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Lets try to predict the set up of future heroes


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So, we have some good information we can already use to try to guess how heroes will be set up in the future.


This gives us insight until how stats are spread out (basically 1 movement square or range square equals roughly 10 points cost.) Weapon attack power is included in those points. Ninjas are also penalized an extra amount and I'd assume healers are as well. And with this site http://feheroes.wiki/Main_Page we can see what kind of assists, specials, passives and weapon options exist. We also know that weapon based bonuses are "free" and don't count towards the 3 item count, just that they can't be used to take up another special slot. We also know Lords tend to get the really fancy weapons while secondary characters tend to get things more like Brave Effect, Killer, or Triangle Adept on their weapon if anything.

Basically, we have the tools we need to take a pretty good stab at predicting heroes before they come out. So lets have some fun and do that shall we?



Class: Blue Tome

Weapon: Thani - 10 Might. 2 Range. Effective against calvary units and armoured units.

Level 40 Average Stats: 35 HP/53 Attack/26 Speed/15 Defence/35 Res. 164 Points. 2 Movement.

Assist: Ardent Sacrifice - Heals adjacent ally 10 HP. Unit loses 10 HP (but cannot reach 0 this way)

Special: Glacies - 4 Charge. Boosts damage dealt by 80% of unit's Res.

Passive: Drag Back - If unit initiates attack, the unit moves 1 space away after combat. Foe moves into unit's previous space. Category B

Pretty straight forwards explanation. Micaiah was very much a glass cannon in her game: meh at best speed and HP, horrible defence, some of the best magic and resistance around. Ardent Sacrifice should require no explanation at all for fitting her character. Glacies is there to make her even more of a nuke button, and Drag Back gives you an option for keeping her safe: bringing enemies into the range of others if she can't finish them off due to not doubling.



Class: Ninja/Thief

Weapon: Rogue Dagger+ - 7 Might. 2 Range. After combat, inflicts Def/Res-5 on foe through its next action. Grants unit Def/Res+5 for 1 turn.

Level 40 Average Stats: 35 HP/38 Attack/32 Speed/30 Defence/20 Res 155 Points. 2 Movement.

Assist: Swap - Swap places with an adjacent ally.

Special: N/A

Passives: Wings of Mercy - Enables unit to warp adjacent to any ally with HP ≤ 50%. Category B. Defiant Defence - Grants Def+7 at start of turn if unit's HP ≤ 50%.

Sothe is all about keeping people (Micaiah in particular) safe. Very high defence when below 50% HP, enough speed that most characters can't double him. Can jump to the aid of injured allies or swap out with somebody in danger. Never does much more than scratch damage but that's not what he's there for: he's there to stall your attacks outright. 

Ike (FE10)


Class: Red Sword

Weapon: Ragnell - 15 Might. 1 Range. Enables unit to counterattack regardless of distance to attacker.

Level 40 Average Stats: 45 HP/50 Attack/30 Speed/30 Defence/19 Res 173 Points. 2 Movement.

Assist: N/A

Special: Aether - Resolve combat as if foe suffered Def/Res-50%. Unit recovers HP = half damage dealt (Goes through Luna line)

Passives: Vantage - Unit counterattacks first when attacked at HP ≤ 75%. Category B. Savage Blow - If unit initiates attack, foes within 2 spaces of target take 7 damage after combat.

Ike is an absolute terror and as close to a one man army as you can get. His only true weakness is magic, and really speedy characters. His sword lets him counter at range, he gets first attack when attacked at lower HP, and he hits AoE.


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Last time I tried this, no one replied. I won't let this thread die like mine did! At least now it has a response! *Reads original post*

Forgive me while I go curse myself... I'm going to have to type EEEEEEVVVVEEEERRRRYYYYTTTTHHHHIIIINNNNGGGG over again...

Edited by Alpha Wolves
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Posting this from the Create-A-Hero Thread. I tried predicting Ike, Eirika, and Ephraim there, so I'll post it over here too!

Title: Hero of the Blue Flames (Alt Title: Radiant Hero)
Name: Ike
Orb Affinity: Red Sword

HP: Good (4)
ATT: Good (4)
SPD: Good (4)
DEF: Poor (2)
RES: Terrible (1)

MOV: 2, Infantry

Weapon: Ragnell (MT 16, Range 1 || Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1))

Support Skill: ---

Special Skill: Aether (Resolve combat as if foe suffered Def/Res-50%. Unit recovers HP=half damage dealt. || Charge Cost: 5)
Special Skill: Great Aether (Resolve combat as if foe suffered Def/Res-50%. Unit recovers HP=half damage dealt. || Charge Cost: 4)

Skill A: Defiant Attack 1-3 (Grants Atk +3 at start of turn if unit's HP ≤ 50%.)
Skill B: Vantage 1-3  (Unit counterattacks first when attacked at HP ≤ [25%, 50%, 75%])
Skill C: ---


For Stats, I looked at his Radiant Dawn and saw his DEF and RES being a little lower while everything else being a little higher (when compared to a Sentinel). So, I adjusted the stats accordingly.

As for Ragnell, this decision was made due to how broken 1-2 weapons are in Heroes. While I can see Ike using Ragnell as a 1-2 weapon like Ryoma, I opted for a more interesting approach in that Ike specialized in Aether instead.

Speaking of Aether, this is Ike's main draw. With the ability to learn Great Aether (reducing the charge by 1) and wielding Ragnell (further reducing the charge by another 1), Ike can constantly be delivering Aether strikes. This is something I think will fit well to his character.

Lastly, for skills, I added the classic "Wrath + Vantage" combo, but in Heroes form. While there will obviously be some conflict since Aether heals Ike, I think the skills are still a fun and useful addition to his overall set.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Title:  Restoration Queen
Name: Erika
Orb Affinity: Red Sword

HP: Poor (2)
ATT: Average (3)
SPD: Excellent (5)
DEF: Poor (2)
RES: Average (3)

MOV: 2, Infantry

5* Weapon: Sieglinde (MT 12, Range 1 || Effective against armored and cavalry units.)

Support Skill: Pivot (Unit moves to opposite side of adjacent ally)

Special Skill: ---

Skill A: Speed 1-3 (Grants Speed +[1-3])
Skill B: ---
Skill C: Fortify Resistance 1-3 (Grants adjacent allies Res +[2-5] through their next actions at the start of each turn.)


As there are no monsters in FE Heroes (and I am unsure if they will ever be added), I decided to give Erika's Rapier functionality to her signature weapon Sieglinde. I could have instead given her an advantage over colorless foes, but I feel the Rapier + Sieglinde combo works fairly well for Erika.

I also gave Erika Pivot as she is a light unit and to slightly give a callback to the Rescue system of the GBA games.

Her passives were a bit difficult, but in the end I gave her bonus speed to make her even faster and Fortify Resistance to give Erika a little more of a support role.

Extra: I can also see Erika getting Miracle, which is something I missed in FE: Heroes as I only saw it as an Enemy-Only skill so far. She had Miracle in both of her Awakening counterparts (Spotpass and DLC).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Title:  Restoration King
Name: Ephraim
Orb Affinity: Blue Lance

HP: Average (3)
ATT: Good (4)
SPD: Poor (2)
DEF: Average (3)
RES: Average (3)

MOV: 2, Infantry

5* Weapon: Siegmund (MT 12, Range 1 || Effective against armored and cavalry units.)

Support Skill: ---

Special Skill: Luna (Resolve combat as if foe suffered DEF/RES -50% || Charge Cost: 3)

Skill A: Defiant Defense 1-3 (Grants Def +[3-7] at start of turn if unit's HP ≤ 50%.)
Skill B: ---
Skill C: Hone Attack 1-3 (Grants adjacent allies Atk +[2-4] through their next actions at the start of each turn.    )


Like Erika, I gave Ephraim his Reginleif functionality as there are no monsters in FE: Heroes.

As for his special skill, I gave him Luna since he had it in his Awakening Spotpass incarnation.

Lastly, his passives are Defiant Defense (as Ephraim will not go down without a fight) and Hone Attack (representing his leadership ability such as taking over a castle with just four men.)

Extra: Based off of new information, if Ephraim are going to be mounted, I can see Ephraim getting a version of Conquest (negate Horse weakness) and/or Rightful King (probably reduce special charge by 1). This is based off of his Awakening incarnation.

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So... while you're correct that lord weapons have special abilities, they also have extra "umph" behind them than normal weapons. All melee Lord weapons have had 16 power thus far, and all ranged Lord weapons have had 14 power thus far. It wouldn't be right to change this pattern now, so I think giving Thani Special +1 would make more sense. Just my two cents, at least that's what me and eclipse thought in our PMs about my fan theories. Also, this might come from me only having seen Ike in Super Smash Bro's, but I've always envisioned his weapon: "While >=25% health, before combat this unit initiates, deal 10 damage to the enemy and 5 damage to Ike."


Silver-Haired Maiden, Micaiah (Available 4☆/5☆)
- Movement Type: Infantry (Normal Movement) | Blue Unit (B. Tombs)
- 5☆ Level 40 Stats: (HP: 35 / ATK: 53 / SPD: 26 / DEF: 15 / RES: 35)

- 1☆ Weapon: Thunder (Mt: 4 / Rng: 2) - N/A
- 2☆ Weapon: Elthunder (Mt: 6 / Rng: 2) - N/A
- 3☆ Weapon: Thoron (Mt: 9 / Rng: 2) - N/A
- 5☆ Weapon: Thani (Mt: 14 / Rng: 2) - Effective against armored cavalry units. Slows Special trigger (cooldown count+1).

- 3☆ (Command): Ardent Sacrifice - Heals adjacent ally 10 HP. Character loses 10 HP.
- 4☆ (Special): Rising Light (5) - Before combat this unit initiates, foes in an area near target take damage equal to (Units Atk minus foe's Def or Res).

- 1☆ Skill (1): Wings of Mercy 1 - Enables unit to warp adjacent to any ally with HP ≤ 30%.
- 2☆ Skill (1): Wings of Mercy 2 - Enables unit to warp adjacent to any ally with HP ≤ 40%.
- 4☆ Skill (1): Wings of Mercy 3 - Enables unit to warp adjacent to any ally with HP ≤ 50%.
- 3☆ Skill (2): Renewal 1 - At the start of every fourth turn, restores 10 HP.
- 4☆ Skill (2): Renewal 2 - At the start of every third turn, restores 10 HP.
- 5☆ Skill (2): Renewal 3 - At the start of every second turn, restores 10 HP.

Offensive Support, using Ardent Sacrifice to keep people alive and slap people wit Rising Light. Super glass cannon, she isn't meant to attack enemies until she built up her Rising Light ability (Costs 6 because of Thani). Great against armored units, wishing she could be Green or Red, but because Light Magic is Blue, she is stuck in Blue. I can see her being extremely supporting, having someone go in and smash face, warp back to Micaiah, get healed and go back in. Like Azura/Linde, she isn't going to be the one attacking first, and most likely cleanup at the end of the fight.



- Movement Type: XXX (XXX Movement) | XXX Unit (XXXXXX)
- 5☆ Level 40 Stats: (HP: XX / ATK: XX / SPD: XX / DEF: XX / RES: XX)

- 1☆ Weapon: XXXXX (Mt: X / Rng: X) - N/A
- 2☆ Weapon: XXXXX (Mt: X / Rng: X) - N/A
- 3☆ Weapon: XXXXX (Mt: X / Rng: X) - N/A
- 5☆ Weapon: XXXXX (Mt: X / Rng: X) - N/A


- 1☆ Skill (1): XXXXXX - N/A
- 2☆ Skill (1): XXXXXX - N/A
- 4☆ Skill (1): XXXXXX - N/A
- 3☆ Skill (2): XXXXXX - N/A
- 4☆ Skill (2): XXXXXX - N/A 
- 5☆ Skill (2): XXXXXX - N/A

My personal template, if someone wants to use it. 

(\(≥☆≤)/) * This Emote contains all the copy/paste you need for character creation. 


@eclipse Hey, hope you don't mind, going to share this with everyone just for you! :P

Arch Knight Archer, Midayle (Available 3✩ and 4✩)
- Movement Type: Cavalry (House Movement) | Grey Unit (Bow)
- 5☆ Level 40 Stats: (HP: 30 / ATK: 35 / SPD: 45 / DEF: 35 / RES: 15) (Total:160)

- 1✩ Weapon: Iron Bow (Mt: 4 | Rng: 2) - Strong vs. Flying units.
- 2✩ Weapon: Steel Bow (Mt: 6 | Rng: 2) - Strong vs. Flying units.
- 3☆ Weapon: Brave Bow (Mt: 4 | Rng: 2) - Strong vs Flying units. Spd-5. Attack twice when initiating combat.
- 5☆ Weapon: Brave Bow + (Mt: 6 / Rng: 2) - Strong vs Flying units. Spd-5. Attack twice when initiating combat.

- 3☆ (Special): New Moon (Charge: 3) - Resolve combat as if foe suffered Def/Res-30%.
- 4☆ (Special): Moonbow (Charge: 2) - Resolve combat as if foe suffered Def/Res-30%.

- 1✩ Skill (A): Darting Blow 1 - Grants Spd+2 during combat if unit initiates the attack.
- 2✩ Skill (A): Darting Blow 2 - Grants Spd+4 during combat if unit initiates the attack.
- 4✩ Skill (A): Darting Blow 3 - Grants Spd+6 during combat if unit initiates the attack.
- 3✩ Skill (B): Pass 1 - Unit can pass through foes if its own HP ≥ 75%.
- 4✩ Skill (B): Pass 2 - Unit can pass through foes if its own HP ≥ 50%.
- 5✩ Skill (B): Pass 3 - Unit can pass through foes if its own HP ≥ 25%.

Edited by Alpha Wolves
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Class: Green tome, mov 2

Weapon: Gronnblade+ - special cd+1, add bonuses to atk

Special: Luna - 3 cd, resolve battle as if foe had -50% def/res

Passive A: Life or death - Atk/Spd up//Def/Res down

Passive B: Desperation - immediate followup if hp <75%

Luna/Desperation to parallel his Flare/Adept skills, his other skills b/c... I want him to be good...? D:

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@Alpha Wolves Don't mind at all!

The only prediction I have is that Elincia will be a sword pegasus instead of the staffbot we all know and love.  Why?  Amiti, which will most likely be a Brave variant with a slightly less hefty Speed penalty.

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Considering its a lords weapon, and almost all lords weapon have either a buffed version of an attack (i.e.: buffed version of Slow for Leo, tier 2 of Repost for Hector), I'm thinking she will either be Brave without speed penalty, but a health restriction (i.e.: while  X% HP), or have one of the tier 2 abilities that guarantee a follow up attack while attacking.

Aaaaannnnddd.... there isn't one... WHY MUST THE GAME HATE US?!

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@Alpha Wolves I had considered Renewal but I'm doubtful they'd let somebody with Sacrifice regenerate their own health. Would most likely make it very difficult for them to make a healer that competes well in their eyes. Thani I had dropped in attack because it had two special bits to it (effective against both calvary and armour). If it was just one it would be the normal power range yeah.

Passive is a bit of a crapshoot for her though. I saw Wings of Mercy fitting Sothe better for the reasons I described and I don't see them getting that skill to two characters in the same pack.

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Uh, did people suddenly forget that Ragnell is a 1-2 range sword? It would make no sense for it to be 1 range when it's 1-2 in everything it's appeared in, Smash not included for obvious reasons.

RD Ike will have really high attack and HP, pretty good defense, average speed, and crappy res from what I've seen from him. Ragnell will obviously be his best weapon. It'd be neat if he could get Ettard and the Regal Sword too, but that'd be overkill. xP

 I think PoR Ike will be the same as his RD self, except with a bit less def and a little more speed.

And I agree with eclipse that Elincia should be a sword Peg knight with Amiti! She'll probably have high res and speed, but not as much attack or def.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Uh, did people suddenly forget that Ragnell is a 1-2 range sword? It would make no sense for it to be 1 range when it's 1-2 in everything it's appeared in, Smash not included for obvious reasons.

RD Ike will have really high attack and HP, pretty good defense, average speed, and crappy res from what I've seen from him. Ragnell will obviously be his best weapon. It'd be neat if he could get Ettard and the Regal Sword too, but that'd be overkill. xP

 I think PoR Ike will be the same as his RD self, except with a bit less def and a little more speed.

And I agree with eclipse that Elincia should be a sword Peg knight with Amiti! She'll probably have high res and speed, but not as much attack or def.

Did you not see it having ranged counter in my version?

No weapon in this game is going to be able to hit more than 1 space on offence. Would break the game with its lower mobility.

PoR Ike would be a lot more all around. He actually had pretty good Res for a foot soldier and very solid speed. If RD Ike was  45 HP/50 Attack/30 Speed/30 Defence/19 Res, PoR Ike would be something like 43 HP/45 Attack/32 Speed/28 Defence/25 Res. 

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1 minute ago, TheNiddo said:

Did you not see it having ranged counter in my version?

No weapon in this game is going to be able to hit more than 1 space on offence. Would break the game with its lower mobility.

PoR Ike would be a lot more all around. He actually had pretty good Res for a foot soldier and very solid speed. If RD Ike was  45 HP/50 Attack/30 Speed/30 Defence/19 Res, PoR Ike would be something like 43 HP/45 Attack/32 Speed/28 Defence/25 Res. 

Of course I saw the ranged counter. But my argument still stands because Ragnell has always been able to attack from 1-2 range no matter what. It would also give Ragnell a unique property. It'd just be a generic powerful sword if it didn't have its 1-2 range. Being able to counter from any range isn't unique or anything since there are other characters who have it. Ike having 1-2 range with Ragnell can set him apart.

Huh? Ike's never had good res at all, not even in PoR. I've played PoR many times over and not once did Ike ever have good res in my playthroughs. It was awful throughout both his games. xP


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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Of course I saw the ranged counter. But my argument still stands because Ragnell has always been able to attack from 1-2 range no matter what. It would also give Ragnell a unique property. It'd just be a generic powerful sword if it didn't have its 1-2 range. Being able to counter from any range isn't unique or anything since there are other characters who have it. Ike having 1-2 range with Ragnell can set him apart.

Huh? Ike's never had good res at all, not even in PoR. I've played PoR many times over and not once did Ike ever have good res in my playthroughs. It was awful throughout both his games. xP


Game Balance > Sticking exactly to lore. Roy's blade should be destroying dragons and always attacking at range as well on top of being able to be used as a healing item. That didn't happen here. The only part he got was the +Def/+Res stat boosts from it. Ike will not have 1-2 range on offence. It would break the game.

Ike's Res growth rate in FE9 was actually the exact same as his Def growth rate https://serenesforest.net/path-of-radiance/characters/growth-rates/ 40% and 40%. His base Res was 5 lower, but his average end game Def/Res stats were 23.2/17.2. For a on foot, non-magic using soldier that is very good.

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4 minutes ago, TheNiddo said:

Ike will not have 1-2 range on offence. It would break the game.

I disagree.

Roy is a different case because all those abilities in one weapon in this game IS overkill. We're only talking about one unique perk, 1-2 range. Ragnell doesn't have effectiveness vs a certain kind of unit or healing abilities. (though I would've still given Roy's blade dragon effectiveness at least)

Ike's Aether can heal, but I'd make its healing ability pretty limited because that just might make him too broken otherwise.

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9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I disagree.

Roy is a different case because all those abilities in one weapon in this game IS overkill. We're only talking about one unique perk, 1-2 range. Ragnell doesn't have effectiveness vs a certain kind of unit or healing abilities. (though I would've still given Roy's blade dragon effectiveness at least)

Ike's Aether can heal, but I'd make its healing ability pretty limited because that just might make him too broken otherwise.

Xander and Ryoma also had weapons with 1-2 range that don't have effectiveness vs a certain kind of unit or healing abilities, but they both ended up with 1-range offense. I do hope they make Ike interesting, but given him a 2-range offense would probably make him the strongest Sword unit in the game hands down assuming his stats are good, which they probably will be given his lore as being one of the best fighters.

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7 minutes ago, YueLiang said:

Xander and Ryoma also had weapons with 1-2 range that don't have effectiveness vs a certain kind of unit or healing abilities, but they both ended up with 1-range offense. I do hope they make Ike interesting, but given him a 2-range offense would probably make him the strongest Sword unit in the game hands down assuming his stats are good, which they probably will be given his lore as being one of the best fighters.

Xander and Ryoma not having 1-2 range doesn't make sense to me either then. I hope an update to the game changes this.

But yeah, Ike having bad stats would definitely make no sense because of what you just said.

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6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Xander and Ryoma not having 1-2 range doesn't make sense to me either then. I hope an update to the game changes this.

But yeah, Ike having bad stats would definitely make no sense because of what you just said.

They can't actually make changes to units in this type of game due to it falling under gambling laws in various countries. Not unless they want to potentially have to refund anyone who ever spent money trying to get particular units based on how the meta was. 

Ike will not have 1-2 range on offence. Tamuki is considered the best unit in the game, good enough to field teams of 4 with, with 1-2 range on defence only. 1-2 at all times would break the game period. It would be team of 4 Ikes or lose outside of very specific counter teams. Would ruin the meta, and in turn their sales. Won't happen. Not if they want the game to live longer than a year. Its just basic logic.

Heck I'd only give 3:1 odds that Ike even has ranged counters. They can probably tell that having 1-2 range on defence is pretty much meta defining and might not want to add more of it to the game. After all the current meta is "Tamuki/Hector/Azura (to get those two more actions) vs teams designed to counter them" and that's not healthy for the long run. They could just make Ragnell give its defence boost instead similar to Roy's (probably +4 defence when defending). The other thing it could do is something to play off of Ragnell negating the Goddess' blessing. Make it negate any stat boosts the target has when Ike is attacking. That would be pretty unique.

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Firstly, it's Takumi, Not Tamuki...

Second, if anyone demands a refund due to changes in the meta, that's their own fault for choosing to spend the money in the first place. I've also already seen people agree that Takumi needs nerfed.

Also, if Takumi is broken simply because of his 1-2 defensive range, all the more reason to give it to a few more units! That way he's not the only one who can do it anymore.

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All things considered, they should probably do something to nerf Distant/Close Counter and weapons with it built in (Tiki and Nowi's Lightning Breath, the Raijinto).

Presumably by adding specific counters to it.  I don't think it can be nerfed directly because legal stuff.

Also going directly by the games would make some the Jugdral people OP as all get out, considering Holy Weapons had such high stats/bonuses it makes the Binding Blade or Ragnell look like training swords, and those are generally considered the best weapons in their games.

So I'm okay with not giving things their full power, since it would throw off the balancing to favor lords (and things like Lewyn) pretty much completely.

Don't quite get why Hector specifically got Distant Counter, though.  Armads isn't ranged.

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@Alpha WolvesThanks for posting the template! Made writing these out much easier.

Just gonna give descriptions (High > Great > Good > Okay > Low) rather than stat-numbers though, since I'm no good with those.

So here's Path of Radiance Ike (with Ragnell, because at least one Ike needs to have Ragnell: this one's more balanced than the Radiant Dawn Ike below, and focuses more on Speed)


Ike [Path of Radiance] | Hero of the Blue Flames [Available At 5 Stars]

- Movement Type: Infantry (2 Movement) | Red Unit (Swords)
- 5☆ Level 40 Stats: (HP: Great / ATK: Good / SPD: Good / DEF: Good / RES: Okay)

- 1☆ Weapon: Iron Sword (Mt: 4 / Rng: 1) - No extra effect.
- 2☆ Weapon: XXXXX (Mt: 8 / Rng: 1) - No extra effect.
- 3☆ Weapon: XXXXX (Mt: 11 / Rng: 1) - No extra effect.
- 5☆ Weapon: Ragnell (Mt: 16 / Rng: 1) - Enemies do not benefit from bonuses while in combat with Ike.

- 3☆ (Daylight): 4 Turns - Heals 30% of damage dealt.
- 4☆ (Sol): 4 Turns - Heals 50% of damage dealt.
- 5☆ (Aether): 5 Turns - Resolve combat as though foe had DEF/RES -50%. Ike heals 50% of damage dealt.

- 1☆ Skill (1): Darting Blow 1 - Grants SPD +2 when Ike initiates combat.
- 2☆ Skill (1): Darting Blow 2 - Grants SPD +4 when Ike initiates combat.
- 4☆ Skill (1): Darting Blow 3 - Grants SPD +6 when Ike initiates combat.
- 3☆ Skill (2): Quick Riposte 1 - Makes an automatic follow-up attack when attacked with > 90% HP.
- 4☆ Skill (2): Quick Riposte 2 - Makes an automatic follow-up attack when attacked with > 80% HP.
- 5☆ Skill (2): Quick Riposte 3 - Makes an automatic follow-up attack when attacked with > 70% HP.

Radiant Dawn Ike (with Axes, because I wanted an Ike with Urvan, since I don't see Greil happening: tried for a more powerful, slower, less-Resistance-having Ike)


Ike [Radiant Dawn] | Radiant Hero [Available At 5 Stars]

- Movement Type: Infantry (2 Movement) | Green Unit (Axes)
- 5☆ Level 40 Stats: (HP: Great / ATK: High / SPD: Good / DEF: Semi-High / RES: Low)

- 1☆ Weapon: Iron Axe (Mt: X / Rng: 1) - No extra effect.
- 2☆ Weapon: Steel Axe (Mt: X / Rng: 1) - No extra effect.
- 3☆ Weapon: Silver Axe (Mt: X / Rng: 1) - No extra effect.
- 5☆ Weapon: Urvan (Mt: X / Rng: 1) - Grants +4 Resistance when Ike initiates combat.

- 3☆ (New Moon): 4 Turns - Resolve combat as though foe had DEF/RES -30%.
- 4☆ (Luna): 4 Turns - Resolve combat as though foe had DEF/RES -50%.
- 4☆ (Aether): 5 Turns - Resolve combat as though foe had DEF/RES -50%. Ike heals 50% of damage dealt.

- 1☆ Skill (1): Armored Blow 1 - Grants DEF +2 when Ike initiates combat.
- 2☆ Skill (1): Armored Blow 2 - Grants DEF +4 when Ike initiates combat.
- 4☆ Skill (1): Armored Blow 3 - Grants DEF +6 when Ike initiates combat.
- 3☆ Skill (2): Hone ATK 1 - Grants adjacent allies +2 ATK at the start of the turn.
- 4☆ Skill (2): Hone ATK 2 - Grants adjacent allies +3 ATK at the start of the turn.
- 5☆ Skill (2): Hone ATK 3 - Grants adjacent allies +4 ATK at the start of the turn.

And Mist (Not gonna bother making different movesets for her PoR and RD appearances: she's something of a fighter-healer-hybrid-thing like she was in the games I think, and also an attempt at a balanced unit with Distant Counter... doubt this will end with a good unit, but ah well)


Mist | Healing Breeze [Available at 4/5-Stars]

- Movement Type: Mounted (3 Movement) | Red Unit (Swords)
- 5☆ Level 40 Stats: (HP: Okay / ATK: Good / SPD: Great / DEF: Low / RES: Great)

- 1☆ Weapon: Iron Sword (Mt: 4 / Rng: 1) - No extra effect.
- 2☆ Weapon: Steel Sword (Mt: 8 / Rng: 1) - No extra effect.
- 3☆ Weapon: Silver Sword (Mt: 11 / Rng: 1) - No extra effect.
- 5☆ Weapon: Florete (Mt: 11 / Rng: 1) - Can counter attacks from 1 or 2 range.

- 3☆ (Daylight): 4 Turn Cooldown - Heals 30% of damage dealt.
- 5☆ (Miracle): 5 Turn Cooldown - If HP > 1, survive a lethal attack with 1 HP.

- 1☆ Skill (1): Breath of Life 1 - After Mist initiates combat, allies within 2 spaces are healed for 3 HP.
- 2☆ Skill (1): Breath of Life 2 - After Mist initiates combat, allies within 2 spaces are healed for 5 HP.
- 4☆ Skill (1): Breath of Life 3 - After Mist initiates combat, allies within 2 spaces are healed for 7 HP.
- 3☆ Skill (2): Spur Res 1 - Grants adjacent allies RES +2 during combat.
- 4☆ Skill (2): Spur Res 2 - Grants adjacent allies RES +3 during combat.
- 5☆ Skill (2): Spur Res 3 - Grants adjacent allies RES +4 during combat.


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6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I think both Ikes ought to have swords/Ragnell. I mean, they've been his main weapons everywhere regardless of design.

I mostly agree, but it's easier to differentiate between multiple Ikes if they have different weapon types as well as different skill sets.

Unless Greil shows up (maybe as a Great Hero Battle? It would be cool, and Greil probably has a better claim to being a great hero than Narcian). Then both Ikes (since we're probably getting two Ikes after he took first place and top five in the Choose Your Legends poll) would be best with Ragnells (though perhaps each Ike could have different Ragnell perks: for example, one Ike could have Ragnell with Distant Counter, while one could have Defense +4 when Ike initiates combat).

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1 hour ago, Glaceon Mage said:

All things considered, they should probably do something to nerf Distant/Close Counter and weapons with it built in (Tiki and Nowi's Lightning Breath, the Raijinto).

Presumably by adding specific counters to it.  I don't think it can be nerfed directly because legal stuff.

Also going directly by the games would make some the Jugdral people OP as all get out, considering Holy Weapons had such high stats/bonuses it makes the Binding Blade or Ragnell look like training swords, and those are generally considered the best weapons in their games.

So I'm okay with not giving things their full power, since it would throw off the balancing to favor lords (and things like Lewyn) pretty much completely.

Don't quite get why Hector specifically got Distant Counter, though.  Armads isn't ranged.

Something like Nihil would work well as a counter: when you initiate combat the opponent's skills don't activate. This would include passives and weapon granted skills. Make it only when you attack keeps it balanced, but it also allows it to directly counter 1-2 defence attackers. 

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2 hours ago, ILikeKirbys said:

I mostly agree, but it's easier to differentiate between multiple Ikes if they have different weapon types as well as different skill sets.

Unless Greil shows up (maybe as a Great Hero Battle? It would be cool, and Greil probably has a better claim to being a great hero than Narcian). Then both Ikes (since we're probably getting two Ikes after he took first place and top five in the Choose Your Legends poll) would be best with Ragnells (though perhaps each Ike could have different Ragnell perks: for example, one Ike could have Ragnell with Distant Counter, while one could have Defense +4 when Ike initiates combat).

We're gonna get three Ikes! Don't forget the special costume he won. :3

But Greil appearing as a Great Hero battle would be interesting indeed.

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@TheNiddo While its true that Thani has two abilities (Strong vs Armor and Strong vs Cavalry), with the item being a Lords weapon, I don't see them breaking the pattern. Comparing Leo's to the only comparable weapon (Gravity), his Lord weapon has 14 might while Gravity only has 6 might. The average Anti-Unit cost is ~2 strength in power, so even with 2 anti-unit strengths, her "base power" would only drop to 8 points (comparing it to other anti-unit ranged weapons), two points might higher than Gravity. While Gravity is technically a staff from healer units, I'm still saying that it will be more likely to have 14 Power with Special Cooldown Increase. Looking at Sothe's abilities, I find it more likely that he will get a new skill (Acrobat) that allows him to travel all tiles without movement penalty (middle finger to those forests tiles), and a buffing ability for Infantry units near him. (something like Ward Companionship or Goad Companionship). 

@Anacybele Secondly, I agree with Anacybele here, it would make more sense for Ike to have Ranged Counterattack than it would to have Savage Blows (which has otherwise been restricted to Wyvern Rider classes in Heroes, like Glacier being restricted to physical units).  (Off Topic Comment - While they cannot nerf Takumi directly, they can nerf the thing that makes him (and every unit with similar abilities) ranked S or SS Tier... If they change it so ALL Counter Attack units have a 50% Damage Decrease when counter-attacking against invalid targets (i.e.: bowmen and magic vs. Ranged Counter, and Melee Weapons vs Close Counter), it would fix a lot of the problems currently ongoing, but lets leave that topic for another thread. I believe 3 Takumi OP threads exist right now).

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