weapon is now extremely outdated, having only the infantry beast shared effect, the Slaying effect, and Atk/Spd Form 3 minus 1 point of Atk and Spd.

Beasts are, in general, somewhat difficult to use in Aether Raids due to the fact that you often can't always have them transformed on the first turn, though this is less of an issue for infantry and cavalry since they are less dependent on their transformation bonus. There is only 1 Mythic dragon each season (Mila on Light and Naga on Astra) and 1 Mythic beast (Freyja on Light and no one on Astra), which limits your team composition and your first-turn unit placement (especially if you need Mila in a specific position to block a dancer).

Enemy-phase Nailah wants to run Spurn for damage reduction and have teammates that can grant her Drive buffs (and preferably also Caduceus Staff) to make up for her lack of stats on her A skill and otherwise low bulk. While she does get stats from her weapon, it's less than the amount that modern weapons give, and getting 3 allies within 2 squares of her to get the full boost is completely dependent on the map layout. Glare is not particularly useful except on more open maps, where it can prevent a unit from attacking her, being danced, and going around her to attack another unit. I'd recommend replacing Glare with a Joint Drive, preferably Spd or Res.

Player-phase Nailah can run any typical player-phase build that doesn't require a Brave weapon. Give her any Atk/Spd A skill and Sacred Seal and either Desperation or Spurn. Glare is okay, but you can run Tempest skills or Time's Pulse if you need something more offensive.

Galeforce can be used due to the fact that she has the Slaying effect on her weapon, though she'll lose out on the Wo Dao effect and most of the bonus stats from her weapon due to the positioning requirements. If you have a means of shutting down dancers (while noting the fact that many defense teams now run 2 dancers), Close Call can be used with Glare to more easily get in and out. (Note that Glare activates before movement, so you can't use Repel to punch an opponent back and Gravity around the opponent's new position.)

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Her base kit is fine if you make the assumption that it was designed for any mode other than Aether Raids and ignore the fact that Null C-Disrupt is nearly useless except in Aether Raids.

She's been out for over 2 years now and was in the first batch of beast units, so her weapon is now extremely outdated, having only the infantry beast shared effect, the Slaying effect, and Atk/Spd Form 3 minus 1 point of Atk and Spd.

Beasts are, in general, somewhat difficult to use in Aether Raids due to the fact that you often can't always have them transformed on the first turn, though this is less of an issue for infantry and cavalry since they are less dependent on their transformation bonus. There is only 1 Mythic dragon each season (Mila on Light and Naga on Astra) and 1 Mythic beast (Freyja on Light and no one on Astra), which limits your team composition and your first-turn unit placement (especially if you need Mila in a specific position to block a dancer).

Enemy-phase Nailah wants to run Spurn for damage reduction and have teammates that can grant her Drive buffs (and preferably also Caduceus Staff) to make up for her lack of stats on her A skill and otherwise low bulk. While she does get stats from her weapon, it's less than the amount that modern weapons give, and getting 3 allies within 2 squares of her to get the full boost is completely dependent on the map layout. Glare is not particularly useful except on more open maps, where it can prevent a unit from attacking her, being danced, and going around her to attack another unit. I'd recommend replacing Glare with a Joint Drive, preferably Spd or Res.

Player-phase Nailah can run any typical player-phase build that doesn't require a Brave weapon. Give her any Atk/Spd A skill and Sacred Seal and either Desperation or Spurn. Glare is okay, but you can run Tempest skills or Time's Pulse if you need something more offensive.

Galeforce can be used due to the fact that she has the Slaying effect on her weapon, though she'll lose out on the Wo Dao effect and most of the bonus stats from her weapon due to the positioning requirements. If you have a means of shutting down dancers (while noting the fact that many defense teams now run 2 dancers), Close Call can be used with Glare to more easily get in and out. (Note that Glare activates before movement, so you can't use Repel to punch an opponent back and Gravity around the opponent's new position.)

Beasts can't use Spurn or Close Call.

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1 minute ago, Othin said:

Beasts can't use Spurn or Close Call.

I knew I made a mistake if someone responded to me that quickly.

In that case, just run her default Null C-Disrupt and 3 Flayns for enemy phase.

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It's a pity with her not being able to use Close Call, because the speed stacking kind of screams that between damage reduction and the hit and run style. (It's what I run my Zihark with which has been still amazing to this day.) 

I'm not really somebody that runs a lot of mythics, so with your mentions about positioning ... she may be a part of my 'all beast team defense squad' (involving p!Tibby, Reyson, galeforce Naesala.)  Might be some potential there.

Thanks for the responses!

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6 minutes ago, kradeelav said:

It's a pity with her not being able to use Close Call, because the speed stacking kind of screams that between damage reduction and the hit and run style. (It's what I run my Zihark with which has been still amazing to this day.) 

I'm not really somebody that runs a lot of mythics, so with your mentions about positioning ... she may be a part of my 'all beast team defense squad' (involving p!Tibby, Reyson, galeforce Naesala.)  Might be some potential there.

Thanks for the responses!

Bear in mind that fewer mythics means less opportunity to stack stats on her, especially for a tanking role.

Edited by Othin
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As long as he's not -def, I think he'd be okay with the skill as long as you don't mind losing the extra attack and resistance from his default A-skill. I'd consider giving fallen m!Morgan close counter if I had any extra to give.

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11 minutes ago, Faellin said:

How well does fallen male Morgan work with close counter? His bulk and auto followups make it look like he is a great choice for this skill.


His base Def is only 3 points behind the highest of all ranged units, and his base Res is only 4 points behind the highest of all ranged units. The only ranged units in the game with more combined bulk than Morgan are Henriette with +4 HP and +2 Res and Picnic Faye with +5 HP, but neither of them have access to a weapon that compares anywhere near Tome of Despair (Spendthrift Bow beats Tome of Despair in raw stat bulk by +2 HP and +1 effective Def/Res, but doesn't get all of the additional effects).

Personally, I'd actually go with Close Foil over Close Counter if you can get your hands on it since physical melee units are significantly more common than dragons, and the extra stats are really nice.

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On 7/15/2021 at 1:19 PM, kradeelav said:
  • In my entire time of being in AR for the last year, with a bit in VoH, I think I've maybe seen one person do a WoM attack, so the disarm trap idea sounds solid on paper, if you don't have an immediate merge project with the Divine Codes 2. Definitely seen a weird increase in disarm trap ninLyns on defense replays.
  • SS3 feels like rare enough fodder vs maybe +2 atk/spd that I'd personally lean towards not merging her, but it definitely depends on how serious a carry you want her to be, and to invest in.  Maybe a +1 one merge to negate the bane and increase survivability a touch?

The only merge project from Normal 2 I had was Caineghis, and he was gotten long ago, so I'm good there. Otherwise I was after Guin for her Lull Atk/Res, but it's not that big a deal if I don't get her sooner.

I don't actually consider Swift Sparrow 3 the worthier fodder option, at least compared to Spd/Def Rein. SS3 is more a bonus than anything, especially since SS2 is much easier to obtain (and I currently have 4 extra Flying Ninos to act as extra fodder for it).
Also on the note of being "a serious carry", my Astra team's offense is literally just her and Reginn, two dancers (Plumeria and NY!Peony), Altina for a little extra Atk and score (compared to using two Reginns anyway) and whoever for a bonus unit (this week being Naga). Two of them being dancers kinda makes them not usable in combat, Altina is very much underwhelming these days with the levels of bulk she'd need to punch through, the bonus unit is unpredictable in how much use they can provide, and Reginn is more of a one-time-nuke and obstacle cleaner than offensive carry, so... yeah, Ninja Lyn has a lot to shoulder every Astra week...

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On 7/15/2021 at 7:32 AM, Ether said:

So I'm building up a W!Nino forma and I've currently got Blarfox/Rally Atk/Def+/Glimmer/AS Ideal/Daring Fighter/AR Menace. I'm fishing for AS Menace and Ruptured Sky since i'm finished hall 25, and hopefully Flora Guide will pop up somewhere along the way, but I'm unsure if I should keep Daring Fighter if Special Fighter pops up along the way. I don't have any daring fighter units, so I've been unable to play around with it in practice, while Special Fighter is a pretty reliable option. I'm curious what people think of these two skills on a fast armour that could make use of either.

In my opinion, Daring Fighter got issues not because it is inherently a bad skill, but because Desperation armor nukes just does not have access to the kind mobility to make that play style friendly and inviting. Armored Stride got positioning issues that interferes with Dancers/Singers, and Armor March got positioning and team composition requirements. Without that mobility, I think the only way she is viable right now is if she is under the aegis of Save allies to protect her on enemy phase.

One-shot Blade mages, Blazing nukes, and Firesweepers can get around the mobility issue using Armor Boots since they can still operate at full HP, although they give up using Wings of Mercy.

For Nino: Flower of Frost, I would personally go with Special Spiral instead so she can spam Ruptured Sky. Daring Fighter is not bad either since it is so rare, so that would be my second option.

On 7/15/2021 at 11:19 AM, Xenomata said:

Would it be worth it to dip back into Normal 1 compiling menu to get Spring Palla (I've not done anything to the Mystery/Shadows path, so it'd cost me 4,000 Divine Code 2s to get to her) for Disarm Trap?

If you do not see yourself doing anything else with the new Divine Codes, you might as use it on Disarm Trap.

On 7/15/2021 at 11:19 AM, Xenomata said:

Since I'm not even using her with Desperation normally, and her defensive abilities are so blatantly bad that one hit from most units these days puts her at risk of death (yes even with Mythic bonuses and especially if Far Save is in the equation), should I forego the stance of not merging her and just merge her up? I could have her at +4 right now.

I do not think it is worth it to merge. Having low HP gives you options and lets you better adapt to the meta.

9 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I don't actually consider Swift Sparrow 3 the worthier fodder option, at least compared to Spd/Def Rein. SS3 is more a bonus than anything, especially since SS2 is much easier to obtain (and I currently have 4 extra Flying Ninos to act as extra fodder for it).
Also on the note of being "a serious carry", my Astra team's offense is literally just her and Reginn, two dancers (Plumeria and NY!Peony), Altina for a little extra Atk and score (compared to using two Reginns anyway) and whoever for a bonus unit (this week being Naga). Two of them being dancers kinda makes them not usable in combat, Altina is very much underwhelming these days with the levels of bulk she'd need to punch through, the bonus unit is unpredictable in how much use they can provide, and Reginn is more of a one-time-nuke and obstacle cleaner than offensive carry, so... yeah, Ninja Lyn has a lot to shoulder every Astra week...

I think you might need a stronger raw damage nuke on the team or some kind of tank buster. Brave units have damage output issues against super bulky units, and you may need something like a Blade mage to punch through that bulk with brute force or bring someone like Fir: Student of Spring with Windsweep to counter and bust through tanks. You can also try any Byleths, although they rely more on Ruptured Sky rather than effective damage to bust through tanks.

18 hours ago, kradeelav said:

Question for y'all: I just got a +SPD/-RES Nailah (one of the last few characters I really really wanted to get, and an eventual +10 project). I'm  a 'occasionally gets into VoH' type of player that'd like to use her in AR.  What builds would y'all suggest?  open to high investment / "wacky/fun" builds for a niche.

Her base kit confuses me because she reads like a ... blue fallen lyon on first glance (staff/windsweep counter?), but her tankiness is ... not that great for the current meta.  (I really need a duolif counter, sob)

I remember reading a reddit user that landed in the top 100 AR players that used nailah as a carry, of all characters, for galeforce/Glare shenanigans... leaning towards something like that - wish I knew what other skills they used. ;a;

As a Galeforcer, I do not see her being the lead Galeforcer or a Wings of Mercy beacon due to her Weapon's effect, so she is probably running Wings of Mercy as a following Galeforcer. If she is the lead Galeforcer, then maybe Null Follow-Up or Desperation on B, and Flashing Blade on A or Sacred Seal.

10 hours ago, Faellin said:

How well does fallen male Morgan work with close counter? His bulk and auto followups make it look like he is a great choice for this skill.

Close Counter is great. I favor Close Counter more than Close Foil though. While dragons are not as common as physical melee units, they are common enough that I think keeping Close Counter is worth it. On offense in Aether Raids, you will see Seiros and Duma on Anima with quite some frequency. On defense, I think Close Counter is pretty critical since dragon super tanks like Nowi and Fae show up a lot, and from what I have seen being used against my defense team, they sometimes get Smited in an attempt to take out my most dangerous nukes first on player phase and then tank the rest. For PvE, dragon reinforcements are pretty common, and you also really want that for autobattle to speed things up.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

I do not think it is worth it to merge. Having low HP gives you options and lets you better adapt to the meta.

I... I don't know what this could possibly mean.

The meta is getting stronger with each new banner, and at 0 merge 0 dragonflowers Lyn only has 36 HP, even with 3 mythics providing boosts that's still only 51hp. Already she only needs to be under 50% HP for optimal skill conditions (Desperation in effect, can be teleported to with WoM users, Brazens are triggered if any exist, pardon me if I'm forgetting anything), and the highest her HP can go with merges and dragonflowers no HP asset is 45, 60 with mythic boosts. Off 22 Def and 27 Res at max merge/DF (with Tailwind Shuriken), she's still taking a lot of damage from just one hit from most any unit, even low Atk units like Felicia or Subaki are threatening to put her below 50% if they're built right.

Point is, her defenses are bad even at +10 +5 and almost every unit is capable of rending her apart if allowed the chance, if not severely weaken her. I don't understand how the meta could possibly change enough for her base HP of 36 to remain adaptable.

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4 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I... I don't know what this could possibly mean.

The meta is getting stronger with each new banner, and at 0 merge 0 dragonflowers Lyn only has 36 HP, even with 3 mythics providing boosts that's still only 51hp. Already she only needs to be under 50% HP for optimal skill conditions (Desperation in effect, can be teleported to with WoM users, Brazens are triggered if any exist, pardon me if I'm forgetting anything), and the highest her HP can go with merges and dragonflowers no HP asset is 45, 60 with mythic boosts. Off 22 Def and 27 Res at max merge/DF (with Tailwind Shuriken), she's still taking a lot of damage from just one hit from most any unit, even low Atk units like Felicia or Subaki are threatening to put her below 50% if they're built right.

Point is, her defenses are bad even at +10 +5 and almost every unit is capable of rending her apart if allowed the chance, if not severely weaken her. I don't understand how the meta could possibly change enough for her base HP of 36 to remain adaptable.

HP is kind of like Spd in certain ways. Instead of seeing low bulk and low HP as an obstacle to be overcome, it is a feature to be taken advantage of.

In this case, low HP gives the unit greater synergy with low HP skills like Wings of Mercy and Desperation. Giving her Merges significantly reduces that synergy, essentially making that option less appealing and viable, especially at high merges where it may take an extra round of combat for Fury to reduce her HP to below a certain range. I do not see increasing her Merges is going to open up any new options for her, so it is better to keep her existing options open rather than trying to close it and use her in a way she is less optimized for.

When I use Lyn: Ninja-Friend Duo, I give her Fury and I limit myself to using only two Mythics so she can reach her HP thresholds more easily without relying on counter attacks. I use her to lead other Galeforcers and nuke weaker enemies. While she can nuke some super bulky units, she cannot nuke all of them easily, so I generally use other nukes for that role, like Blade mages or dedicated tank busters like Byleth or Fir: Student of Spring.

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How well do green Olwen and Ishtar hold up these days in terms of performance? Since those are the last 2 on the weekly revival roster that i'm really interested in pulling for. And I hear they both got really good refines as well.

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10 hours ago, Faellin said:

How well do green Olwen and Ishtar hold up these days in terms of performance? Since those are the last 2 on the weekly revival roster that i'm really interested in pulling for. And I hear they both got really good refines as well.

I don't use either of them, but I think I can answer.

  • Olwen is pretty standard as far as Bladetome mages go, albeit she does have the advantage of being a Cav unit for boosted range, as well as a solid refine (very simple, removes 5 Spd and Res from foes near her), plus having a Prf Bladetome means she doesn't have increased special cooldown compared to giving Gronnblade to someone else. If you can keep her buffs up, she can be a solid pick for Arena purposes, but she might be a harder to recommend unit in AR where Panic can be very easily applied to units, which shuts down a lot of her damage. Also worth noting is that Nino, who will end up slightly weaker and is Infantry, is easier to get merges for and also has Resplendent stats (if you're willing to afford it) on top of having a relatively similar role to Olwen.
  • Ishtar doesn't really have much competition for being a great unit. High Spd as long as she is either initiating or alone plus NFU effect from her special refine means she can take clear advantage of Windsweep or Watersweep, letting her safely initiate on numerous enemies. Of course that's not all she can do, but it's certainly one of her more notable traits post-refine.

Also @XRay I forgot to respond to your other responses:

  • Thing about DC2 is that... well, almost every path has something I want off it. The only one that doesn't is Heroes/Awakening/Fates. (not saying the options are bad, just not anything I need anytime soon) I was originally working to give Micaiah Lull Atk/Res from the Guinivere manual, but she's been doing perfectly fine without it...
  • I think I'm gonna see what my Leonie can do. I'm already building her up to be a Hegemon killer in Arena/AA, so the same basic principles should apply here as well...
Edited by Xenomata
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