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Arena Discussion Thread (inc. Assault)


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Pretty much set for this week:

4774 offense in tier 18 (enough to get into tier 19).

2 defense wins (highest is 578).

Wouldn't be much longer before I have the feathers for my next 5* promotion!

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Phew, got to up my score to 4814, now I'm cool to go up to tier 20.

Wasn't going to make it with my 4794.


Still no defenses yet, sadly. Switched to the team I used to do my score: Ryoma+1, Nowi+1, Ninian+1, Cecilia.

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Xander/Camus/Reinhardt/Cecilia got just shy of 4800 points and wasn't likely to stay high enough to move up to 20, but a second run with Hector in place of Camus improved my score to 4834, which is currently sitting at 2,008 out of 6,727 to move up to 20 for the third time. I also have a defense win from the full cavalry team, so it looks like I'm good for this week.

Edited by Othin
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Tier 20 score of 4900 (no deaths; no surrenders; Nowi +4, Eirika 5*, Sharena 5*, Nino +6; 698, 706, 696, 698, 698, 704, 700):

  • Jul 28, 1:30AM PT - #1307 (/2578 to stay)
  • Jul 29, 6:55PM PT - #1673 (/2634 to stay)
  • Jul 30, 4:15PM PT - #1813 (/2653 to stay)

I forgot who was where on my defenses list, so I'm either up to twelve or thirteen, but can't say for sure.

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Bumped my score up with a deathless run just from running dailies.

Tier 20

Score: 5,082 (deathless, 718-730)
Rank: 152 (out of 8,845, 2%, 20→20)
Defense: 594 (4)

Clarisse actually got a chance to attack today. She whacked a Bride Lyn for enough damage to let Fae finish her off.

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It's a sad, sad, day that I've now had to take off some of my filler skills that were just there for points in order to make sure my arena matchups aren't 15 minute planning sessions before I make every move. They were making my matches 5 merges harder while, occasionally, being actively detrimental. 

R.I.P. Growing Wind on Nino---you made her die to so many Vantage Hectors. R.I.P. no Pulse Seal, no dancer, Galeforce Cordelia. (I still use her, but now she has pulse seal at least). R.I.P. Falchion, Desperation, L&D Lucina---lul Desperation and Falchion. They're not anti-synergistic, not exactly, but they sure as hell are redundant with each other.

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1 hour ago, Korath88 said:

Well then, forget what I said earlier, 4,810 will take me to tier 20. Can thank Tier saturation for that

4,780 won’t take me into tier 20, but them’s the breaks.

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1 hour ago, Korath88 said:

Well then, forget what I said earlier, 4,810 will take me to tier 20. Can thank Tier saturation for that

4,780 won’t take me into tier 20, but them’s the breaks.

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Wow so far I'm barely scraping by going to Tier 20 on my second account! Got a score of exactly 4800 and that's rank 6,144 (cut off is 6801 so really close...)

Still don't have any Defense wins though as usual for this account. Looks like Delthea isn't very useful for defense team whenever I field her (even with Dancer support), so maybe going to try a Saber + Horse Emblem as a last resort. 

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1 hour ago, phineas81707 said:

Wait a minute, the Nohrian Summer bonus set is supposed to be out now, right? Do we actually know what that is?

For some reason, not yet!

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Three of them were +10 the other was Lv 39 +7ish. I laughed so hard when I saw the team. Then they killed Hector and I had to surrender...

would have been good for 706.

I wonder if this was the guy who makes those Sakura only videos. 


Edited by Hawk King
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So its, the 4 summer units, Hana and Felicia (I believe they are next in the rotation), good ol' Berkut, Anna and two mysterious units. I hope those two are worth something, I don't even want to train Berkut, he is so painfully bad.

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2 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

IMG_0442.thumb.PNG.5faaf40f46edf30babae7542581b0b28.PNGThree of them were +10 the other was Lv 39 +7ish. I laughed so hard when I saw the team. Then they killed Hector and I had to surrender...

would have been good for 706.

I wonder if this was the guy who makes those Sakura only videos. 

Sakurawhale needs feathers too!

2 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

So its, the 4 summer units, Hana and Felicia (I believe they are next in the rotation), good ol' Berkut, Anna and two mysterious units. I hope those two are worth something, I don't even want to train Berkut, he is so painfully bad.

My Hana is not ready- no Brave Sword. She'll probably wind up slipping into Arena teams when she is, if I feel like it.

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48 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

So its, the 4 summer units, Hana and Felicia (I believe they are next in the rotation), good ol' Berkut, Anna and two mysterious units. I hope those two are worth something, I don't even want to train Berkut, he is so painfully bad.

At least Berkut is on a horse, so you could make him work on a horse emblem team (or just have the Askr trio promoted to 5* so you never have  to worry about this stuff ever again).

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21 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

At least Berkut is on a horse, so you could make him work on a horse emblem team (or just have the Askr trio promoted to 5* so you never have  to worry about this stuff ever again).

Not worth the investment for the Askr, imo. I'm jumping between 19 and 20 without them and I doubt they would help me improve that at all. Meanwhile, Horse Emblem is for scrubs and gives pitiful scores. I'm saving up for cool units, when it comes to feathers, and I don't really feel like leveling up units that will be "useful" only once, like most GHB units. Though ironically, I'm also saving up to complete the actual Horse Emblem team for the possibility of having a "challenge" that can only be beaten by bullshit, though Berkut is definitely not part of it.

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1 minute ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Not worth the investment for the Askr, imo. I'm jumping between 19 and 20 without them and I doubt they would help me improve that at all.

If you can reliably jump between those tiers, you don't need them, sure. But if you're not guranteed to have a 5* bonus unit every season (and apart from whaling on every banner or having promoted at least half of the free units I don't see another way to ensure this) they will certainly help your consistency.


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1 minute ago, Bartozio said:

If you can reliably jump between those tiers, you don't need them, sure. But if you're not guranteed to have a 5* bonus unit every season (and apart from whaling on every banner or having promoted at least half of the free units I don't see another way to ensure this) they will certainly help your consistency.


True, if they continue to appear (weirdly enough, the next TT doesn't feature any of them, maybe Arena will follow at some point) they shouldn't be detrimental in any way, but I can't push myself on spending precious feathers for them as I don't particularly like any of them and I still need tons for several promotions and fodder. Their priority is so low for me, I don't even think I'll ever come to 5* them at all. Maybe someday I will be in need and up till now I was just lucky of having a unit ready everytime. For the time being, my Felicia will sit in a corner, I guess..

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