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10 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Definitely Res. Brave Tiki's ability to uncharge the opponent's Special at the start of combat depends on a Res comparison

I forgot about that, thanks!

10 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

(And it's worth switching her C skill to Atk/Res Menace because of this.)

But she already has Def/Res Menace, isn't that better because it also improves her adaptive damage?

10 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Unlike Brave Byleth who uses Spd Preempt primarily for the Vantage effect, Shinon uses Spd Preempt primarily for its unconditional +4 effective Spd. The Vantage effect is good enough as a secondary effect that it's at least competitive with other B skills that grant two stats and an additional effect if you're going to be using Shinon as a dual-phase unit.

4 hours ago, XRay said:

Tempo and Preempt are the only two expensive skills I can think of that is worth inheriting. I think Tempo is slightly better, since it also debuffs Def and makes Special triggers more reliable.

Ah, gotcha: so it's more for what it provides in addition to the Vantage. Thank you both!

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3 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

But she already has Def/Res Menace, isn't that better because it also improves her adaptive damage?

The +6 Atk from Atk/Res Menace does the same thing as the -6 Def from Def/Res Menace if the opponent is ranged and has lower Def than Res.

If you convert all of the bonuses and penalties into effective bonuses, here's how the two skills compare:

Against a melee opponent or ranged opponent with higher Res that got hit with the debuff:

  • Atk/Res: +12 Atk, +6 Def, +12 Res (+6 Atk, +6 Def, +6 Res if Bonuses nullified)
  • Def/Res: +6 Atk, +12 Def, +12 Res (+6 Atk, +6 Def, +6 Res if Bonuses nullified)

Against a ranged opponent with higher Def that got hit with the debuff:

  • Atk/Res: +6 Atk, +6 Def, +12 Res (+0 Atk, +6 Def, +6 Res if Bonuses nullified)
  • Def/Res: +6 Atk, +12 Def, +12 Res (+6 Atk, +6 Def, +6 Res if Bonuses nullified)

Against an opponent that didn't get hit with the debuff (or nullifies them):

  • Atk/Res: +6 Atk, +0 Def, +6 Res
  • Def/Res: +0 Atk, +6 Def, +6 Res

The only situation where Atk/Res Menace loses in effective Atk compared to Def/Res Menace is against a ranged opponent with higher Def than Res that got hit with the debuff and nullifies Tiki's Atk Bonuses.

And if you have other units on the team capable of debuffing Def, then getting an Atk Bonus on Tiki is obviously always preferred offensively over a Def Bonus. I think the only situation where running Def/Res Menace is strictly better than running Atk/Res Menace is if you have a teammate that is granting Tiki an Atk Bonus and you also have a teammate that can debuff the opponents' Atk.

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5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The only situation where Atk/Res Menace loses in effective Atk compared to Def/Res Menace is against a ranged opponent with higher Def than Res that got hit with the debuff and nullifies Tiki's Atk Bonuses.

And if you have other units on the team capable of debuffing Def, then getting an Atk Bonus on Tiki is obviously always preferred offensively over a Def Bonus. I think the only situation where running Def/Res Menace is strictly better than running Atk/Res Menace is if you have a teammate that is granting Tiki an Atk Bonus and you also have a teammate that can debuff the opponents' Atk.

She's currently on my Arena Team with a B!Eirika that has Rally Atk/Spd+, does that count?

Also, I was going through my barracks and found that I have a Picnic Flora. She's definitely no B!Hector, but is she a good choice for a Far Saver post-refine? I also have H!Myrrh and Arden for either type of Save, who I don't think I mentioned before outside a throwaway line about the latter. (Sorry to beat the Savior dead horse again.)

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1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

She's currently on my Arena Team with a B!Eirika that has Rally Atk/Spd+, does that count?



1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

Also, I was going through my barracks and found that I have a Picnic Flora. She's definitely no B!Hector, but is she a good choice for a Far Saver post-refine? I also have H!Myrrh and Arden for either type of Save, who I don't think I mentioned before outside a throwaway line about the latter. (Sorry to beat the Savior dead horse again.)

Not including the additional stats from the Res comparison, Flora has 47/67/34/41-/50 with her weapon equipped and max Dragonflowers. The (out-of-combat) Res comparison can grant up to 8 more points in all stats, including Spd. She also gets 30% damage reduction on the opponent's first attack if her (in-combat) Res is higher than the opponent's and prevents the opponent's follow-up if her Res is at least 7 higher than the opponent's.

Henriette has 47-/60-/21-/43/51+ with a Res refine and max Dragonflowers. Valentine Robin has 44-/60+/18-/46/49- with her weapon equipped and max Dragonflowers. Henriette gets 4 points of healing per attack, and Robin gets 5 points. Robin also gets 30% damage reduction on the opponent's first attack.

Flora's raw stats without the additional stats from the Res comparison are pretty similar to Henriette's and Robin's. The additional stats are a decent substitute for passive healing, though 1 point of passive healing is stronger than 1 point each in Def and Res due to the fact that with healing you gain HP if the opponent's Atk is too low instead of just taking no damage (and healing can functionally mitigate damage that ignores defense).

Flora's primary advantage is the fact that she has an actual Spd stat with follow-up prevention, which blocks follow-ups from slower units. However, with the introduction of the Null Follow-Up Sacred Seal, slow infantry with guaranteed follow-ups (namely Duo Chrom) are occasionally running Null Follow-Up instead of a stat-boosting Sacred Seal, which allows them to ignore both Flora's Spd and follow-up prevention. However, most fast ranged units (including Harmonized Lysithea) don't have any form of Null Follow-Up and will be shut down. On the other hand, the ones that do pretty much all run Windsweep, and Flora is vulnerable to Windsweep.

I think Flora is at least comparable to Henriette. Robin is probably still better.

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31 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I think Flora is at least comparable to Henriette. Robin is probably still better.

Thanks! I built Robin with the kit you suggested a few days ago, I just wanted to know what other options I have for other teams. I think I mentioned this before, but the only Far Saviors I have right now are V!Robin, A!Fjorm and Henriette. I'm going to build B!Hector as a Far Saver and figured Flora's tanking ability was worth putting her on the table for further consideration. From the sounds of it though, she's not worth investing into with Henriette around.

I am a little curious/ hopeful about a potential Far Save-friendly refine for W!Sothis or Nagi though; those could be interesting.

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How good is Hatari Nailah?

Got a +attack copy of her off the dual special banner just now, and i'm not normally one to use beast units. But if shes any good, might as well make use of her.

If nothing special, I have use for that sturdy surge fodder

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4 hours ago, Faellin said:

How good is Hatari Nailah?

Got a +attack copy of her off the dual special banner just now, and i'm not normally one to use beast units. But if shes any good, might as well make use of her.

If nothing special, I have use for that sturdy surge fodder

She is basically the beast version of Byleth: Proven Professor or Byleth: Tested Professor, and she can function really well as a wallbreaker or Galeforcer. Because of Tempo on her Weapon, she does not need Flashing Blade to trigger Specials reliably, and can run Atk/Spd Finish for more true damage.

+Atk, +Spd Asc
Royal Hatari Fang
Moonbow — Luna
Atk/Spd Finish
Windsweep — Watersweep — Spurn
Glare — Fatal Smoke
Poison Strike — Flashing Blade

+Spd, +Atk Asc
Royal Hatari Fang
Atk/Spd Finish
Frenzy — Wings of Mercy — Spd/Def Bulwark
Def/Res Smoke — Glare — Fatal Smoke
Flashing Blade

Edited by XRay
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Good budget setups for flame tribe Mordecai?

Thinking it would benefit me alot if I threw something together for him, but I doubt I would be willing to go for any real premium investment. Just something to help with limited battles and general pve stuff.

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17 minutes ago, Faellin said:

Good budget setups for flame tribe Mordecai?

Thinking it would benefit me alot if I threw something together for him, but I doubt I would be willing to go for any real premium investment. Just something to help with limited battles and general pve stuff.

Also including skills from 4-star Special Heroes in case you have spares:

Flame Mordecai [+Atk / +Def]
Fiery Fang
Reposition / Smite / whatever
Sturdy Stance 2 / Atk/Def Ideal 3
Quick Riposte 3 / Dull Close 3 / Atk/Def Link 3 / Atk/Def Snag 3 / Lull Atk/Def 3 / etc.
Atk/Def Gap 3 / Infantry Pulse 3 / etc.
Sturdy Stance 2 / Atk/Def Form 3 / Quick Riposte 3 / etc.

Sturdy Stance 2 is available from Altenna at 4-star rarity. Atk/Def Ideal 3 is available from Skasaher at 5-star rarity.

Dull Close 3 is available from Female Shez at 4-star rarity. Atk/Def Link 3 is available from Vyland at 4-star rarity. Atk/Def Snag 3 is available from New Year Kaden and Spring Luthier, both at 4-star rarity. Lull Atk/Def 3 is available from Summer Lyon at 5-star rarity (also Dimitri from the SR pool).

Infantry Pulse 3 is available from Pirate Geese at 4-star rarity (also Boyd and Marisa in the Grail shop at 5-star rarity and Dorcas and Nils from the SR pool).


He has some options for the B slot if you're able to run Quick Riposte in the Sacred Seal slot. I like Atk/Def Link since it gives him the ability to buff himself and an ally. It's also cheap and pairs well with Atk/Def Ideal. Now that Female Shez has the skill at 4-star rarity, Dull Close is basically a super cheap version of Lull Atk/Def if you're running him on a map where opponents use Bonuses. I didn't list it above, but Atk/Def Ruse (Spring Henry at 4-star rarity) is an option if you run a Rally instead of a movement Assist.

His default Atk/Def Gap is pretty decent already. You can give him Infantry Pulse for Pulse support, though it is still somewhat expensive. Otherwise, he'll do fine with any of the usual placeholder C skills like Drive skills, Close Guard, Smoke skills, Fortify Beasts, etc.

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Are there good "skill chains" for using with R!Grima? 
I know that I'd want to pass some Hardy Fighter to a couple of units, but most of the other skills an armor would want I already have inherited or is not something that can be passed along with Hardy Fighter because of the 4 skills inheritance limit.

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10 hours ago, Rinco said:

Are there good "skill chains" for using with R!Grima? 
I know that I'd want to pass some Hardy Fighter to a couple of units, but most of the other skills an armor would want I already have inherited or is not something that can be passed along with Hardy Fighter because of the 4 skills inheritance limit.

Not really. All of the "good" skill chains still require premium fodder of some sort on the receiving unit or extremely premium fodder on Grima. Dragon's Wrath has the annoying property that the tier-3 skill is still locked to 5-star Special Heroes, so you can't really chain Dragon's Wrath 4 yet. And most of the other skills worth using only have 3 tiers to begin with, like the Fighter and Save skills.

There's also the annoying situation where Arcane Grima requires Flametongue, but all sources of Flametongue are either 5-star units or Grail units.

Some of the skills Grima is worth using for Arcane Inheritance for:

  • Arcane Grima (+ Flametongue)
  • Blue Flame
  • Distant Counter Stance skills (+ Distant Counter)
  • Distant Counter Push skills (+ Distant Counter)
  • Hardy Fighter 1/2/3
  • Savvy Fighter 1/2/3
  • Daring Fighter 1/2/3
  • Dragon Wall 1/2/3
  • Dragon's Wrath 1/2/3
  • Dragon's Wrath 4
  • Assault Troop 1/2/3
  • A/S Near Save 1/2/3
  • A/D Near Save 1/2/3
  • A/R Near Save 1/2/3
  • D/R Far Save 1/2/3


  • S/D Near Save 1/2/3
  • S/R Near Save 1/2/3
  • A/S Far Save 1/2/3
  • S/R Far Save 1/2/3

once/if they're released.

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14 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Not really. All of the "good" skill chains still require premium fodder of some sort on the receiving unit or extremely premium fodder on Grima. Dragon's Wrath has the annoying property that the tier-3 skill is still locked to 5-star Special Heroes, so you can't really chain Dragon's Wrath 4 yet. And most of the other skills worth using only have 3 tiers to begin with, like the Fighter and Save skills.

There's also the annoying situation where Arcane Grima requires Flametongue, but all sources of Flametongue are either 5-star units or Grail units.

Some of the skills Grima is worth using for Arcane Inheritance for:

  • Arcane Grima (+ Flametongue)
  • Blue Flame
  • Distant Counter Stance skills (+ Distant Counter)
  • Distant Counter Push skills (+ Distant Counter)
  • Hardy Fighter 1/2/3
  • Savvy Fighter 1/2/3
  • Daring Fighter 1/2/3
  • Dragon Wall 1/2/3
  • Dragon's Wrath 1/2/3
  • Dragon's Wrath 4
  • Assault Troop 1/2/3
  • A/S Near Save 1/2/3
  • A/D Near Save 1/2/3
  • A/R Near Save 1/2/3
  • D/R Far Save 1/2/3


  • S/D Near Save 1/2/3
  • S/R Near Save 1/2/3
  • A/S Far Save 1/2/3
  • S/R Far Save 1/2/3

once/if they're released.

Blue Flame seems a good idea.
I was also thinking about giving R!Grima Far Save. I was checking Idunn's kit and, with Wary Fighter, she'd need QR seal to have a follow up as she doesn't have that in her weapon. That would leave her without healing and I don't feel confortable with that. With Grima, the only thing she needs is the DC seal to perform well as a far saver. I'd also be able to pass either Hardy Fighter, Far Save or Near save for each future Grima I get, which seems interesting. And, since I won't be giving Hardy Fighter to Idunn, I'd be able to also have her inherit Far Save with this copy of Grima (or give B!Hector Hardy Fighter, which is a choice I'd think a little bit on for now).

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13 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

So in my quest for Arval I pulled myself another Askr. What would be best to do with him? Fodder him or merge him to create a stronger Askr?

Assuming you have other units you use often, I say Fodder. Unless the original Askr has a godawful asset/flaw, one that NEEDS fixing, or you just use Askr enough to justify a merge.
You can get Atk/Def Ideal 3 from a 5* Scathach, if you have a few of his books lying around. Summer Lyon also has the skill at 4* if you happen to have a spare of him.
With this in mind, a Melee Infantry unit is able to inherit both ADideal4 and ADbulwark at the same time.

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On 11/8/2022 at 1:45 AM, Faellin said:

As someone who doesn't even bother with AR or any pvp mode really.

How good is Askr outside of those modes?

He's good.

Askr has the same gimmick as Spring Maria and Ninja Cherche.

Like Cherche, he only needs to invest in Atk and Def instead of needing to give up one of the two stats for Spd. Unlike Cherche, he doesn't have the Brave weapon Mt penalty, which gives him a huge edge in terms of raw damage output, which is further boosted by the beast infantry transformation effect on his weapon.

However, of the three units, Askr has the weakest form of double attack. Cherche's Brave effect is the hardest to block followed by Maria's high Spd, whereas Askr has to rely on a guaranteed follow-up.

Askr's exclusive skill, Opened Domain, is extremely strong. As long as there is at least one non-Heroes unit within 2 spaces of Askr, he grants both Resonance buffs (+4 to all stats and blocks the opponent's follow-up once per phase) and Time's Pulse to himself and all allies within 2 spaces of him (including other Heroes units).

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19 hours ago, Karuu30 said:

Aside from the note on the notifications, is there a way to know which skills will now be available in the next HOF? Wondering if atk/spd finish will be in the next one.

I assume it adds one month's worth of skills at a time. I don't know which skills the most recent HOF added, but if it added skills for the recent FE2 banner, that would suggest the next one will add skills for the CYL6 banner.

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Is it worth getting any extra copies of A!Idunn? I got a neutral one from her debut banner and a +Atk/-Res from this banner. I don't know if I want to turn her into a merge project, but does she have any skills worth foddering? I don't see many people using Wily Fighter, nor do I see many builds with D/R Near Save compared to A/D and now A/S.

Thanks in advance, all!

I still have 32 pulls to go until I reach the Spark, FWIW.

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9 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

I don't see many people using Wily Fighter, nor do I see many builds with D/R Near Save compared to A/D and now A/S.

Wily Fighter is a niche skill because it shares its secondary effect with Close/Distant Def 4. Ideally, a slow armor should be running all three of Guard, opponent Bonus nullification, and self Penalty nullification (or reversal), typically in that order of priority. Because Close/Distant Def 4 grants Bonus nullification, which is second in priority, and has the highest consistent stat boost of the A skills that grant these effects (Stance, Def, and Unity, respectively), Wily Fighter ends up being the least used of the B skills that grant these effects (Crafty Fighter, Wily Fighter, and Slick Fighter, respectively).

If the unit's weapon has none of the three effects on it, then the unit will almost always run Close/Distant Def 4 + Crafty Fighter because it grants the same skill effects as, but more stats than, Bracing Stance 3 + Wily Fighter. If the unit's weapon has Bonus nullification already, then there's obviously no reason to run Wily Fighter, and if the unit's weapon has one of the other two effects on it, then it will still run Close/Distant Def 4 in the A slot. The only time a unit will actually end up running Wily Fighter is if you're counting on the unit being hit by Dark Shrine and are running Def/Res Unity in the A slot with a weapon that grants Guard.


Unlike Far Save units, which have to be able to handle both physical and magical damage and typically have fewer points of stats to attempt to do so, Near Save units really only need to be able to handle physical units. This means that A/D Near Save is generally preferable to D/R Near Save because giving up 4 Res to get 4 Atk is typically worth it. If the unit has Res-based damage reduction, then it can typically afford to give up the Def altogether to run A/R Near Save. D/R Near Save ends up being more situational, namely when you absolutely need the extra defenses on both sides.


Personally, I wouldn't bother pulling for Idunn if it's just for skill inheritance.

As far as merges go, she'll probably be fine with low merges if you're keeping her on a Near Save build, but she really does want the additional merge stats if she's running a Far Save build.

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On 11/10/2022 at 6:19 PM, Karuu30 said:

Aside from the note on the notifications, is there a way to know which skills will now be available in the next HOF? Wondering if atk/spd finish will be in the next one.

The FEH twitter usually has a post before a new HoF (not before a HoF revival) that lists the skills that are being added to the pool, while also denoting which skills can actually be inherited by the next batch of forma units.

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Thinking of pulling for a ninja katana off of Zihark's rerun coming up soon for my Luke. And seeing as its just on a seasonal demote, it shouldn't be to costly from my orb count to get it

But i'm heavily on the fence if I should or not, Rein sword is just a placeholder for now. In case I ever do pull for another rearmed Lif for him.

The Luke.jpg

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Is a Far Save Idunn better with Distance Stance or her default A Skill (or something else) + the DC Sacred Seal? I'm assuming the latter is better but just wanted to make sure because the former is easier to get now. I know you can run a Breath in the S Slot if you're keeping Bonfire, but that's a viable option with Hardy Fighter/ Aegis I'm assuming.

Thanks in advance!

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On 11/15/2022 at 9:19 PM, Faellin said:

Thinking of pulling for a ninja katana off of Zihark's rerun coming up soon for my Luke. And seeing as its just on a seasonal demote, it shouldn't be to costly from my orb count to get it

But i'm heavily on the fence if I should or not, Rein sword is just a placeholder for now. In case I ever do pull for another rearmed Lif for him.

I'm not really convinced a Spd-based quad build on Luke is really worth it, even with that much Spd stacking.

As far as quad builds go, I think it's more worth it to run his default Rowdy Sword with an effect that grants a guaranteed follow-up, like from the upcoming Hardin. You'll have to convince me that the extra 9 Spd from Ninja Katana is worth losing 8 Atk.

For a Spd build, I'd rather go with Coral Saber, Rein Sword, or Arcane Eljudnir over Ninja Katana. Luke's Spd isn't great, so even if you're stacking Spd, I think a guaranteed follow-up is still potentially worth giving up a few points of Spd.


2 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

Is a Far Save Idunn better with Distance Stance or her default A Skill (or something else) + the DC Sacred Seal? I'm assuming the latter is better but just wanted to make sure because the former is easier to get now. I know you can run a Breath in the S Slot if you're keeping Bonfire, but that's a viable option with Hardy Fighter/ Aegis I'm assuming.

Thanks in advance!

I assume this is Ascended Idunn.

If you're running Hardy Fighter + Aegis, you want Distant Stance + Steady Breath / Warding Breath.

If you're running Hardy Fighter + Sacred Cowl, you probably want Distant Def 4 + Distant Counter (D). Bracing Stance 3 is a viable option if you can get Bonus nullification from a support effect, like Gerbera Axe.

If you're running Crafty Fighter, you probably want Distant Def 4 + Distant Counter (D). Distant Stance + Def/Res Form is better if you have Bonus nullification from a support effect.

If you're running Wily Fighter, you probably want Bracing Stance 3 + Distant Counter (D). Distant Stance + Def/Res Form is better if you have Guard from a support effect.

All of the Def/Res skills can be replaced with their corresponding Atk/Res skills if you want something more offensive, though I'm not entirely sure I can recommend that right now since I've been noticing that Ascended Eir is kind of scary, and I don't know if she'll increase in popularity or how well Idunn takes hits from her.

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20 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I assume this is Ascended Idunn.

You assume correctly, I should have been clearer: my bad!

20 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

If you're running Hardy Fighter + Aegis, you want Distant Stance + Steady Breath / Warding Breath.

And HF + Aegis is I had in mind as well. Is this combo really her best, since HF doesn't give guaranteed follow-up or any sort of penalty/ bonus manipulation like other Fighter skills do? Ditto for DS only giving +5 Res and not any Guard effects. Thank you in advance! You advised trying to get Idunn merges if I built her to be a Far Saver, so I'm hoping to get an idea of if I should commit or not before the rerun banner expires today.

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