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Am I the only one who's figured out who the Masked Man is?


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I know we haven't been given any real hints, but the game's story is so simplistic and bare-bones I would be extremely surprised if this doesn't turn out to be true.

I'm certain the Masked Man is Zacharias. He's the only named character we haven't seen, the masked man is the only seen character that hasn't been named, and honestly, what other reason is there for concealing his identity unless that identity is going to have significance once it's revealed?

Edited by Alastor15243
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Well, from the people that data minded the game, the Masked Man is apparently....


...named Bruno, so yeah, he doesn't seem to be Zacharias.

Edited by Azz
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1 minute ago, Azz said:

Well, from the people that data minded the game, the Masked Man is apparently....

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...named Bruno, so yeah, he doesn't seem to be Zacharias.

Is Zacharias the character's name in the Japanese version too, or could it by chance be that?

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1 minute ago, Azz said:

Well, from the people that data minded the game, the Masked Man is apparently....


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...named Bruno, so yeah.



"I'm Bruno of the Elite Four. The heroes you've summoned... Show them to me!"


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Actually, I was suspecting that he was Zacharias having been brainwashed by Veronica too, but yeah, the datamine gives him a different name. But maybe it's a fake name. I mean, Bertram wasn't really named Bertram back in Tellius... And Marth wasn't really Marth in Awakening, it was Lucina, so...

Edited by Anacybele
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Well Zacharias is mentioned to have gone missing in the World of Awakening and the Maksed Man appears before that. And Zacharias has a Japanese name too, being ザカア Zakaria or Zechariah, which is very different from the name I mentioned.

But also I'm pretty sure if the Masked Man was Zacharias, the Maksed Mans images would have been tagged as such and not the other name.

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i think it's less that no one else figured it out and more that it's so obvious no one bothered to mention it

bruno might just end up being an unconvincing alias like sirius/zeke

although maybe they're intentionally making it seem obvious and there'll actually be some twist and bruno is a different guy? 

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I think if it was an alias, they wouldn't call him "???". No point in hiding his name if the hidden name is fake anyway.

Also Zacharias was mentioned to be a lancer, masked man is a mage. He could have changed his profession but then why bring it up in the first place? (Unless they're just trying to mislead us.)

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4 minutes ago, bun said:

I think if it was an alias, they wouldn't call him "???". No point in hiding his name if the hidden name is fake anyway.

Also Zacharias was mentioned to be a lancer, masked man is a mage. He could have changed his profession but then why bring it up in the first place? (Unless they're just trying to mislead us.)

Reminds me of the hooded guy in Fates. Let's just say he turned out to look quite a bit different from his hooded self too. Like, ridiculously so.

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12 minutes ago, bun said:

Also Zacharias was mentioned to be a lancer, masked man is a mage. He could have changed his profession but then why bring it up in the first place? (Unless they're just trying to mislead us.)

Well yeah, but to be fair, this has happened before. Remember a certain legendary archer who wound up picking up a sword? And as his injured portrait shows... he's really ripped for a mage.

Edited by Alastor15243
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Let's see... there's a character they're bringing up and putting a lot of emphasis on, like REALLY they keep harping on it, and there's a character who makes a big deal out of hiding his identity. I wonder if there could be a correlation lol

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11 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

Well yeah, but to be fair, this has happened before. Remember a certain legendary archer who wound up picking up a sword? And as his injured portrait shows... he's really ripped for a mage.

Sure, but that's a little different because said archer was already known beforehand. If Bruno and Zacharias are the same person, they're specifically giving us contradictory info about someone we don't know, just for the sake of misleading us.

I mean they very well could be the same person, at the very least there has to be some sort of connection, but I don't think we can say for certain when we've never even seen Zacharias before.

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I thinking the Masked Man is Zacharias (either truly himself or some form of him) until stated otherwise.

1. The Masked Man is not really an enemy, but not a true ally either. He warns Alfonso and company of Veronica's plan in Chapter 9.
2. The Masked Man hears of Alfonso's attempt at looking for Zacharias. The Masked Man tells Alfonso to stop looking.
3. The Masked Man is the only other OC character available and is practically the perfect fit for Zacharias. He could actually be Zacharias (which begs the question why no one recognizes him due to voice and the mask, surely his body silhouette should trigger something) or could be some transformed version of Zacharias.

Granted, there are some things not really working in his favor.

1. Zacharias is a lancer. Masked Man is a mage. Granted, Masked Man is a buff mage, but is still a mage.
2. Datamined information says the Masked Man is named Bruno. This is currently the most compelling evidence against the connection theory.
3. I have not confirmed this, but if the Masked Man showed up somewhere while Zacharias was still around, it is possible they are separate people. (Unless Zacharias is Batman and turns himself into Bruno, the Masked Man.)
4. If not Zacharias, Bruno (Masked Man) knows Zacharias in some fashion, making the two characters distinct from one another.

Thing is, there is not much story to go on. Currently in-game evidence suggests that the Masked Man may be Zackarias, but datamined evidence contradicts it. We don't know for certain until the story is expanded upon.

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You'd think that Our Heroes would be able to recognize their friend, even if he wore a goofy mask.  If the masked man is Zach, then he would've needed to change his hair and voice, because it's pretty obvious that Al and Sharena don't recognize him.

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9 minutes ago, eclipse said:

You'd think that Our Heroes would be able to recognize their friend, even if he wore a goofy mask.  If the masked man is Zach, then he would've needed to change his hair and voice, because it's pretty obvious that Al and Sharena don't recognize him.

Yeah, but the game's excuse plot and ham-fisted attempts at drama didn't exactly fill me with confidence that it wouldn't do something that silly.

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1 minute ago, Alastor15243 said:

Yeah, but the game's excuse plot and ham-fisted attempts at drama didn't exactly fill me with confidence that it wouldn't do something that silly.

The story and characters aren't exactly deep.  It feels like an excuse to summon a bunch of FE characters and do battle.  And I am perfectly okay with this.

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Just now, eclipse said:

The story and characters aren't exactly deep.  It feels like an excuse to summon a bunch of FE characters and do battle.  And I am perfectly okay with this.

Oh I know, it's just that at times it felt like they were writing for kids, so when Zacharias came up after a couple rounds of the exact same plot happening in each world I was in a mood to say "the masked man's totally Zacharias and they're just too thick to recognize him".

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think you are all underestimating their will to throw a good story at us, you're taking the bait with no fight . Also the nine chapters we have for now are certainly not all. There will be a new "datadisc", probably with lvl cap increase and they can keep doing this for a long time. It's a mobile game, it's supposed to keep going. What on earth keeps them from adding MORE ART for MORE CHARACTERS in the upcoming updates? Why would they throw it all at us right away when they can keep delivering in doses to maintain the player base and general hype?

What the last chapter told ME is that the story is very likely to be much more bulky and complicated than I (and probably anyone who played chapters 1-8) suspected. The last few dialogues did more worldbuilding than the previous 8 and half chapters and it's like a promise that much more is coming. Plus it's almost a promise that at least one new character will get their presence (Zacharias). I even expect more cinematics in the future.

Also Bruno is apparently significantly older than Sharena and Alfonse. And since they are supposed to be childhood friends, i would expect similar age because kids hardly play with older (or more precisely older kids don't play with younger - not as equals, the mentality difference is still too huge))

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On 2/5/2017 at 1:35 PM, eclipse said:

You'd think that Our Heroes would be able to recognize their friend, even if he wore a goofy mask.  If the masked man is Zach, then he would've needed to change his hair and voice, because it's pretty obvious that Al and Sharena don't recognize him.

You mean like how everyone (Corrin and co.) should've known Azura was the dancer in Conquest? lol

As for the masked man, 


it's Klaus (is shot for the mother3 reference)

I'm just gonna let things take its course. We will know eventually, we just have to wait.

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  • 2 months later...

Since there is no 100% certain proof I'll just stick to my assumption; it's Zacharias. He has Clark Kent syndrome so nobody recognizes him, something changed him during his disappearance (turning him into a mage with the probability of giving him a second costume down the line where he is a lancer), Bruno might be the name Veronica knows him as (we don't really know their relationship yet) or is just a fake name for datamining purposes and/or internal organization.

Considering Zac is the only person introduced with exposition, where any name reveal would even have an impact or be noteworthy, I'll stick to this possibility (Imagine for a second - ???: "My true name.. is Bruno!" - Al/Sharena/Anna: "OK?")

In the end however, who cares with this bland plot? We only really care about the fanservice of preexisting FE characters, anyway.

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