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34 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

I have a spare R!Grima and haven't foddered my Alfred yet so wanted to know: are there any speedy lance armors that would be good A/S Near Savers? Someone to match R!Grima herself on the opposite season, basically?

Thanks in advance!

I don't think there's many fast lance armors in general. Is there a reason you want to use that specific combination of skills? Alfred's lance is more built for a slow unit, and he doesn't have other relevant skills to offer a Save tank.

If you have two copies of Rearmed Grima, you could just use one on each season.

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59 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

I have a spare R!Grima and haven't foddered my Alfred yet so wanted to know: are there any speedy lance armors that would be good A/S Near Savers? Someone to match R!Grima herself on the opposite season, basically?

Thanks in advance!

The only viable option is Winter Hilda, though she's on the slower end of the viable options for A/S Near Save, having a full 4 less Spd than Valentine Lucina when both have maximum Dragonflowers and a Spd Asset (also counting their weapons, which both grant +8 Spd).

That said, Hilda is a 4-star Special Hero, so if you happen to have her merged up, the merges will make up the difference compared to unmerged options.

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59 minutes ago, Othin said:

Is there a reason you want to use that specific combination of skills?

I know Spd Tanking is a very good form of Tanking and most melee threats are Red or Blue, so I thought a Blue unit would be the best counter. If there aren't any valid options at the moment though, I'll just wait until someone better comes along. Too bad R!Grima lost the first round of the VG so won't be on the banner either.

30 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Surely Arcane Grima is worth far more than A/S Near Save? 😮

I don't have any units at the moment who could really use it unfortunately: the only Dragons I use all have Prf weapons or good Prf skills that Grima would disable. I guess og!F!Corrin is an option...

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What is the optimal setup for SP grinding? I've been trying to get as many Valor skills as possible, but I have no idea what unit to put them on. Also any advice on easy ways to get those skills in the first place would be awesome since they are mostly stuck on seasonal units.

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12 minutes ago, ForsetiMaster2006 said:

What is the optimal setup for SP grinding? I've been trying to get as many Valor skills as possible, but I have no idea what unit to put them on. Also any advice on easy ways to get those skills in the first place would be awesome since they are mostly stuck on seasonal units.

Valor skills can do their job just fine on any unit, there's no need to inherit them from the units they start on.

I like to use Chain Challenge Book 1 Chapters 1+2 Normal. Lets you fight 37 easy lv35+ enemies, so you can just take your unit of choice, a Valor unit, and two healers, unequip the weapons from all three support units, maybe toss on some defensive seals, and then you're probably set to auto-battle your way through. Get a bunch of Hero Merit, too. If you give the main unit a blessing and do it when the weekend SP bonus is in effect, you can get 24 SP per kill, for a total of 888 from a single run. Even if you don't have the relevant Valor skill, that's still 444 per run.

Edited by Othin
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4 hours ago, ForsetiMaster2006 said:

What is the optimal setup for SP grinding? I've been trying to get as many Valor skills as possible, but I have no idea what unit to put them on. Also any advice on easy ways to get those skills in the first place would be awesome since they are mostly stuck on seasonal units.

There's no easy way to get Valor skills. Pray their associated units are put in the Limited Time Combat Manual shop I guess? Though I'm pretty sure we're past the point where those units were relevant to the shop...
As for who to put them on? Dancers, bonus points if they're fliers or cavalry. As stated they don't need to be given to any specific unit, but since Dancers already serve a support role there's very little lost by giving it to them.

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Toss on a Mythic blessing (since they're so plentiful even if you just auto-dispatch Aether Raids) and throw them at Forging Bonds. Combined with the usual weekend boost, I find that's plenty for me these days.

I do miss the hilarious exponential SP bug from back in the day though, the one where every time you restarted a map, XP per kill would double the next time.

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6 hours ago, ForsetiMaster2006 said:

What is the optimal setup for SP grinding? I've been trying to get as many Valor skills as possible, but I have no idea what unit to put them on. Also any advice on easy ways to get those skills in the first place would be awesome since they are mostly stuck on seasonal units.

My standard setup is to run the melee or ranged Special Training map at Lunatic difficulty, which puts you up against 21 level-34 units with reduced stats and costs 15 stamina. Unfortunately, auto-battle doesn't work well since your attacking unit will probably kill all of the enemies before all of the reinforcements arrive, so you do have to end each turn manually. On the melee map, just stand around the spawn point and kill enemies as they arrive, moving back and forth between the two entrances depending on where the next enemies are coming from. On the ranged map, just stand on the bridge. Most units are able to handle the map fine with nothing but the Mystic Boost Sacred Seal equipped, though I also give Chill Atk to the unit with Valor.

I don't think it's really worth it to move the Valor skills off of their original owners.

There's no easy way to get Valor skills other than to wait for the units to appear on a banner.

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Hey, it's me again, asking about Legendary Roy this time.

Given that I don't have Arcane whatsit, I assume I want to Refine Dragonbind and go with a Stance 3 Skill, preferably Bracing of course. If I don't have Bracing Stance 3, is it worth sticking with Bracing Stance 2 or should I get a different Stance 3? Steady Posture 3 is my only current spare since I'm not sacking my Ascended Idunn, is that one worth or should I be doing something else entirely?

Also asking about Brave Dimitri, that guy's something else. Is there anything he needs to replace the Unity or Hone 4 with?

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26 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Hey, it's me again, asking about Legendary Roy this time.

Given that I don't have Arcane whatsit, I assume I want to Refine Dragonbind and go with a Stance 3 Skill, preferably Bracing of course. If I don't have Bracing Stance 3, is it worth sticking with Bracing Stance 2 or should I get a different Stance 3? Steady Posture 3 is my only current spare since I'm not sacking my Ascended Idunn, is that one worth or should I be doing something else entirely?

You don't want Arcane Eljudnir on Legendary Roy anyways because it prevents him from running his rather strong exclusive C skill, which grants him effectively a second stack of Bonus Doubler (using ally bonuses instead of his own) and a second stack of Dodge (again using ally bonuses instead of his Spd).

Roy doesn't really need any Def or Res on his A skill since he already gets 2 stacks of percentage damage reduction. Unless you're expecting to go up against Legendary Nanna or Lucia, it's better to just stack Atk and Spd. (And if you're going up against Nanna or Lucia, you still want Spd, but you can swap out Atk for Def if you want more bulk.)

His default A skill of Bonus Doubler is fine as is as long as you aren't going up against opponents that can nullify his Bonuses. However, depending on what phase(s) you want to use him on, his optimal choices for A skills are generally going to be Surge Sparrow (player phase), Kestrel Stance 3 (enemy phase), Atk/Spd Ideal 4 (any build), and Atk/Spd Finish 4 (any build). If you aren't able to rely on Bonus Doubler and aren't able to get any of the good tier-4 skills on him, Atk/Spd Ideal 3 (from Miriel) is the next best option.


40 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Also asking about Brave Dimitri, that guy's something else. Is there anything he needs to replace the Unity or Hone 4 with?

Unity is a good option in game modes where you're expecting to be hit with penalties, like Aether Raids and certain tiers in the Arena. Outside of those modes, it's better to run a Stance or Finish skill, either the Atk/Def version or the Spd/Def version.

Joint Hone Atk is pretty outdated at this point, and it would be better to replace it with a Menace (Atk/Def or Spd/Def), Oath (Atk/Def or Spd/Def, tier 3 is fine), or premium Smoke skill (any tier-4 Smoke or Fatal Smoke).

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Unity is a good option in game modes where you're expecting to be hit with penalties, like Aether Raids and certain tiers in the Arena. Outside of those modes, it's better to run a Stance or Finish skill, either the Atk/Def version or the Spd/Def version.

Joint Hone Atk is pretty outdated at this point, and it would be better to replace it with a Menace (Atk/Def or Spd/Def), Oath (Atk/Def or Spd/Def, tier 3 is fine), or premium Smoke skill (any tier-4 Smoke or Fatal Smoke).

Hm, so I may want to consider putting my Shannan towards my Dimitri instead then, good to know. Probably won't sack him just yet, I need to see what other Red options from the same game I have first, but I'll make a note of it, especially in case I get another one.

My Forma Dimitri did well enough that I picked him up for the merge and my lucky hits, he got ATK Smoke 4 and Ruptured Sky. I bombed pretty hard on the A Skills, though, I didn't see anything better than Warding Stance 4, which is, you know, a Stance skill that can kind of help shore up his RES, but I worry that's trying to spread his stats thinner than will actually help. Glad to know the C Skill was the right call, I passed on a couple other skills that looked shinier.

1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

You don't want Arcane Eljudnir on Legendary Roy anyways because it prevents him from running his rather strong exclusive C skill, which grants him effectively a second stack of Bonus Doubler (using ally bonuses instead of his own) and a second stack of Dodge (again using ally bonuses instead of his Spd).

Roy doesn't really need any Def or Res on his A skill since he already gets 2 stacks of percentage damage reduction. Unless you're expecting to go up against Legendary Nanna or Lucia, it's better to just stack Atk and Spd. (And if you're going up against Nanna or Lucia, you still want Spd, but you can swap out Atk for Def if you want more bulk.)

His default A skill of Bonus Doubler is fine as is as long as you aren't going up against opponents that can nullify his Bonuses. However, depending on what phase(s) you want to use him on, his optimal choices for A skills are generally going to be Surge Sparrow (player phase), Kestrel Stance 3 (enemy phase), Atk/Spd Ideal 4 (any build), and Atk/Spd Finish 4 (any build). If you aren't able to rely on Bonus Doubler and aren't able to get any of the good tier-4 skills on him, Atk/Spd Ideal 3 (from Miriel) is the next best option.

Ok, that's good to know, I'll probably keep the Doubler for now. Interesting that he wants to go all in on ATK/SPD, in the event that I get the fodder for it I'll probably do that, Roy is my main man and I finally got Harmonic Roy and Legendary Roy in their last appearances so I'm in the process of updating all my Roys to hopefully make a killer content clearing team.

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6 hours ago, Othin said:

I've been thinking of building and merging a Far Save Ignatz. Would he be a good user for the Arcane bow?

For the purposes of comparing to a baseline, Arcane Nastrond is actually comparable to Gerbera Axe defensively, granting a slightly lower +7 Spd instead of +8 and a slightly lower 30% damage reduction instead of 40%.

Ignatz with maximum Dragonflowers has 3 less Spd (4 Spd accounting for weapons) than Valentine Lucina, but that can be made up with merges if you don't have the resources to merge up 5-star-exclusive units.

My main worry with Ignatz (and all other fast, ranged Far Save tanks that aren't named Marth or Takumi) is the fact that he's vulnerable to Deadeye and Lethality since he's reliant on percentage damage reduction to tank and doesn't have access to defensive Specials.

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42 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

For the purposes of comparing to a baseline, Arcane Nastrond is actually comparable to Gerbera Axe defensively, granting a slightly lower +7 Spd instead of +8 and a slightly lower 30% damage reduction instead of 40%.

Ignatz with maximum Dragonflowers has 3 less Spd (4 Spd accounting for weapons) than Valentine Lucina, but that can be made up with merges if you don't have the resources to merge up 5-star-exclusive units.

My main worry with Ignatz (and all other fast, ranged Far Save tanks that aren't named Marth or Takumi) is the fact that he's vulnerable to Deadeye and Lethality since he's reliant on percentage damage reduction to tank and doesn't have access to defensive Specials.

Hmm. I guess that's based on feeding him Savvy Fighter? I do have a spare Lucina, so it's an option, but a steeper price than I'd expected.

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15 minutes ago, Othin said:

Hmm. I guess that's based on feeding him Savvy Fighter? I do have a spare Lucina, so it's an option, but a steeper price than I'd expected.

Savvy Fighter is generally the best option, but it comes with the same issue as Arcane Nastrond in that it's nullified by a pre-charged Deadeye or Lethality and that it loses a sizable chunk of its value against opponents with the Brave effect.

The best alternative is probably Special Fighter 4, as passive healing is functionally similar to damage reduction, but backloads the "damage reduction" and requires the unit to survive taking the damage first. Then there's also the issue that Special Fighter 4 is even harder to get than Savvy Fighter.

Guard 4 is also an option that grants the damage reduction from Savvy Fighter (without the Null Follow-Up effect) with the Guard effect from Special Fighter (without the healing and Special charge rate boost).

If you can offload damage reduction to support units and aren't at risk of having them wiped away with Feud, Mystic Boost 4 is probably the next-best skill in the B slot. It gives you Null C-Disrupt against staff units (which is nice given Elise and Elincia now appearing in Aether Raids defense compositions), but its healing is generally inferior to the damage reduction or healing from the above skills.


If you're looking for less-premium skills, you can probably still pull something off with Unity + Crafty Fighter or Stance 4 + Wily Fighter, especially if you have good support units (like Legendary Male Robin). You'll probably want Spd/Def or Spd/Res in the A slot since Arcane Nastrond already grants an additional 8-10 Atk against most opponents, and running Def/Res is a waste on a fast unit.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Savvy Fighter is generally the best option, but it comes with the same issue as Arcane Nastrond in that it's nullified by a pre-charged Deadeye or Lethality and that it loses a sizable chunk of its value against opponents with the Brave effect.

The best alternative is probably Special Fighter 4, as passive healing is functionally similar to damage reduction, but backloads the "damage reduction" and requires the unit to survive taking the damage first. Then there's also the issue that Special Fighter 4 is even harder to get than Savvy Fighter.

Guard 4 is also an option that grants the damage reduction from Savvy Fighter (without the Null Follow-Up effect) with the Guard effect from Special Fighter (without the healing and Special charge rate boost).

If you can offload damage reduction to support units and aren't at risk of having them wiped away with Feud, Mystic Boost 4 is probably the next-best skill in the B slot. It gives you Null C-Disrupt against staff units (which is nice given Elise and Elincia now appearing in Aether Raids defense compositions), but its healing is generally inferior to the damage reduction or healing from the above skills.


If you're looking for less-premium skills, you can probably still pull something off with Unity + Crafty Fighter or Stance 4 + Wily Fighter, especially if you have good support units (like Legendary Male Robin). You'll probably want Spd/Def or Spd/Res in the A slot since Arcane Nastrond already grants an additional 8-10 Atk against most opponents, and running Def/Res is a waste on a fast unit.

Gotcha, that's useful to know. If I do go with a currently-rare B slot, it'll probably be Savvy Fighter, but this will take some more thought.

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Hey so this is probably a dumb question, but regarding Forma. Would it be safe to say that Distant Dart, Close Call 4, and Time Pulse 4 on Shannan is worth picking up? I unfortunately ended up missing Vital Astra but Imperial Astra with TP4 should still be solid right?

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2 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Hey so this is probably a dumb question, but regarding Forma. Would it be safe to say that Distant Dart, Close Call 4, and Time Pulse 4 on Shannan is worth picking up? I unfortunately ended up missing Vital Astra but Imperial Astra with TP4 should still be solid right?

The skills are fine. Shannan himself is a bit iffy, at least until he gets a refine (which should be around summer of this year, give or take a few months).

Shannan's stats are pretty mediocre for his class, considering Lumera is pretty much strictly better than him, so you'd basically just have to hope he gets a good refine (which he should since he's a 5-star unit).

It's worth noting that unless Balmunk's refine grants the Slaying effect or a before- or after-combat Pulse effect, his default Imperial Astra is going to generally be better than Vital Astra, so you're probably not losing much by not being able to get it from the Forma. The only notable loss is the fact that he can't run Imperial Astra with Arcane Eljudnir, but I doubt that's much of issue given that there's little reason to give him Arcane Eljudnir in the first place when he's getting a refine in only a couple months.

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17 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

The skills are fine. Shannan himself is a bit iffy, at least until he gets a refine (which should be around summer of this year, give or take a few months).

Shannan's stats are pretty mediocre for his class, considering Lumera is pretty much strictly better than him, so you'd basically just have to hope he gets a good refine (which he should since he's a 5-star unit).

It's worth noting that unless Balmunk's refine grants the Slaying effect or a before- or after-combat Pulse effect, his default Imperial Astra is going to generally be better than Vital Astra, so you're probably not losing much by not being able to get it from the Forma. The only notable loss is the fact that he can't run Imperial Astra with Arcane Eljudnir, but I doubt that's much of issue given that there's little reason to give him Arcane Eljudnir in the first place when he's getting a refine in only a couple months.

I mean I don't have Arcane anything to sack in the first place.

I'm mostly asking because I find it highly unlikely that they'll rerun the Hall of Forms with either of my two highest priority pickups, Brave Roy and Spring Palla, so I'm wondering if I should just hold on to my Forma Soul indefinitely in some wild hope that they one day get rerun(and that said rerun is when I can actually play), or if I should be seriously scouting other options.

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1 hour ago, SoulWeaver said:

I mean I don't have Arcane anything to sack in the first place.

I'm mostly asking because I find it highly unlikely that they'll rerun the Hall of Forms with either of my two highest priority pickups, Brave Roy and Spring Palla, so I'm wondering if I should just hold on to my Forma Soul indefinitely in some wild hope that they one day get rerun(and that said rerun is when I can actually play), or if I should be seriously scouting other options.

Consider that it's not just your "highest priority" units that may be run, but also that stronger and stronger units will be featured in future HoF runs. Take the recent Three Houses HoF: all 4 of Brave Edelgard, Brave Dimitri, Brave Claude, and Brave Lysithea had all gotten great refines very recently before it, and the skills being put into the HoF skill pool gets better every month. I'm fairly certain this coming HoF will even allow the ability to put Special Spiral 4 and Time's Pulse 4 on the same unit, making it possible to fully charge a special like Dragon Fang or Lethality after every combat (with a Slaying weapon which almost every Prf these days is) and get the benefits granted by SS4. Dare I hope it, if a HoF features Yuri we're all gonna be in hell.

If the two may overlap, that's great, but just keep an open mind as we get more and more HoF's.


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1 hour ago, SoulWeaver said:

I mean I don't have Arcane anything to sack in the first place.

I'm mostly asking because I find it highly unlikely that they'll rerun the Hall of Forms with either of my two highest priority pickups, Brave Roy and Spring Palla, so I'm wondering if I should just hold on to my Forma Soul indefinitely in some wild hope that they one day get rerun(and that said rerun is when I can actually play), or if I should be seriously scouting other options.

The Celestial Stone Shop means you can get at least one free Forma Soul every six months, and they're the best thing to spend Celestial Stones on. You may as well pick them up whenever they're available and keep an eye out for places to use them, even if you want to keep one or two in reserve.

That said, there's also no hurry. You might find a unit you want more, and as @Xenomata pointed out, Forma options are constantly getting stronger. If you've seen the leaked upcoming Forma, consider if any of those are units you might prefer, if you can get good builds on them.

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17 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Take the recent Three Houses HoF: all 4 of Brave Edelgard, Brave Dimitri, Brave Claude, and Brave Lysithea had all gotten great refines very recently before it, and the skills being put into the HoF skill pool gets better every month.

Ok, but I generally care very little for the vast majority of Units that get run through HoF - to continue using this example, I literally never used Edelgard in battle once and cleared the whole thing with just the other three, and while they all did alright(Lysithea in particular picked up Ruptured Sky and a solid C if I'm remembering right), Dimitri is the only one who I decided I'd even consider picking up since I'd just barely happened to dig my actual Brave Dimitri back up and realized what a dang good Unit he'd turned out to be(which meant I wasted 200 Dew Refining him only to get his Forma with it pre-refined /sob). As someone who would much rather use characters he likes or happens to get absolutely astonishing kits on, the overarching 'power level' of the HoF units doesn't matter enough for me to go 'well but I'mma get offered a newer Unit a year down the line.'

Like the other Forma I have is Dancer Nephenee with Plegian Bow, ATK/DEF Ideal, a double Chill I don't recall, and DEF/RES Menace, because somehow that happened and I was just like this is too great a meme to pass up.

17 hours ago, Othin said:

The Celestial Stone Shop means you can get at least one free Forma Soul every six months, and they're the best thing to spend Celestial Stones on. You may as well pick them up whenever they're available and keep an eye out for places to use them, even if you want to keep one or two in reserve.

That said, there's also no hurry. You might find a unit you want more, and as @Xenomata pointed out, Forma options are constantly getting stronger. If you've seen the leaked upcoming Forma, consider if any of those are units you might prefer, if you can get good builds on them.

I'll see, I rarely get Celestial Stones since I'm not particularly amazing at saving Orbs(I am working on fixing this, yes), though I have accumulated enough to pick up one Forma Soul over the years.

Honestly, unless they run one of a very small handful of characters(small as in Roy, Cordelia, Ishtar, Palla, and Sakura are the ones in the game right now and that's a little more than half the list, which also includes Cipher OCs) there are virtually no characters that would be auto-Formas for me, so I'm just a little conflicted.

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19 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

As someone who would much rather use characters he likes or happens to get absolutely astonishing kits on, the overarching 'power level' of the HoF units doesn't matter enough for me to go 'well but I'mma get offered a newer Unit a year down the line.'

I've grown to outright hate Three Houses characters in Heroes, but that doesn't stop me from recognizing what good units they tend to be.
Similarly, one of my favorite units is Nowi, but I'd be kneecapping myself if I tried to wait for a HoF where she was featured.

I just don't think it's worth it to hold out for a unit you care about when only 4 units appear per HoF and color sharing only happens sometimes. Especially in a case where you'd be relying on a revival happening, because those are decided by votes, and if I may be honest, the FEH voting community is fucking stupid.

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14 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

As someone who would much rather use characters he likes or happens to get absolutely astonishing kits on, the overarching 'power level' of the HoF units doesn't matter enough for me to go 'well but I'mma get offered a newer Unit a year down the line.'

If you're committed to using characters you like, I would suggest waiting for a character you like to appear and then focus on getting a very good kit for them. And I mean actually focus on getting a good kit, not just hoping to get a good kit.

For example, I only spend Forma Souls on Grail units. When a Grail unit is announced (or datamined) for an upcoming Hall of Forms, I go to the drawing board and immediately figure out what kind of build I want on them. Then, when the Hall of Forms event begins, I focus all of my efforts towards making sure that unit gets that build.


My strategy is to try not to lose a map or repeat a map until reaching floor 13, which is when you start getting 2 options per passive skill slot. During this part, try to spread out your first-kill bonuses across your units as much as possible so that they won't be dead weight later on (since they won't be getting any more skills or merges after this).

After reaching floor 13, remain on floor 13 to level up your team until you feel ready to continue, using the double skill options to hopefully get some good skills. Try to have the unit you're intending to give the Forma Soul to get the first kill on every map as much as possible.

Once you feel comfortable climbing again, clear the remaining floors, still attempting to give the first kill to the Forma Soul unit on every map. If you encounter a map you don't think you can do this on or you don't think you can clear at all, you can repeat floor 13 to reroll the map. You should have more than enough torches to spare doing this. Once you're done climbing, go back to floor 13 for the remainder of the event and farm out any skills that you still haven't gotten yet.


If the unit has an exclusive skill and you want a different skill in that slot (for example, trying to get Vital Astra instead of Regnal Astra on Lakche for more build options), get the exclusive skill first (if it is offered before the other skill), then go for the other skill. Exclusive skills have a higher chance of being rolled than inheritable skills, so if you don't grab the exclusive skill, the game will continue to waste its skill offerings on that skill, making it harder to get a different skill in that slot.

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