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1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

I have a +Def/-Res Flame Lyn and a +Hp/-Spd S!Micaiah. Should I get a second Lyn for my Engage Cup Spark for fodder or a L!Micaiah? Thanks in advance!

Who did you use the Engage cup Freebie on, if I may ask?

I don't know what the general consensus of LegMicaiah as a unit is, but I feel like she hasn't aged that well, considering all she really offers by default is ranged bulk (and even then she's still at risk if attacked with physical damage) and a Desperation 2 effect, which still takes at least one combat to achieve.
Please do not take just my word on it though, I haven't seen or heard from LegMicaiah in months. Go for her if you are a unit collector, but if you just want fodder then... well, Flame Lyn HAS fodder. Fury 4 and Joint Distant Guard are very situational from L!Micaiah.

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49 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Who did you use the Engage cup Freebie on, if I may ask?

I don't know what the general consensus of LegMicaiah as a unit is, but I feel like she hasn't aged that well, considering all she really offers by default is ranged bulk (and even then she's still at risk if attacked with physical damage) and a Desperation 2 effect, which still takes at least one combat to achieve.
Please do not take just my word on it though, I haven't seen or heard from LegMicaiah in months. Go for her if you are a unit collector, but if you just want fodder then... well, Flame Lyn HAS fodder. Fury 4 and Joint Distant Guard are very situational from L!Micaiah.

I used it on Sigurd, I think. I was going to leave with just the one Lyn, but I thought she was worth getting a spare copy of and I didn't get anything but a Celica right after hitting the spark 😕

I was leaning towards Lyn as a result, but thought Micaiah might be worth having especially with the Arena change so wanted to ask. Thank you for your input!

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8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

There's very little reason to use it over the better options.

The main problem here is I'm saving for a Grail project right now and am still dealing with the early-player hoarding feel, you know, the "I can't afford to spare 100 Grails for just some fodder it takes way too long to earn that back" feel. I also missed getting Summer Elincia the normal way so I don't have her lying around. That said, missing Elincia meant I forgot about Whitecap so I'll earmark that for the next time I have a serious bow project come up on my queue.

8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Harmonized Heroes count for additional points in Resonant Battles.

I mean I guess, but I don't really play any of the tiered modes for the sake of maxing out points any more, Arena kind of killed my drive to give a crap about that. This last Resonant Battles(FE4/5) was actually the first time I've gotten a perfect score and it was more like "huh, cool, Legendary Sigurd plus my Ishtar is nonsense for PvE content" than "OMG I get to go up tiers now!!!"

7 hours ago, Othin said:

I always suggest keeping at least one copy of every unit you get, they can offer a lot more as an individuals than by adding a bit more performance to an existing unit.

I try to do this as much as possible, but my barracks have been getting very crowded lately, full of a large quantity of Units I'll never use. I pulled a Lewyn yesterday and was like frick I can't afford to store this thing in my barracks, I sacked the last Lewyn I had for the exact same reason. Like is my Charlotte really doing me any good when I just go to my Camilla or Rhajat every time it asks me to use a Green Fates Unit?


...It's hard because I do still have a lot of fond memories of this game, and I really love having moments where I can win with my favorites, but the game left me behind for a good half a year(two separate times) because of technical and hardware difficulties, so now I'm just trying to frantically play catchup while still in this older player mindset of "Sure, I can fight my way to the top with my OG un-Resplendented Roy, I don't need to go change out for newfangled units," when it feels like the game doesn't allow for that anymore.

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6 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

The main problem here is I'm saving for a Grail project right now and am still dealing with the early-player hoarding feel, you know, the "I can't afford to spare 100 Grails for just some fodder it takes way too long to earn that back" feel. I also missed getting Summer Elincia the normal way so I don't have her lying around. That said, missing Elincia meant I forgot about Whitecap so I'll earmark that for the next time I have a serious bow project come up on my queue.

I mean I guess, but I don't really play any of the tiered modes for the sake of maxing out points any more, Arena kind of killed my drive to give a crap about that. This last Resonant Battles(FE4/5) was actually the first time I've gotten a perfect score and it was more like "huh, cool, Legendary Sigurd plus my Ishtar is nonsense for PvE content" than "OMG I get to go up tiers now!!!"

I try to do this as much as possible, but my barracks have been getting very crowded lately, full of a large quantity of Units I'll never use. I pulled a Lewyn yesterday and was like frick I can't afford to store this thing in my barracks, I sacked the last Lewyn I had for the exact same reason. Like is my Charlotte really doing me any good when I just go to my Camilla or Rhajat every time it asks me to use a Green Fates Unit?


...It's hard because I do still have a lot of fond memories of this game, and I really love having moments where I can win with my favorites, but the game left me behind for a good half a year(two separate times) because of technical and hardware difficulties, so now I'm just trying to frantically play catchup while still in this older player mindset of "Sure, I can fight my way to the top with my OG un-Resplendented Roy, I don't need to go change out for newfangled units," when it feels like the game doesn't allow for that anymore.

Are you using the Reserves feature? With that, all players can keep at least 1300 units at a time, more than enough for a copy of every unit added so far. And if you still run out of space, it doesn't cost many orbs to expand your barracks - certainly a lot fewer orbs than it would take to pull a new copy of a unit if you turned out to want them again later.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

Are you using the Reserves feature? With that, all players can keep at least 1300 units at a time, more than enough for a copy of every unit added so far. And if you still run out of space, it doesn't cost many orbs to expand your barracks - certainly a lot fewer orbs than it would take to pull a new copy of a unit if you turned out to want them again later.

The what? I don't think I've heard of that. This is what I'm talking about, all this stuff that's in there I've missed. I have expanded my barracks to about 400 Units, I just have that same scarcity-hoarding mentality about Orbs that's made it hard to make it any bigger.

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25 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

The what? I don't think I've heard of that. This is what I'm talking about, all this stuff that's in there I've missed. I have expanded my barracks to about 400 Units, I just have that same scarcity-hoarding mentality about Orbs that's made it hard to make it any bigger.

If you go to Allies > Manage Barracks > Manage Groups, you can access an additional ten 100-unit barracks, for a total of 1000 more slots.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

If you go to Allies > Manage Barracks > Manage Groups, you can access an additional ten 100-unit barracks, for a total of 1000 more slots.

Geez, that sounds super helpful, thanks for letting me know about that.

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53 minutes ago, Lemmy said:

For Valentines Elise, other than her default C skill, is there any other C skills she’d like other than drives and menaces?

In general, cavalry ideally run Menace or Smoke skills in the C slot.

Staff cavalry have the option to run either of the Recovery skills, and Even Recovery is generally slightly better than her default Odd Recovery when under player control. Both have their merits when under AI control (mostly due to the Safety Fence making Even Recovery an option).

Colorless Feud is an option for Aether Raids defense as a counter to Flayn and Elimine support.

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Colorless Feud is an option for Aether Raids defense as a counter to Flayn and Elimine support

(The below only applies if using Elise/Sakura on an AR defense team)

I'd say to also consider the Feud skill that matches whoever appears most often as a Far Save user, which I want to say is G Feud for Ascended Fjorm?

Assuming Flayn or Elimine are covering for Save tanks, it's just as valuable knocking them out, since the end goal is just to get enough kills to either negate any lift loss or make the attacker quit.

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

I'd say to also consider the Feud skill that matches whoever appears most often as a Far Save user, which I want to say is G Feud for Ascended Fjorm?

It probably depends on your tier. I think I see Brave Hector and Brave Edelgard more often.

Ascended Fjorm is only a threat due to having Null C-Disrupt on her weapon, but her lower defensive stats and lack of stats from her weapon leave her vulnerable to Brave units and Triangle Attack shenanigans, and the lack of additional Spd from her weapon makes it easy to outspeed her with traditional offensive units.

I also run into Ninja Camilla a lot and Duo Askr occasionally as non-Save tanks, and Gotoh is likely to be fairly popular to use in Light season as a non-Save tank.


1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

Assuming Flayn or Elimine are covering for Save tanks, it's just as valuable knocking them out, since the end goal is just to get enough kills to either negate any lift loss or make the attacker quit.

The only real cost of running Colorless Feud is that you won't get the -4 to all stats against the tank itself. If you're running into more than one color of Far Save tank, Colorless Feud at least guarantees that the tank doesn't receive any additional damage reduction from Flayn or Elimine regardless of the tank's color.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Is L-Sigurd worth foddering? I appear to have two manuals for him in addition to my actual Unit. Should I be merging him or do I want his stuff?

Edit Ditto for LEliwood and Harmonic Caeda.

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2 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Is L-Sigurd worth foddering? I appear to have two manuals for him in addition to my actual Unit. Should I be merging him or do I want his stuff?

Edit Ditto for LEliwood and Harmonic Caeda.

Legendary Sigurd has Atk/Def Catch 4 and Fatal Smoke that are both good skills, though neither is in high demand. Atk/Def Catch 4 is really only used by slow melee units with a guaranteed follow-up, and it's already available on two units in the standard summoning pool (Zeke and Fallen Gustav). Fatal Smoke is mostly useful on Aether Raids defense, though it can be useful for player-controlled units to break specific tanks that rely on self-healing, but it's otherwise a rather niche skill.

Legendary Eliwood doesn't really have much worth using as fodder. Death Blow 4 is now outdated, as Ideal, Catch, and Clash skills grant more stats and Surge and Remote skills have strong secondary effects. Flow Refresh is the most niche of the Flow skills. There are units that can run it decently well, but it's usually more optimal to use Surge for healing and get a stronger secondary effect on the Flow skill instead.

Harmonized Caeda really only has Atk/Spd Catch 4 as a good fodder skill. Refer to Legendary Eliwood above for Flow Refresh. Panic Smoke 3 is pretty underwhelming compared to the alternatives in that slot, though it can be used as a stepping stone for the more viable Panic Smoke 4. Atk/Spd Catch 4 is a good skill that is in high demand, though it also has a lot of distribution, currently being on 17 different units, five of which are in the standard summoning pool, and four of which have frequent reruns in the Legendary/Mythic pool.

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15 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Legendary Sigurd has Atk/Def Catch 4 and Fatal Smoke that are both good skills, though neither is in high demand. Atk/Def Catch 4 is really only used by slow melee units with a guaranteed follow-up, and it's already available on two units in the standard summoning pool (Zeke and Fallen Gustav). Fatal Smoke is mostly useful on Aether Raids defense, though it can be useful for player-controlled units to break specific tanks that rely on self-healing, but it's otherwise a rather niche skill.

Legendary Eliwood doesn't really have much worth using as fodder. Death Blow 4 is now outdated, as Ideal, Catch, and Clash skills grant more stats and Surge and Remote skills have strong secondary effects. Flow Refresh is the most niche of the Flow skills. There are units that can run it decently well, but it's usually more optimal to use Surge for healing and get a stronger secondary effect on the Flow skill instead.

Harmonized Caeda really only has Atk/Spd Catch 4 as a good fodder skill. Refer to Legendary Eliwood above for Flow Refresh. Panic Smoke 3 is pretty underwhelming compared to the alternatives in that slot, though it can be used as a stepping stone for the more viable Panic Smoke 4. Atk/Spd Catch 4 is a good skill that is in high demand, though it also has a lot of distribution, currently being on 17 different units, five of which are in the standard summoning pool, and four of which have frequent reruns in the Legendary/Mythic pool.

Ok, so definitely merge LEliwood, and merge at least one of the LSigurds, probably both, double check to see if anyone really needs the ATK/SPD Catch 4 but don't feel too bad going for the merge there, am I getting that right?

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1 hour ago, Flying Shogi said:

Does anyone know if there's a resource out there that lists all characters by version number?  

I don't think either the Fandom wiki or Gamepress has one, but if you only need to check units that you have, you can sort your barracks by version number, and it'll also show the version number for each unit you have (both major version (Book) and minor version (update) numbers).

If you just need to check a specific unit, the Fandom wiki lists the version number for each unit on their page, or you can float units in your barracks to the top of the list by having them in the currently selected team before changing the sort method to version number.

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18 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I don't think either the Fandom wiki or Gamepress has one, but if you only need to check units that you have, you can sort your barracks by version number, and it'll also show the version number for each unit you have (both major version (Book) and minor version (update) numbers).

If you just need to check a specific unit, the Fandom wiki lists the version number for each unit on their page, or you can float units in your barracks to the top of the list by having them in the currently selected team before changing the sort method to version number.

Bummer as it seems like no such list is publicly available. I wanted to view all currently released characters grouped by their book number as book 3 onwards has been a blur for me. I'll use the in game way to check some specific characters(granted I've pulled them) and reference the CYL and New Year's banners as general touch points since they're distinct enough for me to hopefully make a decent guess of which book they were released in.

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30 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

Bummer as it seems like no such list is publicly available. I wanted to view all currently released characters grouped by their book number as book 3 onwards has been a blur for me. I'll use the in game way to check some specific characters(granted I've pulled them) and reference the CYL and New Year's banners as general touch points since they're distinct enough for me to hopefully make a decent guess of which book they were released in.

The closest list for that purpose is the Fandom wiki's List of Heroes, which can be sorted by release date. It won't directly tell you what Book the unit was released in, but that's easy enough to figure out based on release date.

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43 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The closest list for that purpose is the Fandom wiki's List of Heroes, which can be sorted by release date. It won't directly tell you what Book the unit was released in, but that's easy enough to figure out based on release date.

Didn't know a list like this existed. This is much easier to go through than going back and forth between banners. Many thanks!

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2 hours ago, Spartan Z405 said:

Do solo skills even work together?, It doesn't appear to be adding the A skill (atk/def solo 4) bonus at all only the S skill ATK/SPD solo 3


They do stack, but that type of boost only shows up in combat, not on the field. The +6 is from her Atk/Spd Menace skill.

When she enters battle, you'll see blue numbers showing the additional bonuses. If there's nothing else affecting her, she should end up with +18 Atk in additional bonuses, for a total of 92: 7 from her A skill, 6 from her S skill, and 5 from her weapon.

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On 2/17/2023 at 6:16 PM, Spartan Z405 said:

Do solo skills even work together?, It doesn't appear to be adding the A skill (atk/def solo 4) bonus at all only the S skill ATK/SPD solo 3

For more clarification, there are three different ways stats are applied to units through skills. You can tell the difference in the skill description with the wording:

  1. "in combat": These effects are only visible on the combat forecast and during combat. They always stack.
  2. "for 1 turn": These effects are visible on the character map sprite as a green arrow upward and on the character's visible stats ("Buff"). These do not stack with each other, and only the highest value (most positive normally, most negative if under the effect of Panic) for each stat takes effect.
  3. "through its next action" or "through their next actions": These effects are visible on the character map sprite as a red arrow downward and on the character's visible stats ("Penalty", I think). These do not stack with each other, and only the highest (most negative) value for each stat takes effect.

Each category is independent of the other two categories and stack with each other. Buffs that have been reversed with Panic are still considered Buffs and still count under the same category as before they were reversed.

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7 hours ago, DraceEmpressa said:

@Ice Dragon what was the japanese name for Fallen Heroes again? my apologizes, I forgot where you mentioned that. 

The name used in game file names (specifically, for voice files) is "Dark".

The characters' internal IDs are not standardized and are (usually) tailored for the character, like "魔女" (majo), "witch", for Celica, "邪竜" (jaryū), "fell dragon", for Robin, "暴走" (bōsō), "berserk", for Ike, and "覇骸" (hagai), "hegemon husk", for Edelgard, though some are just "闇" (yami), "darkness", like Dimitri's.

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Two sets of questions, one about foddering VS merging and one about fodder preferences.

First, is LMicaiah's Fury 4 or Joint Distant Guard worth foddering more than fixing a SPD Bane on either of mine? I have a +HP and a +ATK. Similarly, is Bernadetta's Lull worth sacking her more than fixing a RES Bane?

Second, what's the better Skill to use a spare Constance for, A/S Far Trace or SPD/RES Rein? Also for Brave Marth, am I best off giving his DC boost plus Spurn or is the Tempest skill worth prioritizing? I also have an extra LDimitri(meaning another source of a Tempest skill) if that affects the Marth question.

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