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Arena Discussion Thread (inc. Assault)


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Rushed to get my arena assault run done before the arena gets flooded with CYL units.

Perfect run for 4,796

Also did my regular arena run for 4,790, which I won't bother improving since I can't stay in tier 20 anyways.

Also, I found @Rezzy in the AA rankings.


Edited by Korath88
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I decided to try a slightly different team set-up this season simply for the variety. I have a tendency to basically just rely on Reinhardt which is fine, but he also has maxed HM and way too much SP for his own good. I got my perfect run which of course won't be enough to keep me in tier 20, but I'll get my feathers. Currently, I'm running:

Ephraim+1 (+ATK -HP) - Siegmund, Moonbow, Rally DEF, Fury 3, Vantage 3, Hone SPD 3, Fortify RES 1
Nino+1 (+SPD -DEF) - Gronnblade+, Moonbow, Draw Back, Fury 3, Desperation 3, Hone ATK, SPD+1
Tana+1 (+ATK -HP) - Vidofnir, Moonbow, Reposition, Fury 3, Desperation 3, Guidance 3, Quickened Pulse
Alm+2 (+ATK -HP) - Falchion, Draconic Aura, Swap, Fury 3, Quick Riposte 2, Threaten DEF 3, ATK+1

It's really weird not running any horses for the first time in forever. Ephraim is a godsend. I absolutely adore running him because he makes all of my characters BEYOND beefy. It's really satisfying when Tana takes 0 damage on enemy phase. Alm pulls his weight too. I should probably get him a different B skill or spend the feathers for QR 3 so I can get more points, but for now 4842 is satisfying. I'll be running different characters next week anyways.

Haven't bothered much with Arena Assault yet this week. I probably should. I've just been grinding for items. I feel like I'd have the will to do better here if I knew what these coins were for.

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It looks that for now, I'm in a permanent limbo in the arena.

Started in Tier 18, next season I go up to 19, next season I drop to 18, next season up to 19, and then repeat over and over again.

Is has been like that since they added the orbs as rewards for the arena... As long as I can do a chain of 7 with a bonus character, I can stay in the limbo... Or so I think... I'm fine with this, 7 orbs every 2 weeks is not that bad and I don't encounter merged units

This season I'm back at Tier 18... And somehow, I already got a defense!!! And... That is actually weird, since the team that was set for defense... Was a team made of Takumi, Oboro #1, Oboro #2 and Olivia ... I don't know how they were able to win, but hey! I'm happy! Extra 500 feathers this season!

Edited by SniperGYS
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I really need to finish my AA and normal Arena runs before CYL arrives, thankfully my new Tana (hopefully) will make this season easier for me.

Edit: Got a deathless run of 4856 on normal arena (bless you Tana) and I'm at 3336 on AA, will try deathless when CYL heroes are released

Edited by Alexmender
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Hey, first time I'm in tier 19 ! Successed a deathless run until last map (I messed up and lost two units. Well... bait didn't succeed either...). But it suffice.


Team :

  • M!Robin+1 (+Spd -Res) | (Blarraven+, Swap, Bonfire) | (TA3, QR2, Fortify Def 3, Fortify Res 1)
  • Katarina (+Atk -HP) | (Rauorblade+, /, Glacies) | (Swift Sparrow 2, Desperation 3, Atk Ploy 1, Hone Def 1)
  • Eliwood (+HP -Res) | (Durandal, /, Noontime) | (Defiant Atk 1, Axebreaker 2, Spur Res 2, /)
  • Michalis (Neutral) | (Hauteclere, Reposition, Bonfire) | (Fury 3, QR2, Threaten Def 3, HP+3)


Lost one time before because of F!Corrin + Ninian with WoM. That was... horrible.

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12 hours ago, Korath88 said:

Rushed to get my arena assault run done before the arena gets flooded with CYL units.

Perfect run for 4,796

Also did my regular arena run for 4,790, which I won't bother improving since I can't stay in tier 20 anyways.

Also, I found @Rezzy in the AA rankings.


Hey, cool, I wonder if I'll stay in the top 5K this week.  They seemed to low ball me with match scoring yesterday, but it's a good start.

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48 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Hey, cool, I wonder if I'll stay in the top 5K this week.  They seemed to low ball me with match scoring yesterday, but it's a good start.

Whats your starting line up?(Starter Titania made me curious lol)

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1 hour ago, JSND said:

Whats your starting line up?(Starter Titania made me curious lol)

Usually Titania, Ursula, Xander, Elise.  Sometimes I lead off with a different team to hold my Horse Emblem in reserves.

I think I lead off with Flier Emblem of Hinoka, SCorrin, SCamilla, Palla yesterday.

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I used my updated Horse Emblem since Seth is still a bonus unit and I broke both my personal records! :D

4,292 for regular, and 4,197 for Arena Assault. Also had an almost deathless run in regular arena this time! Just one death total.

Horse Emblem used was Freddy, Seth, Camus, and Reiny.

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I've been bouncing back and forth between tier 17 and 18 for the past few cycles..... Haven't been able to make a team that can go the distance on Advanced other than a team of three members from my Horse Emblem team and a bonus unit. I managed to reach a personal high score this week of 4,458, however, I'm probably still going to be relegated to tier 17. 


I've been trying new unit combinations for the past few weeks, but I haven't been able to build a team that really works well together.

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So does anyone actually use the items in Arena Assault? I shouldn't be one to talk when I'm sacrificing units to secure a win, but I can get through all 7 battles just fine, especially now that I have a stock of greens to do it with (Who knew Narcian would be such a good Lance killer? I mean... probably him, but still.)

18 hours ago, SniperGYS said:

It looks that for now, I'm in a permanent limbo in the arena.

Started in Tier 18, next season I go up to 19, next season I drop to 18, next season up to 19, and then repeat over and over again.

Is has been like that since they added the orbs as rewards for the arena... As long as I can do a chain of 7 with a bonus character, I can stay in the limbo... Or so I think... I'm fine with this, 7 orbs every 2 weeks is not that bad and I don't encounter merged units

This season I'm back at Tier 18... And somehow, I already got a defense!!! And... That is actually weird, since the team that was set for defense... Was a team made of Takumi, Oboro #1, Oboro #2 and Olivia ... I don't know how they were able to win, but hey! I'm happy! Extra 500 feathers this season!

Same. I should probably find out how to boost my arena score to escape that limbo, but I like where I am, being a Hoshidan Deadlord Noble, and usually I can scrounge up the needed bonus unit, so as long as they make the next bonus units the Brave heroes, we should both be good.

So... the Takumi Harem? Nice. Shoulda been Azura in place of Olivia, but who's keeping track?

Edited by Xenomata
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i finally decided to promo and merge another M!Corrin for higher arena score (he's +2 now) and finally got QR 3 on him. i got 699 points for one match which is..super high, for me. it has resulted in me seeing some really COOL TEAMS.

my favourite one is "Screw Horses: also mages can go to hell"




it was gonna be really easy for me to beat that team because just send Vantage Kagerou in to one shot them all (though she'd have to dodge around Atk Ploys) eXCEPT. i miscalculated BECAUSE FORGOT ABOUT LEO'S RALLY DEFENSE and Sonya lived by 1 HP, then Olivia Wings of Evil'd in to last hit Kagerou. i'd only brought 3 units because i thought it would be an easy sweep, a 4* -Atk Selena for Reposition to get Kagerou into Sonya range turn 1, and Tana to deal with Olivia. i managed to beat it though and with no more casualties thanks to a Lightning Charm.


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Can we talk about how bullshit an important part of the scoring system is. Two seasons ago, I could efforlessly make 4k+ by just having Felicia on my team and not caring too much on who died. This time around, I only had a character die once in a streak and I'm lucky to get half as much.


On 29/8/2017 at 8:06 PM, Korath88 said:

AA rankings.

What are AA.

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Finally finished my Arena Assault run.  AA makes me happy that I have a healthy supply of green units... It seems rare to encounter a team without Quickened Pulse Moonbow Reinhardt.

Current Results:

Regular Arena: 4890 - Rank 1541 in Tier 20

Defense: 588

Arena Assault: 4882 - Rank 1082

Main Team: Alfonse, Olivia +1, Reinhardt +2, and Hector +1.

Also, to the person who asked about items - I usually use 1 or 2 of them on a successful run.  They're fun. And they've saved my ass a few times! :lol:

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My score is 4,715 and I'm trying to get to Tier 20. My Rank: 6,145. I have 4 days left will I make it without doing anything? That' s what I'm wondering.

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

So does anyone actually use the items in Arena Assault? I shouldn't be one to talk when I'm sacrificing units to secure a win, but I can get through all 7 battles just fine, especially now that I have a stock of greens to do it with (Who knew Narcian would be such a good Lance killer? I mean... probably him, but still.)

I always end up forgetting to use my items. I'm so used to playing the game without them.

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

So does anyone actually use the items in Arena Assault?

Every time I've wanted to use an item, I realize I forgot to set them because they become un-set when you close the app.

Every time I've remembered to set them, I clear the whole thing without a hitch.

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41 minutes ago, Soul~! said:

Can we talk about how bullshit an important part of the scoring system is. Two seasons ago, I could efforlessly make 4k+ by just having Felicia on my team and not caring too much on who died. This time around, I only had a character die once in a streak and I'm lucky to get half as much.

I mean, if all you care about is the 4k break point, there's no reason not to level the Askr Trio to 4* Level 40, since one of them will always be a bonus unit. (For the 4.7-4.8k breakpoint, where T20 becomes possible, you'll want a 5* Askr, but even that's not too hard considering how much feathers FEH is tossing at us these days.)

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2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

So... the Takumi Harem? Nice. Shoulda been Azura in place of Olivia, but who's keeping track?

The only dancers I have are 3 Olivias... How I wish I had either Azura or Ninian :(

But actually my idea was to have 3 Oboros and Takumi, but I'm probably keep Olivia since she give another turn to someone... Too bad I can't give Dance to one of my Oboros haha (the +spd one probably will be the best dancer)

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