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Arena Discussion Thread (inc. Assault)


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2 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Huh. Looks like the original map rotation is now in arena rather than that cancerous one with the truckload of defensive terrain and breakable walls.

It was like that too 2 weeks ago. Seems like SI's been changing up between original map rotation and the new ones each week.

Edited by Lyrai
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1 hour ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Huh. Looks like the original map rotation is now in arena rather than that cancerous one with the truckload of defensive terrain and breakable walls.

It’s original set 1 → fort set 1 → original set 2 → fort set 2, rinse and repeat. We’re at original set 2 now.

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Hi, im in tier 19. but only 586 can go to 20 hahaah ;(.  i only  win 682 per combat,

I think it's impossible even doing a deathless run . All  the rivals are 40 +,  and i dont have anyone ;( for best BST

Tier 19   Nevertheless, im happy beacuse i think is a really good meta for a FTP with no rerol I did not know it existed lol.

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I was able to promote to Tier 19 and I completed my deathless run, which was much easier to achieve than last week.


Considering the cut-off point for promoting to Tier 20 is rank 1466, I think my chances are good that I'll promote next season.

Don't think I'll be able to stay there though.

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4 hours ago, LuxSpes said:

I was able to promote to Tier 19 and I completed my deathless run, which was much easier to achieve than last week.


Considering the cut-off point for promoting to Tier 20 is rank 1466, I think my chances are good that I'll promote next season.

Don't think I'll be able to stay there though.

I got into T20 this season with a lower score, so you'll probably be fine.

On a separate note, I already have 5 defense wins, so I'm set for the week :D

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Burned one crest yesterday just 'cause, so got the streak today worth 5086 (T19). Current rank is 12, with the cutoff to move to T20 at (currently) 2143...I think I'm gonna make it.

Teams faced:



Some of those skill sets hurt my soul.

Highest Def score (out of 3) is 586.

Nino's back! WOO! Sorry Hector, you're cool, but Nino is Nino. I should have enough feathers to make her stick around permanently by the time this season is over...unless week 3 of T20 is harsh enough to require Hector O.o ... hope not.

Edited by LordFrigid
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21 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

I'd ask what all those Aethers and Galeforces are doing in there, but I guess a lot of people double offence for defence...

Arena scoring. Aether and Galeforce offer more points than other proc skills due to their SP cost, supposedly.

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Just now, MrSmokestack said:

Arena scoring. Aether and Galeforce offer more points than other proc skills due to their SP cost, supposedly.

These are defence teams. I don't think defence teams face these point bonuses, and even if they did, most offence teams aren't going to let these units proc their skills anyway, making them easier to defeat.

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21 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

These are defence teams. I don't think defence teams face these point bonuses, and even if they did, most offence teams aren't going to let these units proc their skills anyway, making them easier to defeat.

Maybe they just leave them like that since there's never really a situation where you want to let the enemy proc a skill, so what proc gets left there wouldn't make a difference either way--except for perhaps Moonbow or Quick Riposte with Quick Pulse and a 3 CD skill. That, or skills do factor into defense scoring in some capacity.

EDIT: And then there's units like Nowi who hardly benefit from having a special, so taking one with 5+1 CD comes at no consequence.

Edited by MrSmokestack
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1 hour ago, phineas81707 said:

These are defence teams. I don't think defence teams face these point bonuses, and even if they did, most offence teams aren't going to let these units proc their skills anyway, making them easier to defeat.

Score (i.e. "total team strength") is how matchmaking works, so offense teams and defense teams have their score determined in the same way.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Score (i.e. "total team strength") is how matchmaking works, so offense teams and defense teams have their score determined in the same way.

...Could/would/should you boost your defence team's score?

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1 minute ago, phineas81707 said:

...Could/would/should you boost your defence team's score?

Bragging rights.

Other than that, there's no reason to boost your defense team's score past the highest reward tier.

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Phew...that was scary. The enemy had Deathblow Bravebow Bridelia, Fury Kagero, Erika, and vantage Hector. The Kagero/Erika combo is frightening when I'm running an all infantry team. Thankfully it was on the mountain map. Nino killed Bridelia first turn. So that left slowpoke Hector and Erika + Kagero. Split up Kagero and Erika. Ryoma was able to tank a hit from Kagero and counter-kill her. Ephraim buffed Nino and with Draconic Aura charged up, she killed Eirika. That left vantage Hector. Ryoma had 7 hp and was able to tank a hit and double Hector. Yay for Sharena's weapon debuff and fortify def and spur def. Hector did 5 dmg :P

Edited by Kiran
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This was the lead unit of someone who lost/auto-surrendered to me last week:



Props to you, whoever you are.  That's some dedication!

It looks like my arena "rank" will be "bounce between tiers 17 and 18".  I'm definitely high enough to move onto tier 18, but 4.7K isn't enough to move to tier 19.


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19 hours ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I got into T20 this season with a lower score, so you'll probably be fine.

On a separate note, I already have 5 defense wins, so I'm set for the week :D

Oh I'm pretty sure I'll get into T20. I just doubt I'll be able to stay there.

And I have 5 defense wins myself as well. Celica works great as a defense unit for me.

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34 minutes ago, eclipse said:

This was the lead unit of someone who lost/auto-surrendered to me last week:

Cupid Bow on Niles makes disturbingly too much sense, and not because of the stats.

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42 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Cupid Bow on Niles makes disturbingly too much sense, and not because of the stats.

Festive Weapons are becoming increasingly common on unit builds. Flavor > Viability, after all.

Guess I'll add this set to the list which also includes First Bite Subaki and Carrot Lance Effie and Peri.

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Got my first deathless run fairly easily with the free swords.  Doesn't really matter, though, since I will definitely be demoting to Tier 19. :lol:

I finally ran into a horsie team!  Luckily, it was a team of Titania, Leo, Cecilia, and Olwen.  Super easy.  Just threw Ryoma into range of Titania and Leo.  Both killed themselves on him.  Then Cecilia did.  Rein took out Olwen. 

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Tier 19 score of 4856 (New career high! No deaths; no surrenders; 690, 696, 692, 698, 690, 690, 700; Nowi +2, Sharena 5*, Eirika, Nino +3):

  • Jun 15 12:35AM PT - #703 (/2271 to Tier 20)

Phew, that's a pretty good position that hopefully shouldn't slip too much. Had my second 700 ever and it was finally an Armour Emblem (plus Bride Cordelia, of which I'm seeing billions of) that's not half-assed and on the bridge map, no less. Full Distant-Counter-Bonfire-Goad Sheena, Hector and Effie with WoM on Hector and WF on Sheena and Effie. The only odd thing was the Carrot gear on Sheena and Effie, which lead me to believe this is also a team that's set up for offense, since that would help their sustain against the AI. Sheena and Hector were looking a bit scary, but unluckily for them, Eirika's actually a rough cookie. With the help of Nino's Hone Atk 3 and Moonbow, Eirika one-rounded Hector. Sheena's Atk was low enough that even after dueling Hector, Eirika was able to attack and Drag Back Sheena despite the Goad from Effie. This let Nino place the finishing blow on Sheena. With only Effie left, Sharena and Nowi still didn't get to do anything because Eirika's full suite of buffs let Nino one-shot Effie.

I kinda forgot to change seals back for my defense team again, but it didn't really matter. Got three defense over the first couple days. Got a fourth that's worth my highest, at 580, possibly influenced by Reinhardt's upgrade to Death Blow 3. That was one that physically hurt to do, though. Despite doing merges on Nowi and Nino, I was still extra apprehensive to sacrifice a crappy +Spd/-Atk Effie to do it. Thing is, that awful boon/bane makes her a worse attacker than my 4* Effie and that Effie isn't getting a promotion anytime soon. More than likely worth the benefit, but still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This Effie was acquired, of course, in attempting to get one of the new characters. Namely, I'd have settled for anyone other than Athena. Naturally, the game gave me Athena. However, since she's actually +Atk (me rolling +Atk, what?!), I'm actually kind of excited to train and use her. Anna's gonna have to wait a bit for her time in the sun.

EDIT: Oh, and forgot to mention that Nowi has the Quickened Pulse Seal instead of the Spd +1 Seal now. Not sure if I'm going to change things around, but it seems to help my Arena score, so I'll probably keep using it.

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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15 minutes ago, Hilda said:

I have still no Defense win with my usual Defense Team. Usually i have a win after day 1, but its nada yet ¬.¬. Whats happening!?

Having the same problem, maybe people are getting better or something?

Anyhow, managed to get a deathless run for 4808 points in tier 19. Most to all of my opponents gave me 686 points, which is pretty much the bare minimum of what I can get now I think, so I should be able to improve on this. I'll probably have to as well, since I doubt I'll make tier 20 with this (currently ranked around 1.2k).

Team used was Ryoma, Hector, Reinhardt and Sharena, all 5* and unmerged, apart from Reinhardt who I merged to +1 before the last two battles.

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2 hours ago, Bartozio said:

Having the same problem, maybe people are getting better or something?

Anyhow, managed to get a deathless run for 4808 points in tier 19. Most to all of my opponents gave me 686 points, which is pretty much the bare minimum of what I can get now I think, so I should be able to improve on this. I'll probably have to as well, since I doubt I'll make tier 20 with this (currently ranked around 1.2k).

Team used was Ryoma, Hector, Reinhardt and Sharena, all 5* and unmerged, apart from Reinhardt who I merged to +1 before the last two battles.

I got exactly 4,808 too! The difference is that I'm in tier 17 after getting demoted from 18 :P

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3 hours ago, Bartozio said:

Having the same problem, maybe people are getting better or something?

Anyhow, managed to get a deathless run for 4808 points in tier 19. Most to all of my opponents gave me 686 points, which is pretty much the bare minimum of what I can get now I think, so I should be able to improve on this. I'll probably have to as well, since I doubt I'll make tier 20 with this (currently ranked around 1.2k).

Team used was Ryoma, Hector, Reinhardt and Sharena, all 5* and unmerged, apart from Reinhardt who I merged to +1 before the last two battles.

I am sitting on 4808 too ¬.¬

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