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31 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Corrin would very much prefer to engage Alm on her own player phase. Neutral Corrin misses the follow-up against neutral Alm by 1 Spd, meaning she'll want Swordbreaker to make the follow-up guaranteed.

I'm assume this also without any team buffs as well? Either way that great to know, thanks Ice Dragon

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6 hours ago, XRay said:

Speed always matter for a nuke. Even if a unit is -Spd, Spd stacking will still help the unit get kills by at least be able to double the slower units.

If you still want to go the one shot route, I recommend using her in a mixed team to fully utilize Tactics buffs to get her damage to be as high as possible. In my opinion, a regular 4/4/0/0 is not enough to one shot things in my opinion.

For an Arena Assault build that does not need Spd, you can give Elise a blue mage counter build with Triangle Adept 2 and Quick Riposte 2 from Selena and Subaki respectively.

Huh, kinda surprised the speed comes into play given that it seems H!Nowi just misses too many important doubles. I basically have to use her as a one shot nuke. So I assumed Elise would be similar. But their targets are different. H!Nowi is hitting greens and reds. And reds are the speediest color so that may be why she often feels like she is falling short. And yeah I knew I was going to have to dump her on a Tactics team. Or at the very least have the Def Tactic seal on a team mate of hers. I do actually run my Eirika like that from time to time so that would likely have been her partner. 4/4/6/0.

As much as I dislike TA; the Arena Assault build seems like the best bet for me. Relatively cheap(though I have no 4* of those units so she is having to go on a feather waiting list). Or with TA3 I assume she can bait Rein, which is always a plus(got a couple of Roys sitting around collecting dust). Not sure if she can bait Rein with only the second level. Her Res+HP is kinda crappy to tank. And Rein is the blue mage I most often am looking for a counter for. Not sure if I have 7 yet or not. But thankfully I don't see him that often in AA. Often enough, but never 1 in every match.

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On 6.4.2018 at 6:09 AM, Johann said:

Speaking only for Felicia and Cecilia because I don't use Tharja, but consider that their preferred stats will depend on the role you want them to perform.

FELICIA: My own Felicia is +Spd/-Def because more often than not, the extra Spd will save her life, while 3 Atk won't matter much. Against mages, which she's best suited for, she'll crush them with Glacies if she doubles them (also assuming you refine her Plate), which will do so much damage that 3 Atk will be irrelevant. Even against Raventomes, she'll often have enough power to destroy them with Glacies, and nobody uses Daggerbreaker. Against powerful distant counter foes (like say, many armors and dragons), her low Def and HP will almost certainly prevent her from attacking at all (unless Glacies is ready), in which case neither Atk nor Spd will matter.

CECILIA: Short answer-- If you're using Gronnblade, go +Spd, but if you're using Gronnraven or Gronnwolf, go +Atk. My own Cecilia is 4*+10, +Atk/-Def, and I use Fury and Keen Gronnwolf, with her role being an all-powerful horse killer (in some cases, I've had her wipe out entire horse teams without needing a dancer or buffs). I use Fury for just the general all-around stat boost, and with Distant Def 3 seal, she'll take little to no damage from buffed Reinhardts, and shrugs off other Cecilias regardless of their setup. One slight thing to note is that +Spd can boost her Arena scoring ever so slightly, provided she's not -Res.


On 6.4.2018 at 6:18 AM, XRay said:

For Felicia, if you want her to be a mage tank, [+Spd, -Def] is her best nature in my opinion, followed closely by [+Res, -Def]. [+Spd, -Def] is slightly better due to being able to prevent doubles more easily and is more applicable overall, but [+Res, -Def] is not bad either as +Res and +Spd can tank different kinds of Celica. If you plan to merge Felicia to +10 however, +Spd is better than +Res as Felicia would have gained enough bulk from merges by then to not need +Res's extra bulk.

Gronnraven Cecilia should go for [+Atk, -HP/Spd], while Gronnblade Cecilia should go for [+Spd, -HP/Def/Res]. I would keep both. Raven mages should generally go for +Atk since there are occasionally archers out there running bulky sets, so the extra Attack helps take them out. Raven mages generally do not need Speed since they run Bowbreaker.

I would go with [+Spd, -Def] for Tharja. Generally, for Player Phase non-Brave nukes, +Spd is the best boon, followed by +Atk. For their banes, as long as it is -HP/Def/Res, it is fine and I would not be too picky about it. With that being said, generally, melee nukes should still ideally go with -Res, but you can also opt for -HP if you have trouble getting the unit into Desperation range. For ranged nukes, -HP, -Def, and -Res all serve slightly different purposes; many players go with -Def for all their ranged nukes since they can use the Res to tank other ranged units in an emergency; with some exceptions, I personally prefer to bane the higher of Def or Res so my ranged nukes can more easily deal with dragons; like melee nukes, -HP is there to help ranged nukes reach Desperation range more easily.

Thank you both. I ended up promoting Felicia already and she's been working pretty well so far, though I'm not quite sure about her B slot skill yet. Desperation seems to be the obvious choice for someone as fast as her, but it sadly doesn't combo too well with the CD of her Glacies, even if most mages should be killable just fine without it. I also thought about Guard for a while as she would need it to survive stuff like Quickened Moonbow Rein, but that's probably rather situational as well...
Unless there's something I'm missing, I'll probably stick with Desperation.

Regarding Cecilia, I considered +Spd on her Raven set mainly because my old M!Robin from back at the start of the game is +Spd/-Res and the added Spd has generally been pretty nice for his tankiness. Cecilia is quite a bit slower than him though, so she would probably need horse buffs to reach a somewhat decent speed tier even with +Spd, so eeeh.
I'm also not completely sure whether I want Bowbreaker on her as she should simply oneshot most bow users on the counter, so I thought about Green Tome Breaker to help her check some of the not so hyper-offensive green mages.

And yep, unless a ranged unit has very onesided bulk and therefore the job to specifically tank one attack type (like Julia), I tend to balance Def and Res out so that it's easier to survive one hit from mostly everything you're neutral to. It's just sometimes difficult with cases like Nino, whom you could use to tank a few stray attacks if you leave her Res intact, but on the other side neutral Def also lets her survive just one attack from a lot of physical enemies, so hm.

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7 minutes ago, Sias said:

Thank you both. I ended up promoting Felicia already and she's been working pretty well so far, though I'm not quite sure about her B slot skill yet. Desperation seems to be the obvious choice for someone as fast as her, but it sadly doesn't combo too well with the CD of her Glacies, even if most mages should be killable just fine without it. I also thought about Guard for a while as she would need it to survive stuff like Quickened Moonbow Rein, but that's probably rather situational as well...
Unless there's something I'm missing, I'll probably stick with Desperation.

Regarding Cecilia, I considered +Spd on her Raven set mainly because my old M!Robin from back at the start of the game is +Spd/-Res and the added Spd has generally been pretty nice for his tankiness. Cecilia is quite a bit slower than him though, so she would probably need horse buffs to reach a somewhat decent speed tier even with +Spd, so eeeh.
I'm also not completely sure whether I want Bowbreaker on her as she should simply oneshot most bow users on the counter, so I thought about Green Tome Breaker to help her check some of the not so hyper-offensive green mages.

And yep, unless a ranged unit has very onesided bulk and therefore the job to specifically tank one attack type (like Julia), I tend to balance Def and Res out so that it's easier to survive one hit from mostly everything you're neutral to. It's just sometimes difficult with cases like Nino, whom you could use to tank a few stray attacks if you leave her Res intact, but on the other side neutral Def also lets her survive just one attack from a lot of physical enemies, so hm.

Quick list of good Felicia B skills: Windsweep, Guard, Renewal, Desperation, Cancel Affinity, and Chill Spd are all strong choices. I personally run Renewal almost always just for the Arena points, Chain Challenge, etc. There are a few others that are decent choices but she probably won't get much from them because of her high Spd (QR, breakers) and Res (Watersweep), and low Atk (Vantage). Ideally her Res should be enough to survive Moonbow on Reinhardt, whether that's through her own skills, or support. Mine usually runs Distant Def 3 in A slot, and Atk Ploy 3 seal (Distant Def 3 is too necessary on other units for me to use on her).

Regarding Cecilia stuff: Your choices with her are going to ultimately depend on who she's with. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Who is she on a team with? Does she have buffs usually, or a dancer? Are there other units on the team who can fulfill certain roles that she can't handle (primarily, targeting her weaknesses)? What is her biggest weakness that isn't a red unit?
  • Which Archers are giving you a hard time? A variety of them, or is it just Lyn? What bows are they using (often Firesweep or Brave Bow)? Are they usually using offensive skills like Life & Death, or more of a defensive build?
  • Which Green Mages are giving you a hard time? What is it about them that makes them a threat (Bladetome? Divine Naga? High Res or Spd? Cavalry mages?)? Is Green Tomebreaker enough? Is Cecilia your best unit to handle these mages when they show up?

Considering that Cecilia's Def is pretty low, I've never been a fan of Gronnraven on her (or any other low Def mage). On top of that, the archer you have to worry about most (and is certainly the most common) is Lyn, who's either packing a Brave Bow (which can overpower Cecilia's low Def), Firesweep Bow (often paired with Cancel Affinity), or default Mulagir (ignoring Cecilia's buffs). You also are forced to use Bowbreaker to stand a chance against Lyn's Spd, meaning Cecilia is not going to handle most green mages (not counting the ones that will always out-mage her, like Dierdre). I personally handle this with Keen Gronnwolf+ and a flexible B skill (like G Tomebreaker), in part because nobody uses Grani's Shield (for now, everybody has 2 Camuses at best), and likely wouldn't over offensive skills. This helps her maintain her key roles, which to me are keeping Lyn, Reinhardt, and other Cecilias (even if they are packing G Tomebreaker!) in check. Of these, Lyn is still going to be too strong to counter, but Cecilia with Gronnwolf will still kill Lyn in one shot, and can even remain where she is to counter Reinhardt.

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14 hours ago, Sias said:

Thank you both. I ended up promoting Felicia already and she's been working pretty well so far, though I'm not quite sure about her B slot skill yet. Desperation seems to be the obvious choice for someone as fast as her, but it sadly doesn't combo too well with the CD of her Glacies, even if most mages should be killable just fine without it. I also thought about Guard for a while as she would need it to survive stuff like Quickened Moonbow Rein, but that's probably rather situational as well...
Unless there's something I'm missing, I'll probably stick with Desperation.

Personally, I think dedicated Player Phase or Enemy Phase units are generally better than mixed phase units, especially for highly niche units like Felicia. I would recommend Quick Riposte if you are going the Enemy Phase route since Felicia's Spd simply is not enough to double enemy nukes and Felicia herself does not have enough Atk to one hit kill many of them. Enemy mage nukes may be fragile, but most of them can at least eat a counter. In my opinion, damaging enemies but not killing them is worse than leaving them at full HP since they could abuse Vantage and Wing of Mercy.

If you are going the Player Phase route, Desperation is fine. If you do not care about first round performance, you can run Moonbow instead of Iceberg so Felicia will always activate it on the second hit against enemy mages when Desperation is active.

14 hours ago, Sias said:

Regarding Cecilia, I considered +Spd on her Raven set mainly because my old M!Robin from back at the start of the game is +Spd/-Res and the added Spd has generally been pretty nice for his tankiness. Cecilia is quite a bit slower than him though, so she would probably need horse buffs to reach a somewhat decent speed tier even with +Spd, so eeeh.
I'm also not completely sure whether I want Bowbreaker on her as she should simply oneshot most bow users on the counter, so I thought about Green Tome Breaker to help her check some of the not so hyper-offensive green mages.

That is making a Raven mage do too much. In my opinion, Raven mages' primary duty should be taking care of archers, the only other additional duty is to take care of enemy mages they have advantage against if you are sure the Raven mage can kill those enemy mages in one round of combat.

As @Johann has said, Cecilia does not have enough bulk to stomach attacks from BH!Lyn unless you plan to merge her beyond 5*+5. At 4*+10, Cecilia needs Bowbreaker to counter non-Firesweep BH!Lyn; BH!Lyn at 5*+10 running Mulagir can survive a counter from a 4*+10 Cecilia (Glimmer/Moonbow would not activate in time) and then proceed to double and kill Cecilia.

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Is there any point to bow users using anything except the brave bow or their unique weapon? I got a +SPD Klein I'd like to merge my +Def one into, but +SPD doesn't really seem like it'd help the brave build. I was thinking slaying bow, which'd give him 48/43 with a speed refine. I'm not going to eschew the brave bow entirely. This would just be an alternative to take advantage of his boon.

@XRay & @silveraura25 Decided I am going to go through with the Jeorge thing. Thanks for the input. Now just need some Sothes for L&D :\

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9 minutes ago, bottlegnomes said:

Is there any point to bow users using anything except the brave bow or their unique weapon?

Firesweep Bow.

Guard Bow on extremely bulky bow users, most specifically Faye and Jakob.

Slaying Bow is very iffy because you're either forced to use a weak 2-charge Special skill or have to take a counterattack to use a 3-charge Special skill.

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32 minutes ago, bottlegnomes said:

Is there any point to bow users using anything except the brave bow or their unique weapon? I got a +SPD Klein I'd like to merge my +Def one into, but +SPD doesn't really seem like it'd help the brave build. I was thinking slaying bow, which'd give him 48/43 with a speed refine. I'm not going to eschew the brave bow entirely. This would just be an alternative to take advantage of his boon.

@XRay & @silveraura25 Decided I am going to go through with the Jeorge thing. Thanks for the input. Now just need some Sothes for L&D :\

Firesweep Bow and Brave Bow are the two best Player Phase bows. Slaying Bow is not really worth it unless you have spare 5* Leons lying around and you want to clear him out.

BB!Cordelia +Spd, -Def
Firesweep, Luna
Life and Death, Poison Strike
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase 72:0:161
Player Phase [Immediate Dancer/Singer Support] 225:0:9

BB!Cordelia +Spd, -Def
Slaying Bow [Spd], Luna
Life and Death, Desperation
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase 102:37:94
Player Phase [Immediate Dancer/Singer Support] 186:38:9

BB!Cordelia +Atk, -Def
Brave Bow, Luna
Life and Death, Desperation
Attack +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase 140:23:70
Player Phase [Immediate Dancer/Singer Support] 209:23:1

In my opinion, the only niche Slaying Bow has is for Close Counter archers that focus on melee opponents rather than ranged opponents. If you are not using Close Counter on your Enemy Phase archer, then Guard Bow is the superior option.

If you do not mind sacrificing YS!Gaius, Refreshing Bolt is better than Slaying Bow.

BB!Cordelia +Spd, -Def
Refreshing Bolt [Spd], Moonbow
Life and Death, Desperation
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase 132:26:75
Player Phase [Immediate Dancer/Singer Support] 199:28:6

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5 hours ago, bottlegnomes said:

Is there any point to bow users using anything except the brave bow or their unique weapon?

I use a combination of Firesweep and double Poison Strike on BLyn in one of my AA Teams. Far reach etc. She can wear down ANY tough opponent with this, even if the odds are against my Team, because she can just wear the opponents down.
This means that no specific unit can be a threat or unbeatable to the Team. For example the Team i run her in has no dedicated Dragonstone or Armoredunits counter, Lyn just takes care of them by wearing them down. She basicly is the counter to anything the other 3 cant handle.

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I've got 3 4* Roys at the ready, and only enough to promote one. Thing is, i"m unsure which boon would work best with his refined BB once i eventually do so. One is +atk/res, another +def/-spd and last +res/-hp. With a Bracing Stance and QR5, I'd assume the latter two, but having an atk of 46 doesn't seem very desirable as he'd then have to rely more on specials for damage output

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37 minutes ago, Motendra said:

I've got 3 4* Roys at the ready, and only enough to promote one. Thing is, i"m unsure which boon would work best with his refined BB once i eventually do so. One is +atk/res, another +def/-spd and last +res/-hp. With a Bracing Stance and QR5, I'd assume the latter two, but having an atk of 46 doesn't seem very desirable as he'd then have to rely more on specials for damage output

Enemy Phase units should always rely on Specials for damage, there is no reason not to. If you are looking for the most kills, this is the best I can come up with from the calculator:

Roy +Atk, -Spd
Binding Blade [special], Iceberg
Distant Counter, Wrath
Close Def
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 139:57:37
Enemy Phase [+Def, -Spd] 134:46:53
Enemy Phase [+Atk, -Res, Luna] 119:59:55
Enemy Phase [+Res, -HP] 113:64:56

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So I plan to build a +atk -def Fir with Nameless Blade and Glacies. I plan to have her with QP, QP effect from infantry pulse and have the enemy attack her during enemy phase? What B skill should I run on her. Brave weapons murder her and bulky blue units survive her onslaught. Perhaps a chill, but I don't have any nor do I plan to run to get any in the meantime. Perhaps escape route as well as a double rally on her?

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5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Quick Riposte or Swordbreaker.

Thing is that she's going to blow things up in the enemy phase upon the first attack she does due to the enemy filling up her special trigger count. Though she'd be reliable in both phases this way so I guess I'll run swordbreaker. Thanks

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24 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Thing is that she's going to blow things up in the enemy phase upon the first attack she does due to the enemy filling up her special trigger count. Though she'd be reliable in both phases this way so I guess I'll run swordbreaker. Thanks

I am assuming you are giving her Distant Counter. I would recommend Quick Riposte for more kills, but if she is your only sword check, Swordbreaker is fine.

Fir +Atk, -Def
Nameless Blade [Special], Glacies
Distant Counter
Quickened Pulse
Special Pre Charge +1 (Infantry Pulse)
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase [Wrath] 181:40:18
Enemy Phase [Quick Riposte] 167:50:22
Enemy Phase [Swordbreaker] 159:43:37
Enemy Phase [Escape Route] 147:50:42

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25 minutes ago, XRay said:

I am assuming you are giving her Distant Counter. I would recommend Quick Riposte for more kills, but if she is your only sword check, Swordbreaker is fine.

Fir +Atk, -Def
Nameless Blade [Special], Glacies
Distant Counter
Quickened Pulse
Special Pre Charge +1 (Infantry Pulse)
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase [Wrath] 181:40:18
Enemy Phase [Quick Riposte] 167:50:22
Enemy Phase [Swordbreaker] 159:43:37
Enemy Phase [Escape Route] 147:50:42

QR then, thanks

Does Wo Dao affect area of effect specials?

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Now that Roy's gotten a weapon upgrade, I'm liking the looks of it. Because he's got good mixed bulk and built in QR, is he a good candidate for Distant Counter? Even with +ATK, his ATK stat isn't super stellar, but with his weapon's effect + DD seal, he'd end up with 35/38 defenses before buffs/merges. 

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1 hour ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Now that Roy's gotten a weapon upgrade, I'm liking the looks of it. Because he's got good mixed bulk and built in QR, is he a good candidate for Distant Counter? Even with +ATK, his ATK stat isn't super stellar, but with his weapon's effect + DD seal, he'd end up with 35/38 defenses before buffs/merges. 

Ugh. The calculator just updated so I cannot quote myself. Here is Roy's new result:

Roy +Atk, -Spd
Binding Blade [special], Iceberg
Distant Counter, Wrath
Close Def
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 142:59:38
Enemy Phase [+Def, -Spd] 137:48:54
Enemy Phase [4/0/4/0] 158:48:33
Enemy Phase [+Def, -Spd, 4/0/4/0] 155:34:50

Roy +Spd -Res
Wo Dao [Spd], Moonbow
Distant Counter, Quick Riposte
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 109:26:104

— — — — — — —

For comparison, here is FH!Celica:

Celica +Spd, -Res
Beloved Zofia, Moonbow
Distant Counter, Quick Riposte
Attack +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 181:16:42

Actually, FH!Celica looks too good, so she might not be the best comparison; here are a few other offensive sword units:

Soleil +Spd, -Res
Wo Dao [Spd], Moonbow
Distant Counter, Quick Riposte
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 172:25:40

Mia +Spd, -Res
Resolute Blade, Moonbow
Distant Counter, Quick Riposte
Attack +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 168:44:27

Ogma +Spd, -Res
Wo Dao [Spd], Moonbow
Distant Counter, Quick Riposte
Attack +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 166:30:43

Hana +Spd, -Res
Wo Dao [Spd], Moonbow
Distant Counter, Quick Riposte
Attack +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 163:42:34

Ayra +Spd, -Res
Ayra's Blade, Regnal Astra
Distant Counter, Quick Riposte
Attack +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 162:30:47

— — — — — — —

If you want to compare him to units with Distant Counter built into their swords, here they are:

Ryoma +Spd, -Res
Raijinto, Dragon Fang
Steady Breath, Quick Riposte
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 165:36:38

VL!Ike +Spd, -Res
Ragnell, Ignis
Steady Breath, Quick Riposte
Close Def
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 165:50:26

Ike +Spd, -Res
Ragnell, Ignis
Steady Breath, Quick Riposte
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase 155:56:28

— — — — — — —

Well... Hm... That is a bit disappointing.

Now that I compared his performance to other units, his Refinement looks a lot less impressive than I thought it would be. His match up should look better if you run him against just mages, but then at that point, you might as well use Fir instead of Roy if you want a Distant Counter sword to tackle mages since she is much faster and better at avoiding doubles.

If you still want to give him Distant Counter, I would go with [+Atk/Def, -Spd]. If you are going by pure kill count, +Atk is the best, but +Def is not far behind either and can deal with harder hitting enemies.

As for which two buffs to run on Roy's teammate, I would go with Hone Attack and Fortify Defense. It should improve his match up by a bit and get him on the same level as regular Ike.

5 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

Does Wo Dao affect area of effect specials?

Wo Dao indeed does, but it will not activate during Enemy Phase since the unit has to initiate combat to activate area Specials.

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On the new Friend List, where it shows your lead unit at the top and it says "Friends helped: number" what does that mean?  Is it how many people used your unit on Rival Domains or something else?

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3 hours ago, XRay said:

Wo Dao indeed does, but it will not activate during Enemy Phase since the unit has to initiate combat to activate area Specials.


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3 hours ago, XRay said:


— — — — — — —

Well... Hm... That is a bit disappointing.

Now that I compared his performance to other units, his Refinement looks a lot less impressive than I thought it would be. His match up should look better if you run him against just mages, but then at that point, you might as well use Fir instead of Roy if you want a Distant Counter sword to tackle mages since she is much faster and better at avoiding doubles.

If you still want to give him Distant Counter, I would go with [+Atk/Def, -Spd]. If you are going by pure kill count, +Atk is the best, but +Def is not far behind either and can deal with harder hitting enemies.

As for which two buffs to run on Roy's teammate, I would go with Hone Attack and Fortify Defense. It should improve his match up by a bit and get him on the same level as regular Ike.

Hm...when you do put it like that, it seems better just to put DC on Fallen Celica. But Roy does have more potential for merges than a lot of folks on that list other than Ogma, Hana, and Soleil of course. Hm... I also don't have Wrath fodder even though I'm trying for it. XD And even if I did, it'd go to Joshua. XD I could give Joshua DC, but he's running Warding Breath instead at the moment. I may go ahead and promote my +ATK -HP Roy and see how I feel about him and his new weapon without DC before making the final choice.


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6 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I may go ahead and promote my +ATK -HP Roy and see how I feel about him and his new weapon without DC before making the final choice.

Make sure he runs Moonbow instead of Iceberg if you are not going -Spd though! Roy needs to be as slow as possible to reliably activate Iceberg.

Binding Blade [special]
Distant Counter, Wrath
Close Def
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Enemy Phase [Iceberg, +Atk, -Spd] 142:59:38
Enemy Phase [Iceberg, +Atk, -HP] 118:71:50
Enemy Phase [Moonbow, +Atk, -Spd] 138:58:43
Enemy Phase [Moonbow, +Atk, -HP] 133:70:36

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