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Arena Discussion Thread (inc. Assault)


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7 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

I wish I could get defense wins more often. These are almost like a myth for me! I even put my flier team on defense this week! I have Catria, Palla, S. Camilla, and S. Elise. I wish I had S. Corrin...

Try baiting with a low level bonus unit + 3 good ones. That's what's been netting me my 1 win quota most weeks lately. Every time I try to make an actual good team or try other tricks like a mono color team I don't seem to get any defenses from them these days. :(

Flier teams are also kinda easy to bait into breaking apart since they can just go straight for their targets over terrain. So maybe they're easier to beat, cause I usually would rather see fliers that horses or a dancer team on most maps. :/

Edited by Alkaid
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Just now, Alkaid said:

Try baiting with a low level bonus unit + 3 good ones. That's what's been netting me my 1 win quote most weeks lately. Every time I try to make an actual good team or try other tricks like a mono color team I don't seem to get any defenses from them these days. :(

Flier teams are also kinda easy to bait into breaking apart since they can just go straight for their targets over terrain. So maybe they're easier to beat, cause I usually would rather see fliers that horses or a dancer team on most maps. :/

Darn :( That's annoying then. I've tried using the low level bait before but it almost never works D:

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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Speaking of defense wins...

The irony:

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Wow, that's even more embarrassing than my defense win. He might want to change his name.

Just now, GuiltyLove said:

Darn :( That's annoying then. I've tried using the low level bait before but it almost never works D:

Maybe the mono color trick will work for you instead then. :( It did work for me a while ago, but then I got spooked after no defenses one week and switched up to what I'm doing now. Untrained Askr trio unit of the week + Cordelia, Ike and S Camilla hasn't let me down for a few weeks, for whatever reason that may be.

I probably shouldn't make many suggestions though, since 1 defense a week for the past month probably isn't advice-worthy. lol Guess this is how we suffer for not having Reinhardts on our defense teams.

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Just now, Alkaid said:

Wow, that's even more embarrassing than my defense win. He might want to change his name.

Maybe the mono color trick will work for you instead then. :( It did work for me a while ago, but then I got spooked after no defenses one week and switched up to what I'm doing now. Untrained Askr trio unit of the week + Cordelia, Ike and S Camilla hasn't let me down for a few weeks, for whatever reason that may be.

I probably shouldn't make many suggestions though, since 1 defense a week for the past month probably isn't advice-worthy. lol Guess this is how we suffer for not having Reinhardts on our defense teams.

The mono-color trick worked once lol

I'll just switch things around. I would rather use Reinhardt as fodder than ever use him seriously. Screw that devil ^(#`∀´)_Ψ・・・・・・†_(゚ー゚*)β

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3 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

The mono-color trick worked once lol

I'll just switch things around. I would rather use Reinhardt as fodder than ever use him seriously. Screw that devil ^(#`∀´)_Ψ・・・・・・†_(゚ー゚*)β

Have ye tried lowering your score? I remember getting wins once upon a time with naked 3/4* level 40s teamed up with Chrom and Julia.

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3 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

The mono-color trick worked once lol

I'll just switch things around. I would rather use Reinhardt as fodder than ever use him seriously. Screw that devil ^(#`∀´)_Ψ・・・・・・†_(゚ー゚*)β

Use Camus lol


idk why but people seems to be weak to him

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Screw Azura with Horses!!!

With that out of my chest, right now I have a score of 4752 (not a deathless streak) and 0 defense wins (Green spam isn't as good as blue spam it seems). There's some time so I'm not that worried, now I'll try to fish for 692-700 scores to ensure I'll go back to tier 20.

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Tier 20 score of 4910 (no deaths; no surrenders; Summer Corrin, Nowi +5, Eirika 5*, Nino +6; 696, 702, 702, 704, 706, 696, 704):

  • Aug 3 12:45AM PT - #1111 (/2729 to stay)

Well, there's my improved score for staying. Nothing too scary here. I did see someone who apparently really likes Berkut, though. He was 5* +2 with a Riderbane+. Nowi just flat-out murdered him, though.

Got five defenses now with 580 as the highest. The first one was a 574, though, so Summer Corrin is having a small, but noticeable, effect on my score.

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My offense score of 4872 is currently rank 1668 in Tier 20.  Time will tell if that'll be enough to stay this time.  

I won't fish for higher unless I get really close to the cut off on the weekend.

Team: Reinhardt +2, Olivia +1, Hector +1, Summer Corrin +1.

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Got myself a slightly better score. Still haven't broken my high record, but I always feel pretty good when I can consistently get a good score. This time is 4850. I switched things up and decided to use an almost fully merged team: S. Leo+1, Reinhardt+1, Nowi+1, and Hector. These guys kept my score within the 690 range. I actually really enjoy using S. Leo. His RES is so high that Nino doesn't do much to him, and I met a Blarblade Olwen that didn't do all that much damage to him.

No defense wins yet. Using my usual horse team disguised by S. Leo, so we'll see how that goes.

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Today I had to spend four crests to actually get a deathless streak. The point range where I’m in now is much more cancerous than the one where I was last week. Almost every team has a dancer, and several were Horse Emblem.

With 4,734 points I am at the moment projected to promote back into tier 19. No defence wins yet for some reason. I thought voting gauntlet would attract people to me like fire moths. Okay then.

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Thank god, a defense win.... this particular set of maps is the easiest to win with if you have an anti-Reinhardt unit ready, and a nightmare for my defense wins, it seems (at least with bonus unit). Had to use level 1 Gaius to even get a single win with increased arena fights going on for the gauntlet flags.

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56 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

I don't think I've ever won any matches on this map before: 

I hate it so much

This map is a lot easier if you're running a tri-color lineup---or a lineup with huge differences in terms of bulk. AI will rush headfirst towards the thing they do the most damage to, so if you have lots of TA, or units that are very biased in terms of their bulk (dump def, loads of res, or vice versa), it's fairly simple to separate the enemy team, forcing them to run 1 unit up, 1 unit down, and 2 unit straight through the middle. At that point it's just a matter of picking them off one by one.

Edit: What I really have problems with is destructible blocks maps, because I still can't predict AI movement on that those, and my offense lineup doesn't have enough mobility or bulk for me to just 'guess,' since if I guess wrong I get less and less space to maneuver, eventually requiring me to either luck out or just die.

(I mean, I could just feather up a horse emblem team---their ultra-high mobility and decent bulk & matchup spread means I can just do whatever I want no matter how the enemy moves, but my team's good enough at this point that I want to save feathers for vanity projects.)

Edited by DehNutCase
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I did not realize how many victims players I beat this week on defense. I just checked and I got at least ten of them. I am using NS!Corrin level 1 leading my Reinhardts.

Youngdaaznyu 510 Lucina
Talha69 520 Eirika
Kiran 518 Ryoma
Spirit 514 Tharja
Kaiser 510 Azura
りおすけ 520 Reinahrdt
Demiryn 516 Effie
Flareth 518 Xander
Jei 516 Linde
SuperChameau 518 NS!Leo

Low balling your score might work really well if your other three units are merged. I will try low balling further, strip Corrin naked (I am doing her a favor; she keeps saying "Oooh! So hot!"), and remove B and C skills on my Reinhardt.

Edited by XRay
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1 hour ago, GuiltyLove said:

I don't think I've ever won any matches on this map before:

I hate it so much

I actually kinda like that map. Reminds me of the time I was up against a dragon team+Linde and the enemy managed to seperate me instead of the other way around. Good times, good times...

Honestly though, as DehNutCase said, it's not to bad when you're using units who are good at counter killing.

18 minutes ago, XRay said:

I did not realize how many victims players I beat this week on defense. I just checked and I got at least ten of them. I am using NS!Corrin level 1 leading my Reinhardts.

Youngdaaznyu 510 Lucina
Talha69 520 Eirika
Kiran 518 Ryoma
Spirit 514 Tharja
Kaiser 510 Azura
りおすけ 520 Reinahrdt
Demiryn 516 Effie
Flareth 518 Xander
Jei 516 Linde
SuperChameau 518 NS!Leo

Low balling your score might work really well if your other three units are merged. I will try low balling further, strip Corrin naked (I am doing her a favor; she keeps saying "Oooh! So hot!"), and remove B and C skills on my Reinhardt.

You really are pure evil aren't you? I like it!

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