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Changed my phone, and I can't make the same pic as before, so I go back to writing all.

Got 4865 points, deathless run, but not sufficient to go to rank 20. So I dropped to rank 18.

Team :


W!Robin+1 (+Atk -Res) | (Slaying Lance+ (+Spd), Reposition, Bonfire) | (Brazen Atk/Spd 3, Desperation 3, Armor March 3, Def+2)

W!Lissa (+Atk -Def) | (Slaying Axe+ (+Atk), Reposition, Ignis) | (Brazen Atk/Def 3, Bold Fighter 3, Armor March 3, Atk+2)

W!Tharja (+Def -Spd) | (Candelabra+, Reposition, Ignis) | (Close Counter, Vengeful Fighter 3, Hone Armor 3, /)

Zelgius (+Atk -Def) | (Alondite, Reposition, Black Luna) | (Fierce Stance 2, Vantage 2, /, Quickened Pulse)


Edited by Ledrert
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4920 went up, but it's crazy that I had to smash my old record by 40 points to end up with a similar rank as my usual 4870-4880 points gives me.

AA felt a little inflated too but that's probably just gradual inflation over time, I did 4 advanced maps instead of the usual 3 and still only ended up an uncomfortable 17500ish.

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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

4920 went up, but it's crazy that I had to smash my old record by 40 points to end up with a similar rank as my usual 4870-4880 points gives me.


How close have you been to the cutoff? 

I got a 4918 (tier 19) with my first try (one death) and I'm considering to just take my chance with that score. 

Got already my first defense win, now is only missing AA.

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28 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

How close have you been to the cutoff? 

I got a 4918 (tier 19) with my first try (one death) and I'm considering to just take my chance with that score. 

Got already my first defense win, now is only missing AA.

I was still asleep when the arena closed, but I was rank 8000ish about 8 hours beforehand. I reckon it's safe, at worst I would have ended up 9000 out of 12000ish?

EDIT: @mampfoid Someone in the thread below reporting 4916 was rank 9200ish so it should be reasonable enough.

24 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

How much will one need to get back into tier 20 this week? Will ≈4900 be enough? Should I drop Ninian for Fjorm and try to get by without a dancer on an infantry team?

Someone in the subreddit reported that their 4902 fell short.


Edited by Humanoid
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13 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

I was still asleep when the arena closed, but I was rank 8000ish about 8 hours beforehand. I reckon it's safe, at worst I would have ended up 9000 out of 12000ish?

EDIT: @mampfoid Someone in the thread below reporting 4916 was rank 9200ish so it should be reasonable enough.

Ok, thanks!

I can concentrate on AA today and tomorrow then. Last season I was close to drop out of top 5k with my score of 4998 (which will be hard enough to repeat). 

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I've decided to dump my relatively big savings of feathers on some investments toward future arena team members. Since my poor Cordelia has been denied more merges by the RNG, I can't just merge her more to raise my team's score. I'm starting work on what will be my core red and green merge-able teammates alongside her. I've been happily using Ayra and Hector for quite a long time now, but with the increasing rate of score creep they likely won't keep me getting into tier 20 sooner or later, let alone ever stay, without a good amount of merges. Being 5* locked that's probably never happening. Especially Hector, when I could use DC fodder.

So I've turned to my 3-4* units, picking who I both liked, would be useful, and I actually have a fair amount of copies of to merge down the line. And I've landed on these two girls.



Honestly, from the 3-4* pool I would really like to run Soleil as my red sword, but I've only gotten 2 copies of her so far while I have about 8 of Hana for future merging. So while I also have a good Soleil built, my experience with Cordelia copies never showing up made me settle on Hana for a safer investment. Plus she's a free unit and can sometimes be a bonus unit! (if I somehow had a ton of Soleils drop in my lap I still don't mind having a build Hana around too)

I'm still pretty happy with her, and after some merges she should do a pretty good job taking Ayra's spot. I thought about Fury, but 57 physical bulk should usually be enough to take the one hit she'd need to before getting Desperation, and LaD has a better offensive performance. Maybe I'll change my mind after using her more. -def seemed not ideal, but aside from being the only +spd one of her I have, -hp would be just as hindering in melee and -res is a -4 bane. I'll probably give her Hone Atk too. Threaten Spd just came from a combo of Navarre/Shanna/Selena sacrifices for Desperation and Repo as well.



She probably took more SI at once than I've ever done to a unit. Sheena(promoted), Hector(my 1 extra copy), Niles, Subaki(promoted), Arvis(promoted my 3*, the last one) and Selena all took one for the team to make this happen. Despite her sad attack, she should fill Hector's shoes on the team pretty well. She may not deal with bows like he can(the non-brave+luna ones, he can't deal with those either), but she'll be much more reliable against mages and blue/green dragons. With the increase in dragons these days and some Nowis being able to kill Hector I welcome the extra resilience against them.

Anyone who sees my posts knows I also like Cherche and Beruka, but I'm not very lucky pulling copies of them. Hopefully I'll get more copies of them too, but right now I've somehow gotten quite a lot of Camillas.  Aside from having more merge potential, she's also a nice Rein counter who I'm used to baiting all this time. Having no unit I can bait anything with (barring the bonus unit) on my team when I don't run a dancer feels uncomfortable. I was always planning on building her with the spare Hector I had laying around for over half a year now, so I've finally pulled the trigger.

Once she's in use I might give her summoner support since she uses all her stats. I've never actually used anyone on my arena team with SS before. Bride Cordelia's had it and been only used for pve, so might be time to change that.


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Very strange, I could do both my AA streak and my regular Arena streak very fast with few tries (Arena 1 death first try, AA 0 deaths third try). In the last weeks I wasn't able to do that on the first day of the respective season. Perhaps I'll take a day off tomorrow ... 

My AA score of 4996 should keep me in top 5k once again. The next legendary banner is coming though ... 

@Alkaid Very good decisions, I like both your Hana and Camilla. My Hana got a Quad-build and is also +SPD, but I'm especially jealous of your Camilla, a real beauty! I never got many copies of her and none of these few is of a decent nature.

Is QR really necessary? She seems fast enough to double most builds of Reinhardt, Nowi and Fae. Mages are faster of course. 

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40 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Alkaid Very good decisions, I like both your Hana and Camilla. My Hana got a Quad-build and is also +SPD, but I'm especially jealous of your Camilla, a real beauty! I never got many copies of her and none of these few is of a decent nature.

Is QR really necessary? She seems fast enough to double most builds of Reinhardt, Nowi and Fae. Mages are faster of course. 

Thanks! I thought about a quad Hana a while back, but I got a +atk -res Soleil recently and turned her into a Brave Desp/Brash Assault build. That's worked out really nice, but I thought I'd go Wo Dao for Hana for something not so similar. I'm quite happy with how nicely Camilla came together now that I finally committed the resources. Like I said with Cordelia and Cherche, I usually don't have much luck getting copies of 4* units, but somehow I got a few more of her from the last couple banners I pulled from.

Just looking at it, I would think the same thing. But when I ran calculations for her against most common blue and green units in arena with their typical builds, it seemed QR still mattered a lot, even with her speed. With the usual +5-10(10 especially often for mages) units I face, it seemed like a sweet spot of preventing getting doubled while still doubling back thanks to QR. I likely won't be running her with proper flier buffs or even goads in arena thanks to usually running mixed teams, so this also seemed best for working without much help.

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6 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Just looking at it, I would think the same thing. But when I ran calculations for her against most common blue and green units in arena with their typical builds, it seemed QR still mattered a lot, even with her speed. With the usual +5-10(10 especially often for mages) units I face, it seemed like a sweet spot of preventing getting doubled while still doubling back thanks to QR. I likely won't be running her with proper flier buffs or even goads in arena thanks to usually running mixed teams, so this also seemed best for working without much help.

I know that problem, even my +SPD BH!Roy (44 with LnD) doesn't double as many opponents as I thought he would in Arena. 

Perhaps a +RES or +ATK boon (and refinement) would help her better in arena? While she can have many refinements to choose from, it would be a pity to waste that nice SPD-boon though... 

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I got a surprise demotion last night to Tier 19. I achieved 5,030 something points early last week, so I thought I was safe and did not bother checking my rank.

Is the huge spike in points requirement due to Blessings lately?

I want to hoard my Blessings instead of using them, so I will try to think of other ways increase my score. I think I will dump my Feathers on Olivia to get her to 5*+10 and switch her Special to Aether.

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Anyways, did my run and got a score of 4916. I did get into tier 20 with a score lower than this during the Christmas Armor season, so I could maybe get in with this score.

Also, @Hilda, I think PM1 fought you’re Arena def team. He won though, with using Cheraimi Emblem of all things

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40 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I know that problem, even my +SPD BH!Roy (44 with LnD) doesn't double as many opponents as I thought he would in Arena. 

Perhaps a +RES or +ATK boon (and refinement) would help her better in arena? While she can have many refinements to choose from, it would be a pity to waste that nice SPD-boon though... 

+atk boon is a fine option as well, and it does get a few more kills. I stuck with +spd since +atk also ups her losses. (also my only +atk one is -res) I could change my mind after using her for a while and seeing how she fares more outside of calculations. Edit: I forgot Def Ploy also does a surprisingly decent job of mitigating the difference of not being +atk, while keeping the defensive benefit of being +spd.

I think +res is more for specializing against mages, which is a fine job for her too, but I wanted to make her a general blue check for the team and be able to handle some greens when needed. The spd feels like a good answer for that general idea, at least by the numbers I ran.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Only 12 hours in and I have 3 defense wins already. And Sanaki is still running her Triangle Adept + Axebreaker set.

I thought you said that that Triangle Adept was bad for arena defense, who else you have on defense?

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It is theoretically bad, since it makes units massively vulnerable to their normal weakness and a bit more baitable because they'll predictably chase certain units, since TA3 usually overcomes any significant Def/Res difference (usually—having, say, a super Def Lukas is probably still going to skew things hard since even a TA red might deal more damage to his sad Res than certain greens). People still manage to lose to them, though, which I think the point that he was making. To further illustrate, both of my dragons run TA3 and they still manage to pick up quite a few defense wins every week. Which is great, but if they were running the Steady Breath build, they'd probably pick up many more wins.

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1 minute ago, Jingle Jangle said:

I thought you said that that Triangle Adept was bad for arena defense, who else you have on defense?

Green flier spam.

+10 Minerva [+Spd, -Res] (Hauteclere, Reposition, Bonfire, Fury 3, Drag Back, Hone Fliers, Quickened Pulse)
+10 Spring Camilla [+Spd, -Res] (Gronnblade+, Reposition, Draconic Aura, Fury 3, G Tomebreaker, Hone Fliers, Iote's Shield)
+0 New Year Azura [+Spd, -Def] (Hagoita+ [Spd], Sing, Wings of Mercy 3, Hone Fliers, Guidance 3)
+10 Sanaki [+Atk, -Spd] (Cymbeline [unique], Draw Back, Iceberg, Triangle Adept 3, Axebreaker 3, Hone Atk 3, Attack +1)

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

No Draug/10.

Draug instead of Tharja would have been much cooler indeed and not have cost them points in style. I might even have surrendered in respect to the chokepoint master.

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Regular arena took me a few tries to get a deathless streak due to some stupid mistakes.  For example, I unexpectedly lost Laslow on my 7th battle due to me not paying attention to Christmas Chrom's skills.  I baited Chrom with him, and I wasn't expecting Chrom to double attack.  I think Ignis or something went off as well.  Haha.

Surprisingly, I finished Arena Assault on my first try!  Usually it's the other way around for me!

Arena: 5076

Team: Laslow +10, Reinhardt +9, Inigo +4, and Fjorm +1.

Arena Assault: 5090

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Already met the 4001+ quota for my offense feathers (I'm not staying in tier 20 so there's no need to stress about scores). No defense wins yet but it's only the first day, I'll give it some time.

On AA I got my deathless run first try with a score of 4972, I'd like to get a 5000 score but I'm not in that bracket yet. At least I learned that my Sophia 4*+10 scores a bit higher than BK so that increased my range from 702-718 to 704-718.

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6 hours ago, Poimagic said:

Anyways, did my run and got a score of 4916. I did get into tier 20 with a score lower than this during the Christmas Armor season, so I could maybe get in with this score.

Also, @Hilda, I think PM1 fought you’re Arena def team. He won though, with using Cheraimi Emblem of all things

Sadly i had to swap out Gunnthra with Micaiah lol anyway i get enough wins with that Team, especially with Gunnthra in the Team

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