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6 minutes ago, Usana said:

Did you fodder off the free neutral one from the Heroes Path Quests? Neutral is one of his better options.

I still have the neutral Ike, but I already got the refine for my current B!Ike (+Def) so I'm reluctant to start again from scratch. Thankfully I haven't given him any serious SI just yet (only QR3) so restarting won't be too much of a waste if it comes down to it.

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12 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

I assume this is with the DC/ Null C-Disrupt/ Brave Lucina build? (And that all super tanks need DC/ CC to work..?) My Ike is -Res (so has 17), is that enough to tank Ophelia?

All melee super tanks need Distant Counter in some form. Ranged super tanks don't necessarily need Close Counter because most defense teams are much heavier on ranged units than melee units. However, if you don't run Close Counter, you need to make sure something on your team is equipped to take out the units that won't be counter killed by your tank.

As for Brave Ike, Null C-Disrupt is not strictly necessary unless you're really having trouble dealing with staff units. If you have the option to, you can also use skills like Dull Ranged, Lull Atk/*, Special Spiral, or simple Quick Riposte in that slot, depending on how you're buffing him.

Brave Ike is absolutely horrible at dealing with Ophelia regardless of his nature due to his relatively low Res and AoE Specials being unaffected by Urvan's effect. A fully merged Ophelia can get 64-68 Atk before buffs, so even if you could get Ike's visible Res up to 30, he'd still be taking 50+ damage to Blazing Light/Wind before the start of combat.


21 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Supertank: Eir, Peony, B!Ike, B!Lucina, Support/ Bonus Unit.

Galeforce: Eir, Peony, Duo Ephraim, OG!Eliwood (with Blazing Durandal), Support/ Bonus Unit.

Personally, I'd scrap using a bonus unit unless it can actually provide good enough support to be worth it. Using a bonus unit is not worth it if it costs you to lose your tank or fail your Galeforce sweep. The bonus unit gives you 20 points, but if it causes you to lose a unit, the extra 20 points was for naught.

Note that Lucina alone will probably not be sufficient support for a single tank. Super tanks need a lot of stats to function (my Winter Fae hits 70 HP and 80+ Def and Res when fully buffed), so you'd ideally want a second support unit for the team.


1 minute ago, DefyingFates said:

I still have the neutral Ike, but I already got the refine for my current B!Ike (+Def) so I'm reluctant to start again from scratch. Thankfully I haven't given him any serious SI just yet (only QR3) so restarting won't be too much of a waste if it comes down to it.

Refines, like any other skill, carry over when merging, and it's in your best interest to merge super tanks as much as possible. Every stat matters on a super tank, and merges give you a lot of points in raw stats.

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9 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Personally, I'd scrap using a bonus unit unless it can actually provide good enough support to be worth it. Using a bonus unit is not worth it if it costs you to lose your tank or fail your Galeforce sweep. The bonus unit gives you 20 points, but if it causes you to lose a unit, the extra 20 points was for naught.

I noticed this after putting Altina in my Astra team; I actually get more lift with three Astra-blessed Heroes than from two + a bonus unit.

Regarding Ike: I see using him isn't as simple as I thought it'd be, so I'll put the supertank idea on the backburner for now. How does the Galeforce team look, if I may ask?

9 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Refines, like any other skill, carry over when merging, and it's in your best interest to merge super tanks as much as possible. Every stat matters on a super tank, and merges give you a lot of points in raw stats.

I know, I'm just reluctant to merge him in case I want to inherit SB onto someone. Speaking of Ike though, you said ranged tanks don't need CC as urgently because most threats are ranged (and I've seen enough of them to agree); I asked this earlier, but would W!Cecilia make a good Light Season tank in his place?

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4 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

I know, I'm just reluctant to merge him in case I want to inherit SB onto someone. Speaking of Ike though, you said ranged tanks don't need CC as urgently because most threats are ranged (and I've seen enough of them to agree); I asked this earlier, but would W!Cecilia make a good Light Season tank in his place?

i would think so. esp. if you had more eirs. 

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2 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

Regarding Ike: I see using him isn't as simple as I thought it'd be, so I'll put the supertank idea on the backburner for now. How does the Galeforce team look, if I may ask?

I don't see any problems with the Galeforce team as long as you're comfortable with the play style. For the last member, I highly recommend either a third Galeforcer or a dancer (preferably infantry to benefit from Ephraim's Duo skill).


2 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

I asked this earlier, but would W!Cecilia make a good Light Season tank in his place?

She's good enough of one to function, though she'll still likely die outright to Ophelia and Legendary Alm.

Honestly, Ike might still be better simply due to Urvan, but you'll want to patch up his Res with buffs and skills. I highly recommend bringing a second support unit that gives large amounts of Drive-like buffs. Male Corrin is the easiest one to obtain (though you'll need Dew and an Ally Support) and is the least vulnerable to Panic (Legendary Eliwood is susceptible to your tank being hit with Panic and Kaden is susceptible to himself being hit with Panic).

Though you'll still probably have to watch out for Ophelia. Her Special will still hit like a truck since you won't be able to boost his visible Res all that much.

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44 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I don't see any problems with the Galeforce team as long as you're comfortable with the play style. For the last member, I highly recommend either a third Galeforcer or a dancer (preferably infantry to benefit from Ephraim's Duo skill).

Thanks! I already have a Light Blessed Y!Azura so I'm thinking of using her (she's also the only green unit on that team so that may come in handy too). Would she do?

44 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

She's good enough of one to function, though she'll still likely die outright to Ophelia and Legendary Alm.

Honestly, Ike might still be better simply due to Urvan, but you'll want to patch up his Res with buffs and skills. I highly recommend bringing a second support unit that gives large amounts of Drive-like buffs. Male Corrin is the easiest one to obtain (though you'll need Dew and an Ally Support) and is the least vulnerable to Panic (Legendary Eliwood is susceptible to your tank being hit with Panic and Kaden is susceptible to himself being hit with Panic).

Though you'll still probably have to watch out for Ophelia. Her Special will still hit like a truck since you won't be able to boost his visible Res all that much.

And thanks again! I'll focus on my Galeforce team for the time being then, and see what I can do with Cecilia and Ike.

For the former I'm thinking of running:

Goodie Boot +Res



A: DD3

B: Bold Fighter 3

\C: Atk Ploy 3

S: QR3

OR giving her Barb Shuriken and running her with B!Lucina and another Support unit. What do you think?

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2 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

Thanks! I already have a Light Blessed Y!Azura so I'm thinking of using her (she's also the only green unit on that team so that may come in handy too). Would she do?

Probably. Galeforce teams aren't my specialty, so it's probably best to test the team out in some mock battles rather than trust my word for it here.


2 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

OR giving her Barb Shuriken and running her with B!Lucina and another Support unit. What do you think?

I'd lean towards Barb Shuriken with Brave Lucina and another support unit. With Barb Shuriken, you can drop Quick Riposte and use Distant Def instead to stack even more defensive stats and power up Iceberg by a few more points of damage.

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9 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Probably. Galeforce teams aren't my specialty, so it's probably best to test the team out in some mock battles rather than trust my word for it here.

That's what I've been doing. If all the positioning works out I can make a pretty strong first turn, but following up on it can be tricky. I gave Peony WoM to compensate and am tempted to do the same for Ephraim. We'll see.

11 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'd lean towards Barb Shuriken with Brave Lucina and another support unit. With Barb Shuriken, you can drop Quick Riposte and use Distant Def instead to stack even more defensive stats and power up Iceberg by a few more points of damage.

Will do, thanks!

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So I have Peony and I am fairly sure she's not going to see any use at all, so if I were to fodder her, what skills are worth inheritance or is there too many to work with?


As for Masked Marth (Mask)

I've noticed she has very similar neutral speed to Lucy, and both have L and D on them (Mask being L and D 1 to Lucy's L and D 3) so does that mean Mask is faster than Lucy?

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7 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

So I have Peony and I am fairly sure she's not going to see any use at all, so if I were to fodder her, what skills are worth inheritance or is there too many to work with?

B Duel Flying is only useful if there is a blue flying unit that you really, really want to use in Arena, but can't because of a low stat total, and you don't mind nerfing your unit hard by depriving them of an A skill.

Aerobatics is situational and is best used on flying units that don't need their B slot for survival and that you commonly use on mixed teams. I can only think of 2 units that I would consider using this skill on and both of them already have the skill (Peony and Legendary Azura).

Fortify Res 4 is pretty much only useful on Legendary Azura to bump her buffing ability up from +6 to +7. There are enough other skills out there at give +6 to multiple stats or +6 with more lenient positioning or that give boosts that stack and aren't negated by Panic, so I don't think Fortify Res 4 is in particularly high demand in comparison.

So yeah, just leave her in your barracks unless you want to give Legendary Azura Fortify Res 4 for whatever reason, though honestly it's probably better to just wait for Hone Atk 4 or Hone Spd 4 fodder instead (since those are more useful on the units that receive the buff and aren't danced by Azura on that turn).


7 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

As for Masked Marth (Mask)

I've noticed she has very similar neutral speed to Lucy, and both have L and D on them (Mask being L and D 1 to Lucy's L and D 3) so does that mean Mask is faster than Lucy?

Masked Marth and Lucina have the exact same stat spread.

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so Mareetas B skill Close Call...

Haveing thoughts about giving it to Leg Marth or Regular Lyn

Lyn is especially interessting because she has some mixed bulk and it could turn her into mixed phase unit.

The Skill feels so niche with being only infantry and sword axe lance

Raven could be a candidate too

I guess wait and see what comes out

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1 hour ago, Hilda said:

so Mareetas B skill Close Call...

Haveing thoughts about giving it to Leg Marth or Regular Lyn

Lyn is especially interessting because she has some mixed bulk and it could turn her into mixed phase unit.

The Skill feels so niche with being only infantry and sword axe lance

Raven could be a candidate too

I guess wait and see what comes out

Sothis seems to be a nice user for it

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17 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

So I have Peony and I am fairly sure she's not going to see any use at all

I would keep her around though. She is the second best Dancer/Singer in the entire game.

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@Hilda Oooph. I hadn't seen the inheritance restrictions yet. That is just blegh. Kinda kills any interest in the skill. I really hate extremely restricted skills. Limiting it from ranged was obvious given it is a hit and run upgrade. But I don't care for the no armor/cav/flier/dragon/beast restriction. Particularly since that means the Lunge/Knock Back/Drag Back upgrades will probably share the restrictions. And movement B skills just seem fitting for the hyper mobile units to have(cavalry and possible fliers). So maybe I could see an armor restriction. Most fast armors would probably prefer Special Fighter anyways. But yeah with this much restriction I would rather they just made it a prf skill and leave the path open for a general B movement skill upgrade.

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4 hours ago, Hilda said:

so Mareetas B skill Close Call...

Haveing thoughts about giving it to Leg Marth or Regular Lyn

Lyn is especially interessting because she has some mixed bulk and it could turn her into mixed phase unit.

The Skill feels so niche with being only infantry and sword axe lance

Raven could be a candidate too

I guess wait and see what comes out

Lyn's Atk stat is bad, and unlike Lon'qu and Fir, her exclusive weapon doesn't compensate for it. Lyn is much more dependent on Wrath than most other units are dependent on their B slots.

I'd lean more towards Lon'qu or Raven since they have high HP and Spd, and the percentage damage reduction compensates for the Def penalty on their weapons.

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So in the last Mythic banner I ended up pulling four copies of Legendary Julia. What should I do regarding merging or fodder? I don't like multiple units clogging up my barracks but I'm always nervous regarding management of 5* units. I was think about merging at least one of them to remove the bane and saving the others. If that's a good idea, what units might benefit from any of her skills? Or should I just go all the way and make a +3? I thought I heard that merged Legendary units will be good scorers for the new Mjolnir mode? Or is that just Mythics?

Here are the IVs I have (none are really any good, how does that happen on 4 units from same banner?). If I do merge one, which is the keeper?

  • +HP -Spd  x2
  • Neutral
  • +Spd -HP


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24 minutes ago, TEKWRX said:

So in the last Mythic banner I ended up pulling four copies of Legendary Julia. What should I do regarding merging or fodder? I don't like multiple units clogging up my barracks but I'm always nervous regarding management of 5* units. I was think about merging at least one of them to remove the bane and saving the others. If that's a good idea, what units might benefit from any of her skills? Or should I just go all the way and make a +3? I thought I heard that merged Legendary units will be good scorers for the new Mjolnir mode? Or is that just Mythics?

Here are the IVs I have (none are really any good, how does that happen on 4 units from same banner?). If I do merge one, which is the keeper?

  • +HP -Spd  x2
  • Neutral
  • +Spd -HP


There is also Allegiance Battles. I don't know which pairup legendaries you are currently using if any, but getting at least one with some merges could help with scoring there. Her being ranged does matter much since all Pairup legendaries have built in Duel skill scoring. Skill wise it is mostly just Mirror Impact that you would use her for, so how many you want for skill inheritance depends on how likely you think you'll want that skill on folks. I think It is handy but you probably don't need a whole lot if it. And Oath skills are not in particular demand. So yeah one merge for bane removal could be helpful in many ways. I might even push her up to +2 so that she gets a merge point in attack as her 3rd highest stat at level 1. As for which Copy. I lean Neutral since that will net her 1 more attack than she otherwise would have and she values that stat highly. If you aren't going to merge because you really like Mirror Impact, the spd bane is probably the best choice since she doesn't really use it much and extra HP could at least help her be a Infantry Pulser or the ilk. But I might be biased since that is what mine is(+HP/-SPD).

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24 minutes ago, Usana said:

There is also Allegiance Battles. I don't know which pairup legendaries you are currently using if any, but getting at least one with some merges could help with scoring there. Her being ranged does matter much since all Pairup legendaries have built in Duel skill scoring. Skill wise it is mostly just Mirror Impact that you would use her for, so how many you want for skill inheritance depends on how likely you think you'll want that skill on folks. I think It is handy but you probably don't need a whole lot if it. And Oath skills are not in particular demand. So yeah one merge for bane removal could be helpful in many ways. I might even push her up to +2 so that she gets a merge point in attack as her 3rd highest stat at level 1. As for which Copy. I lean Neutral since that will net her 1 more attack than she otherwise would have and she values that stat highly. If you aren't going to merge because you really like Mirror Impact, the spd bane is probably the best choice since she doesn't really use it much and extra HP could at least help her be a Infantry Pulser or the ilk. But I might be biased since that is what mine is(+HP/-SPD).

I do have a +1 L!Alm and an unmerged L!Roy that I use in Allegiance Battles now, so I guess a +1 L!Julia can only help the score there, right? I'm probably going to merge into the +HP -Spd copy, but I'm confused about you saying the Neutral copy getting +1 attack overall. I just checked the FEH IV Calculator on the gamepress site, and it showed the attack stat the same between both merged copies. Is that calculator not accurate? Anyway, +1 attack is nice, but I think +4 HP might be better overall

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1 hour ago, TEKWRX said:

I don't like multiple units clogging up my barracks but I'm always nervous regarding management of 5* units.

When in doubt, just expand Barracks.

1 hour ago, TEKWRX said:

Or should I just go all the way and make a +3? I thought I heard that merged Legendary units will be good scorers for the new Mjolnir mode? Or is that just Mythics?

It is just Mythic Heroes that score better in Mjölnir's Strike.

Legendary Heroes score better in the Coliseum.

1 hour ago, TEKWRX said:

Here are the IVs I have (none are really any good, how does that happen on 4 units from same banner?). If I do merge one, which is the keeper?

  • +HP -Spd  x2
  • Neutral
  • +Spd -HP

I would use neutral or +Spd.

Neutral with merge +1 gives HP/Atk/Res+1 and another HP/Res +1. HP +1 and Spd +1 fixes the Bane and gives HP/Res +1.

Neutral is better than +HP in my opinion since she is more of a one shot nuke, so all she needs to focus on is Atk.

Alternatively, you can also go +Spd since she is relatively fast due to Light and Dark boosting her Spd by 2. Given Darting Stance Sacred Seal, she can reach 39 Spd. Merge +3 will take her to 40 Spd. 40 Spd should be enough for Allegiance Battles once you factor in buffs.

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2 hours ago, TEKWRX said:

If I do merge one, which is the keeper?

Either neutral or +Spd.


2 hours ago, TEKWRX said:

(none are really any good, how does that happen on 4 units from same banner?).


I've pulled 18 copies of vanilla Ike so far, and absolutely none of them are +Atk.

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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:


I've pulled 18 copies of vanilla Ike so far, and absolutely none of them are +Atk.

18? Ouch

To be fair, the single Altina I summoned is +Atk -Spd, so I guess that was the game balancing the crappy L!Julia IVs for me 😉

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35 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I just pulled Nina- so how do I fix her bane knowing she's not likely getting any merges anytime soon?

Darting Blow exists as a Sacred Seal. Fury and Life and Death are cheap skills. Since when has 34 Spd needed "fixing" in the first place?

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