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Arena Discussion Thread (inc. Assault)


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Nah, I'm not using F!Robin. The only adjustment I made was to replace 4*+1 Olivia with 4* Sully and they're both worth the same amount of points, leaving me with the exact same BST. Granted, I had a few games where I swapped Marth back in over Seliph, but even with Seliph keeping me at 665, 640 points is rare. The other two members are M!Robin and Sharena, in case anyone was wondering.

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Sully is working surprisingly well with my team, considering she's -spd and not even lv 40 yet. The reds do such paltry damage to her it doesn't even matter she has 28 speed and that's really all I have her face off with. Having drag back on both her and nino gives a lot of positioning opportunities, and while it's unfortunate Nino's losing out on an extra 4 atk, at least she can still make Ryoma tankier.

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4 hours ago, Avestus said:

For anyone interested, I've gathered some statistics on the variance of max rating of enemy teams: Here is my post on reddit.

I think it could be interesting for arena min/maxers like me :)

Hmmm, if that's the case, I've just been getting unlucky (big surprise, lol), as that formula means I keep getting k = 2 or 3. I can't afford to reroll very much, though, so I guess I just gotta roll with the punches with my free swords unless I've gotten a good 5-6-streak and am trying to squeeze out max points in the last couple matches.

2 hours ago, Kiran said:

Is it just me or is the arena not as competitive this week? Must be due to the current focus not being that great and the voting gauntlet.  

The defense teams kinda seem that way, but on offense... well, it hasn't even been a day and I've already lost 700 ranks, so that front seems about par for the course.


EDIT: Okay, despite her inability to really damage much as -Atk, besides her obvious useful utility (which still isn't a refresher, but eh), gotta have respect for Sully's durability. As a 4* with neutral Res, she was able to face tank a +Atk 5* Reinhardt that would otherwise one-round my other units, luring him into a bad position for a decisive win (she survived with 1 HP!).

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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Decided to switch around my Arena team and try Linde, Julia, Sanaki and Klein. For being a team of just ranged units, it's doing really well. Probably not ideal for defence, but eh. As long as I get any defence results that's fine. Also probably has a pretty low BST, but I'm just aiming to stay ranked at all, or within 50,000 if I'm lucky.

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Currently have 4226 with rank 8504. This is an oddly high rank for that score, but I take it will drop by the end of the week significantly.

I should hit my usual high 4300s soon, though. I fucked up one match with 4226 (it was also when I was using Lach instead of Sully) and I think I've gotten the hang of this team enough (esp with all the repositioning goodness) to do a proper 7 streak, I'll just need my dueling swords to refill.

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I'm rank 3,905 with a score of 4368. :o

Maybe there aren't as many people rushing to finish their arena runs this week? Perhaps because there aren't as many arena-related quests so people aren't eager to spend dueling crests as much?

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This Arena season I sorta got screwed because I don't have any trained Bonus Characters. I don't have any from the Sibling Bonds and the other two characters I do have are Jegan (+SPD, -HP) and F!Robin.

Currently I am trying to train F!Robin up to 4* 40 and see how she fares in the arena. I just hope to make it within the top 30k instead of trying for 10k like I usually do...

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Score of 4460:

  • Ground Zero (5PM PST Mar 7) - #1126
  • 21 Hours Later - #1927

Hmmm, deterioration slowed right down. Lost 700ish before, but then just 100 in the past 4-5 hours. I take back what I said. Things are weird and if the same rate keeps up (yeah right), I'll end the season at #4615. Definitely needs more data. I hope I can improve my score before too long, though, since it shouldn't be hard to beat the crap point rolls I got before.

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I'm using F!Robin as my Bonus unit, along with 40 Seliph/Julia/Nowi

I've never been in the top 15,000, less the top 5,000, but I'm carrying 4,418 points with a Rank of 2,764.


My robin isn't evel 3* lv 40!? Geeeeez! 






Not using Marth/Olivia/Sharena has been traumatizing, and using Seliph has been even more traumatizing, but I think I have a formula down that is basically: Let seliph/nowi take a hit, then let Julia/F!Robin finish it off. Works against most not-Takumi units with relative ease.

Edited by Elieson
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I've had some growing pains in my Arena team.  I haven't spent any Crests yet, so I'm just at 6, but my Olwen isn't quite level 40, yet and swapping out Abel and Julia for Hector and Olwen takes a little adjusting to.  I've had Olwen die on me once and Hector once.

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22 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Currently at rank 1455 with a score of 4488, but that's with two deaths (+10 Nino nearly wiped my whole team RIP). I'll try to update if I get a deathless run later. 

How the heck does someone have a +10 Nino?  That would require 220,000 Feathers.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

How the heck does someone have a +10 Nino?  That would require 220,000 Feathers.

I just want one Nino ;_____;

The exact team was Nino +10, Julia +10, Y!Tiki +2, Eirika +5. I thought for sure I was going to get destroyed since my highest merged unit is a +1 Ryoma (but I won :D mostly because once I baited Nino and Julia in, Ryoma and Eldigan made short work of them. Even at +10 they're quite squishy). That was the only match where I lost units though (poor Effie didn't stand a chance). 

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23 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I just want one Nino ;_____;

The exact team was Nino +10, Julia +10, Y!Tiki +2, Eirika +5. I thought for sure I was going to get destroyed since my highest merged unit is a +1 Ryoma (but I won :D mostly because once I baited Nino and Julia in, Ryoma and Eldigan made short work of them. Even at +10 they're quite squishy). That was the only match where I lost units though (poor Effie didn't stand a chance). 

She's available at 3*, so if you Pull enough, you should eventually get her.

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24 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Does Defense score factor into your ranking? I'm 4276 at rank 6979 at the moment. That wasn't a perfect no death run, though. I usually got about 4400~4500 in the previous two Bonus Hero seasons.

Defense doesn't seem to.  It could possibly serve as a tiebreaker, but that's just a hypothesis.

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Yeah, the Arena bar doesn't seem to be as high as previous weeks. I was panicking that I only managed to get 4116 with Fem Robin as bonus (and useless baggage). Turns out I'm ranked at 13,560 atm, which is awfully high. Hope that lets me stay in top 30k.

Still got no defense in tho.

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5 minutes ago, pianime94 said:

Yeah, the Arena bar doesn't seem to be as high as previous weeks. I was panicking that I only managed to get 4116 with Fem Robin as bonus (and useless baggage). Turns out I'm ranked at 13,560 atm, which is awfully high. Hope that lets me stay in top 30k.

Still got no defense in tho.

They put out a message that there's a known bug where not all D wins are showing up, so you may have some.

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There was a ban-round on cheaters/hackers recently, though I didn't expect it to have this kind of impact on the ranks. 

As for my team, had to replace lvl 40 4* Chrom with (lvl 30+ due to laziness) 4* Robin(F) so score is a bit lower but eh. 

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15 hours ago, Kiran said:

Is it just me or is the arena not as competitive this week? Must be due to the current focus not being that great and the voting gauntlet.  

My issue is that my bonus character (Robin) clashes HARD with my team.  It'll be a struggle to break 4K this week (if I even do so at all).

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2 hours ago, XeKr said:

There was a ban-round on cheaters/hackers recently, though I didn't expect it to have this kind of impact on the ranks. 

If that explains why I'm still in top 5K despite having a 4,354 offense, I won't complain. I'll probably drop as time goes on but it'll be interesting recording how my rank is with a similar score from previous seasons and not being placed as highly initially.

I had Sully and messed up a couple times for deathless runs (stupid five-charge AoE and CORDELIA). So I used crests for a deathless run.

3/8/2017 - Rank 4,573; offense 4,354 (10:42PM PST)


I don't think I can get higher with how my team is. I rolled a Roy but with dragons and a couple blues running amok, he's not likely to go onto the team. I have no Defense yet (though, whether that's from a bug or not, not sure). I tried fiddling with positioning before the voting gauntlet. With voting gauntlet, I've been having M!Robin and Chrom switch the leader slot.

Gonna be honest: I really would have liked a +Atk or +HP Sully. +Spd doesn't make much difference for Swordbreaker (almost counterintuitive in a way). The highest she can go is 33 Atk neutral with either Steel or Sapphire Lance as a 4*. Good against Swords in general but they can be accompanied by units she can't deal with as much. Granted, mine was -HP and so took a massive hit from anything not Swords/Reds. Fact that she only has access to Swordbreaker 2 while Abel has Swordbreaker 3 at 4* makes a big difference.

I miss using Abel.

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Well, I managed to train up my 4* F!Robin and did an Arena Run. I managed to get 4412 as my high score, but I did lose units 2-3 times. However, I am pleasantly surprised at my ranking (currently at 3826 at the time of this post, the picture is older). Normally I would fall in the 10k-30k bracket, not 1k-5k.

4* F!Robin is okay. She performs decently against M!Robin and Nowi and can handle her own against Abel. As I just had Camilla around to counter Blues (mainly M!Robin, Nowi, and the occasional Linde), F!Robin is all right in that regard. Arguably F!Robin can do a little more for me since she has magic, which my team does not have. However, her stats and skillset are still lacking and I would not use her if I had a better alternative (and I am not using Jegan).

For reference, the last Arena round (with a single death) I had...
Offense Rating: 4,447 || Rank: 11,408
Team Ratings: Marth (173), Ryoma (174), Camilla (160), Ephraim (173) || Total: 680

Then here are my current rankings...
Offense Rating: 4,412 || Rank: 3,826
Team: Ephraim (173), Ryoma (174), 4* F!Robin (143), Marth (173) || Total Rating: 663

Notice: Picture is slightly older, text rank is more accurate.
Edited by Sire
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