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I have decided to make the big investment


Odin is now Oggone

Ursula is now Ursugod

It is now the age of Ursugod YOLOwood and once i had the SP Ceciliadept. 





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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

The jump itself is hard or the battles become hard?

The battles. Getting to 690 just required a team with inheritance; not drowning in it is a completely different issue lol.

In 680, I only fight people who have incomplete inheritance sets or just one or two extras tacked on, and very rarely do I see merged 5*s. Basically the playing field is even, pretty much.

Then when I went up to 690 I was facing four Level 40+ 5*s, and they all had Fury or crazy stuff like Distant Counter Vantage Eirika. Crazy skills are one thing, but the stat gap just from merges hurts a lot.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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This week's highscore is currently 4,780. Ranked 249 right now, but that's obviously going to drop.

Team was Alm, Ninian, Lilina and Ephraim. First attempt at a run was stopped by a triangle adept Robin. Starting to miss having Michalis to deal with stuff like this.

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I burned through 4-5 crests and got a deathless run after some failed attempts.  My score is higher than last week's: 4762!  I'm very happy with that.  Rank is currently 636 but is obviously going to drop big time.  I will probably end up in my usual 10k-30k bracket. :^_^:

Whether I get a deathless run or not seems to almost entirely depend on whether I run into Reinhardt, haha.  I can deal with most teams without him as long as the skills aren't too crazy.

I used: Alm, Takumi, Olwen, and Olivia.

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It seems there's a weird text overlap with this week's title of Tier 12 and Third Wyvern General.

And goodie, I already have a Defense Win, don't have to worry about that, now.

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8 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

It seems there's a weird text overlap with this week's title of Tier 12 and Third Wyvern General.

I find it slightly annoying everytime I see it. It just gives me the creeps! Yuck!

Also my team is working exactly as I planned. Got a problem? Send in Nino!

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Curently at a score of 4608. Still have to wait a bit to see the correct ranking. I got two deaths, so I should be able to get a better score somewhere this week (and otherwise I should still rank above 50.000, which is something). Team consisted of Takumi, M!Corrin, Nino and Shareena. I will probably try to add a few repositioning skills to give Nino an easier time.

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29 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

I find it slightly annoying everytime I see it. It just gives me the creeps! Yuck!

Literally unplayable



Also I blew all of my dueling crests and somehow got 4626. Vantage Takumi's, dancers, and Wings of Mercy can all go die >:(

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I tried to use a Lucina/Cherche/Azura/Nowi team. Lucina is +3 and has Fury 3 and Swordbreaker 1 from Skill inheritance and Nowi has Vantage, but I thought it might still do well. I was wrong.

Every battles were quite difficult and I finally fell to a Flyer Emblem team of S!Camilla with Gronnblade+ backed by Palla, Hinoka and Cordelia. The latter two had Forify and Hone Flyers and they stuck to Camilla the whole battle. Not to mention they were all fully SI'd with tier 3 passives. I got absolutely destroyed. I then gave up on that team and went with my usual Trio or Sanaki/Nino/Dancer + bonus, the latter two being Ninian and Lukas in this case.

The battles were a breeze in comparison. Funny thing is that both Sanaki and Nino are fully SI'd and Sanaki is a +2 merge, but I guess the difference in BST between mages and melee infantry was enough to make the opposition easier to deal with. Currently sitting at 4642 points and rank 1493, though that's bound to decrease.

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38 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Also I blew all of my dueling crests and somehow got 4626. Vantage Takumi's, dancers, and Wings of Mercy can all go die >:(

Well geez louise! Talk about salt! XD

I got 4,639 because I accidently suicided my Nino on a Vantage Hector. LOL I have 48 dueling crests though so it's chill

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

Well geez louise! Talk about salt! XD

I got 4,639 because I accidently suicided my Nino on a Vantage Hector. LOL I have 48 dueling crests though so it's chill


That's me tbh

I probably got ten different forms of cancer from those things. Or a week's worth of migraines. Oh well, 4626 is fine with me because that's the highest I've gotten so far!

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11 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

I tried to use a Lucina/Cherche/Azura/Nowi team. Lucina is +3 and has Fury 3 and Swordbreaker 1 from Skill inheritance and Nowi has Vantage, but I thought it might still do well. I was wrong.

I ran basically the same team 2 weeks ago (subbing out Cherche for Michalis, no inheritance on anyone) and was fine.  Not sure if it's the merging, the inheritance, or them all being 5-stars (or some combination therein) that's making the difference there.


I'm not entirely sure how I intend to face this week in the long run, but currently using Sharena as a buffbot for bunny Lucina (makes me miss Ephraim), Hector, and Y!Tiki.  I feel like the 2 matches I've done thus far I won partially by luck, as Hector's missing his B slot since I'm not sure if I want Vantage, WoM, or ER.

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Just now, GinRei said:

I ran basically the same team 2 weeks ago (subbing out Cherche for Michalis, no inheritance on anyone) and was fine.  Not sure if it's the merging, the inheritance, or them all being 5-stars (or some combination therein) that's making the difference there.


I'm not entirely sure how I intend to face this week in the long run, but currently using Sharena as a buffbot for bunny Lucina (makes me miss Ephraim), Hector, and Y!Tiki.  I feel like the 2 matches I've done thus far I won partially by luck, as Hector's missing his B slot since I'm not sure if I want Vantage, WoM, or ER.

The merging and inheritance probably played a role and IIRC, we didn't have the new arena matchmaking 2 weeks ago. I may also have gotten unlucky. Maybe I could have done a run with that first team without ever encountering a team as dangerous as the Flyer Emblem one. Or maybe I split my characters badly at the start, making it so that the two buffers stuck by Camilla instead of going in a different direction. 

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Because my main team is Marth/Sharena/Hector, I have a free fourth slot this rotation, so I decided to try bringing back Priscilla as my fourth unit because I've had the most success with her. Wasn't sure how much use I'd get out of a healer with no movement assists or real offense, but I was quickly reminded of how valuable it is to be able to heal Hector and the others. First battle had a Julia in front and a Takumi further back, and rather than having to try to maneuver Marth over to Julia to take her out while saving Hector's HP for Takumi, I just had Hector obliterate Julia on the first turn and then healed him so he could do the same thing to Takumi on the second.

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I was really excited to play under the new matchmaking system this season, and on my first go-around I managed 4782, no deaths. Pretty much every team was fully decked out with skill inheritance, including two Vantage Takumi's in the last game. It was really tough but also a lot of fun at the same time, especially rolling out with my fully decked-out team after weeks of practice and planning.

Team was:


Nino (+Spd -Def) w/ Fury, Wings of Mercy, Moonbow

Sharena w/ Fury, Hone Atk, Rally Spd

Lucina (+Spd -Def) w/ Fury, Swordbreaker, Reposition

Effie (+Def -Spd) w/ Threaten Def, Pivot, Bonfire


I still like using Fury though it doesn't improve scoring anymore. It also helps keep up with opposing units and survive certain attacks, though there's little margin for error due to the recoil.

Screen: http://imgur.com/CpyAEsD

Don't know why, but the text Tier 12: Third Wyvern General is all scrunched up for some reason.

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7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:



7 hours ago, JSND said:


It's reassuring to hear that +Spd Julia with Darting Blow might just work out since that's all I have the fodder for atm haha. What you say makes sense, Ice Dragon, Ryoma can take both Hector and Nino but not always both in one match. I'll probably give Julia G Tomebreaker in that case since she's -HP, so Hector OHKOs her if I don't have the HP +3 seal (and if he's +Atk he OHKOs her either way). As such, I'd much rather Ryoma be the one to take care of Hector.

7 hours ago, OKigen said:

How about b tomebreaker? Ryoma will have trouble tanking Linde I guess, and if you use Julia to bait Linde with some teams like mine, yours will be in trouble instead coz she can only deal enough damage to Linde to trigger WoM on Linde's teammates. The only issue is that skill is only available on Robin F ...

B Tomebreaker is fine, but I don't feel comfortable sacrificing GHB characters for skills. Not to mention my Julia OHKOs any Linde that isn't +HP or +Res with a Hone Atk boost, so it's not entirely necessary. 

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1 hour ago, GinRei said:

I'm not entirely sure how I intend to face this week in the long run, but currently using Sharena as a buffbot for bunny Lucina (makes me miss Ephraim), Hector, and Y!Tiki.  I feel like the 2 matches I've done thus far I won partially by luck, as Hector's missing his B slot since I'm not sure if I want Vantage, WoM, or ER.

Take Vantage, since it has much better synergy with his Distant Counter than the other two. Wings of Mercy is more for defense teams since armors aren't able to keep up with the rest otherwise. It's also great for when your opponents don't check your skills and immediately surrender when Hector grows wings on enemy phase.

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My Julia runs QR right now because i sucks against Takumi(which i should really give her Bowbreaker but lol), but Green Tomebreak is probably the best if you simply want to maximize her anti magic usage


Also yeah if you cover Linde on the Blue Mage front your set. Reindhart and Olwen is a one shot iirc. Pegasuses usually survive with 1-2 HP left and so is Sharena iirc so Lancebreaker is still worth some consideration but not by much



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Despite dropping a colour, my team of Reinhardt/Klein/Eldigan/Sharena is doing pretty well. Who needs blue coverage when Reinhardt obliterates literally every blue with Sharena's help? One death today because I was an idiot and left Klein in danger by accident, but I should manage a deathless streak sometime this week. I've forgotten how fun it is to have buffs!

I wish I could run my shiny new Azura on my offence team this week, but even I have to draw a line at that many blues. Still, she'll make my defence team greater than ever. She's only level 34 but I've decided to sub her in anyway just to see if I can net a win on some hapless player lugging around a backpack. I'll check tomorrow and see how that worked out.

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5 hours ago, Arcanite said:

LOL I have 48 dueling crests though so it's chill

I think I have like 73 I hoard everything that isn't feathers and orbs

Anyway, managed to get a defence win already unlike last week, though I literally put no effort into my defence team as its just my arena team for the season as I'm too lazy to swap teams.

Also, I'd like to take this oppurtunity to say that even as a 4* Brave Axe, Death Blow Cherche is pretty disgusting

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