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43 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I'm looking for some opinion on the Spring Marisa I got from HoF. She has Ninja Yari+, Ruptured Sky (likely to share with Moonbow or Luna), Atk/Spd Catch 4, Spd/Def Near Trace, and Atk/Spd Menace in addition to her original skills, and currently sits at +9 merge. Her current stats at neutral are 47/47 offense's which get boosted to 65/65 when she has all effects triggered.

The big question for me: is Menace a good fit for her in this case, or should I spring for giving her a Rein skill? Inflicting penalties and granting her buffs isn't that big a deal under normal circumstances, and to be fair I never got Spd/Def Rein when getting her skills in HoF (Atk/Def Rein also didn't feel like the right fit for her at the time, when she still had a Springy Lance), but Menace itself is a good skill to have as-is, and it works perfectly with Catch 4 and Near Trace.

Side question, would using trait fruits on her be a good idea? 65/65 offenses on a Brave unit without a SS is pretty solid imo, and I don't know how much 2 points of Atk/3 points of Spd will change that.

Catch-Menace is a nice combo, but I personally prefer Brazen-Rein for the shear amount of stats (and that is before factoring debuffs, which can be offloaded to a support unit) and you do not have to worry about accidentally triggering stuff like Unity skills. Since she already has Catch-Menace though, I do not think it is necessary to deck her out more unless she is your favorite Hero or something.

If you use her consistently for PvP, 2 Atk matters quite a bit, as that is an extra 8 points of damage if she quad attacks. I would go +Spd if you do not plan to use Ninja Yari as her main Weapon.

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16 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

All effects that grant an additional action work in Pawns of Loki for both the player and the opponent.


Fallen Edelgard is likely to appear in this month's Legendary Hero banner.

Ok, Thanks.

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7 hours ago, XRay said:

If you use her consistently for PvP, 2 Atk matters quite a bit, as that is an extra 8 points of damage if she quad attacks. I would go +Spd if you do not plan to use Ninja Yari as her main Weapon.

That's actually another thing I was thinking about, because when going though HoF she ran with both the Candy Cane and Springy Lance to good effect, and while my goal was always going to be to get the arguably rarer Ninja Yari it did make me think about what other weapons she might like (though to be clear I don't want to overload her with skills, she's not a particularly favorite unit, just a potentially great unit like all my +10's)

The lances I have on immediate hand for inheritance are the Flowing Lance, Luncheon Lance, Candy Cane, Shellpoint Lance, and Springy Lance along with every lance available on 3*/4* normal pool units (including Benny's Steadfast Lance). Course there's also her default Flashing Carrot, if I wanted to try winning because the enemy was too busy laughing at the frankly meh weapon she was using... the only problem I have with most of these weapons is that they don't really boost her Spd, just her Atk and defensive abilities (which really aren't that amazing in the first place)

...though to be fair, Ninja Yari still does feel like a directly better weapon than all of the above, so maybe I'm thinking a little too much about this...

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

...though to be fair, Ninja Yari still does feel like a directly better weapon than all of the above, so maybe I'm thinking a little too much about this...

For raw damage output, Ninja Yari would indeed be best since it can hit four times, unless the foe has Deflect Melee or something.

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43 minutes ago, Rinco said:

So... What are the best F2P units to fodder R Duel Infantry 4 to?
Got lucky on my free summon today.

Ones you want to use in Arena, who don't mind an ineffective A slot.

Personally I think Solon or Veld could be nice, if you like the idea of merging one of them and using them as Arena support. I don't know how effective they are in practice, but it's what I'd likely do. 

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1 hour ago, Rinco said:

So... What are the best F2P units to fodder R Duel Infantry 4 to?
Got lucky on my free summon today.

As @Othin has said, just put it on someone you actually use. And out of that pool of units, I recommend putting it on support units since they do not need an A slot to function well in most cases.

I put mine on Olivia.

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7 minutes ago, Rinco said:

@XRay @Othin is OG Marth too outdated? His Falchion is kinda supportive and he could carry some other skills to pair with it.

I don't really see myself spending grails on Solon or Veld. Maybe on Iago, but not that sure either.

He is outdated, but if he is actually someone you use, then it is better to put it on him than putting it on someone you do not use. If you are never going to use Olivia for Arena for example, then there is no point putting it on her if you prefer using Marth.

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3 hours ago, Rinco said:

So... What are the best F2P units to fodder R Duel Infantry 4 to?
Got lucky on my free summon today.

Prioritize units you're actually going to use in the regular Arena over anything else. That's the most important thing.

Personally, I'd give it to a dancer (Olivia or Sylvia) or other support unit (Rally bot, Chill bot, Corrin, etc.) or to a Raudhrblade unit (Tharja, etc.), as they are less in need of raw stats.

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Hey! I just pulled another Brave Micaiah and am now wondering whether I should merge the new (+Res -HP) into my existing (neutral) one or vice versa.
It's probably not a big difference either way (+1 HP/Atk/Res vs +3 Res), but I wanted to know if you'd recommend going for max Res in order to tank and activate Yune's Whispers more easily or if it's preferable to simply have her floating around with the highest Atk she can get and one-shot as many enemies as possible.
Thanks in advance for any advice!

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46 minutes ago, Sias said:

Hey! I just pulled another Brave Micaiah and am now wondering whether I should merge the new (+Res -HP) into my existing (neutral) one or vice versa.
It's probably not a big difference either way (+1 HP/Atk/Res vs +3 Res), but I wanted to know if you'd recommend going for max Res in order to tank and activate Yune's Whispers more easily or if it's preferable to simply have her floating around with the highest Atk she can get and one-shot as many enemies as possible.
Thanks in advance for any advice!

If you want Micaiah to have the highest Atk she can get, you'd usually take a +Atk asset. As-is, I don't think the one point of Atk she'd get is justifiable enough to keep her neutral. +Res at least has the tanking/skill trigger benefits.

So yeah, +Res is great for now, but if you ever want Micaiah to become a menace to Blue Cav/Armor units, change over to +Atk.

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2 hours ago, Sias said:

Hey! I just pulled another Brave Micaiah and am now wondering whether I should merge the new (+Res -HP) into my existing (neutral) one or vice versa.
It's probably not a big difference either way (+1 HP/Atk/Res vs +3 Res), but I wanted to know if you'd recommend going for max Res in order to tank and activate Yune's Whispers more easily or if it's preferable to simply have her floating around with the highest Atk she can get and one-shot as many enemies as possible.
Thanks in advance for any advice!

Between +1 Atk and +2 Res, I'd go for +1 Atk. At +1 merge and a neutral nature, she already reaches 41 visible Res with her weapon, which is good enough for Yune's Whispers in typical circumstances (though I'm also biased against Sabotage skills because their positioning requirement is not very reliable)

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3 hours ago, Sias said:

Hey! I just pulled another Brave Micaiah and am now wondering whether I should merge the new (+Res -HP) into my existing (neutral) one or vice versa.
It's probably not a big difference either way (+1 HP/Atk/Res vs +3 Res), but I wanted to know if you'd recommend going for max Res in order to tank and activate Yune's Whispers more easily or if it's preferable to simply have her floating around with the highest Atk she can get and one-shot as many enemies as possible.
Thanks in advance for any advice!

Personally, I recommend keeping the neutral one unmerged and unFlowered, to make following free guides on YouTube easier in case you ever get stuck solving a map. I still keep all my free Normalized units in case I cannot solve something and need to rely on guides.

If you do not care about beating Abyssal maps or you are confident enough to not rely on guides, then which Asset you choose depends on how you want to use her. As @Xenomata has said, +Atk is better for combat and +Res is better for support. With extremely few exceptions, I personally do not recommend mixing combat and support skills together, as the unit will just do both roles poorly.

In my case, I plan to eventually build three of her. I already have an unmerged and unFlowered one for following guides, and if I get any +Atk or +Res ones in the future, I would build them separately.

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I have a -Atk +Spd lv 40 Legendary Celica and, using all of her original kit and no merges/dragon flowers/S-skills/anything that can alter her stats she has: 40HP, 49Atk, 45Spd, 18Def and 28Res.

The problem is (actually, not exactly a problem, but it really confuses me): everytime I use her in most  of the maps (training tower, story maps, Paralogues, Rokkr) her stats change and are now: 40HP, 51Atk, 49Spd, 19Def and 29Res. I mean... she basically gets AtK/Spd +2 and Def/Res +1 for free. Why? 

 Her stats remain the same as they should (I mean without these extra stats) for bound hero battle, rival domains, GHB, special trains (and probably every other special map I guess?), and also in forging bonds.

 Don't know about coliseum game modes (Since the coliseum is closes now I can't check it) neither about Aether Raids (for the same motive)

 Also I don't know if it makes any difference, but she is paired up with B!Camilla.


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41 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

The problem is (actually, not exactly a problem, but it really confuses me): everytime I use her in most  of the maps (training tower, story maps, Paralogues, Rokkr) her stats change and are now: 40HP, 51Atk, 49Spd, 19Def and 29Res. I mean... she basically gets AtK/Spd +2 and Def/Res +1 for free. Why? 

42 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

 Also I don't know if it makes any difference, but she is paired up with B!Camilla.

Pair-Up partners give the lead unit a stat boost.

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8 minutes ago, XRay said:

Pair-Up partners give the lead unit a stat boost.

Oh! thanks. So thats why it was only in some modes, probably the modes I can't use the pair up unit were the ones L!Celica didn't got the boost.

Also, depending on the partner I choose for her, the boosts will be different? And different pair up units get differents boost? (like if I pair up L!Alm with B!Camilla will he get Atk/Spd + 2 and Def/Res + 1 like L!Celica too or it can be different?)


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28 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Oh! thanks. So thats why it was only in some modes, probably the modes I can't use the pair up unit were the ones L!Celica didn't got the boost.

Also, depending on the partner I choose for her, the boosts will be different? And different pair up units get differents boost? (like if I pair up L!Alm with B!Camilla will he get Atk/Spd + 2 and Def/Res + 1 like L!Celica too or it can be different?)


Yes. Different pair up partners give different boosts depending on their visible stats.

For Atk, every 10 points above 25 from the pair up partner will give the lead unit 1 point boost, up to a max of 4. So if a pair up partner has 55 Atk, the lead unit will have a boost of 3 ([Partner Atk - 25]/10). For Spd/Def/Res, every 10 points above 10 will provide 1 point in boost. A pair up partner will need 65 Atk and 50 Spd/Def/Res to provide the max boost of 4 to all stats.

In terms of cost, the cheapest unit that can provide the most stat boost will be M!Corrin who can give all stat+3 right now, and with Resplendent, he can give all stat +4:
+Atk +10+20; Summoner Support; Resplendent
Yato [Res]
(Any Assist)
(Any Special)
Fury 4
(Any B)
(Any C)
Fort. Def/Res

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Ice Dragon is indecisive again.

I've pulled all of the copies of Henriette that I'll need to get her to +10, and as seems to be unusual for me lately, I actually have every Asset as an option.

I'm pretty sure it's not worth running +Atk, so the decision is between +Def and +Res.

Reasons to run +Def:

  • Her Def is lower than her Res, being base 35 compared to base 40.
  • Blue bows are annoying for her to deal with.
  • There is no Def-boosting Far Save yet.

Reasons to run +Res:

  • She has a superboon in Res, which she doesn't have for Def, meaning +Res with a Def-refined weapon is strictly better than +Def with a Res-refined weapon.
  • Blue tomes, like Ophelia, Selena, Guinivere, and Marianne, are extremely common (particularly Ophelia and Selena) and can still punch through her Res.
  • More Iceberg damage, as her Res is higher than her Def no matter what so she'll never be running Bonfire.

For reference, her stat spread will end up looking like this (+10+10 with summoner support and without blessing bonuses):

+Def with Def refine: 55/60/26/49/48 out of combat, 55/69/26/68/71 in combat (Ophelia deals 59 damage)
+Res with Def refine: 55/60/26/46/52 out of combat, 55/69/26/65/75 in combat (Ophelia deals 45 damage)
+Def with Res refine: 55/60/26/46/51 out of combat, 55/69/26/65/74 in combat (Ophelia deals 48 damage)
+Res with Res refine: 55/60/26/43/55 out of combat, 55/69/26/62/78 in combat (Ophelia deals 34 damage)

It's worth noting that Legendary Chrom and Guinivere can reach 120-165 effective Atk due to effective damage and weapon triangle advantage and are not survivable without absurd amounts of support. Selena can get 90-105 effective Atk.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Reasons to run +Res:

  • She has a superboon in Res, which she doesn't have for Def, meaning +Res with a Def-refined weapon is strictly better than +Def with a Res-refined weapon.
  • Blue tomes, like Ophelia, Selena, Guinivere, and Marianne, are extremely common (particularly Ophelia and Selena) and can still punch through her Res.
  • More Iceberg damage, as her Res is higher than her Def no matter what so she'll never be running Bonfire.

I lean towards Res myself primarily due to the super boon for more overall stats.

While the meta can shift and change, as of right now, Res feels better because a lot of the common hard hitting nukes are mages. However, since the meta does change, I do not think it matter much whether you go with +Def or +Res.

Guinivere and all versions of Micaiahs are all going to cripple Henriette: Overflowing Love if not outright kill her, so in terms of these units, I do not think +Res is honestly going to help that much even with double Flayns. I would not worry about them too much.

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So, I'm still searching for option on the Far Save Tank aside from what is currently the unit I'm probably going with (W!Cecilia) and I remembered that W!Felix has a high BST and is in a good color. He also can inherit Spendthrift Bow, which seems good for a Save Tank to use. And I can probably get him to +8 or +9 right now.

How does both of them compare to each other considering high merges in AR-O meta? Felix has higher Spd, but I think Cecilia has a little more bulk despite the lower BST.

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Is legendary Chrom still worth going for these days in terms of performance? I know when he came out he was pretty busted. But i've seen talk about how he has fallen off quite hard these days with the amount of things that can straight up one shot him these days.

Since his next rerun is next month, and was going to be a huge orb spending month for me on that same banner. Since i'm going for Leif, Claude, and Eliwood on it. And Chrom was on my list of "would be nice, but never got a chance to go for him" list. But at the same time, the other 2 blues that month are a mystery and seemingly unlikely that the mythic will be on it. So i'm guessing he'll be sharing with fallen Dimitri and Zeke, both of which I already have. So unless they pull a surprise blue on that. He'll be the only one on that color i'd be chasing which is never the best idea.

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2 hours ago, Rinco said:

So, I'm still searching for option on the Far Save Tank aside from what is currently the unit I'm probably going with (W!Cecilia) and I remembered that W!Felix has a high BST and is in a good color. He also can inherit Spendthrift Bow, which seems good for a Save Tank to use. And I can probably get him to +8 or +9 right now.

How does both of them compare to each other considering high merges in AR-O meta? Felix has higher Spd, but I think Cecilia has a little more bulk despite the lower BST.

Cecilia: 41/35/23/30/36

Felix: 44/38/37/32/29

Cecilia can get an extra point in each stat due to more Dragonflowers, but her stat total is still well behind. Either way, Felix has slight advantages in HP/Atk/Def and a huge advantage in Spd, while Cecilia has a substantial advantage in Res. Felix may also be easier to merge if you got the manual of him.

This looks pretty bad for Cecilia, but she does have some big advantages. Res is the most valuable stat for a Far Save tank, and being colorless is a big advantage for a super tank since it lets them minimize the number of weaknesses. She doesn't have access to Spendthrift Bow, but she can use Courtly Mask, which is available at the lowest Normal 2 manual tier, and I've found it quite effective on the Far Save Dozla I got from the recent HOF.

Personally, my inclination is to go for Cecilia.

1 hour ago, Faellin said:

Is legendary Chrom still worth going for these days in terms of performance? I know when he came out he was pretty busted. But i've seen talk about how he has fallen off quite hard these days with the amount of things that can straight up one shot him these days.

Since his next rerun is next month, and was going to be a huge orb spending month for me on that same banner. Since i'm going for Leif, Claude, and Eliwood on it. And Chrom was on my list of "would be nice, but never got a chance to go for him" list. But at the same time, the other 2 blues that month are a mystery and seemingly unlikely that the mythic will be on it. So i'm guessing he'll be sharing with fallen Dimitri and Zeke, both of which I already have. So unless they pull a surprise blue on that. He'll be the only one on that color i'd be chasing which is never the best idea.

I've found his combat performance to have dropped off a lot, but I still use him often as a utility unit.

I'd suggest waiting for him to color share with one or two other units you want.

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5 hours ago, Rinco said:

So, I'm still searching for option on the Far Save Tank aside from what is currently the unit I'm probably going with (W!Cecilia) and I remembered that W!Felix has a high BST and is in a good color. He also can inherit Spendthrift Bow, which seems good for a Save Tank to use. And I can probably get him to +8 or +9 right now.

How does both of them compare to each other considering high merges in AR-O meta? Felix has higher Spd, but I think Cecilia has a little more bulk despite the lower BST.

I personally would not recommend Felix: Icy Gift Giver due to being colored. It does not matter how good red, blue, or green is in the moment, colorless is always better for having fewer weaknesses.

Their bulk is about the same. Felix: Icy Gift Giver has access to Spendthrift Bow to make up for the difference in bulk and slightly surpass Cecilia: Festive Instructor, as well as having much higher Spd to avoid doubles. Cecilia: Festive Instructor has lower Spd to better take advantage of Courtly Mask for damage reduction and running a higher cooldown Special.

Assuming neutral color matchups, supported by two Flayns, both are running Distant Def 7, both have balanced bulk, and Felix: Icy Gift Giver has Special Fighter while Cecilia: Festive Instructor has Crafty Fighter:
- If the enemy is super slow and can only hit once, they are about the same since they have about the same bulk.
- If both are being doubled by the enemy and the enemy has Null Follow-Up, then Cecilia: Festive Instructor is better since her damage reduction will kick in for the first hit.
- If the enemy can double Cecilia: Festive Instructor but not Felix: Icy Gift Giver, then Cecilia: Festive Instructor will take 25% of the damage of the first hit and 50% damage of the second hit, while Felix: Icy Gift Giver will only take 50% damage of the single hit, so Felix: Icy Gift Giver is better in this scenario.
- Against Blazing nukes, Cecilia: Festive Instructor is better in my opinion for having higher visible Res.

4 hours ago, Faellin said:

Is legendary Chrom still worth going for these days in terms of performance? I know when he came out he was pretty busted. But i've seen talk about how he has fallen off quite hard these days with the amount of things that can straight up one shot him these days.

Since his next rerun is next month, and was going to be a huge orb spending month for me on that same banner. Since i'm going for Leif, Claude, and Eliwood on it. And Chrom was on my list of "would be nice, but never got a chance to go for him" list. But at the same time, the other 2 blues that month are a mystery and seemingly unlikely that the mythic will be on it. So i'm guessing he'll be sharing with fallen Dimitri and Zeke, both of which I already have. So unless they pull a surprise blue on that. He'll be the only one on that color i'd be chasing which is never the best idea.

Against proper tanks outside of Arena, his performance was never that amazing to begin with, but his role is not to shut down tanks (unless they are armor). In AI hands with his unpredictable mobility, his role is to snipe support units behind tanks or catch player phase teams off guard and snipe a nuke or Dancer/Singer.

Chrom: Crowned Exalt is good not because of his combat performance, but he is good because of the mobility he has and the utility he can provide. In player hands, he can function like a Dancer/Singer in Arena, although that is not as amazing as it sounds since Azura: Vallite Songstress also shares the same season and she is a proper full fledged Dancer/Singer. The most relevant niche that he has in my opinion is to skirt around Dancer/Singer restrictions in Limited Hero Battles.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Cecilia: Festive Instructor has lower Spd to better take advantage of Courtly Mask for damage reduction

@Rinco No. Getting hit once for 100% damage is always preferable to getting hit twice for 50% + 100% damage except in the single case where the opponent has a pre-charged Special and can't recharge their Special in time for their second attack, and Infantry Pulse teams are significantly less common nowadays.

If the units have equal bulk, having higher Spd to avoid a double is more often preferable over having lower Spd to take advantage of damage reduction.


6 hours ago, Faellin said:

Is legendary Chrom still worth going for these days in terms of performance? I know when he came out he was pretty busted. But i've seen talk about how he has fallen off quite hard these days with the amount of things that can straight up one shot him these days.

Since his next rerun is next month, and was going to be a huge orb spending month for me on that same banner. Since i'm going for Leif, Claude, and Eliwood on it. And Chrom was on my list of "would be nice, but never got a chance to go for him" list. But at the same time, the other 2 blues that month are a mystery and seemingly unlikely that the mythic will be on it. So i'm guessing he'll be sharing with fallen Dimitri and Zeke, both of which I already have. So unless they pull a surprise blue on that. He'll be the only one on that color i'd be chasing which is never the best idea.

In player hands, Legendary Chrom is mostly used for mobility and his effective damage against armors.

His combat performance has fallen off a bit, but he can still pull his weight, especially against armors, though he'll want a rework of his skill set to bring it up to speed with the current meta:

Legendary Chrom [+Atk]
To Change Fate!
Deadeye / Ruptured Sky
Sturdy Impact / any Atk/Spd skill
Null Follow-Up 3 / Lull Spd/Def 3 / Lull Atk/Def 3
Time's Pulse 3 / Joint Drive Atk / Joint Drive Spd / Rouse Atk/* 3
Atk/Def Solo 3 / Atk/Spd Solo 3 / Heavy Blade 3 / Quickened Pulse

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